Subject guide
Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences
Overview of databases en websites for research in the Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences
Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences lies at the interface of biology, chemistry and medicine. The library for the first two disciplines is the Science Library on the Science Campus; which holds books on pharmacology, biology, chemistry and physics. Also, text books can be found in the Gorlaeus library.
Journals and books in the field of medicine are placed in the Walaeus library on the first floor of the main building of the LUMC. The collection of biopharmaceutical sciences consists mostly of electronic journals and databases that are shared with chemistry.
Find our databases on the Biopharmaceutical Sciences in the catalogue.
To the cataloguePubMed (note: not PubMed Central) focuses on medical literature and includes information on clinical trials. If you want to know about the effects of a drug or the pharmacokinetics (how the drug is absorbed into the body, processed and secreted) PubMed is a good source. The articles all get Medical Subject Headings (MeSH terms), which makes it easy to search for a particular type of drug or effect.
Web of Science is a general and broad database which also includes chemical and medical literature. An advantage of WoS is that it keeps track of citations to articles, making 'top items' easier to find.
ToxNet - a set of databases that addresses the risks of chemicals and toxicity.
Cochrane Library- a series of databases in which medical studies are assessed and compared in order to achieve a proper evaluation of the effect of a drug (Evidence Based Medicine).
- Drug Information Resources, overview of web sources in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences by Utrecht University
- Drugs@FDA: FDA approved drug products
- EMA: European Medicines Agency
- KNMP, Royal Dutch Society for the promotion of Pharmacy: publishes Pharmaceutisch Weekblad,
- Dutch Pharmacological Society
- PharmGKB: database on the impact of genetic variation on drug respons
- Reaxys: (available on the Science Campus), database comparable to SciFinder
- Science Daily Pharmacology: news on scientific research in pharmacology
- Lygature: not-for-profit organization focusing on public-private partnership
- LabPrep (Leiden University LACDR): interactive videos for laboratory education with a focus on conducting experiments