Universiteit Leiden

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Most questions we receive about Open Access concern funding.

Who will fund Open Access?

First and foremost, we encourage you to take advantage of agreements that Leiden University has with publishers.

Funding agencies

Increasingly, research funders consider the costs of knowledge dissemination to be a part of the research budget, thereby providing the possibility of funding for Open Access publications. Please take note of their demands and regulations when writing your research proposal.

  • As of 2021 funders such as NWO and ERC apply the so called PlanS principles. Your grant agreement will indicate whether these apply to your project or not. 

The most important funding agencies are listed below:

It is crucial to budget possible costs for Open Access publishing as early as in your research proposal. For any questions on these costs, please contact us at openaccess@library.leidenuniv.nl.


If you want to publish in an open access journal without any budget, you can always ask if the open access publisher offers waivers and discounts for article processing charges (APCs).

Scholarly Publications: free of charge

You may also use the facilities of Scholarly Publications to publish in Green Open Access without any additional costs.

Scholarly Publications enables the accessibility of scientific publications from Leiden University. Digital preservation of your publications is guaranteed by means of a link to the e-depot of the National Library of the Netherlands.

Submission of publications is dealt with via LUCRIS and also generates publication lists for your personal page. Scholarly Publications (before: The Leiden Repository) is frequently used, counting over 2,3 million downloads in 2015.

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