Universiteit Leiden

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Subject guide

Political Science

Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Political Science

Political theory, Political philosophy, Research methods, Political institutions, Democracy, Democratization, Political parties, party systems and elections, Dutch politics, Political communication, International relations and organisations, European Union, Political violence, Political and social movements, Political economy

The collection printed books and journals is partly placed in the Social and Behavioural Sciences Library  and partly in the closed stacks of the University Library and the Van Steenis Depot. Books can be requested using the Library Catalogue and can be delivered to various locations of the library, including the Wijnhaven Library.

The collection in the Library of Social and Behavioural Sciences is placed according to the Library of Congress Classification (LCC). Titles in the area of Political Science and International Relations are mostly placed in the categories JA-JZ. Books on course reading lists are set aside behind the desk of the Library. These books cannot be borrowed but are available for use in the library.

Handbooks, reference works and mandatory literature are also available in the Wijnhaven Library. Books in the collection of the Wijnhaven Library are for library use only.

Find our databases on Political Studies in the catalogue.

To the catalogue

Catalogue: the full text of many e-journal articles is available through the Catalogue.  

Frequently used databases for searching articles:

Political Science Abstracts is a bibliographic database that allows for searching articles in international journals in political science, international relations and public administration. It provides abstracts, citations and references for many articles.

Web of Science (WoS) is a frequently used bibliographical database, that is comprised of three different citation databases, including the Social Sciences Citation Index (1956 to present). WoS contains abstracts of journal articles and books, references and citations.

Frequently used digital reference works:

The International Encyclopedia of Political Science is a comprehensive reference resource for political science and public administration. It covers every field of politics including entries on political theory and methodology, political sociology, comparative politics, public policy and international relations.

Oxford Handbooks Online: many handbooks in the field of political science, law, business and management, economics and finance are full text available on the platform of Oxford Handbooks Online. These handbooks can be searched simultaneously as well as individually.

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