Announcement of Scaliger Institute Research Fellowship Winners
With support of several publishers and private foundations, Leiden University Libraries (UBL) and the Scaliger Institute welcome around 15 to 20 Fellows and guests per year to consult and research materials from our Special Collections. The Scaliger Institute received applications this year from domestic and international scholars.
And the winners are:
Lingling Wiyadharma Fellowship
Albert Rumbekwam, Program in Pedagogy of History, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura Diaspora, Ethnicity, and Contestation in the Frontier Area: Maritime Dynamics in Cenderawasih Bay, Papua, 1855-1963.
Tanius Sebastian, Faculty of Law, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesian Legal Thinking, Citizenship Struggle, and a Tragedy of 1965-66: A Historical Reconstruction Through Jacques Leclerc’s Archive.
Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti, Pura Mangkunegaran, Surakarta, Archives That Speak: People and Objects in the Network of Mangkunegaran During the Colonial Period (19th-20th Century).
The Lingling Wiyadharma Fellowship program, sponsored by the Lingling Wiyadharma Foundation, offers the opportunity to three students or scholars to spend up to three months conducting research using the Southeast Asian and particularly the Indonesian special collections at Leiden University Libraries.
Brill Fellowship
Johannes Makar (Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University, USA): In Writer’s Lane: Coptic Printing and Cross-Confessional Partnerships in Turn-of-the-Nineteenth Century Egypt.
Tim Vergeer (Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands): Playful Readers: Traces of Readership in Early-Modern Plays in the Collection of Leiden University Libraries.
Robert Maryks (Laboratorium Jesuit Studies, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poland): From the IJssel Valley to the Vistula Valley: Jesuits and Devotio Moderna in the Commonwealth of Poland–Lithuania.
Nicholas Wong (School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, China): The Labor Question in Translation: Dutch Sinology and Chinese Miners in the East Indies.
The long-running Brill Fellowship is sponsored by Leiden-based Brill publishing house and awards one or more fellowships yearly to researchers working on Brill publishing areas in the Humanities.
Juynboll Fellowship
Narges Pourmohammadian Roudsari (Universiteit van Göttingen, Germany): Miftāḥ-i Šāhī: The Prose Shahnama from West Bengal
Henrietta Sharp Cockrell (Independent scholar of Islamicate art and manuscripts, specialising in Arabic manuscripts): What is the role of manuscripts written parallel to the binding within Islamicate manuscript culture?
The Juynboll Fellowship, sponsored by the eponymous Juynboll Foundation, annually supports up to two scholars studying Special Collections related to Islam in the Arabic world.
Arminius Fellowship
Odile Liliana Panetta (Postdoctoral Research Fellow Aarhus University, Denmark), "Body politic(s) - The body in early modern political thought": The University of Leiden and the making of public discourse on punishment (1575-1640).
The Arminius Fellowship is sponsored by the Vera Gottschalk-Frank Foundation and supports research into Special Collections relating to the Remonstrant movement.
Scaliger Institute
Founded by UBL and the Faculties of Arts, Theology and Philosophy (now the Faculty of Humanities) on the 425th anniversary of Leiden University in June 2000, the Scaliger Institute aims to stimulate and facilitate the use of the Special Collections of UBL in both teaching and research. The Scaliger Institute hosts several fellowship programmes for visiting scholars, some with a broad scope, like the Brill Fellowship, and others in specific fields of research, like the Isaac Alfred Ailion Fellowship and the Lingling Wiyadharma Fellowship. Elsevier also offers a Fellowship for Digital Scholarship, specifically aimed at research in the extensive Leiden Digital Collections.
We thank all the sponsors of the fellowships in this round: Brill Publishers, the Juynboll Foundation, the Lingling Wiyadharma Fund and the Vera Gottschalk-Frank Foundation.