217 search results for “middel ester library” in the Public website
The research team
Leslie Boon
Daniela Voican
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Gessica Sastrosoedjono
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Pema Gurung
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Ilse Jansma
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Kevin Stoof
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Tessa Philippa
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Marc Gilbert
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Claudia Pees
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Monieke Kroft
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Marike van Roon
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Stein Brugman
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Bernie Persson
Expertisecentrum SOZ
Claudia Moreira Calzadilla
Faculty of Humanities
Anouk Mansfeld
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Sophie Mulder
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Marco de Niet
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
André Bouwman
Collecties & Onderzoek
Gezocht: Vertegenwoordigers in de Commissie Onderwijs en Onderzoek
Als vertegenwoordiger behartig je de belangen van promovendi en ReMa-studenten binnen de Onderzoekschool Mediëvistiek. Zo krijg je onder meer de kans om mee te denken over het verbeteren van de onderwijs- en onderzoeksactiviteiten van de onderzoekschool. Interesse? Nog vragen? Neem contact op…
Evening of the Middle Eastern Collections & Middle Eastern Library
Arts and culture
Policy Review on Decoupling
Development of indicators to assess decoupling of economic development and environmental pressure in the EU-25 and AC-3 countries.
Impacts of the use of Natural Resources and Products
Development of an aggregated impact indicator to measure decoupling.
Marieke van Meer
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Marjorie in 't Veld
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Fenna van der Wall
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Margôt van den Berg
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Hans Muller
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Sander Müskens
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
- Network maintenance University Library
Podcast: Ancient cuneiform tablets reveal their secrets
Leiden scholars study clay tablets from ancient Mesopotamia. But what exactly does the cuneiform script say?
Banner exhibition graphic works of Harry van Kruiningen about the Epic of Gilgamesh
The Epic of Gilgamesh was a lifelong inspiration to artist Harry van Kruiningen. This tale from Mesopotamia about the adventures of Gilgamesh, the legendary king of Uruk, and his friend Enkidu is one of the oldest surviving epics in world literature. Despite its almost 4,000 year age, it still captures…
Workshop Early Photography of the Middle East - In Contact with Collections
On Thursday, May 16, Leiden University Libraries is organizing a workshop on early photography of the Middle East. In the workshop, curator Maartje van den Heuvel shows photos of three adventurous Dutch nineteenth-century travel and photography pioneers. They created beautiful photos and photo albums…
CML researcher David Font Vivanco won the Graedel Prize 2014
PhD researcher David Font Vivanco, together with Ester van der Voet, Reinout Heijungs and Renée Kemp (Maastricht University) won the Graedel Prize 2014 for best paper published by a junior author in the Journal of Industrial Ecology.
Podcast: this is how you create a dictionary for an unknown Middle Eastern language
Leiden scholars succeeded in making Arabic accessible to Western academic communities as early as the sixteenth century. But how did they approach this problem?
Podcast: The Tragic Fate of Egyptologist Herta Mohr
Leiden University recently named a new building for Egyptologist Herta Mohr. But who was she?
Learn about the Circular Economy of Metals
On 22 January 2018, the Massive Open Online Course ’A Circular Economy of Metals: Towards a Sustainable Societal Metabolism’ kicks off. This course is developed and taught by associate professor Ester van der Voet.
Announcement of Scaliger Institute Research Fellowship Winners
With support of several publishers and private foundations, Leiden University Libraries (UBL) and the Scaliger Institute welcome around 15 to 20 Fellows and guests per year to consult and research materials from our Special Collections. The Scaliger Institute received applications this year from domestic…
The city as a mine has the future
In an (Dutch) interview with the regional Leiden newspaper “Leidsch Dagblad”, Ruben Huele and Ester van der Voet talk about the recently started project PUMA (Prospecting the Urban Mines of Amsterdam).
Afgrond zonder vangnet
Onlangs verscheen het boek ‘Afgrond zonder vangnet’ van Yra van Dijk, hoogleraar Moderne Nederlandse Literatuur. In haar boek analyseert ze verschillende thema's in het werk van Arnon Grunberg.
Acquiring numerals and ordinals in Dutch
Knowledge and culture subproject 2:
Stefano Bellucci receives grant by the British Library Endangered Archives Programme
Stefano Bellucci, university lecturer at the Institute for History, has been awarded a grant by the EAP for a pilot project for the preservation and digitisation of the workers’ files of the Takoradi Railways (now part of the Ghana Railways Corporation).
Podcast: an introduction to the Persian Book of Kings
How did the mythical kings of ancient Persia live? In this podcast, we delve into the Shahnameh, also known as the Book of Kings.
Lecture series Treasures from the Middle Eastern Manuscript Collections and their Wealth of Knowledge
Persian stories with beautiful miniatures, letters on papyrus from Egyptian traders and medicinal manuscripts translated from Greek and edited in Arabic. Studium Generale organizes a lecture series on the world-famous manuscripts from the Middle East collection of Leiden University Libraries (UBL).…
Modern Literature from the Middle East - The Reading List
The Middle East has a rich literary tradition, which is steadily gaining a foothold in the West. Modern literary works deal with contemporary issues, such as the legacy of colonialism, the struggles between traditionalism and modernity, the place of women in society and the war in Israel/Palestine.
Earliest Middle Eastern Manuscript Collections in Leiden Now Available in Open Access
Several of the most important manuscript collections in the Leiden University Libraries (UBL) Special Collections, comprising 443 extremely rare and often unique volumes, have been made available in Open Access via Digital Collections. The available manuscript collections include the private collections…
- International seminar: “Indonesian Heritage and Library Collections”
How can we make better use of natural resources?
Mining for natural resources harms the environment. But we desperately need them, for both the development of countries and the transition to a sustainable energy system. Professor of Sustainable Resource Use Ester van der Voet researches how we can reduce the environmental impact of natural resources…
LDE white paper on critical materials, green energy and geopolitics
With its Green Deal The European Union has set itself much-needed ambitious climate goals. But the energy crisis and geopolitical tensions are making these difficult to achieve. Seven researchers from the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities (LDE) alliance have written a white paper offering solutions.
Clay tablets dating back thousands of years moved: ‘From receipts to the oldest literary works’
How do you move 3,000 fragile clay tablets that date back thousands of years? This was the challenge faced by staff from the Netherlands Institute for the Near East (NINO). After years of preparation, the Liagre Böhl collection has been moved on trolleys to its new home.