Universiteit Leiden

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Renewals and returns

The standard loan period for items borrowed at Leiden University Libraries (UBL) is 3 weeks.


The library will automatically renew the loan period for borrowed materials, in 3-week periods. Should you wish to renew your loans in between, or check your loan list, please sign in to the catalogue and choose 'My loans' from the menu in the top right-hand corner.

The loan period cannot be renewed...

  • when the maximum loan period has been reached
    • the maximum loan period is 6 months
    • for Leiden University and LUMC staff, a 1 year maximum loan period applies
  • when a borrowed item is reserved by another patron
  • in case your library account is blocked due to an overdue fine or any long overdue items

Any questions regarding your loans?

Please let us know if you would have any questions regarding your loans, by replying to one of our email notices. This way, we have your account data and loans overview at hand. You can also contact us by using Ask a librarian.

Overdue fees for items reserved by another user

In case reserved items are not handed in on their due date at the latest, an overdue fee will be imposed:

  • The overdue fee will start at 5 euros on the day after the loan period has ended. The user's library account is blocked
  • The overdue fee will be raised with another 2 euros per day for each reserved overdue item, during the week following the due date
  • After 7 days, the library's replacement fee regulations will take effect
  • The user’s library account will remain blocked until the reserved items have been returned to the library and the overdue fee has been settled

In person

Borrowed items may be returned at any of the UBL library locations. Most locations have 'book return'-boxes at the desk and/or at the library entrance, where borrowed books may be dropped off.

By mail

Books may be returned by mail, at the senders risk, provided they are securely packaged and carry sufficient postage. The date of registration at our return desk will count as the item's return date.

PostNL Courier services

University Library,

User Services

P.O. Box 9501

2300 RA Leiden

The Netherlands

University Library, 

User services

Witte Singel 27

2311 BG Leiden

The Netherlands

The library will send borrowers various email notices, such as:

  • a monthly library account overview
  • notices in case one of your borrowed items is reserved by another patron
  • courtesy notices regarding impending due dates
  • overdue notices and overdue fee notices

Sending notices is a courtesy of the UBL. No rights can be derived from not receiving them. It is the user’s responsibility to be aware of the due dates of all borrowed materials and to hand them in on time.

University email addresses

  • All library email notices to Leiden University students are sent to the Leiden University uMail address. 
  • Email notices to Leiden University and KITLV staff are sent to the Leiden University faculty e-mail address.    

If borrowed items have not been returned 21 days after the due date has expired - 7 days for items reserved by another user - the library will send you a notice of default by post and by e-mail. Your library account will be - or remain, respectively - blocked. For information please consult the UBL circulation policy.

Please let us know if you have any questions, by replying to one of our email notices. This way, we have your account data and loans overview at hand. You can also contact us by using Ask a librarian.

At the desk

Overdue fines may be paid upon returning your loans, either by debit card (pin or contactless) or credit card.

You may pay the fee later on as well; your library account will remain blocked until the amount has been settled.

By bank transfer

Paying a fine by bank transfer is an option only when all loans the fee was issued for will have been returned to the library. Please contact us by replying to one of our email notices, so we can check the options.

Debt collecting agency

As soon as a case is handed over to a collecting agency, all fees must be settled with the agency.

Contact us

Please let us know if you have any questions regarding loans or overdue issues, by replying to one of our email notices. This way, we have your account data and loans overview at hand. You can also contact us by using Ask a librarian.

By using our services, users agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the UBL circulation policy.

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