472 search results for “alle” in the Library website
Prints, Drawings and Portraits
The collection Prints, Drawings and Portraits comprises over 100,000 prints, 12,000 drawings and 30,000 portraits.
Access restrictions
Leiden University Libraries (UBL) has seen an increase in the number of visitors seeking a place to study. In order to meet Leiden University students' concerns, UBL has chosen to regulate library and study place access.
Exam weeks in March
Japan Studies: Politics and International Relations
Overview of reference works, journals and website for research in Politics and International Relations of Japan
International Studies: how to write your thesis
This Subject Guide is designed to support students of International Studies with writing their BA thesis and research papers. This guide focuses on the research process, and suggests effective ways to: 1. find a topic and formulate a good research question; 2. search, find and evaluate literature; 3.…
Copyright and Brightspace
Brightspace is the electronic learning environment of Leiden University.
- Manuscripts, Archives and Letters outside Leiden
About the CDS
“Digital Scholarship” comprises the many different ways in which researchers can make use of digital technologies for the purpose of academic research.
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Physics.
The number of historical and contemporary photographs of Leiden University approaches a half million.
The Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity defines plagiarism as ‘the use of another person’s ideas, work methods, results or texts without appropriate acknowledgement’. The definition at Oxford University is somewhat more extensive: ‘Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas…
Reference management
Systematically collecting, organising and citing your literature can be an overwhelming and time consuming process. A reference manager, like EndNote, Mendeley or Zotero, can help you with that.
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in African Studies
Maps and Atlases
The collection of maps and atlases consists of approximately 100,000 map sheets (including c. 3,000 manuscript maps), 3,500 atlases and 25,000 topographical prints and drawings.
Molecular Science & Technology
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Molecular Science & Technology
Suggestions, compliments and complaints
We hope library users are happy using Leiden University Libraries' services. If this is not the case, please let us know. We love to receive suggestions, comments and ideas on how we can improve services, and try to learn from complaints. Choose one of the following options to submit your feedback:…
Scan, copy and print
Scanners, copiers and printers are available at all of our library locations.
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Philosophy
Juynboll Fellowship
The Juynboll Foundation and the Scaliger Institute of Leiden University Libraries have founded a collaborative fellowship program to enable one or two scholars to study the Arabic and Islam special collections of Leiden University Libraries. The allowance is € 1,500 per month.
Isaac Alfred Ailion Fellowship
The Isaac Alfred Ailion Fellowship will support scholars to work with the extensive Special Collections of Leiden University in the field of Japanese culture and language for a period of maximum three months.
Lingling Wiyadharma Fellowship
The Lingling Wiyadharma Fellowship program offers the opportunity to three scholars to spend up to three months conducting research using the Southeast Asian and particularly the Indonesian special collections at Leiden University Libraries.
Training data management
The Centre for Digital Scholarship offers several opportunities for training on data management. Topics included are policies and requirements, sensitive data and GDPR, data sharing and consent, publishing and archiving data, Data Management Plans, FAIR data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and…
French Language and Culture
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in French language and culture.
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Linguistics
Drewes Fellowship
The G.W.J. Drewes Fund was invoked to celebrate the transfer of the scholarly legacy of Professor Drewes to the UBL and to mark the opening of the Asia Library in the University Library at the Witte Singel. The fund provides financial support to one or more fellowships at the Scaliger Institute. The…
Easy access tools
Our list of commonly used tools facilitate your work and research online.
Opening hours
An overview of all Leiden University Libraries' opening hours
Philosophy: Global and Comparative Perspectives
Overview of databases, reference works and websites in western languages for research in Comparative Philosophy
Copyright and FeedbackFruits
FeedbackFruits (FbF) is a digital teaching tool accessible via Brightspace. Below you will find how to use FbF in compliance with copyright rules.
Life Science & Technology
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Life Science & Technology
Purchased with support from the Friends
As a Friend, you contribute to the acquisition, digitisation and restoration of important objects.
Middle Eastern Special Collections
The Middle Eastern Special Collections form the nucleus of the entire range of Oriental heritage collections of Leiden University Libraries.
Scaliger Institute
The Scaliger Institute facilitates research in Special Collections by initialising projects, organising symposia, publishing research results and fellowships.
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences
Overview of databases en websites for research in the Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences
Journalism and New Media
Overview of databases and reference works for research in journalism and new media.
Programming in Python
Public Administration
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Public Administration
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Ancient Near East Studies
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Ancient Near East Studies. Last update: October 2020
RDM Checklist
In short, data management can be defined as the creation, storage, maintenance, disclosure, archiving and sustainable preservation of research data. Increasingly the so called FAIR principles are referred to as a final goal: data should be made 'Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable'.
- Introduction to Digital Humanities
North Korea
Welcome to the Sub-guide for North Korea. This Sub-guide is designed for students looking to locate, access and use a wide variety of scholarly and non-scholarly sources which are either (1) published or produced in North Korea or (2) about North Korea. This Sub-guide is a part of the General Subject…
Teaching with Special Collections
There are several excellent options for teachers and researchers to engage students and other audiences with primary sources. Either by requesting items from the Special Collections for use during lectures or by integrating our educational resources into your lesson plans.
The photographs collection of Leiden University Librarie (UBL) contains specimens of almost all photographic processes from the history of the medium, rare objects and artistic highlights. Together, they shed light on the history of photography as a technique, a means of scientific, historic and personal…
Post-medieval Manuscripts and Private Archives
The domain of the post-medieval manuscripts and private archives covers the period from about 1550 to the present. A clear distinction with the medieval manuscripts, however, is difficult to make. There are many undated manuscripts and it is often difficult to date them even within a decade or a quarter…
Chinese Special Collections
The Chinese Special Collections are part of the Asian Library. Items can be consulted at the Special Collections Reading Room.
Expanded access IEEE Xplore
Library, Research
New search options for archives and collections in Collection Guides
The collection guides of archives and collections of Leiden University Libraries (UBL) have been made available via the portal Collection Guides. This has greatly improved the findability, visibility and ease of use of these collection finding aids.