34 search results for “nederlandse politiek” in the Library website
Jaap de Jong
Faculty of Humanities
According to a rough estimate the western manuscripts collections and (private) archives contain some 500,000 letters, of which over 300,000 are catalogued. The letters kept in the University archives are not catalogued; the same holds for most letters kept in the oriental collections. They can be found…
Politics after Pim - a reading list
A flamboyant politician, a divisive figure in the Dutch political landscape and a 'man of the people' who presented himself as an unconventional minister. Exactly twenty years ago today, the Netherlands was shocked to its core by the political murder of Pim Fortuyn. Who was Pim Fortuyn? What were his…
Leiden University owns extensive collections of portraits. These include around a hundred painted portraits of scholars, librarians and professors and around 30,000 prints of scholars, politicians, rulers, artists, writers and other persons of fame. A smaller partial collection is that of writers, belonging…
Searching Dutch articles
Tips on how to search for Dutch articles or articles published in the Netherlands.
Dutch studies
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Dutch language and culture.
Early Printed Books
In the course of over four centuries the book collections have been greatly enlarged thanks to the bequests and grants or the purchases from the propriety of scholars or private collectors. Sometimes it concerned collections with thousands of early printed books, such as the purchase of the library…
Anne Heyer
Faculty of Humanities
Rare Books
Some books have particular features such as design, unique illustrations and descriptive annotations. These features can be of interest for specific research.
The photographs collection of Leiden University Librarie (UBL) contains specimens of almost all photographic processes from the history of the medium, rare objects and artistic highlights. Together, they shed light on the history of photography as a technique, a means of scientific, historic and personal…
Post-medieval Manuscripts and Private Archives
The domain of the post-medieval manuscripts and private archives covers the period from about 1550 to the present. A clear distinction with the medieval manuscripts, however, is difficult to make. There are many undated manuscripts and it is often difficult to date them even within a decade or a quarter…
Manuscripts, Archives and Letters
The Western manuscript, archival and letter collections consist of books and documents written in Latin, Greek and Cyrillic script.
Scaliger Institute
The Scaliger Institute facilitates research in Special Collections by initialising projects, organising symposia, publishing research results and fellowships.
Medieval Manuscripts
With its more than 1400 bindings and over a thousand fragments Leiden’s collection of medieval manuscripts (up to ca. 1550) is the largest in the Netherlands.
Maartje Janse
Faculty of Humanities
Searching for book reviews
Book reviews give you a quick overview of the main arguments, quality and structure of a book.
Italian Language and Culture
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Italian Language and Culture
English Language and Culture
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in English language and culture.
French Language and Culture
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in French language and culture.
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Philosophy
Prior Fellows
Overview of the Scaliger, Brill, Elsevier, Van de Sande, Juynboll, Drewes, Isaac Alfred Ailion, Arminius and Lingling Wiyadharma Fellows who have conducted research in the Special Collections of the University Library.
‘De Bijzondere Band’ – An exhibition of Dutch Art Nouveau book bindings
‘Huis van het Boek/Museum Meermanno in The Hague exhibits book bindings by leading Dutch Art-Nouveau artists from the period 1890-1910. The exhibition will be open from March 22 to June 23 2019. The title of the exhibition is De Bijzondere Band: Art Nouveau-boeken van Dijsselhof, Lion Cachet en Nieu…
New search options for archives and collections in Collection Guides
The collection guides of archives and collections of Leiden University Libraries (UBL) have been made available via the portal Collection Guides. This has greatly improved the findability, visibility and ease of use of these collection finding aids.
Library card
A personal library account and LU-Card is needed to enter the libraries and use on-site facilities.
X-ray technique reveals hidden medieval pages
Researchers from Leiden and Delft have found a way to look inside early-modern bookbindings. An x-ray technique has allowed them to search for remains of medieval manuscripts hidden inside the bindings.
Monique van den Dries
Faculteit Archeologie
Caribbean Studies
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Caribbean Studies
RDM Checklist
In short, data management can be defined as the creation, storage, maintenance, disclosure, archiving and sustainable preservation of research data. Increasingly the so called FAIR principles are referred to as a final goal: data should be made 'Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable'.
Old printed works and special editions in Digital Collections
Leiden University Libraries (UBL) has made approximately 2300 old printed books and special editions available online through Digital Collections. With this, a small but important part of one of the oldest and most important collections of printed works in the Netherlands is now digitally available…
Digitized post-medieval western manuscript and archives collection now available in Digital Collections
Leiden University Libraries (UBL) has digitized more than a thousand individual manuscripts and several complete archives from the post-medieval western manuscript and archives collection and made them available online through Digital Collections. With this, some of the most important archives and masterpieces…
Daan Weggemans
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
International Studies
This Subject Guide will provide you with an overview of useful databases and online resources available within and outside the University Library. This subject guide is your starting point, aiding you in finding sources for any research field within the field of International Studies and International…
Can you still trust the (Dutch) government? – a reading list
The democratic legal order can only function optimally if there is sufficient trust between citizens and government. Citizens must be able to trust that rules and procedures are observed and that legal protection is guaranteed for everyone at all times and everywhere. This trust has been seriously damaged…
Research suggestions
The research suggestions below may be suitable for a bachelor's or master's thesis or can be used as additional source material in ongoing research.