Science Library
Visiting address | Postal address |
Gorlaeus Building |
Science Library P.O. Box 9502 2300 RA Leiden |
Library access
To be able to visit the library, all visitors need to bring their valid LU-Card.
Visitors not affiliated with Leiden University can refer to one of our other library locations, preferably the University Library (UB), to have a guest account and library card made.
Using the collection
The Science Library collection is shelved according to the Library of Congress Classification. Items can be fetched from the shelf, or requested using the catalogue for pick-up from the book lockers at a later time.
Study places
The Science Library has over 120 study places and 7 group study rooms. Several study places are equipped with a computer or laptop screens.
Study places without computer can be used freely by all library visitors, outside of exam periods.
Computers and group study rooms are available for use by Leiden University students only, and need to be booked in advance. Several computers - marked with a white sticker - can be used freely by all library visitors.
Library access and study places during exam periods
During exam periods, some access restrictions apply.
Study places will be available to Leiden University students only, and will all need to be booked in advance. Several study places - marked with a white sticker - are freely available to all library visitors.