Universiteit Leiden

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Become a Friend

From as little as €45.00 per year, Friends enjoy special benefits. As a Friend you:

  • support the UBL financially. The foundation of Friends regularly contributes to the purchase of a unique items or make a financial contribution to the organisation of exhibitions;
  • become part of a network of people who, like you, love libraries and books;
  • will be invited to the annual Friends' Day with lectures and a 'flotilla' of items acquired with your support;
  • can participate in exclusive excursions, lectures and guided tours;
  • will receive a themed issue of De Boekenwereld once a year.

Do you want to become a Friend?

Then sign up using the contact form


 €45 (€10 for students)

  • Invitation to the annual Friends' Day
  • Invitations to exhibitions and lectures
  • Once a year a themed issue of De Boekenwereld


  • As above plus:
  • Extra guest welcome at exhibitions and lectures
  • Discount on publications

 Extra €95

  • As above plus:
  • Extra guest welcome at annual Friends' Day
  • Curatorial tour (with guest)
  • A library card (please contact Martijn Storms)

 Friend for Life

  • As above plus:
  • In the case of a (one-off) donation of at least €1000 or when donating a collection that is a substantial enrichment of the Special Collections
  • Please contact vrienden@library.leidenuniv.nl

Donate with tax deduction

Stichting Vrienden van de Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden is a cultural non-profit organization (cultural ANBI). This means that your donation is tax deductible. On the website of the Belastingdienst you can find more information about (cultural) ANBI's and what the ANBI-status means for your donation.

Would you like to support us with a one-time donation? We welcome any contribution. Please transfer the amount to our bank account NL76INGB0004343573 in the name of Stichting Vrienden van de Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden. Please mention it concerns a one-time donation.

Do you have any questions? Please contact us via vrienden@library.leidenuniv.nl.

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