356 search results for “political violence and its representation in propaganda” in the Public website
Drone imagery in Islamic State propaganda: flying like a state
This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the Islamic State's use of images taken by drones, drawing on a dataset of ISIS propaganda images from October 2016 to December 2018.
Violence and the Oedipal Unconscious
Representations of violence are often said to generate cathartic effects, but what does “catharsis” mean? And what theory of the unconscious made this concept so popular that it reaches from classical antiquity to the digital age?
Of ticking bombs: Western security services against political violence and terrorism
How have British, Dutch, and German security services dealt with political violence and terrorism since the late 1960s; to what extent did they consider these new phenomena as a task and how have they developed activities in order to counter these security threats?
Violence and the Mimetic Unconscious: Volume 2, The Affective Hypothesis
Representations of violence have subliminal contagious effects, but what kind of unconscious captures this imperceptible affective dynamic in the digital age?
Towards a political ontology of violence: reality, image and perception
The aim of this project is to study what makes an act or form of violence a specifically political reality.
Terrorism and Political Violence
Understanding the evolving landscape of extremism in the 21st century.
Cards of A Party Regime: Controlled Election and Mobilized Representation in Chinese Local Congresses
China is a one-party regime, yet elections are held for the local congresses. PhD candidate Wang Zhongyuan investigated how the Communist Party uses this democratic instrument to strengthen the authoritarian regime. PhD defence 31 January.
Pulling the Brakes on Political Violence
Under what circumstances do paramilitary groups limit their use of political violence? This article examines the use of political violence by the PIRA.
Limited Impact of Introducing Proportional Representation on Women’s Representation: Insights from a Quasi-Experiment in Local Elections
This article examines the effects of introducing proportional representation (PR) in Polish local elections on women’s political representation.
Representation and Political Parties
This research cluster is a part of the Institute of Political Science’s research programme ‘Institutions, Decisions and Collective Behaviour’. Its members focus on the democratic role of citizens and the representative links between voters and politicians.
Research group Terrorism and Political Violence
Understanding the evolving landscape of extremism in the 21st century.
Centre for the Study of Political Parties and Representation
The Centre for the Study of Political Parties and Representation (CSPPR) aims to serve as an interdisciplinary platform for scholars of Leiden University for research focusing on the historical and contemporary operation and functioning of political parties and political representation, with a particular…
Between Deliberation and Agonism: Rethinking conflict and its relation to law in political philosophy
The Institute for Philosophy at Leiden University is host to the NWO programme,
Developments in local politics research
Representation of Javanese Culture on Indonesian Television
This study aims to reveal how national, regional, public and private television stations in Indonesia – each in their own ways and for their own aims - represent aspects of Javaneseness.
Arabic and its Alternatives
Arabic and its Alternatives discusses the complicated relationships between language, religion and communal identities in the Middle East in the period following the First World War.
Freedom and the Fifth Commandment. Catholic priests and political violence in Ireland, 1919-21
A new paperback edition of Brian Heffernan's book Freedom and the Fifth Commandment. Catholic priests and political violence in Ireland, 1919-21 was published by Manchester University Press in September 2016.
Jean-Jacques Hublin
Faculteit Archeologie
Barbarism and Its Discontents
This study interrogates contemporary and historical uses of barbarism, arguing that barbarism also has a disruptive, insurgent potential.
Cynthia van Vonno
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
The familiar other: Cultural representations and Netherlands-Iran relations, 1959-1979
In the study of West-East relations, difference often takes centre stage. This holds for both culturalist and postcolonial perspectives. By contrast, in my investigation of Netherlands-Iran political relations in the 1960s and 1970s, I will focus on the role of SIMILARITY. What lay at the root of the…
Dennis Bos
Faculty of Humanities
The Open Society and Its Animals
On 10 October 2019, Janneke Vink defended her thesis 'The Open Society and Its Animals'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. P.B. Cliteur.
Who is Afraid of More Women in Politics, and Why? An Analysis of Public Opinion in 28 European Countries
In this paper, the authors study how individual and country-level variables interact in affecting political gender attitudes in Europe.
International Politics (MSc)
This master’s programme focuses on understanding the causes and consequences of armed conflict between states and within states. In addition, we explore whether and how local, national and international actors and institutions can forge cooperation, prevent political and armed conflict from emerging,…
Graig Klein
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Tom Louwerse awarded ORA grant for political representation research
Political scientist Tom Louwerse (Leiden University) and a team of international researchers have been awarded a NWO ORA grant. They are going to investigate political representation in an era in which voter alignment with political parties is steadily decreasing.
Juan Masullo Jimenez
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Shaping the European External Action Service and its post-Lisbon crisis management structures
This article 'Shaping the European External Action Service and its post-Lisbon crisis management structures: an assessment of the EU High Representatives’ political leadership' assesses the role, influence and core aspects of the EU High Representatives’ (HR/VPs) “political leadership” in the context…
Medieval Chalcis and its Euboean Hinterland
This project aims to answer the following questions: how did the landscape and geography of the local surroundings of Chalcis impact medieval to early modern productivity, habitation, mobility and interaction in a wider sense? And where are such changes and continuations still visible in the landsca…
Marijn Nagtzaam
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Diana Davila Gordillo
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Edmund Frettingham
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Audible Locality: The Recording Industry in Indonesia and Its Approach to Minangkabau Music and Oral Tradition
'Audible locality' is the first thorough study on the cultural ramifications of recording technology on ethnic sensibility in Southeast Asia. Exploring chronologically the representation of Indonesia's regional culture through recording media, it recounts the Dutch East Indies colonial society's initial…
Latino-Punic and its Linguistic Environment
This thesis attempts to describe the entire corpus of Latino-Punic inscriptions, found in Tripolitania.
What sets extremists who use terrorist violence apart from those who do not?
This paper contributes on an increasing body of work on radicalisation. It specifically focuses on what distinguishes individuals whose behavioural radicalisation includes involvement in terrorist violence from those whose behavioural radicalisation does not.
The Gulag Legacy - Memory of Stalinism in Today's Russia
The Constitutional Revolution of 1908 and Its Aftermath in Trabzon
Selim Ahmetoğlu defended his thesis on 12 February 2019.
Human Development and Its Outliers: A Global Microhistory
This project envisions a broad evaluation of 20th century models of human development over the life course (ontogenesis, human constitution), including socialist and capitalist conceptions across both Eastern and Western Europe.
Aleksandra Khokhlova
Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
Organizing Democracy. Reflections on the Rise of Political Organizations in the Nineteenth Century
This volume challenges the idea that the development of ‘democracy’ is a story of rise and progress at all. It is rather a story of continuous but never completely satisfying attempts of interpreting the rule of the people.
Eelco van der Maat
Faculty of Humanities
Political Science
Politics is about the authorised allocation of values: who gets what, when and how much? This question is relevant at many different levels, in many different places and in very different ways.
The Politics of Heritage in Indonesia. A Cultural History
This study offers a new approach to the history of sites, archaeology, and heritage formation in Asia, at both the local and the trans-regional levels.
Disadvantage and the Legitimation of the System and its Representatives
Does powerlessness and dependence lead to the legitimation of the social, political, and economic status quo and of those in authority?
Tom Louwerse
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Ikat from Timor and its outer islands: insular and interwoven
This dissertation investigates ikat from the eastern Indonesian islands from a uniquely technical perspective, including design analysis of asymmetry and microscopy.
Politics in the Netherlands
This research cluster is a part of the Institute of Political Science’s research programme ‘Institutions, Decisions and Collective Behaviour’. Its members study the design and functioning of Dutch political institutions as well as attitudes and behaviour of political elites and citizens.
Political Science (MSc)
Choice is at the very heart of politics. War or peace, left or right, liberty or security, sovereignty or integration, consensus or conflict—choices matter. Choice is also key to your education. Choose an intellectually challenging programme in which you develop your knowledge and expertise in the study…
Interests of states: insight into global politics
All players on the world stage operate strategically in order to safeguard their interests. Political scientists at Leiden University cast light on this volatile interplay of forces. Their research helps voters, NGOs, governments and international organizations make smart choices in this complex and…