Universiteit Leiden

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Can't find it at UBL

If an item is not available at Leiden University Libraries (UBL), you can borrow materials directly from another library, request a book loan or article delivery through interlibrary loan, or suggest items for purchase.

Borrowing at another library

A personal library card at any other library opens up the possibility to use or borrow items on the spot. Please make sure to inquire beforehand about the specific options for loan, perusal or reading e-publications at the library of your choice.

At most Dutch university libraries, Leiden University students and staff can apply for a library card free of charge; this does not apply to universities of applied sciences (HBO). The KB, the National Library of the Netherlands, offers a 50% discount to university students.

Using interlibrary loan services (ILL)

ULCN (library) account holders can use Leiden University Libraries' ILL services, using the WorldCat request options. For our ILL fees and delivery options, please read below.

ILL requests using WorldCat

Visit WorldCat using this Leiden University proxylink. When outside of the University network, please sign in using your ULCN-account.

  • Use the search options to find the publication you are looking for
  • At 'Find a copy at a library', use the 'print book' filter option. E-books cannot be requested using ILL services
  • At 'Access from your libraries', click 'View access options'
  • Next, at 'Request this item via interlibrary loan', click 'Access' and fill in the ILL request form. At the field asking for 'Username', please fill in your regular Leiden University / library account logon name

ILL article delivery

Articles and book chapters will be delivered in digital format. As soon as a document is made available, you will be sent an email containing an access link and password. Articles will be available for a 30 day period and may be accessed up to 5 times.

ILL book delivery

Books requested via ILL can be picked up at the library location specified in your request. Delivery times for ILL within the Netherlands usually range from a week to ten days. You will be notified by email as soon as an item is ready.

A valid LU-Card is needed to be able to borrow books. For all ILL and regular loans, the UBL circulation policies apply.

If a publication is not held by any Dutch library, you can ask the UBL to try and request it through international ILL. Delivery times depend largely on where the item is located, and on libraries' willingness to lend. WorldCat will give an overview of worldwide library holdings and item policies.

Many items can be purchased online for a reasonable fee. Requests for such publications will not be handled.

ILL fees within the Netherlands
Book € 13 Pin or credit card payment
at the desk, upon delivery
or book chapter
€ 6,50 Payable by invoice
International ILL fees
Book loan € 26


Pin or credit card payment
at the desk, upon delivery

or book chapter
1-10 pages: € 13,00;
every extra page:
+ € 1,30

The Blauer Leihverkehr is a specific interlibrary loan service with its focus on Asian collections. The service is offered by the German Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and the Heidelberg University Library. All loanable holdings of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin can be requested through this service, and all materials in South Asian languages can be ordered from the South Asia Institute of Heidelberg University. All Blauer Leihverkehr requests are free of charge.

To request an item, please fill out the Blauer Leihverkehr request form. The items will be sent to the University Library. You will receive a notification as soon as an item is ready for pick-up. The loan period for these items is 4 months.

For any questions about this service, please contact us by email.

LUMC staff can submit ILL book or article requests using the Walaeus Library ILL request form

Please contact the Walaeus Library if you should have any questions regarding the Walaeus Library ILL services and procedures.

Purchase suggestions?

The UBL welcomes suggestions from Leiden University staff and students regarding the purchase of books, journals, databases, videos, and other materials currently not held by the library.

Library materials purchase suggestion
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