5,305 search results for “alle” in the Staff website
Peter van Bodegom on sustainable horticulture
Dutch greenhouse horticulture is a world leader when it comes to innovative capacity and sustainability, but ‘the challenges are great in terms of energy, water, environment and biodiversity,’ says Peter van Bodegom, coordinator of AgriFood at the Centre for Sustainability of the Leiden, Delft, Erasmus…
Interdisciplinary research: brainstorming and bridge-building
Bring over a hundred driven researchers together in one room and the good ideas will start to flow: that was the thinking behind the internal networking meeting on interdisciplinary collaboration on Wednesday 17 May. Representatives from the nine interdisciplinary programmes were waiting at their stalls…
From research in space to director on earth
After ten years and one day, Leiden Observatory has a new director. As of 1 September, Ignas Snellen will set the course for the astronomical institute. In this interview, you will get to know Ignas. Or at least a little. That is why we gave him five dilemmas and asked the people around him who he really…
Reading list - our favourite books this summer
Did you also read a lot this summer? We made some real headway on our bookshelves. After all, nothing beats reading a beautiful or thrilling book outside. In this reading list, you'll find our favourite books for the summer of 2022. If you have any suggestions, let us know via Twitter, Facebook or I…
Three students nominated for an ECHO Award: ‘I want to make the world a better place’
A more inclusive and diverse society is what Talisha Schilder, Hawra Nissi and Chiraz Hassoumi spend many hours a week working towards. Their hard work led them to being nominated for the ECHO Award.
Collaboration across borders: virtual learning between Leiden University College and Myanmar
Jyothi Thrivikraman set up a Virtual International Collaboration project with a university in Myanmar.
Student Members discuss Faculty Council: You get to know the organisation from a different perspective
What does a student member of the Faculty Council do? What is it like to be a member of this representative body and how useful is it to be a member? Students Rassoul Coelen (FC 2020-2021 and presently member of the University Council) and Max Garcia Hoogland (FR 2021-2022) talk to us about their experiences.…
Guilt and sentencing in the Netherlands: the impact of mental health reports
In one in four criminal cases in the Netherlands, the court receives a report on the state of the defendant’s mental health. How is that information used exactly and what are the consequences? Scientific research has been lacking in this area. The PhD research of Roosmarijn van Es is a first step in…
Confidence is the byword for Director of Research Lotte van Dillen
Lotte van Dillen has every confidence in the Executive Board of new-style Institute Psychology. ‘If we work on the basis of everyone’s good intentions, we’re going to do great.’ If you lack confidence, you’re not the kind of person to jump on your bike and go off to Sicily. Want to find out more about…
Separate and holistic solutions to the problems of cross-border death and gift taxation
The response of international organizations to the problems of cross-border death and gift taxation needs to be revisited, according to PhD candidate Vassilis Dafnomilis. PhD defence on 3 June 2021.
Working together in the Leiden Healthy Society Center: ‘It’s only when you make your research visible that you find each other'
As coordinator and lead promoter respectively of the Leiden Healthy Society Center, psychologists Sandra van Dijk and Anke Klein use interdisciplinary collaboration to resolve the major health problems of the present day. How are they going to do that in the coming period?
Key for effective application of a new revolutionary cholesterol lowering drug resides in a 30 year old Leiden Patent
‘’ And then the world changed forever ,welcome to the future’’. These are the words that Kausik Ray (President of the European Atherosclerosis Society) spoke when the worldwide first dose of inclisiran, a novel SiRNA based cholesterol lowering agent, was administered at the Cardiology lipid clinic at…
Mid-term review: An open discussion about strategy for the legal programmes
On Wednesday 19 January 2022, the online mid-term review of the legal programmes took place on the platform Let’s Get Digital. It was an interactive afternoon in which 130 participants openly and critically discussed the educational strategy for the legal programmes and the faculty.
Jonathan Hak on the paramount importance of the truth – and why we shouldn’t always take images at face value
Hak, lawyer, international imagery law lecturer, and adjunct associate professor, talks about his PhD research on the use of images in international criminal prosecutions. He was a public prosecutor in Canada for over 30 years and dealt primarily with the prosecution of homicides and other major cri…
Minister wants to learn from dissertation on veteran policy
Theo van den Doel received his PhD in January for his research on veteran support. This showed that for long the government learned little from past missions. He has since presented his dissertation to the Lower House of Representatives, and the Minister for Defence, Kajsa Ollongren, has responded to…
IPBES: Positive outcomes for people and nature are feasible, but we must act now
Changes to halt further biodiversity loss are more urgent than ever and feasible, says IPBES, the United Nations biodiversity panel. In two reports released this week, the panel calls on governments worldwide to develop coherent policies that address biodiversity, climate change, water, food and health.…
Farewell lecture by Guus Heerma van Voss: ‘Labour rights have fallen from grace’
Guus Heerma van Voss, professor emeritus of labour law, delivered his farewell lecture on 18 October and held a mirror up to his colleagues and himself. Had they done enough to ensure the welfare state keeps up with the times? ‘Did we just stand by and watch?’
Historical continuity helped form Dutch and Belgian identities
Dutch people are far more law-abiding than they might like to think. And they are very different from the Belgians in that regard. The different approaches of the two governments towards the coronavirus crisis, for example, can be explained from the history of both countries since the Middle Ages. Historians…
Richard Karlsson Linnér: ‘I expect a future where a genetic test will be as much a no-brainer as getting X-rayed.’
Assistant Professor Karlsson Linnér, who works at the Department of Economics, is one of the recipients of a Veni grant. His research on the accuracy of preventive genetic testing is a fine example of the intersection of economic science and law.
How these young researchers are preparing for their first scientific conference
Three Psychology students will present a poster of their thesis research on Alzheimer’s and dementia at the international conference AAIC Neuroscience Next. ‘I remind myself to recognise - without fear or shame - when I don't know something.’
€10.6 million for innovative toolboxes to tackle brain cancer
Researchers at the Universities of Amsterdam (Uva) and Leiden together with the Netherlands Cancer Institute and Oncode Institute have received a €10,6 million ERC Synergy Grant to develop innovative therapeutic approaches to target glioblastoma. This is a deadly primary brain tumour for which no curing…
- Workshop Video Montage @ LUCAS
Workshop: Video Montage @ LUCAS!
Course, Workshop
Experience Day Leiden University College The Hague
Study information, On Campus Experience
Ballet contemporary advanced
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Tap dance intermediate/advanced
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Zionism: An Emotional State
Lecture, Public Lecture
Media in education: practical advice and useful resources
IMPACT with science communication
Communication, Outreach
Leiden Archaeology Network and Career Event (LANCE)
Career Event
Public installation & meme battle on anti-Asian racism
Meme battle
Inclusive Peace in Ukraine
Debate, Panel Discussion
Introduction to ALICE Workshop
Book Launch: Capitalism in Contemporary Iran
OSCoffee: Unintended consequences of the shift towards Gold Open Access publishing
Meet Stichting We zien mekaar
Meet & chat
- start opening facultair jaar
Workshop: Stakeholder alignment and management in public-private partnerships, applied in the health sector
Free your voice!
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
The Comenius Education Scholarship. What is it and how do I get one?
Lecture, Training afternoon
Leiden Research Support (LRS) webinar: Lump Sum Funding - how to design a work package
- Opening facultair jaar
CompaRe: Smart and lean integration: finding regional solutions to global challenges
Trans and Non-Binary Peer Support Group
Debate, Meeting
Portrait/Figure drawing
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Visualizer training: using the overhead Visualizer and special collections during your lectures
Training session
Business Studies Seminar (BUSS) series
Debate, Seminar
European Strategic Dialogue seminar series
Minimal success and its associated inferences: Telicity marking with V-DAO in Mandarin Chinese
Lecture, CHiLL series
Forecasting Finlandization: How will Xi’s China seek to revise East Asia’s regional order?