From coffee to Rembrandt: Surprisingly UB
Yes. We keep books. But the University Library offers so much more! 11 things that you might not expect from a University Library, but that you will certainly appreciate.
1. Coffee
You can get delicious coffee in the University Library's Café UBé: Freshly brewed cappuccinos, espressos or other regurlar coffee. There is tea, sandwiches and cake too. A moment of indulgence while you catch up with your study mates in the café or on the outside terrace. The other university libraries are near the faculty cafés.
2. Study solo or together
Too much distraction at home to study? There are 1650 work places in all shapes and sizes in the libraries. Do you have trouble concentrating in a public area? Take an individual study room, where you can hide from all. If you need to work in a group you can use a group study room including a smartboard and a conference table.
3. Chill
Why not relax in our lazy lounge chairs: perfect to snuggle up with a magazine, your tablet or … nothing. Some chairs in the University Library offer a fabulous streetview of Leiden.
4. Read newspapers: paper or online
Read all significant local, national and international newspapers and magazines. On paper in the library. Or online from your room – or wherever you are with internet access. We have already paid the licenses, so no worries about pay walls. Just log on to our Catalogue with your ULCN.
5. Bring Your Own Device. Or don't.
You can use a computer in the library. Or you can bring your own laptop or other device: we have WiFi. You can simply log on to the university network. There are plenty of power outlets to keep your batteries running.
6. Watch a movie
You can watch DVDs, blu-ray and streaming video in the media room at the University Library. In our collections you can find documentaries and (international) classic movies. Watch by yourself or together in a small group (up to four persons).
7. Stay until late
The University Library is open until midnight. The University Library and the Law Library are open on Saturdays and Sundays. The Law Library is open from 11h00 until 17h00 and the University Library is open until 23h00.
8. There is more than Google
Do you think you can find everything for your studies with Google? Then you have not taken our (online) courses yet. Discover how to collect, save and process reliable, academic, online and offline information for your paper or thesis.
9. The library in your pocket
Via our Catalogue you have online access to many fulltext publications: newspapers, e-journals, e-books, but also audio and video materials. The best way to access is by logging in with your ULCN account details immediately when you open the Catalogue – before you start searching. You can also download the app Browzine where you can save your favourite titles to your digital bookshelf for quick access.
10. Decipher Einstein's notes
Decipher notes made by Einstein or follow a letter exchange with William of Orange: Via our Catalogue you can browse century old works by famous historical persons. Or request the real work for study or research purposes in the Special Collections Reading Room of the University Library.
11. Free museum
Visit our exhibitions of special collections: these would fit perfectly in a museum collection and are in fact regularly lent to museums. Who knows there may be a Rembrandt in our displays! Apart from exhibitions we organise lectures together with Leiden museums and other institutions.