10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Faculty of Science and Technical University Denmark sign exchange agreement
The Faculty of Science of Leiden University and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) signed an exchange agreement on Tuesday. This Erasmus+ student mobility agreement allows all students of the Faculty of Science and DTU students to follow courses at both universities from September 2017 on.
Museology and Site Management Training in Sohag
From 4 November until 9 November 2018, the Netherlands Embassy in Cairo organized a training in Museology and Site Management in close cooperation with the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo, the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities and the Reinwardt Academy (Amsterdam), with great contributions of…
Visit our new faculty webpage Diversity & Inclusion
The webpage Diversity & Inclusion for the Faculty of Law is live. On this page, you will find everything about the faculty activities and plans in the field of diversity and inclusion.
Leiden Centre for Continental Philosophy, Working Seminar spring 2021
The seminar is dedicated to the work-in-progress of Leiden Centre for Continental Philosophy staff and doctoral students. The paper is sent in advance and discussed in the meeting. On 18.2 and 22.4. the seminar is proud to host guest speakers. We warmly encourage all interested people to participate…
Is de nieuwe ZZP-wet een valse belofte?
De nieuwe wet Verduidelijking beoordeling arbeidsrelaties en rechtsvermoeden (Vebar) moet duidelijk maken, wanneer iemand als echte zzp’er wordt beschouwd of als werknemer. Stefan Sagel, hoogleraar arbeidsrecht, schreef een opiniestuk over dit onderwerp in de Telegraaf.
The Dutch Constitution should be more accessible
The Dutch Constitution is the second oldest constitution in the world after the US Constitution and it dates back to 1814. Wim Voermans, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law and author of the book ‘Our Constitution’ published earlier this year, advocates for a more accessible Constitut…
Corona virus update
Following current regulations regarding the attempts to constrain the effects of the Corona virus outbreak, the University of Leiden has cancelled all physical forms of teaching until 6 April. As conference organisers, we will use this period to consider how to proceed with the conference. In the most…
Clinical Psychology running the 10km
This Sunday, May 27, the Leiden Marathon took place. In the pressing heat, employees of the Clinical Psychology unit participated in the 10 kilometer run. The scientists all set the bar high for next years run (all finished within the hour). Departments that would like to beat the times set by the psychologists…
Cumulative index Common Market Law Review volumes 1-57 now available
The cumulative index contains a list of all the editorials, articles, case notes published in each volume by subject ever since publication started in 1963.
Statement of support for victims in Brussels
Leiden University mourns the victims of the terrorist attacks in Brussels. These attacks are an assault on our democratic society. We will continue to defend our European values of freedom and tolerance against all attempts to undermine them.
Ancient fire expert Femke Reidsma on Tea-Break Time Travel Podcast
In her podcast Tea-Break Time Travel Matilda Siebrecht is joined by fire expert Femke Reidsma, to talk all about how this essential tool was made and used by our ancient human ancestors. How can you recognise an ancient hearth? Why is it so important to study the first use of fire? When was the first…
The cumulative index for volumes 1-55 of the Common Market Law Review is now freely available online!
The cumulative index contains a list of all the editorials, articles, case notes published in each volume by subject ever since publication started in 1963.
Visit the International Studies Experience Day on February 28!
Are you interested in the BA programme International Studies but not yet sure what it all means?
Digital Winter School: Time to brush up on those digital skills!
The 2023 Digital Humanities Pilot Project Symposium and Digital Winter School took place, 30 Jan – 2 Feb 2023.
Our year on social media
It’s been a turbulent, bizarre and extraordinary year, 2020. Coronavirus turned the lives of everyone at our University upside down. Out teaching, research and all the events that are held in a year: nothing was the same as before. That this affected all of us is clear from the highlights and many reactions…
Maxine David: ‘Have realistic expectations of what you can do in these difficult times’
Maxine David is a lecturer in European Politics in the Institute for History and is a busy bee when it comes to teaching. When countries started locking down due to the corona virus, she was in the United States. After some difficulty getting a flight back to her home country, the United Kingdom, she…
Online access to medieval manuscripts improved
Do you frequently search the catalogue of Leiden University Libraries (UBL) for western medieval manuscripts? Then you must have noticed important changes lately. Some 1800 summary catalogue records in Dutch were replaced by more elaborate descriptions in English. Furthermore, the catalogue interface…
Remote studying: non-interactive lectures in the sun
No sitting in lecture halls, no coffee at the JuCa: Leiden Law School students will have to follow lectures and do exams from home for the time being. A huge transition.
Management Assistant Jacqueline Wessel’s coronavirus year: ‘Keep an eye on each other’
In mid-March 2020, the global coronavirus outbreak changed everything in the Netherlands. Staying at home as much as possible and the 1.5 metre rule became the standard. One year on, we reflect on the past year with four Leiden Law School ‘insiders’. What kind of year did they have? And what are their…
European subsidy for Ellen de Bruijn: ‘Hormonal fluctuations in women have been ignored for too long in brain research’
Psychologist Ellen de Bruijn studies the effects of hormonal fluctuations on behaviour and on the brain over a woman's life course. With an ERC Consolidator grant, she and 3 PhDs and a postdoc will further her EEG research on the different stages at which girls and women experience strong hormonal f…
'Refrigerators are real energy consumers'
On 10 Friday, 'Warm Sweater Day', the central heating in University buildings was set a few degrees lower. Those who are not so warm-blooded could take comfort knowing that there are students who are deliberately keeping the heating turned down the whole winter.
Rob Goedemans: 'I'm sure we'll get through this together'
Rob Goedemans (52) is an information manager at the department Information Management and Facilities (IFZ) and member of the crisis team. He is involved in facilitating and providing information about distance learning. We asked Rob how he is helping our faculty through this hectic period.
Students International Studies receive their diploma
Exactly 230 students received their Bachelor’s Diploma of International Studies on 1 September 2017, in front of a large audience of family and friends. With almost 1,000 people present this was the largest graduation ceremony of the programme since its founding in 2012.
Zeineb Romdhane: Student and Minister for New Democracy
A shadow cabinet has just been formed. This one consists of students from all the Dutch universities. They will be keeping politicians on their toes in the coming year, and want to show that progress cannot be made without academic research and teaching. Master’s student Zeineb Romdhane is Minister…
Leiden Law School receives praise during research evaluation
Every six years, the research conducted at all law schools in the Netherlands is evaluated during a research evaluation. On 6 and 7 October, it was Leiden University’s turn to be evaluated. The aim of this ‘site visit’ is to allow the committee to get an idea of the faculty research climate, the research…
Faculty Board Column: Looking Ahead Together in Challenging Times
To underline the urgency: Our faculty faces a significant financial challenge. With a structural reduction of €5 to €6 million in annual income, dark clouds are gathering on the horizon. Added to this are the uncertain consequences of budget cuts from The Hague, including the Balanced Internationalisation…
Software, star clusters and supercomputers
Simon Portegies Zwart, professor of Computational Astrophysics, uses computers to simulate the evolution of stars. We speak with him about his field and about the challenges of working with huge amounts of complex data.
Remote teaching: wailing kids on the webcam and ‘mixing’ like a DJ
Remote teaching: reality until at least the end of this academic year. The transition to remote teaching required a huge effort and adjustments from all staff. So what’s it like for Leiden Law School’s lecturing staff? Three colleagues tell us about their first weeks of experience with remote teachi…
Afraid of the dark? Anke Klein: 'Let your child have a say in finding a solution'
On Sunday night 25 September, all the lights in Leiden will switch off and we will see the starry sky above us twinkling in all its glory. A unique opportunity for all residents of Leiden to experience the vastness of the cosmos and view the impressive artwork that hangs over our heads every night.…
President of the Executive Board Annetje Ottow launches new strategic plan at the Dies Natalis
‘It truly is a plan by and for us all,’ said Annetje Ottow, President of the Executive Board, at the Dies Natalis celebration on 8 February. Leiden Law School was also actively involved developing in the strategic plan.
Bingo, barista and drinks: a successful We are Science Week
For three days, our faculty was all about We are Science Week: the community event full of fun activities for our staff and students. Besides the famous Beat the Professor PubQuiz, this year you could take USC yoga classes in the Gorlaeus garden, escape from Einstein's Escaperoom and sing along at the…
Care conferences for long-term forensic patients: demand greater than supply
Care conferences for long-term residents (15+ years) in forensic mental health care are widely appreciated by all parties involved. Research by Leiden University shows that the demand for these meetings is so great that the supply cannot be met within the desired time frame.
Ilyasse’s photo went viral: ‘It was quite a bizarre week’
It was meant as a joke for friends and family. A quick snap of him with his bags packed while watching the exit polls of the Dutch general elections. But the photo of our colleague Ilyasse El Boujadayni soon found its way around the entire country and before he knew it, he was being invited by national…
FGGA PhD Conferentie
On the 3rd of November the first ever FGGA PhD Conference took place in the 'Wijnhaven' Building. Organized by the faculty Graduate School and of course intended for PhD candidates. About thirty of them were present.
COI PhD Day 2023
On 13 October 2023, the third PhD day organised within the context of the research theme Institutions for Conflict Resolution (COI) took place in Leiden. COI is a collaboration between Leiden University, Utrecht University, and Radboud University Nijmegen that serves to implement the Netherlands Sector…
My favourite spot in The Hague
Karel Mahy-Rousseau, from Canada, came to the Netherlands in August 2015 and is in the second year of the International Studies programme in The Hague: ‘My favourite place in The Hague would have to be the Plein.’
European Law Moot Court Success: Best Advocate General
On 10 July 2020, the final of the European Law Moot Court Competition took place online before an impressive line-up of academics and practitioners of EU law.
Another year with a strong presence of Leiden Law School in the European Law Moot Court Competition
The Europa Institute was represented in all four regional finals of this year’s European Law Moot Court!
Our International Moot Court Competitions 2017
Each year the Grotius Centre in The Hague organises a number of internationally renowned moot court competitions. These competitions, also referred to as ‘moots’, offer international law students a unique opportunity to learn more about international (criminal) law in the City of Peace and Justice…
A deeper understanding of Brazil
This year, the Chair of Brazilian studies celebrates its 20 year anniversary. The chair invites professors from Brazilian universities to come to Leiden, where they share their knowledge of Brazil with students. For its anniversary, Leiden welcomed five (former) holders of the chair. “People from all…
Spam, spam, spam: how to stop it
How can we stop the endless stream of spam we receive in our mailbox? Journalist Warner van der Louw of Dutch newspaper ‘Trouw’ puts the question to Bart Custers, Professor of Law and Data Science at eLaw, Center for Law and Digital Technologies.
Graduate Annual Research Discussions on Egypt and Nubia
We are happy to announce that GARDEN VI will be held February 23rd, 2019 at the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo (DAIK). The conference is jointly organised by the DAIK, the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo and the American University Cairo!
Wim Voermans in het NRC: 'Het kabinet-Schoof is onvoorspelbaar en dat is riskant'
Het nieuwe kabinet is uniek, met vier coalitiepartijen en een niet gekozen minister-president. Hoogleraar Staats- en Bestuursrecht Wim Voermans analyseert het kabinet in een opiniestuk voor het NRC, en beschrijft een instabiele en ongekende situatie.
Good governance while politics fails
The word bureaucracy does not have negative connotations for Ken Meier. Meier, Professor of Bureaucracy and Democracy, has a clear grasp of the relationship between elected politicians and bureaucracy, or the civil service. Inaugural lecture on Monday 20 May.
CADS Alumna Eva Schouten in Duurzame Jonge 100 (Sustainable Young 100)
The Duurzame Jonge 100 (Sustainable Young 100) is an annual election for young entrepreneurs, young professionals and students who show that a sustainable future is possible. The 100 most inspiring people in the field of sustainability are chosen from all participants and appear on the list. This year,…
‘Never just a murderer’
In an interview with Leidraad Alumni Magazine (no. 2, 2019), Marieke Liem states that it is almost impossible to compare between murders. ‘In our society we are inclined to frame murderers as monsters. Sometimes there is a very fine line between perpetrator and victim.’
Leiden University in top 10 of sustainability ranking
For the first time, Leiden University has made it to the top 10 of the UI Green Metric, a global sustainability ranking for universities. Of the 780 participating universities, Leiden has taken seventh place.
Online exhibition
TEXTS FROM ANCIENT EGYPT. Highlights from the Collection of the Leiden Papyrological Institute. Online exhibition on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the foundation ‘Het Leids Papyrologisch Instituut’ in 2015.
New Year’s reception 2021: a memorable online event
The Faculty’s traditional New Year’s reception, like everything else these days, was transformed into an online event this year. Dean Paul Wouters as the host led us through the programme filled with the Casimir Teaching Award, the Pieter de la Court Medals, the Master’s Thesis Prizes, and a short lecture…
Making everything we know computer-readable
Data and information should be stored in a way that computers can understand, says Barend Mons, professor of Biosemantics at the Leiden University Medical Center and Chair of the High Level Expert Group for the European Open Science Cloud. We speak with him about FAIR data, knowlets and nanopublicat…