Digital Scholarship projects
Our current projects using new digital methods and techniques.
The CDS collaborates with researchers and other partners inside and outside the University in projects that explore new technological innovations. In these projects, we build digital collaboration environments that provide researchers with the opportunity to try out new methods and techniques and to facilitate interdisciplinary work.
We list a selection of our current projects on this page; you can read about our concluded projects on a dedicated page.
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Research Data Services Catalogue
The Research Data Services Catalogue presents a list of services that are available to Leiden researchers to help them choose the appropriate facility for the management of research data before, during, and after a research project.
Read more about the Research Data Services Catalogue.

Connecting to the Network of Digital Heritage
In the project “Connecting to the Network of Digital Heritage” we try to enhance the digital accessibility of heritage data and we developed a range of tutorials to explain the main concepts surrounding Linked Open Data
Read more about reusing digital heritage data.

Durable Access to Book Historical data
The born digital archive of Paul Hoftijzer, professor of the History of the book, contained detailed descriptions of people, organisations and events relevant to the Leiden book industry in the early modern period. We converted this archive to Linked Open Data.
Read more about the Durable Access project.

Publication policy and Open Access
The CDS Open Access Team provides assistance to the research institutes at Leiden University to draw up or elaborate their own publication policy with an emphasis on Open Access and monitoring of costs.
Read more about the publication policies.

OS Trails
Practical, open and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) instruments to appraise academic knowledge production within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
Read more about OS Trails.