8,175 search results for “starting” in the Public website
Ymre Schuurmans: 'Legislature’s turn in discussion on objection period'
In the aftermath of the childcare benefits affair in the Netherlands, the treatment of citizens by public authorities is more often a subject of discussion. This also applies to the period within which citizens can lodge an objection to a government decision.
Veroordeling Ali-B is het startschot voor maatschappelijke discussie over consent
De veroordeling van Ali B voor zedendelicten krijgt veel aandacht in de media, en zorgt voor vernieuwde discussies rond consent. Hoogleraar Jeroen ten Voorde sprak met het Parool over de impact die deze rechtszaak zal hebben.
Leiden University researchers give open access another boost
On 15 March, the Centre for Digital Scholarship at Leiden University Libraries has started the pilot ‘You share we take care’. In cooperation with Leiden University researchers, the program aims to make publications freely available six months after initial publication. More than 60 researchers from…
Peter Rodrigues on discrimination case Giethoorn: 'Incorrect assessment by police'
The Public Prosecutor’s Office Oost-Nederland, the Police in Oost-Nederland and the municipality of Steenwijkerland failed in their handling of a case involving discrimination in Giethoorn. This is the opinion of experts, including Professor Peter Rodrigues, in Dutch investigative journalism programme…
The year of the FGGA in 12 Facebook events and 12 Instagram highlights
Underneath you will find the 12 most important Facebook events that took place at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs in the past year, and an overview of our Instagram highlights of 2018.
Call for Papers | Space Diplomacy
For a new special issue of The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, we are inviting you to submit a proposal for a research article on space diplomacy (deadline: 24 July 2021).
Rare jade vine flowers in Hortus botanicus in Leiden
The jade vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys) is flowering at the Hortus botanicus in Leiden. The plant started producing multiple flower clusters three weeks ago and the first ones are now in full bloom.
LLX roundtable on coronavirus relief fund NextGenerationEU
On Friday 21 May, the Europa Institute held an online roundtable on the European Union’s coronavirus relief fund NextGenerationEU. The roundtable was organised in the context of the Leiden Law Exchanges (LLX). Their aim is to facilitate an exchange of ideas on current legal issues between academics,…
Stephanie Rap and Yannick van den Brink presented at the EU Forum on the Rights of the Child in Brussels
Stephanie Rap and Yannick van den Brink, both assistant professor at the Department of Child Law, presented their research at the 11th EU Forum on the rights of the child: Children deprived of their liberty and alternatives to detention, which took place in Brussels from 6 to 8 November 2017.
Field School 2023: We are back in Oss!
Monday, 3 April, the yearly field school for all first-year students at the Faculty of Archaeology will start. The municipality of Oss is welcoming our 120 students and provides an excellent practical learning stage for the basic skills they will need to master for their professional careers.
Is finding a job a realistic goal for former prisoners?
Labour market reintegration: what is working and what could be done better? These questions were at the centre of Dutch BNR Nieuwsradio's podcast ‘Werkverkenners’. The podcast makers interviewed Anke Ramakers, Assistant Professor of Criminology at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, for answers…
Hans Franken Lecture by Aleid Wolfsen, Chairman Dutch DPA
On 20 May 2022, eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies of Leiden University organised the Hans Franken lecture for the third time. This year the lecture was delivered by Aleid Wolfsen, chairman of the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (Data Protection Authority (DPA)), the privacy watchdog of the…
From beach waste to a new product
Nederland Circulair! is organising the week of the circular economy, for the second time. This is a great setting for Leiden University to promote several of the university’s circular initiatives. We will kick off with an initiative by alumna Noortje Schrauwen: Raw material beachcombing.
Alumni mentors answer student’s questions
Students get free advice of Leiden alumni about their career, applying for a job, social networking and more. The Mentor Network is an online platform on which more than 650 alumni offer to help students.
Leiden University part of the Matra Rule of Law Training Programme II
The Faculty of Law of Leiden University, together with the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and the Hague Academy for Local Governance, have started their cooperation on the Matra Rule of Law Training Programme II.
Await AND anticipate. How the municipality of Amsterdam manages developments in the digital public domain.
The issue of how to deal with a development such as digitalisation in the public domain raises difficult questions for the municipality: who is responsible and when do you intervene?
Call for applications for student assistant for GTGC seed grant project
The project “Localizing the Women Peace & Security Agenda Across Multiple Governance Challenges” funded by the Global Transformations and Governance Challenges Seed Grant Program, is seeking a student assistant to assist the project leaders on a variety of administrative tasks from April 2022-January…
Researchers learn to make their work more reproducible at COS workshop
How can we increase the openness and reproducibility of quantitative research? This was the central theme of a workshop on openness and reproducibility, organised by the Center for Open Science (COS) on 2 November 2016.
Teddy bear doctors at work in the LUMC
The Leiden University Medical Center is being transformed into a Teddy Bear Hospital in the week of 20 to 24 March. During this week more than a thousand children will care for their favourite cuddly toy under the watchful eyes of Leiden's medical students. The aim of the event is to reduce children's…
Melanie Fink speaks on automation in the EU at conference on law and ethics of AI
The Asser Institute organised an interdisciplinary conference on ‘Law and ethics of artificial intelligence in the public sector: From principles to practice and policy’ that took place from 10 to 11 March 2022. Melanie Fink presented a paper co-authored with Michèle Finck.
'The necessary and the possible': a project on social movements as drivers of change
Postdoctoral researcher Joost de Moor, who joined the interdisciplinary Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) initiative at Leiden University since April 2021, will spend 50% of his time doing research for the project
Photo reportage: international students get to know Leiden
At Orientation Week Leiden, a record 1,378 new international students got to know the city and one another. From a cracking karaoke party to fishing plastic out of the canals – see what they got up to in the photos!
Erik Deul receives royal decoration
Erik Deul was awarded a royal decoration on Wednesday afternoon. He has been appointed Knight of the Order of Oranje-Nassau. Mayor Peter Heijkoop of Leiden presented him with the honour.
Proving discriminatory violence at the European Court of Human Rights
On Tuesday 23 May 2017, Jasmina Mackic will defend her doctoral thesis ‘Proving discriminatory violence at the European Court of Human Rights’. The defence will start at 15.00 hrs, at the Academy Building of Leiden University, Rapenburg 73. The supervisor of the research is Vice Dean and Professor of…
International appreciation for Eiko Fried
Eiko Fried (Clinical Psychology) was inspired by the idea of mental disorders as complex properties with
Faculty of Humanities ushers in the new year: 'Build in some low-pressure time'
In a world beset with war, climate problems and skyrocketing energy prices, it is good to have some 'slack time' now and then. That was Dean Mark Rutgers' message at the Faculty of Humanities' New Year reception.
KIEM grant for 'Picturing Scholasticide'
Matthew Canfield (LAW/VVI), Nadia Sonneveld (Law/VVI), Benjamin Fogarty-Valenzuela (CADS) and Elisa Da Vià (HUM) have received a KIEM grant of € 10.000 for their project 'Picturing Scholasticide'. The grant will be utilised to create a multimodal exhibition of the scholasticide in Gaza. Through photography,…
Paul Nieuwbeerta affiliated professor at Statistics Netherlands
From April 2022, Professor Paul Nieuwbeerta will be working one day a week as affiliated professor for Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS)). He is Professor of Criminology at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, Leiden University.
Rawi Ramautar new Programme Director of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences bachelor’s program
Rawi Ramautar will be the new Programme Director of the bachelor of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences starting September 1. The appointment is for four years. Ramautar succeeds Erik Danen, who has held the position since 2019.
Donation photo archive of Volkskrant Journalist and Photographer Hans Beynon
Can you still remember the assassination of Indira Gandhi in 1984, or the Dutch royal state visit to Indonesia in 1971? These are only a few of the dramatic events covered by Hans Beynon, whose archive of 7.000 photos was recently donated to the Leiden University Libraries (UBL) by his family.
Carsten Stahn on colonial crimes; the reparations movement stalls in Europe
The wave of restitutions expected after French President Emmanuel Macron’s 2017 promise to return stolen art to Africa has hit legal and political roadblocks. But while former colonial powers are shying away, it seems 'New World' countries have started doing more to repair crimes against First Natio…
Opening Beehive Student Centre in The Hague
The new student centre in The Hague, the Beehive, will be opening its doors in stages starting from 1 October. The name Beehive was chosen because it stands for connection, an individual identity, activity and belonging. This meeting place for students is dedicated to improving the living environment…
Aleydis Nissen wins the European Public Law Organization Thesis Prize
The postdoc received the 2020 Thesis Prize for her PhD research on the role of the EU Member States in regulating and remedying corporate human rights violations.
Universe Awareness celebrates tenth anniversary
Universe Awareness (UNAWE), an international programme that inspires children from the age of four to twelve with our wonderful cosmos, exists ten years.
Ukraine should continue to fight until all occupied territories are liberated
'The EU should not give way under pressure as the war continues,' writes Joris Larik, assistant professor of European law, in an opinion piece that was recently published in Dutch newspaper FD.
Finding the truth - Easier said than done?
Starting March 2015, the Honours Class ‘Miscarriages of justice and fact-finding in (Dutch) criminal procedure’ has given me, a student of Education and Child Studies, the opportunity to submerge myself into this area of law, together with twelve other enthusiastic students.
Craft and innovation take centre stage at LeidenGlobal exhibition
An interdisciplinary photo exhibition about crafts and craftsmanship in different cultures will open at Oude UB on 6 October. At the opening Fridus Steijlen will give an introduction to the Tau Tau puppets that are made in Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Tom Lubensky appointed 2018 Lorentz Professor
Coming spring, Professor Tom Lubensky from the University of Pennsylvania will be the 64th Lorentz Professor at the department of Theoretical Physics. He is a pioneer in the field of theoretical soft matter physics and winner of the prestigious Buckley Condensed Matter Prize. During his stay in Leiden…
Leiden student team in the final of Helga Pederson Moot Court Competition
A team of four Leiden master's students has qualified for the final of the prestigious Helga Pederson Moot Court Competition 2022. This final will take place in May at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
New super server at humanities
When you think of humanities, you may not immediately think of a new super server. Yet one has just been commissioned. University lecturer Jelena Prokic from Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities explains more about this development.
Henk Hoekstra appointed Professor Observational Cosmology
Astronomer Henk Hoekstra has been appointed Professor Observational Cosmology at the Leiden Observatory with effect from 1 August.
Leiden students are finalists of ‘Most innovative student of the Netherlands’
Identifying pathogens with a mobile testing kit, even in remote areas. Rapidemic, a student team of Leiden, are trying to make it possible. Now, they moved on to the finals of the Most innovative student of the Netherlands.
Maartje van der Woude appointed as full professor of Sociology of Law at Leiden University
Starting 1 January 2016 Maartje van der Woude is appointed as full professor of Sociology of Law at Leiden University.
Jan Kleijssen to deliver Hans Franken Lecture 2023
On 30 June, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies of Leiden University (eLaw) will hold the annual Hans Franken Lecture. This year, the lecture will be held by Jan Kleijssen, the recently retired human rights director at the Council of Europe. The title of the lecture is: 'AI and Human Rights'…
Chris Riddell is new Face of Science: 'Can't wait to share research'
Have you ever seen your friend smiling, and suddenly you started grinning too? PhD student Chris Riddell is researching how and why we copy body language. As a new Face of Science, he will take us along on his research journey for the coming year.
Meet our new intern: Marjam Peters
Marjam Peters has just started her four-month internship at NVIC. She also works on developing a research on gender and sexuality in Cairo. Read more..
De verovering van het bolwerk van vrijheid gebeurde in kleine stapjes
Universiteit Leiden stond niet altijd bekend als een bolwerk van vrijheid, betoogt Egbert Koops in zijn diesoratie. Leidsch Dagblad sprak met de hoogleraar rechtsgeschiedenis over academische vrijheid: ‘Het bolwerk van vrijheid moest veroverd worden.’
Congratulations, Dr. André Brasil!
On 24 October 2023, André Brasil Varantes Pinto successfully defended his PhD thesis at Leiden University.
How can men take on more domestic duties?
We can all do something to contribute to men working less and being more active at home, argues university lecturer Max van Lent in a podcast of Dutch ‘De Telegraaf' newspaper.
Danny Mekić staat weer tegenover X in de rechtbank
Twee jaar geleden klaagde promovendus Danny Mekić het socialmediaplatform X aan, omdat zijn account, zonder toelichting, onvindbaar werd gemaakt. Hij kreeg gelijk van de rechter, maar X verzet zich ertegen: ‘Twitter wil niet transparant zijn.’