10,000 search results for “also” in the Public website
Shades of grey: cyber intelligence and (inter)national security
This paper examines cyber intelligence in the context of national and international security.
LEGITIMULT - Legitimate Crisis Management and Multi-level Governance
LEGITIMULT examines how Covid-19 measures by governments impact multilevel governance and democratic governance in 31 European countries
Individual choice repetition biases arise from persistent dynamics in parietal cortex
Across many decision-making tasks, people and animals systematically repeat (or alternate) their choices - even when the choices they make are intrinsically uncorrelated. This phenomenon (also known as 'sequential effect' or 'choice hysteresis') has been known for at least a century, and may be a stable…
Water Management in Ancient Mexico: Archaeological Heritage and Sustainable Development
This project investigates ancient water management of streams, springs and runoffs on the archaeological site of Monte Albán, Mexico, as a means to contribute with different stakeholders in the development of sustainable solutions to water problems today such as floods and scarcity.
ISA - Intervention for Social Anxiety in children and youth
Social anxiety disorder is one of the most common disorders in children and young people. Social anxiety is characterized by excessive fear and avoidance of social situations. The primary fear in children with social anxiety is that they will be negatively judged by others. To date, the most frequently…
Wolfgang Löffler Lab - Solid State and High Dimensional Quantum Optics
Advancing the understanding of the interaction of light and matter on the single-quantum level is important for near-future quantum technologies but also to answer fundamental questions.
The Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University offers education in Human Osteoarchaeology. We offer a second-year Bachelor course in Human Osteoarchaeology and an extensive one-year track in the Master’s in Archaeological Science specialisation, resulting in a Master of Science degree after complet…
How to design a course (UTQ module)
LION Science Day
Every year, the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) organises the Science Day. The goal is to highlight the newest research at LION, to socialise, and to welcome first year master students and new PhD candidates to our institute.
The Power of Knowledge Ethical, Legal and Technological Aspects of Data Mining and Group Profiling in Epidemiology
With the rise of information and communication technologies, large amounts of data are being generated and stored in databases. In order to get a better grip on these large amounts of data, serious efforts are being made to discover patterns and relations in the data with the help of new techniques.…
Terror Has Already Led to Self-Restraint
Self-censorship violates principles of a free society but few people want to take the role of the martyr.
Globalisation and the Roman world
World history, connectivity and material culture, edited by Martin Pitts and Miguel John Versluys. From Cambridge University Press.
The research will touch upon the communal role of text and the actions of interpretation and discussion that developed among Jews in exile.
Packaging and accessing DNA molecules
Our DNA molecules are packaged by proteins in compact structures. The aim of this project is to understand how modern gene editing techniques nevertheless get access to their target in the DNA.
Streaming the Past
Watch and talk along with today’s science of the past during weekly Let’s Plays of popular games and vodcasts on the livestream platform Twitch.
Autism and higher education
How can we improve quality of life and study success in young, high-functioning adults with autism?
Towards a feminist playology: social sport studies and the limits of critique
The making of sacrifices seems part and parcel of any elite sportsperson’s life. Remarkably, the insights that we find in the current literature in social sport studies are not able to make sense of the references to sacrifice in the data that emerged in the context of this study on the social significance…
Law and Governance in Muslim Societies
With regard to governance, policies and law, many Muslims and Muslim countries recognise the possibility that Islam has something important to say about the way society is to be ordered, governed, and regulated.
Learning from small samples
Learning from small data sets in machine learning is a crucial challenge, especially when dealing with data imbalances and anomaly detection. This thesis delves into the challenges and methodologies of learning from small datasets in machine learning, with a particular focus on addressing data imbalances…
Wat is echt de moeite waard om te onderwijzen? Een perspectiefgerichte benadering - What is really worth teaching? A perspective-oriented approach
With a perspective-based approach to education, students' knowledge, skills and attitude are linked.
The Social Museum in the Caribbean
A mosaic is the only image which can do justice to museums in the Caribbean. They are as diverse and plentiful as the many communities which form the cores of their organizations and the hearts of their missions. These profoundly social museums adopt participatory practices and embark on community engagement…
A coalition of the unwilling? Chinese and Russian perspectives on cyberspace
The Hague Program for Cyber Norms, a research program at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, published its second policy brief, in which Dennis Broeders, Liisi Adamson and Rogier Creemers explore aspects of the relationship between China and Russia in cyberspace.
Our researchers are experts in the fields of languages, cultures, history, arts, societies and philosophy. Together we cover almost all continents and time periods. Knowledge of these disciplines contributes to a humane, safe and sustainable world.
MARBLES - Marine Biodiversity as Sustainable Resource of Disease-Suppressive Microbes and Bioprotectants for Aquaculture and Crop Diseases
To explore the potential of marine microorganisms as producers of novel antimicrobial agents and as bioprotectants in aqua- and agriculture, using an integrative, ecology-based strategy for bioprospecting.
A Living Landscape
Bronze Age settlement sites in the Dutch river area (c. 2000-800 BC)
Pieter Jakob Cosijn’s Correspondence and Scholarly Collaboration at the End of the Nineteenth Century
Pieter Jakob Cosijn (1840-1899) was Leiden University’s first Professor of Germanic and AngloSaxon Philology. A recognised expert in the field of Old English grammar and textual criticism, Cosijn corresponded with various prominent philologists and experts in his field, including Julius Zupitza, Arthur…
The Emergence of a New Ruling Elite in the Ottoman Empire. The Köprülü Household (1656-1687)
The emergence of the Köprülü household that imprinted its stamp on the latter half of the seventeenth century in the Ottoman Empire. What is the power struggle they carried out against Ottoman dynastic power?
Germany and Maillol
Dutch Title:
YAL connects academics to society.
Mycobacterial cell wall-deficiency and its role in the persistence of tuberculosis
What is the role of cell wall-deficiency in the persistence of tuberculosis?
An Institutional Perspective on the United Nations Criminal Tribunals: Governance, Independence and Impartiality
On 18 September 2019, Huw Llewellyn defended his thesis 'An Institutional Perspective on the United Nations Criminal Tribunals: Governance, Independence and Impartiality'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. N.M. Blokker and Prof. L.J. van den Herik.
Opening a Bank Account
It is advisable to open Dutch bank account once you move to The Hague (if you do not have one already), as it will allow you to get many other services such as a mobile phone contract, transportation, etc.
Thinking Difference between Heidegger and Levinas, Truth and Justice
Highlights the extent to which the two thinkers share a common philosophical framework, while also demonstrating how Levinas shifts the orientation of philosophical thinking from truth to justice.
The main goal of the research that is conducted in the Brain and Education Lab is to create a better understanding of the cognitive and neural systems that support learning and academic performance across development. To pursue this goal, lab members draw on theories and methods from developmental and…
Who did all the work? The hidden labour of colonial science
Investigating the contribution of interpreters, informants, hunters and guides in the making of colonial scientific knowledge.
Single life and the city
Ariadne Schmidt, Isabelle Devos and Julie de Groot provide you with refreshing insights concerning the study on urban singles in the period between 1200 and 1900.
Project 2: From Disorder to Order
One of the current research projects funded by the profile area Political Legitimacy is the research group From Disorder to Order: Conflict and the Resources of Legitimacy.
MtDNA Barcoding Invasive Species
What is the provenance of introduced populations?
Cross-Border Insolvency Protocols
April 2021 saw the publication of the book ‘Cross-Border Protocols in Insolvencies of Multinational Enterprise Groups’. This book was published by Edward Elgar Publishing. It is written by Ilya Kokorin and Bob Wessels. The book serves as a comprehensive introduction to insolvency protocols and focuses…
RESOCIAL ('User vulnerabilities and Resilience on SOCIAL media platforms and the metaverse: a sociolegal and design perspective', an NWO-NWA Synergy Grant Project) seeks to identify, measure, and thereby mitigate human vulnerabilities on social media platforms (including the metaverse and immersive…
Three tales of attribution in cyberspace. Criminal law, international law and policy debates
In this policy brief, Dennis Broeders, Els De Busser and Patryk Pawlak discuss attribution of in cyberspace from three different perspectives: criminal law, international law and policy. Published together with EU Cyber Direct.
In a network- and case-based programme on management, business and entrepreneurship we focus on science-driven companies and exploiting business opportunities created by research.
Diversifying the Collections: Inclusive Citizenship and Public Histories of Exclusion
In educational settings such as museums, universities and schools, white, male, able-bodied and rational subjects still dominate. Although there has been a lot of theoretical work on processes of in- and exclusion through racialization, sexualization, and disabilization, we still know very little about…
PhD psychologist
A substantial part of PhD candidates have an increased risk for mental health problems, stress complaints or burnout. Leiden University has appointed a psychologist, especially for PhD candidates: Agnes van Rossum.
Leiden Observatory provides full education programmes in Astronomy both at the bachelor’s and master’s level. We integrate world-class scientific research and excellent education. Read all about our study programmes!
Cooperation on education with China stimulates innovation and brings a different perspective and new content to classrooms.
Faculty of Humanities
Leiden University is a unique international centre for the advanced study of languages, cultures, arts, and societies worldwide, in their historical contexts from prehistory to the present.
The Renaissance Battle for Rome
Competing Claims to an Idealized Past in Humanist Latin Poetry
Re-inventing the nineteenth-century tools of unprescribed modifications of rhythm and tempo in performances of Brahms’s symphonies and concertos
This dissertation and the corresponding films and recordings presented here are an effort to distil an approach to performing the orchestral music of Johannes Brahms that is significantly different from what has hitherto been produced in the fields of both Mainstream Orchestral Performance Practice…
Self-Portrait in a Heavy Fur Cap
Leiden University Library holds two drawings and in the region of a hundred prints by Rembrandt, as well as works by his pupils and the staff of his studio. That explains why this self-portrait etching dating from 1631, his Leiden period, can be seen on the façade of the University Library.