Prior Fellows
Overview of the Scaliger, Brill, Elsevier, Van de Sande, Juynboll, Drewes, Isaac Alfred Ailion, Arminius and Lingling Wiyadharma Fellows who have conducted research in the Special Collections of the University Library.
Scaliger Fellow Dr Alan Darmawan (Leverhulme Postdoctoral Fellow, SOAS University of London): Manuscripts originated from Palembang in Sumatra in the University Library.
Scaliger Fellow Anne-Rieke van Schaik (UVA): Story Maps in the Early Modern Low Countries
Scaliger Fellow Dr Rita Schlusemann (Freie Universität Berlin): The Dutch Historie van die seven wise mannen van Rome (History of the Seven Sages of Rome) in a literary and book historical context
Scaliger Fellow Charley Bohlmeyer MA: Mapping the Fake Republic: Counterfeit Print
Scaliger Fellow André Basson (Brock University, Centre for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, St. Catharines, Canada): Literary Tradition and Ascetic Imagination in the Poetry of Paulinus of Nola
Scaliger Fellow Jeson Ng (The University of Chicago): Unmaking race in pre-modern Islam: Arabs, Persians, and Turks in Saljuq poetry
MNL Fellow Femke Deen (independent researcher): De brieven aan de Franse verwanten van Willem van Oranje en Charlotte de Bourbon
MNL Fellow Cynthia Zwijnenburg (Universiteit Utrecht): Het Surinaamse toneelgezelschap Thalia.
Brill Fellowship
Johannes Makar (Harvard University, USA): In Writer’s Lane: Coptic Printing and Cross-Confessional Partnerships in Turn-of-the-Nineteenth Century Egypt
Tim Vergeer (Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands): Playful Readers: Traces of Readership in Early-Modern Plays in the Collection of Leiden University Libraries.
Robert Maryks (Laboratorium Jesuit Studies, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poland): From the IJssel Valley to the Vistula Valley: Jesuits and Devotio Moderna in the Commonwealth of Poland–Lithuania
Nicholas Wong (School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, China): The Labor Question in Translation: Dutch Sinology and Chinese Miners in the East Indies.
Juynboll Fellowship
Narges Poumohammadian Roudsari (University of Gottingen, Germany): Miftah-i-Sahi: the Prose Shahnama from West Begnal
Henrietta Sharp Cockrell (Independent scholar of Islamicate art and manuscripts, specializing in Arabic manuscripts): What is the role of manuscripts written parallel to the binding within Islamicate manuscript culture?
Arminius Fellowship
Odile Liliana Panetta (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, "Body politic(s) - The body in early modern political thought", Aarhus University, Denmark): The University of Leiden and the making of public discourse on punishment (1575-1640)
Jan Waszink (Researcher at Historical Institute of Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland): The correspondence of the Dutch Protestant minister and leader of the Remonstrants Johannes Wtenbogaert (1557-1644)
Lingling Wiyadharma Fellowship
Albert Rumbekwam: Diaspora, Ethnicity, and Contestation in the Frontier Area: Maritime Dynamics in Cenderawasih Bay, Papua, 1855-1963
Tanius Sebastian: Indonesian Legal Thinking, Citizenship Struggle, and a Tragedy of 1965-66: A Historical Reconstruction Through Jacques Leclerc’s Archive
Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti: Archives That Speak: People and Objects in the Network of Mangkunegaran During the Colonial Period (19th-20th Century)
Scaliger Fellows
Senior Scaliger Fellow Jacqueline Hylkema
Project Fakes and Forgeries
Scaliger Fellow Anton van der Lem
Johan Huizinga
Scaliger Fellow Wybren Scheepsma
Miedeaval Modern Devotion manuscripts
Scaliger Fellow Minori Kogure (Juntendo University, Japan)
The Dutch influence in Japan after the Meiji-restoration of 1867
Scaliger Fellow Forough Sajadi: Persian miniatures and manuscripts in Dutch museums, libraries, and private collections
April: Scaliger Fellow Bob van Strijen (Doctoral Research Fellow in Old Norse Philology, University of Oslo): Politicized Philology? The scholarship of Jan de Vries and his colleagues
Mei-juli: Scaliger Fellow Jeonghun Choi (Harvard University, USA) Globalizing historical knowledge in the Netherlands and Japan: The 19th century
Ralf Grüttemeier (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Duitsland): Quality in Scholarship on Dutch literature
Brill Fellow
Bram Vannieuwenhuyse (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Provenance research in the Bodel Nijenhuis collection
Daniel Rafiqi (King's College London, England)
Catharsis in Testimony: Refugee Experience and Huguenot Autobiographical Writing, 1681-1750
Yun Xie (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Dynamic Heritage: discovering the provenance and re-establishing the typography methods of Brill’s non-western metal typefaces
Irena Kozmanová (Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Germanic Studies
Assistant professor, Head of the Dutch Section) & Lukáš Felbr (Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Germanic Studies): Studying abroad when the country of origin or host country disappears. The implementation of the cultural agreement between Czechoslovakia and the Netherlands at Leiden University 1938-1940
Drewes Fellow
Februari: Majid Danesghar (University of Cambridge) Persianate Malay Manuscripts
The Significance of the Banten Collection in Leiden University Library.
Van de Sande Fellowship
Erik-Jan Bos (University of Rotterdam)
The manuscript of Descartes' De Homine in the Bibliotheca Thysiana
Lingling Wiyadharma Fellowship
Ilham Nurwansah (Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, Indonesia): Renewing the Catalogue of Sundanese Manuscripts: Leiden University Library Collection.
Mohammad Refi Omar Ar Razy (Padjadjaran University, Sumedang): Tracing back of Hosein Djajadiningrat’s Ideas and his Intellectual Interaction in the Colonial Period.
Muhammad Haidar Izzuddin (Universitas Indonesia): Catalogue of Ulu manuscripts in the Special Collection of Leiden University: A Further Contribution to Uluan Manuscript Research.
Writer in residence
Kester Freriks: Grensverkenningen. Langs oude grenzen in Nederland.
Scaliger Fellows
Vittorio Remo Danovi (University of Oxford, England)
The Seruius auctus commentary on Vergil
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan (École français d'Extrême-Orient Paris, France)
The so-called Lombok collection
Walter Mellion (Chairman, Art History Department, Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Art History, Foreign Member, KNAW, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences)
Books with Emblemata published by the Societate Jesu.
André Basson (Centre for Medieval & Renaissance Studies Brock University St. Catharines, Canada)
Literary Tradition and Ascetic Imagination in the Poetry of Paulinus of Nola
Sandro Paul Heidelbach (Graduate School of Humanities at the University of Cologne, Germany)
The aesthetic traditions in the writings of Christiaan Huygens
Brill Fellowship
Christopher Joby (Dept. of Dutch and S. African Studies, Faculty of English, UAM Poznan, Poland)
The Reception of the Christian Gospel in 17th century Taiwan
Bram Vannieuwenhuyse (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Provenance research in the Bodel Nijenhuis collection
Yun Xie (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Dynamic Heritage: discovering the provenance and re-establishing the typography methods of Brill’s non-western metal typefaces
Drewes Fellowship
Dr. Majid Daneshgar (Oriental Studies Department, University of Freiburg, Germany)
Persianate Malay Manuscripts: The Significance of the Banten Collection in Leiden University Library
Arminius Fellowship
Marco Condorelli (Independent Scholar)
Visual Identity in Arminian Letters (1593–1606)
Martine van Ittersum (History Department, University of Dundee, England)
Commemorating and Editing Hugo Grotius at Leiden University, 1864-1961
Juynboll Fellowship
Sally Abed (Alexandria University, Egypt)
Medieval Monsters Between East and West: Global Connections
Jyoti Gulati Balachandran (Penn State University USA)
From Gujarat to Hejaz: the Formation of scholarly communities in the 16th-century Indian Ocean
Isaac Alfred Ailion Fellowship
Jennifer Lynn Welsh (Eastern New Mexico University, USA)
European Views of Japan from the 16th through the 19th-Centuries
Van de Sande Fellowship
Erik-Jan Bos (Universiteit Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Manuscript De Homine of René Descartes in the Bibliotheca Thysiana
Lingling Wiyadharma Fellowship
Evi Fuji Fauziyah (Universitas Padjadjaran, Faculty of Cultural Science, Bandung, Indonesia)
Tiga Jñana: The Codicological Studies of an Old Sundanese Codex Unicus at the Leiden University Library
Chin Nyuk Tin (Nanyang Technological University, School of Humanities, Singapore)
Agent of Change and Exchange: Sino-Malay Translation for the Making of the Peranakan Chinese in Netherlands Indies (1881-1951)
Arman Az (Independent scholar and writer): Inventory of Lampung Manuscripts collected by Herman Neubronner van der Tuuk (1868-1869) in the University Library
Scaliger Fellow Dr. Jeanine De Landtsheer (Universiteit Leuven, Belgium): Letters of Justus Lipsius.
Scaliger Fellow Professor dr. Freek de Wolff: MS SCA 1 (OR 4728): Medicinae Rabbi Isaac.
Drewes Fellow dr. Els Bogaerts (LIAS, Leiden University, The Netherlands): Words of Power and Wisdom. Credible authorities and reliable sources in the Serat Nitik Sultan Agung.
Juynboll Fellow Prof. Jyoti Gulati Balachandran (Penn State University USA): From Gujarat to Hejaz: the Formation of scholarly communities in the 16th-c Indian Ocean.
Brill Fellow dr. Francesco Quatrini (University of Belfast, Northern-Ireland): Scipione Gentili (1563-1613) and the Republic of Letters.
Brill Fellow dr. Rita Schlusemann (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany): Multimodality of printed Dutch narratives (c. 1450-c. 1850).
Juynboll Fellow Gabriel Lavin (University of California, United States): Gambus music and Islamic vocal performance practices in the Indian Ocean World
January 2020
Scaliger Fellow Professor dr. Walter S. Melion (Chairman, Art History Department, Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Art History, Foreign Member, KNAW, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences): Translation of Karel van Mander's Schilder-boeck
Van de Sande Fellow Anastasia Stefanaki (Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Netherlands): Exploring the Botanical Activity of Leonhard Rauwolf in Southern France and Northern Italy in the period 1560-1562
Brill Fellow Lyke de Vries (Radboud University, Netherlands): Reception and Rejection: The Early Modern Dutch Response to Rosicrucianism
Isaac Alfred Ailion Fellow Chris Joby (Wydzialu Anglistik UAM, Poznan, Poland): The Dutch Language in Tokugawa and early Meiji Japan.
Brill Fellow Ingrid Simons (Independent Researcher and Artist, The Netherlands): Contrasting shapes, now and before. Painters Lithography Project.
February 2020
Scaliger Fellow dr. Jacqueline Hylkema (Leiden University College The Hague): Fakery and Forgery in the Dutch Republic
Swets Fellow Roel Sluis: The Wouter Swets Archive
June 2020
Brill Fellow Jekaterina Merkuljeva MA (The Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History, Polish Academy of Science, Poland): Natives of Poland who translated biblical texts into Turkish.
November 202o
Arminius Fellow dr. Anna Maria Laskowska (Polish Academy of Science, Poland): Tractatus de Spirutu Sancto by Johannes Crell.
Van de Sande Fellow dr. Trude Dijkstra (University ofAmsterdam, The Netherlands): Steven Blankaart and the representation of Chinese medicine in Dutch printwork.
July 2021
Isaac Alfred Ailion Fellow Prof. Jennifer Lynn Welsh (Lindenwood University-Belleville USA): European Views of Japan from the 16th through the 19th-Centuries.
Brill Fellow Liza Blake (University of Toronto, Canada): Margaret Cavendish Sammelbände and Choose your own Poems and Fancies
Brill Fellow Lukas Reddeman MA (Universität Münster, Germany): Descriptions of states in book collections and libraries in the 17th c. and beyond.
August 2021
Brill Fellow dr. Stefano Andrea Esengrini (Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy): The Gospel according to Rembrandt. A Phenomenological Investigation.
Isaac Alfred Ailion Fellow dr. Nikolaos Mavropoulos (European University Max Weber Fellow, Dept. of History and Civilization, Italy): The Japanese expansionism in Asia and the Italian expansion in Africa.
September 2021
Scaliger Fellow Paolo Scattolin (Department of Cultures and Civilizations, Universita di Verona): The Leiden Palimpsest of Sophocles: a full Collation and Analysis.
October 2021
Arminius Fellow Luisa Simonutti (Instituto per la Storia del Pensiero Filosofico e Scientifico Moderno, Milaan, Italië): John Locke and the Remonstrants. Politics and Religions in the 17th-century Netherlands
Scaliger Fellow Dr. Jeanine De Landtsheer (Universiteit Leuven, Belgium): Brievenproject Justus Lipsius
Scaliger Fellow Professor dr. Freek de Wolff: Onderzoek naar MS SCA 1 (OR 4728): Medicinae Rabbi Isaac
Wouter Swets Fellow Emine Bostanci (Yildiz Technical University/Codarts, University of Arts, Istanbul, Turky): Ottoman/Turkish Maqam music and history.
Januari-februari: Van de Sande Fellow Dr. Katarzyna Pekacka-Falkowska (Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu, Poznan, Poland): Christoph Gottwald in the Leiden Collection.
Medio januari-medio mei: Brill Fellow Dr. Marisa Anne Bass (History of Art Department, Yale University, USA): Monuments and the Making of History in the Dutch Republic.
Scaliger Fellow Enrico Zucchi (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Padova within the ERC project Representing Republican State Power in the Europe of Absolute Monarchies (late 16th – early 18th century): Justus Lipsius’ works between Leiden and Genoa: Neo-Stoicism and Genoese Republicanism from the end of the sixteenth to the beginning of the seventeenth century.
Brill Fellow Dr. Antoinette Schapper (The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia): A history of Papuan-Austronesian contact and language change through manuscripts of Ternate.
Scaliger Fellow Anna Maria Mattaar (Onafhankelijk onderzoeker en (honorair) cultureel adviseur van de ambassadeur van Armenië in Nederland): Armeense oude drukken in de Bijzondere Collecties van de Universiteit van Leiden
Gastonderzoeker Douwe Runia
Mei-juni: Brill Fellow Tom Parat (Université de Franche-Comté, France): The Conflict between William of Orange and Granvelle in Franche-Comte
Juni-juli: Brill Fellow Gloria Moorman (University of Warwick, England): The Dutch Republic through Tuscan Eyes: Medici Interest in Dutch Publishing, Trade and Politics
Scaliger fellow Shweta Raghu (Yale University, USA): Views from the Deck of a Ship: The Coastal Arts of Colonial Coromandel
Scaliger Fellow Elizabeth Savage (Senior Lecturer in Book History and Communications School of Advanced Study, University of London England): Identifying Hans Baldung Grien's Colour Printer:Johan Schott
September-oktober: Digital Scholarship Fellow Paolo Rossini (PhD Candidate in Renaissance Studies, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy): Mapping Descartes. Periode: september-oktober 2019.
Scaliger Fellow Allegra Baggio Corradi (Warburg Institute London England): The Renaissance Paduan philosopher Niccoló Leonico Tomeo.
Brill Fellow Marissa Griffioen (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands): Bodel Nijenhuis’ maps in context
Brill Fellow William Mitchell (London School of Economics, England): The Low Church Lobby: English Argument for Protestant Union in the Shadow of the Revolution of the Edict of Nantes, 1680-1715
oktober-november Brill Fellow Vitaliy Bezrogov (Institut Strategii Razvitiya Obrazovaniya Rossijskoj Akademii Obrazovaniya, Russia): Europe on the way beyond its Limits: early German-Russian translation of the Orbis sensualium pictus
Oktober-januari 2020 Isaac Alfred Ailion Fellow Chris Joby (Wydzialu Anglistik UAM, Poznan, Poland): The Dutch Language in Tokugawa and early Meiji Japan
november-december: Van de Sande Fellow Iolanda Ventura (Università degli Studi di Bologna, Italiëy): The Impact of the Mesue’s writings in 16th-17th c. recipes collections
Digital Scholarship Fellow James Plumtree (American University of Central Asia, Kyrgyz Republic): Stylometric Analysis of mid-19th-century Kyrgyz Oral Poetry. Periode: november-december 2019.
Brill Fellow Lyke de Vries (Radboud University, The Netherlands): Reception and Rejection: The Early Modern Dutch Response to Rosicrucianism
Brill Fellow Liza Blake (University of Toronto, Canada): Margaret Cavendish Sammelbände and Choose your own Poems and Fancies
Van de Sande Fellow Anastasia Stefanaki (Naturalis Biodiversity Center, The Netherlands): Exploring the Botanical Activity of Leonhard Rauwolf in Southern France and Northern Italy in the period 1560-1562
Visiting Scaliger Fellow Dr. Jeanine De Landtsheer (Universiteit Leuven, Belgium): Letters Justus Lipsius
Scaliger Fellow Professor dr. Freek de Wolff: MS SCA 1 (OR 4728): Medicinae Rabbi Isaac
Dr. Jan Schmidt: Turkish manuscrips in Leiden University Libraries
Brill Fellow Arthur der Weduwen MA (University of St. Andrews, Scotland): The Dutch Book Trade during the Williamite Period (1672-1702)
Scaliger Fellow Prof. dr. Andrew Pettegree (University of St. Andrews, Scotland): The Dutch Book Trade during the Williamite Period (1672-1702)
Januariy- March: Scaliger Fellow Prof. dr. Ralf Grüttemeier (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany): A History of Intentionality in Literary Interpretation
Van de Sande Fellow Abdolbaset Ghorbani Dahaneh (Uppsala University): The Rauwolff herbarium (1573-1575): useful plants in 16th century Syria, Iraq, Kurdistan and Lebanon.
Brill Fellow Dr. Elizabeth Ann Cecil (IIAS): An 'Arm of the Earth', an 'Eagle Banner', and a 'Spear of Dharma': Inscribed Columns and Civic Religion in Early Medieval India.
Scaliger Fellow Prof. dr. D. Runia (Melbourne University Australia): Classical philosophy
Scaliger Fellow Drs. Hans Voeten (UVA/UL/Radboud Universiteit): NWO-project Eurasian Empires: Silver for the Tsar: Mining, Metals, and Empire in Early Modern Siberia.
Van de Sande Fellow Kathleen Burke MA (University of Toronto, Canada), Mapping Knowledge Flows in Modern Natural History texts produced in the VOC Era
Brill Fellow Silvia Cazalla Canto MA (PhD Candidate of the University of Navarra, Spain). Emblematic networks and visual culture in Modern Europe
Scaliger Fellow Toribio Perez (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC, Spanish National Research Council): The legacy of Christoph Sand (1644-1680)
Scaliger Fellow Prof. dr. Walter S. Melion (Chairman, Art History Department, Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Art History, Foreign Member, KNAW, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences): Jan Collaert’s prints on the life of St. Joseph.
Juli-Sptember: Drewes Fellow Fakhriati (Researcher on Humanities and Arts at the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Jakarta, Indonesia): Understanding Dala’il al-Khayat Text and its Relation to Local Culture
Juli-September: Arminius Fellow Forrest Strickland MA (University of St. Andrews, Scotland): Seditious, Calumniating and Mendacious Books
Brill Fellow Dr Susie Protschky (Monash University, Australia): The Edwards Collection; the Volatile Tropics. Tranquility and disaster in landscape photographs from nineteenth-century Indonesia
Visiting Scaliger Fellow Vaidas Grinčalaitis (Vytautas Magnus university Kaunas (Lithuania)): Lithuania and Holland culture cooperation in the 16th-18th century
Scaliger Fellow Crystal Cong Li (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China): A study of Karl A. Gutzlaff’s Chinese Writing
Van de Sande Fellow Catherine James (The Courtauld Institute of Art, London, England): Visual analyses of the frontispieces of medical dissertations at Leiden University
Scaliger Fellow drs. Jelmar Hugen (Universiteit Utrecht): Roman van Walewein
Brill Fellow Jeroen Luyckx MA (KU Leuven, Belgium): Antwerp Printmaker and publisher Hans Liefrinck I
Ailion Fellows Prof. dr. Willy Vande Walle (KU Leuven, Belgium): J.J. Hoffmann’s linguistic research into Japanese and its reflections in the development of educational and scientific tools
Juynboll Fellow Dr. Mohammad Javad Esmaeili (Iranian Institute of Philosophy): Towards a New Edition of the Arabic Version of Aristotle’s Physics
Duygu Yıldırım (Stanford University USA) : Familiar Difference: Science, Faith and Empathy in The Early Modern Mediterranean, 1650-1730
Scaliger Fellow Jonathan Simon Nathan MA (Trinity Hall, Cambridge UK): Prosper Marchand and the Cymbalum Mundi
Brill Fellow Dr. Lavinia Maddaluno (British School Rome, Italy): Introducing Dutch windmills in the Duchy of Milan
Brill Fellow Rozemarijn Landsman MA (Department of Art History and Archaeology Columbia University, USA): Lanterns and lenses. Mathematics in Van der Heyden’s Art and Inventions.
Visiting Scaliger Fellow Dr. Jeanine De Landtsheer (Universiteit Leuven, Belgium): Letters Justus Lipsius
Visiting Scaliger Fellow Professor dr. Freek de Wolff: MS SCA 1 (OR 4728): Medicinae Rabbi Isaac
Dr. Jan Schmidt: Turkish manuscripts in Leiden University Libraries
Prof. dr. Andrew Pettegree en Arthur den Weduwen MA (St. Andrews, Scotland): History of the Book
Prof. dr. D. Runia (Melbourne University Australia): Classical authors
Januari-juni: Visiting Scaliger Fellow Prof. Guido Marnef (Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium): The Calvinist Republic in Antwerp,1577-1585.
Medio februari-medio april: Van de Sande Fellow Mike A. Zuber MA ETH (Universiteit van Amsterdam): The Manuscript Collections of Sebalt Schwertzer amongst the Codices Vossiani Chymici
22-3 april: Dr. Ann-Marie Hansen (Université de Rennes, France): The collection Prosper Marchand
Medio maart-medio augustus (i.s.m. KITLV): Brill fellow Kankan Xie MA (University of California, Berkeley, VS): Estranged Comrades: Communism. Identity Politics and Interwoven Networks of the Late Colonial Malay World, 1927-1942.
Elsevier Fellow Dr. Stijn van Rossem (School of Advanced Study, University of London, England): New perspectives on the Elzeviers.
Brill Fellow Kankan Xie MA (University of California, Berkeley, VS): Estranged Comrades: Communism. Identity Politics and Interwoven Networks of the Late Colonial Malay World, 1927-1942.
Prof. dr. Philippe Chareyre (Université de Pau, France): Collection Bibliotheque Wallonne
Juynbol Fellow Pegah Shabaz (ANR Perso-Indica Project, Sorbonne-Nouvelle University, France): The Manuscript of Tuti-nama of Ziya Nahsabi preserved in Leiden University Library.
6 Juni-18 Juli: Visiting Scaliger Fellow Matteo Realdi (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam): Jan Oort and the making of European Astronomy.
Isaac Alfred Ailion Fellow Dr. Aiko Okamoto-MacPhail (Indiana University, USA): Visions of Japan in the later Tokugawa Period exemplified by Julius Klaproth.
17 Juli-4 Augustus: Visiting Scaliger Fellow Marijana Misevic MA (Harvard University, USA): Language Learning and Translation in the Seventeenth-Century Ottoman Empire.
Brill Fellow Dr. Eric MacPhail (Indiana University, USA): The Sophists.
Brill Fellow Prof. Belle Stoddard Tuten (Juniata College, Huntingdon, USA): Treatment of the Breast in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Scaliger Fellow Prof. dr. Michael F. Laffan (Princeton University, USA): Arabic newspapers from the Dutch East Indies.
Juynboll Fellow Dr. Adam Collins Bursi (University of Tennessee, USA): Deciphering Dots and Sashes: Arabic Scripts and Scribes of the First Islamic Centuries.
Van de Sande Fellow Dr. Timothy Dale Walker (University of Massachusetts, USA): A Survey of Early Modern Northern European Library Medical Texts to Assess Reciprocal Knowledge Exchanges with the Lusophone World.
Van de Sande Fellow Jin Hee (Genie) Yoo MA (Princeton University, USA): Wars and Wonders: the Information Networks of Casper G.C. Reinwardt (1773-1854).
Scaliger fellow Dr. Catharine Jones (University of Aberdeen, Scotland): Historiography of Anatomy in the Northern European Atlantic World, c.1650-1800.
Brill Fellow Dr. Yves van Damme (Gent University, Belgium): Baanbrekende brieven. De wetenschappelijke correspondentie tussen C.G.N. de Vooys en Willem De Vreese.
Drewes Fellow Dr. Zacky Khairul Umam (Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany): Reexamining Sufi Hereties: the Works of Shams al-Din al samat,ra'i (d. 1630) and the Jawi Questions to Kurani.
Isaac Alfred Ailion Fellow Radu Leca: The Life and Activity of R.J. de St. Aulaire (1827-1864).
Brill Fellows Dr. Piet van Boxel (Oriental Institute Oxford, England) & Prof. Joanna Weinberg (University of Oxford, England): Constantijn L'Empereur and Rabbinic Literature: A Study of the Unpublished Papers in the Bibliotheca Thysiana.
Van de Sande fellow Dr. Floriana Giallombardo (Independent scholar): Paolo Boccone's Travel in the Low Countries (1673-1674): a Scientific Exchange between Southern and Northern Europe.
Brill fellows
Prof. dr. Edwin Wieringa (Universitat zu Koln, Germany): Celebrating Queen Wilhelmina’s inauguration in 1898: A subaltern perspective from the colonial capital of Batavia
Dr. Jan Waszink (Universiteit van Amsterdam): Grotius’ De Iure Pradae: complete and critical edition of the ms in Leiden, BPL 917.
Prof. dr. Guido Marnef (Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium): The Calvinist Republic in Antwerp, 1577-1585.
Elsevier fellows
Lieke van Deinsen MA (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen): Portraying Intellectual Power: A Visual Approach to the Conceptualization of Knowledge.
Van de Sande Fellows
Dr. Sylvia van Zanen: Enthousiasme voor tuin en botanie in de schaduw van een beroemd plantkundige: de correspondentie van Carolus Clusius en Jean de Maes
Ruben E. Verwaal MA (Universiteit Groningen): Inducing Excretions: Evacuant Medicine and Bodily Discharges in the Eighteenth-Century Dutch Republic
Juynboll fellow
Pegah Shabaz (ANR Perso-Indica Project, Sorbonne-Nouvelle University, France): The manuscript of Tuti-nama of Ziya Nahsabi preserved in the University Library of Leiden
Scaliger fellows
Dr. J. De Landtsheer (Universiteit Leuven, Belgium): Brievenproject Justus Lipsius
Professor dr. Freek de Wolff: Onderzoek naar MS Sca 1 (OR 4728): Medicinae Rabbi Isaac
februari-maart: Tom-Eric Marinus Krijger MA (Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, Universiteit Groningen): Liberal Protestant Leadership: Leiden-Trained Theologians as Liberal Protestant Opinion Leaders
14-30 maart: Dr. Michele Troy (Associate Professor of English, Hillyer College, University of Hartford, USA): ‘Brave New World’: Anglo-American Books in Post-War-Europe
7-27 maart: Karen Eline Hollewand MA (University of Oxford, England): A pardon for a library: Hadriaan Beverland and the sale of the library of Isaac Vossius to the University of Leiden (1689-1704)
4 april-4 mei: Floris Bart Verhaart MA (University of Oxford, England): Inside the Early Modern Mind: Sammelbande and the Ordering of Knowledge
mei-juli: Giacomo Signore MA (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, Germany): Comparing composite manuscripts: the compilation and use of fifteenth-century miscellanies between scholastic and lay culture.
20 juni-31 juli: Elena Chepel MA (University of Reading, England): Two unpublished papyrus documents of Graeco-Roman Egypt from the collection of Leiden Papyrological Institute
augustus: Raf Van Rooy (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium): “Language” vs. “Dialect” in early modern linguistic thought: concept formation and empirical underpinnings, with special reference to the Ancient Greek background.
September-oktober: Jeremy Thompson (Purdue University Calumet, USA): Ninth-Century Grammatical Manuscripts in the Leiden Collection, with special reference to Lupus of Ferrieres
oktober: Dr. Michele Troy (Associate Professor of English, Hillyer College, University of Hartford, USA): ‘Brave New World’: Anglo-American Books in Post-War-Europe
Brill fellows
Professor Walter Melion (Chairman, Art History Department, Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Art History, Foreign Member, KNAW, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences): ‘Imago veridica: The Visual Form, Function, and Argument of Joannes David, S.J.’s Four Latin Emblem Books’
Dr. Annick Anne Regourd (CNRS, France): Examination of the Abu Subbak papers in Yemenite manuscripts of Leiden University Libraries
Omer Kocyigit MA: The Struggle for legitimacy. Wahhabi and Sudanese Mahdi Movements against the Ottoman Empire
Elsevier fellows
Ingeborg van Vugt MA (UVA, The Netherlands): Mapping the Network of Nicolaas Heinsius: Connecting Book Agency in the Dutch Republic and Italy in the 17th Centur
Dr. Nil Pektas (University of Manchester, UK): Learning Turkish in Renaissance Europe 1500-1700
Van de Sande Fellows
Wim Rakhorst MA: De ontwikkeling van de Haagse farmacopee
Alexander Döll (University of Wurzburg, Germany): A German poet’s botanical research in Leiden in the middle of the 17th century
Juynboll fellow
Houari Touati (EHESS Paris, France): Writing, Producing and Transmitting in Early Islam
Scaliger fellows
Dr. J. De Landtsheer (Universiteit Leuven, Belgium): Brievenproject Justus Lipsius
Professor dr. Freek de Wolff: Onderzoek naar MS Sca 1 (OR 4728): Medicinae Rabbi Isaac
Dr. Michelle Moseley-Christian (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA): Anthropoids and Questions of 'Human Uniqueness' in Early Modern Dutch Image and Text
Dr. Orsolya Retehlyi (ELTE, Budapest, dept. of Dutch Studies, Hungary): The portrayal and use of Hungarian political themes in Dutch drama in the 17th and 18th centuries
Bhowmik Moushumi (Jadavpur University Kolkata, India): How Arnold Bake's Negal years are documented and archived in his correspondence and photographs, mainly from Santiniketan, and other related papers
Robin Onno Buning (History Faculty, Oxford University, England): Reassembling the correspondence of Isaac Vossius: a European Network of Knowledge
Dr. Jasper van der Steen (Universiteit Leiden): The Nassaus Ltd: a Dynastic Family Business in Early Modern Europe, c. 1550-1750
Dr. Birger Vanwesenbeeck (State University of New York, USA): Johan Huizinga and Symbolism
Franceschini Marco (University of Bologna, Italy): A Study in the Sanskrit manuscripts written in Tamilian Grantha script in the Van Manen collection
Dr. Giuseppe Pezzini (Magdalen College, Oxford UK): The Leiden Manuscripts of Terence
Dr. Agnieszka Rec (Yale University, USA): The network of Alchemists in Early Modern Central Europe
Dr. Christoph Rippe (Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen, Leiden): Vision in Correspondences of Early International Museum Networks (1880s-1914)
Emma Gilby MA (University of Cambridge, UK): Goulu, Longinus and the “Querelle des lettres”
Brill fellows
Professor Walter Melion (Chairman, Art History Department, Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Art History, Foreign Member, KNAW, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences): ‘Imago veridica: The Visual Form, Function, and Argument of Joannes David, S.J.’s Four Latin Emblem Books’
Mira Xenia Schwerda MA (Princeton University USA): The depiction of Death in early Iranian photography in Leiden University Libraries
Elsevier fellows
Mathieu Knops (VU Amsterdam) & John Lane (Independant scholar): Typografische analyse op vernieuwde grondslag van 50 Bijbels: op weg naar een universele Elzevier database (1583-1713)
Jürgen Beyer (Tartu University Library, Estonia): The earliest Dutch advertisement for coffee and chocolate: its background and printing history
Jesús Barrientos Mora (Independant scholar, Mexico): Elsevier book design: golden age of the perfect craft
Van de Sande Fellows
Peter C. van den Hooff MA Res (Universiteit Utrecht): Antonio Guaineri's De matricibus, Sive de propriis mulierum aegritudinibus
Marjolein de Vos MA, The collections of Wittop Koning and Grendel: provenance, bindings and annotations
Scaliger fellows
Dr. J. De Landtsheer: Letter project Justus Lipsius
Professor dr. Freek de Wolff: MS Sca 1 (OR 4728): Medicinae Rabbi Isaac
March-April: Anna Dablacova (University Leiden): Commerzialized culture: dealing with printed texts in Antwerp, c. 1480-1520
March-April: Dr. Judith Pfeiffer (Oriental Institute, University of Oxford UK): Jalāl al-Dīn al-Dawānī (d. 908/1502), and the transmission of knowledge from Fars to the Ottoman Empire
May-June: Dr. David van der Linden (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam): The Sermon Industry: The Circulation of Huguenot Sermons in the Atlantic World, 1685-1720
May: Dr. Maureen Warren (Northwestern University USA): 'Politicians, Tyrants , and heretics: Engraved Portraits in Early 17th-century Dutch Books and Pamphlets
May: Dr. Rebekah Ahrendt (Yale University, USA): The republic of Music: Transposed Lives at the Crossroads of Europe, 1664-1713
June: Ilaria Bortolotti MA (State University of Milan, Italy): Luigi Ferdinando Marsili in Leiden (1723)
July: Prof. Dr. Douwe Runia (Melbourne)
August 4-22: Augustus: Nir Shafir (UCLA USA): Levinus Warner's library: Ottoman manuscripts in 17th-century European Collections
August: Dr. Paolo Scattolin (Universita Verona, Italy): The Leiden Palimpsest of Sophocles: a Full Collation and Analysis
September: Dr. Gerhard Wiesenfeldt (University of Melbourne, Australia): Philosophical geometry and the practical tradition in Dutch natural Philosophy
October: N. Kivilcim Yavuz MA (University of Leeds, England): The Trojan Narrative in the Early Medieval Manuscripts at the Special Collections of Leiden University Library
Brill fellows
Ashlihan Gurbuzel MA (Harvard University, USA): Social Imagination in Mystical Commentaries: Readers and Readings of Rumi’s Mathnawi in 17th-century Istanbul
Dr. Magdalena Lozluk (University of Tours/Lodz, France/Poland): The representation of medicine and the art of memory in Louis Casenueve’s Emblemata medica (1626)
Elsevier fellows
Professor dr. Allen Reddick (Universität Zürich. Switserland): Thomas Hollis’s Gifts to Leiden University
Dr. Arjen Dijkstra (Universiteit Groningen): 'Outsourcing' in de zeventiende eeuw. Boeken gepubliceerd door Elsevier, maar gedrukt door andere drukkers
Scaliger fellows
Dr. J. De Landtsheer: Letter project Justus Lipsius
Evelien Bachrach-Seeger: Sir Constantine Huygens and Britain
Professor dr. Freek de Wolff: MS Sca 1 (OR 4728): Medicinae Rabbi Isaac
February: Tammy Nyden MA (Grinnell College USA): The New Physics at Leiden
February: Amanda K. Herrin MA (Institute of Fine Arts, NYU, USA): Claes Jansz. Visscher and his Progeny: Draftsmen, Printmakers and Print Publishers in 17th Century Amsterdam
March: Guest researcher dr. Minori Kogure (Tenri University, Japan)
March-April: Dr. Riemer Faber (Associate Professor, Department of Classical Studies, Director, Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies University of Waterloo Canada): The Personal Correspondence of the Authors of the Synopsis Purioris Theologiae
April: Guest researcher Professor dr. D. Runia (University of Melbourne, Australia)
April: Arjan Post MA (University Leiden): A Critical Edition and Dutch Translation of al-Murshid al-muʿīn
Gastonderzoeker Professor dr. Hariki Kobayasi (Daito Bunka University Japan): Onderzoek naar Tian-men Yao-lu: Chinese astronomie
May-june: Dr. Marissa Anne Bass (Washington University in St. Louis, USA): Joris Hoefnagel and the Art of Friendship
July-August: Dr. Valery Berlincourt (University of Geneva, Switserland): Textual history of Statius' Thebaid: relationship between manuscripts and early modern editions
August: Dr. Francesco Lupi (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa): Conjectures on the fragmentary plays of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides in the University Library at Leiden
October-November: Guest researcher Dr. Su Fang Ng (Department of English, University of Oklahoma USA): Global Renaissance: Alexander the Great and Classicism from Britain to Islamic Southeast Asia
Brill fellows
Dr. Joella G. Yoder (University of Washington, Seattle, US): A catalogue of the manuscripts of Christiaan Huygens
Dr Lionel Laborie (School of History, University of East Anglia, England): Warrior Prophets: Anglo-Dutch Diplomacy, Huguenot Propaganda and the Last French War of Religion (1685-1720)
Elsevier fellows
Dr. An Smets (Univerity of Leuven, Belgium): ‘Voices from the past’: lecture notes from Leiden University.
Dr. Per Landgren (Visiting scholar at Oxford University UK): What was historia in early modern Leiden? Differing concepts - different functions among professores historiarum.
Scaliger fellows
Dr. Arnoud Visser: Gabriel Harvey and his Books, in co-operation with Princeton University
Dr. J. De Landtsheer: Letters Justus Lipsius
Evelien Bachrach-Seeger: Sir Constantine Huygens and Britain
February-April: dr. Minori Kogure
February: Bahia Shehab MA (American University Cairo, Egypt): Fatimid epigraphy
April: Dr. Tania Demetriou (University of York, England): Reading and Scholarship in the margins of literary texts
May: Dr. Natasha Constantinidou (University of St Andrews, Scotland): Printing and Marketing the Classics in the 16th century
June: Stijn van Rossem (University of Antwerpen, Belgium): The Lopez de Haro Family and the international trade in catholic books.
July-October: Prof. dr. D. Runia (Queen’s College, Australia): Aëtiana: laying foundations for the study of the history of ancient philosophy.
Augustus: Frederic Nolan Clark MA, (Princeton University, USA): “Ordo librorum and Ordo Temporum: Compilation, Classical Scholarship, and the Making of Historical Periodization, c.1550-1750.”
September- November: Melissa Lo MA (Harvard University, USA): Abstracting Figures, Figuring Abstractions: Transformations of Cartesian Physics, 1620- 1690.
September: Dr. Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova (Institute for Bulgarian Language- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria): The first Bulgarian printer Yacob Kraykov and its Book for different occasions (Venice, 1571-1572) in the Leiden University Library.
September: Frederic Nolan Clark MA, (Princeton University USA): “Ordo librorum and Ordo Temporum: Compilation, Classical Scholarship, and the Making of Historical Periodization, c.1550-1750.” November: Amanda K. Herrin MA (Institute of Fine Arts, NYU, USA): Claes Jansz. Visscher and his Progeny: Draftsmen, Printmakers and Print Publishers in 17th Century Amsterdam.
Dr. Ian Campbell (University College Dublin, Ireland): Protestant Natural Law and Irish Natural Slaves.
Brill fellows
Dr. Graeme Dunphy (University of Regensburg, Germany): Chronicle manuscripts in Leiden University Library
Banu Kaygusuz MA (University of Toronto, Department of East Asian Studies Canada): Rangaku and Photography: the photography technology in circulation and the role of Dutch scholarship in Japan
Scaliger fellows
Dr. Arnoud Visser: Gabriel Harvey and his Books, in samenwerking Princeton University
Evelien Bachrach-Seeger: Sir Constantine Huygens and Britain
Dr. Luna Najera: War and the Technologies of the Self in Early Modern Spanish Military Literature
January: Dr. Evgenyi Kazartsev (University of St.-Petersburg, Russia): Jan van Hout
March-April: Ann-Marie Hansen MA (Victoria University, Canada): The Role of Conflict in Prosper Marchand’s Republic of Letters
Juni: Dr. Jelani Harun (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia), Features of Islamic Laws in Aceh: A Study based on Manuscripts of Mir'at al-Tullab
Juni-Juli: Andrew J. Fleck (San Jose State University, USA): Willebrord Snellius and the Astronomical Thread in the Early Modern Republic of Letters
Juli: Veronica Nicusanti (Scuola di Alti Studi - Scienze della Cultura of the Fondazione S. Carlo, Modena, Italy): Arnold Geulincx
August-September: Pablo Toribio Pérez MA (ILC-CCHS (CSIC), Madrid, Spain): Isaac Newton
Nick Hardy, MA (University College, Oxford, England): The Study of Greek texts in early modern Europe: the case of Patrick Young (1584-1652)
Juliane Müller MA (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany): A commented edition of the pseudo epigraphic Arabic dialogue between Aristotle and the Indian Yuhin
Brill fellows
Dr. J. De Landtsheer (Universiteit Leuven, Belgium): Lipsiana in Leiden University Library
Dr. Irene Bueno (European University Institute, Florence, Italy); Beyond the Margins of the 'Babylonian Captiviy'. The Avignon Papacy and the East
Scaliger fellows
Dr. Nicolas Robin (Clusius Professor): History of Gardens and Botany
January: Dr. M. Roscam Abbing, Inventory of the Correspondence of Petrus Scriverius (1536-1666)
January- July: Gastonderzoeker dr. Roberto Lopresti (Università di Palermo, Italy): research project on the history of the notion of 'automaton' in Greek and early modern medical and philosophical thought
February: Tomoko Okuda (National Diet Library Kyoto, Japan): Research on private library of Von Siebold
March-April : Linda M. Rupert (University of North Carolina, Greensboro, USA): Imagining Islands/Envisioning Empire: Dutch Depictions of Curacao and the Caribbean in the Seventheenth and Eighteenth Centuries
April: prof. dr. Lisa Jardine (Centenary Professor of Renaissance Studies at Queen Mary, University of London, UK): Christiaan Huygens
April: Dr. Carlo Martino Lucarini (University of London, UK): A Critical Edition of Hermias's In Platonis Phaedrum scholia
April-May: Visiting Scaliger Professor François Déroche (École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE), Paris, France)
April-June: Jennifer Margaret Rampling MA (University of Cambridge, England): The Vossius Collection and English Alchemy
May: Marijke Tolsma MA (Remonstrants Seminarium & Leids Instituut voor Godsdienstwetenschappen): Johannes Meursius's illustrated books of portraits of Leiden University professors
June: Todd Rester (Calvin Theological Seminary USA): Theologia Viatorum: The Theology from Junius to Moor
June: Prof. Dr. D. Runia (Queen’s College, University of Melbourne, Australia): antieke wijsbegeerte
July-August: Prof. dr. David B. Ruderman (University of Pennsylvania, USA): Philosophy, Mysticism, and Science in Enlightenment Jewish Thought. The Contrasting Postures of Naphtali Herz Ulman and Phinehas Elijah Hurwitz, Two Ashkenazic Thinkers Living in the Netherlands
July-August: Visiting scholar dr. Veronica Nicusanti (Scuola Internazionale di Alti Studi-Fondazione San Carlo, Modena, Italy): Arno ld Geulincx
July-September: mVisiting scholar Takao Ito Ph.D. (University of Munich, Germany & Department of Asian History, Graduate School of Humanities at Kobe University, Japan): Arabic and Islamic studies, in particular the history of Egypt and Syria in the Mamluk period
August-September: Professor Senjuro Machi (Nishogakusha University, Tokyo, Japan): A study on the Japanese medical and pharmaceutical manuscripts of the Edo period (1603-1868) held by Leiden University
October: Sara Omar MA (Harvard Univeristy, USA), Representations of Sex and Sexuality in Medieval Islamicate texts
November: Jesús de Prado Plumed (École practique des Hautes Études (Paris France)/Universidad Complutense (Madrid Spain): A Tale of Four Cities (Alcalá de Henares, Rome, Istanbul, Leiden): Alfonso de Zamora (1512-1546) in Leiden University Library's collections
October-November: Prof. dr. Rosamond D. McKitterick (Cambridge University UK): The Migration of Ideas in the Early Middle Ages
October-November: Dr. Jan Loop (Warburg Institute, Londen, UK): Johann Heinrich Hottinger (1620-1664) and the Leiden collection of oriental manuscripts
October-November: dr. Ekaterina Ilyushechkina (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen): Exercitationes Claudii Salmasii
November: dr. Luna Najera: War and the Technologies of the Self in Early Modern Spanish Military Literature
1 March-31 August: Dr. Steffen Ducheyne (Postdoctoral Research Fellow of the Fund for Scientific Research (FWO – Flanders): Huygens’ post-1673 mechanische en natuurfilosofische werk
February-March: Flavia Galli Tatsch MA (Campinas State University (UNICAMP), Dept. of History, Sao Paulo, Brasil), Analyzing Allegories from America. Prints and Artists from the Netherlands produced at the end of the 16th. Century
May: Corry Cotter, MA (University of Virginia USA: Puritanism and Science: The Anatomy of Edward Richardson’s Thought
June: Prof. dr. Helene Cazes (University of Victoria, Canada): Bonaventura Vulcanius and his Album amicorum: Humanism and friendship in Leiden 1578-1615.
August: Iris Heckel, Florentii Schonhovii Goudani Lalage, sive Amores Pastorales: Edition, Übersetzung und Kommentar
September: Dr Assimina Kaniari D.Phil (Department of the History of Art, University of Oxford, UK) Emmy Andriesse and the modern uncanny. Encounters with Surrealism and the ‘new vision’ in post-war Dutch photography
- Dr. Elger Heere (Hogeschool Utrecht, Geodesy department, The Netherlands): Formalised geometric accuracy analysis of old maps
- Dr. Olar Ovidiu Olar (École des hautes études en sciences sociales Paris, France): Kyrillos Loukaris and his Dutch Friends and Correspondence
- Dr. Juan Pablo Sánchez Hernández (Royal Complutense College, Cambridge/Harvard University, USA): Athenae Batavae, Athenae Atticae. (The Netherlands and the rediscovery of Greece in the 17th Century)
- Jennifer Margaret Rampling MA (University of Cambridge, England): The Vossius Collection and English Alchemy
- Catherine Abou-Nemeh, MA (Princeton University, USA): Nicolaas Hartsoeker’s natural philosophy: optics, politics, and Cartesianism in the Dutch Republic and abroad
- Dr. Witold Marek Witakowski (Uppsala University, Sweden): Research in the contents of the Leiden University Library collection of Ethiopic manuscripts
Brill fellows
Alexander Bick, MA (Princeton University, History Department, USA), Writing Mercantile History: Johannes de Laet and the Dutch West Indies Company
Dr Keith D. Stanglin, (Harding University, College of Bible and Religion, USA), The Public Disputations of Jacobus Arminius
Scaliger fellows
?: Mohammed Reza Tahmasbpour (Tehran University of Art, Iran), Research on the Hotz Collection
Januari: Dr Karin Verelst (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium): Some questions with respect to Huygens's manuscripts on Space and Time
Maart: Dr Irina Katkova (Institute of Oriental Studies, St. Petersburg, Russia): Islamic written Heritage of Sumatra. Shattariyah Sufi Manuscripts of Acheh and Minangkabau
April: Dr Mark Harvey: Muziekboeken in de UB
Mei: Dr Roberto Lopresti (Università di Palermo, Italy): The laboratory of Boerhaave and the reception of Hippocrates
Mei: Dr Dustin Mengelkoch (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA): Statius and his Northern Renaissance
Juni: Dr John. Francis Petruccione (The Catholic University of America, USA): The Textual Tradition and Medieval Glosses of the Peristephanon of Prudentius
Juni-juli: Dr Xavier Espluga (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain): The Verderianus Codex and the First History of Brescian Epigraphy
Juli: Vito Lorusso, MA (Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, Italy): Editing Galen’s Methodus Medendi
Juli: Dr Emily Julie Cottrell (Institut Francais d’Archéologie Orientale du Caire, Egypt): The Historiography of Greek Philosophy as seen through the Leiden Oriental Manuscripts collection
Augustus: Dr Dustin Mengelkoch (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA): Statius and his Northern Renaissance
September: Dr Kenta Ohji (Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, Japan): Newspaper, Philosophy, and Politics in the Late Eighteenth-Century Europe
September-Oktober: Elizabeth Anne Sutton, MA (The University of Iowa, Dept. of Art and Art History, USA): Cornelis Claesz's Travel Account Prints, 1598-1603
1 November-1 december: Evan Ralph Ragland (Indiana University, USA), Experimenting with Chemical Bodies: Late Seventeenth-Century Dutch Chemical Anatomy and the History of Experimental Practice
Brill fellows
Dr Jitse Harm Fokke Dijkstra ( University of Ottawa, Canada): Mysteries of the Nile: Scaliger and Egypt.
Dr Helene Cazes ( University of Victoria, Canada): Bonaventura Vulcanius and his Album amicorum: Humanism and friendship in Leiden 1578-1615.
Scaliger fellows
1 January-1 February: Prof. Dr Robert Seidel (Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main Germany) – Daniel Heinsius (1580-1655) as a scholar, neo-latin poet and transmitter of poetic standards to the German world.
1 January-1 March: Dr Luitgard Mols (Opleiding Talen en Culturen van het Midden Oosten/Onderzoeksschool CNWS, Universiteit Leiden): Kunsthistorische aspecten van islamitische boekbanden en verluchte titelbladen van manuscripten uit de Mamelukse periode (1250-1517).
1 January-1 April: Dr Niels van Driel (Universiteit Leiden): Vertalingen als aspect en spiegel van de internationale context van het Nederlands modernisme (1840-1900).
February: 12-28: Beate Wiesmüller, MA (Universität zu Köln/Universität Leipzig, Germany): Weisweiler Archive.
19 March-1 May: Islam Dayeh, MA (Free University of Berlin, Germany), Textual Corruption and the Transmission of the Quran.
1 June-1 August: Dr Martine Julia van Ittersum (University of Dundee, England): Dead White Men: The Transmission of the Grotius Papers in the Early Modern Period, the Auction of 1864, and it’s Legacy for Modern Scholarship.
18 June-1 August: Dr Helen Hattab (University of Houston, USA): Descartes and the Mechanization of Natural Philosophy.
24 July-1 October: Professor David T. Runia, (Queen’s College, University of Melbourne, Australia): antieke wijsbegeerte.
July-August: Mohammed Reza Tahmasbpour (Tehran University of Art, Iran), Research on the Hotz Collection.
July-August: Angela Robles, MA (Universidad de Murcia, Spain): Burmannus and his correspondence.
August-September: Prof. Dr Sabine Schmidtke (Institut für Islamwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany): Mu’tazili Manuscripts – Sharh al-usul by Ibn Khallad and al-Kamil fi li-istiqsa’ fima balaghana min kalam al-qudama.
August-September: Dr Camilla Adang (Dept. of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Tel Aviv University/Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israël): Mu’tazili Manuscripts – Sharh al-usul by Ibn Khallad and al-Kamil fi li-istiqsa’ fima balaghana min kalam al-qudama.
September-December: Dr Sinéad O’Sullivan (University College Dublin, Ireland): onderzoek naar Martianus Capella: The ‘Anonymous’ Ninth-Century Commentary on Martianus Capella: An Edition of Books I and II.
October-December: Theodor William Dunkelgrün, MA (University of Chicago, USA), ‘The Hebraist Johannes Drusius, Sr. (1550-1616) in his unpublished correspondence’.
December: Prof. Dr S. Huigen (Departement Afrikaans en Nederlands, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, South-Africa): Een ‘Voorlooper van ‘t Werk’: een preliminair onderzoek naar Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën van François Valentyn.
Brill Fellows
March-May 2006: Dr Pierluigi Lanfranchi – A critical edition of Pseudo-Eustathius’ Commentary on Hexaemeron: the collation of the Leiden manuscripts.
May-July 2006: Heidi Verdonck – The Jewish merchants in nineteenth and twentieth-century Morocco (on the eve of the French Protecorate) in the light of documents found in the archive of a Jewish-Moroccan trading house.
Scaliger fellows
January: prof. Dr A. Pettegree en Dr M. Walsby (French Vernacular Book Project, University of St. Andrews, Scotland): Franse zestiende-eeuwse drukken in de UB en Bibliotheca Thysiana.
January-February: Dr C. Pérez (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain): Foto’s in de Hotz Collectie.
February-March: Dr med. Dr phil. D. Schäfer (Universität zu Köln, Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin, Germany): Vroegmoderne voedingskunde voor kinderen.
March-June: S. Ahmad, MA, MLIS (Fakultas Tarbiyah, IAIN Ar-Raniry Darussalam Banda Aceh, Indonesia): De impact van ‘Hikayat Prang Sabil’ op de strijdlust van Atjehse strijdens gedurende de Nederlandse koloniale bezetting.
May-June and December: prof. Dr J.L.M. Papy (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium): The stoic face of Humanism: Lipsius’s new reading of Seneca and its echoes in early modern European literature and thought.
August-December: L. Kwiecien, MA (Universiteit Leiden): De fotografische syntaxis en beeldhistorische betekenis van de fotocollectie Scholten.
August-September: A. Başaran MA (Boğaziçi Universiteit, Instanbul, Turkey): Verhandelingen over astronomie en de briefwisseling tussen Nederlandse diplomaten bij de Sublieme Porte en de Nederlandse regering.
August-September: Dr S. O’Sullivan (University College Dublin, Ireland): Martianus Capella: The ‘Anonymous’ ninth-century commentary on Martianus Capella: An edition of Books I and II.
September: Dr A. Guzmán Almagro (Vakgroep Latijnse filologie, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain): Documenten voor de studie van Latijnse epigrafiek in Spanje gedurende de zestiende en zeventiende eeuw: het Intinerario del Reyno de Aragâo van Joâo Baptista Labanha.
September: drs. T. van Hal (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium): Taalvergelijkend onderzoek tijdens de Renaissance: de bijdrage van de ‘Leidse school’.
October-December: C. Cuttica, MA (European University Institute, Florence, Italy): Modern European Absolutism: The interesting language of patriarchalism in France and England.
December: prof. Dr R. Seidel (Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany): Daniel Heinsius (1580-1655) as a scholar, neo-latin poet and transmitter of poetic standards to the German world.
January: Dr A.H. van Oostrum: Oosterse muziek in handschrift en druk in de UB.
March: Dr Sinéad O’Sullivan (University College, Dublin, Ireland): Martianus Capella: The ‘anonymous’ ninth-century commentary on Martianus Capella: An edition of Books I and II.
March-April: prof. Dr Ingrid Maier (Universiteit van Uppsala, Sweden), Zeventiende-eeuwse Nederlandse pamfletten als bron van Russische 17de-eeuwse kranten
May-June: prof. Dr Haron Daud (Universiti Sains Malaysia), Maleise astrologische handschriften.
July-August: Dr Juan Ballesteros Sánchez (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain), Klassieke bronnen van Justus Lipsius’ Admirandasive, de magnitudine Romana libri quattuor.
July-September: Dr P.E. Pormann (Warburg Institute, London/Merton College, Oxford, England): Edition of the Arabic fragments of Ibn Serapion’s Small Compendium.
October-December: G. Verhoeven, MA (Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium), Toerisme in de Nederlanden (1650-1750).
January: Dr D. Terzioglu (Bogazici Universiteit Istanbul, Turkey): Turkse manuscripten in de Oosterse collecties.
April-May: Dr C. de Stefani (Venice International University, Italy), Arabische vertalingen van Polemon’s Physiognomonica en onderzoek naar de tekstuele overdracht van de werken van Nicander.
April-May: Dr J.-J. Fehr (olim Forschungszentrum Europäische Aufklärung, Potsdam, Germany), prijsverhandelingen van het Legatum Stolpianum.
April-June: Dr. J. Gerstmeyer Yoder (University of Washington, USA), catalogus van de manuscripten van Christiaan Huygens.
July-September: prof. dr. G. Vagenheim (Université de Rouen, France), de relatie tussen Marquard Gude en de Nederlandse geleerden van zijn tijd.
July-August: dr. P.M. Sijpesteijn (Christ Church, Oxford University, England), Catalogus van Arabische papyri in de Leidse universiteitsbibliotheek.
September-November: dr. V.E. Bulatov (Nationaal Historisch Museum, Moskou, Rusland), Russische kaarten in de Collectie Bodel Nijenhuis.
November: prof. dr. J. Freedman (Alabama State University, Montgomery, USA), filosofische geschriften met betrekking tot academisch onderwijs in Europa gedurende de vroegmoderne periode
Gedurende het hele jaar:
Prof. Dr E. Braches, De collectie Nieuwe Kunst van de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde.
K. Cok, MA (Faculteit der Kunsten, Leiden), Muziek in de Leidse Universiteitsbibliotheek.
J. de Landtsheer, MA (Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium), De correspondentie van Justus Lipsius.
Dr F.A. Egmond, Clusius-project.
Ch.E. Smit, MA, Modernisme en vernieuwing in het Protestantisme gedurende de negentiende eeuw.
April: Dr F. Speziale (Università degli Studi La Sapienza, Rome, Italy): Indo-Persische medische en wetenschappelijke handschriften.
End of May-end June: Dr O. Bakich (University of Toronto, Canada): Leven en werk van de Russische dichter Valerii Pereleshin.
Half May-half June: Prof. Dr F. Bauden (Université de Liège, Belgium): De handschriften van Al-Maqrizi in de Leidse Universiteitsbibliotheek.
End of June-beginning of July: Dr J. de Landtsheer (Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium): Uitgave van de correspondentie van Justus Lipsius (1601-1602).
June: Dr J.J. Fehr (Forschungszentrum Europäische Aufklärung, Potsdam, Germany): Prijsverhandelingen van het Legatum Stolpianum.
August: Prof. Dr S. Predota (Universiteit van Wroclaw, Poland): Meertalige, in het bijzonder Pools-Nederlandse woordenboeken in de Leidse collecties
September: Prof. Dr L. Conrad (Asien-Afrika Institut, Hamburg, Germany): Voorbereidend onderzoek ten behoeve van een Engelse vertaling van C. Snouck Hurgronje, Het Mekkaansche Feest (1880)
September: Prof. Dr A. Sanni (Lagos State University, Nigeria): Islamitische geneeskundige traditie: geschriften van al-Suyuti en zijn voorgangers.
August-November: Dr P. Sijpesteijn (Princeton University, USA): Arabische papyri en de geschiedenis van vroeg-Islamitisch Egypte.
November: Prof. Dr J. Freedman (Alabama State University, Montgomery, USA), Filosofische geschriften met betrekking tot academisch onderwijs in Europa gedurende de vroegmoderne periode.
December-March 2004: K. Cok MA (Koninklijk Conservatorium, Den Haag), Muziekboeken in de Leidse Universiteitsbibliotheek.
February-March: Dr Ayman Fu’ad Sayyid (zelfstandig onderzoeker, Cairo, Egypt), onderzoek naar de Maqrizi en andere handschriften in de collectie Oosterse handschriften.
February-May: N. van Driel, MA(Theologische Faculteit, Leiden), onderzoek naar de Leidse theologische faculteit tussen modernisme en orthodoxie (1880-1950) en Leidse hoogleraarsbenoemingen in de negentiende eeuw.
March-June: Dr J.J. Fehr (Forschungszentrum Europäische Aufklärung, Potsdam, Germany), onderzoek naar de achttiende-eeuwse prijsverhandelingen Legatum Stolpianum.
May-June: Prof. Dr L. Cilliers (University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South-Africa), onderzoek naar de klassiek-medische tractaten van Vindicianus.
August: Prof. Dr S. Predota (Universiteit van Wroclaw, Poland), onderzoek naar polyglot woordenboeken met Poolse en Nederlandse delen.
October: Dr B. Kertesz (Nationale Bibliotheek, Budapest, Hungary), inventarisatie en onderzoek naar Hungarica in Leiden.
October-November: Dr J. de Landtsheer (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium), voorbereidend onderzoek voor de uitgave van de correspondentie van Justus Lipsius, dln. XIV-XV (1601-1602).
September-October: Nicole Howard, MA (Indiana University, USA): onderzoek naar de publicitaire werkzaamheid van Christiaan Huygens.