5,332 search results for “russian and science linguistics” in the Public website
Unconscious Listening: The Constitution of Genres of Listening in Buenos Aires
Lecture, LUCL Sociolinguistics Series 2022/2023
French, Standard Arabic and Amazigh: experiences and challenges in Morocco
Lecture, Applied African Linguistics
The morphological encoding of Mandarin compounds using EEG techniques
Lecture, CHiLL series
A theory of morphological productivity is essential in characterizing noun classes: Corpus and experimental evidence from Bantu
Lecture, This Time for Africa!
Pluriform prosody in the voice, face, and hands
Lecture, LACG Meetings
Adult language learners benefit more from education when first language and additional language are similar
Challenging Native Speakerism in Language Ideologies: Insights on German from the perspective of French speakers
Lecture, LUCL Sociolinguistics Series 2022/2023
The origin of Lithuanian DAUG ‘many’
Lecture, Comparative Indo-European Linguistics (CIEL) Seminars
LUCDH Pilot Project Symposium 2024
Symposium and Workshops
The spread of clicks throughout the Sotho lexicon: borrowing, insertion, and just a hint of regular sound change
Lecture, Descriptive Linguistics Seminars
Preposition Omission and Focus in German Fragments: A Case for a Q-Based Approach
Lecture, Com(parative) Syn(tax) Series
An AI system that tells you why you should eat glass – should that be allowed?
The English-language interdisciplinary minor ‘AI and Society’ explores the role of artificial intelligence in our society. The interdisciplinary nature of the minor is proving beneficiary for students and lecturers alike. We sit in during a class.
Networks of the future
Lecture, Tuesday Talks: Science Insights
Multidisciplinary dialogues on the human past of the Urubamba/Ucayali basin: towards a new synthesis
Hanne Cuyckens and Daan Weggemans appointed Teaching Fellow
Hanne Cuyckens and Daan Weggemans have been appointed Teaching Fellow and Member of the Leiden Teachers' Academy (LTA) from 1 September 2023.
Behind the scenes on the Big Bang Theory
‘I got into Nature last year, I was nominated for a faculty teaching award and my kids don’t care. But if your simulations get on The Big Bang Theory then that’s something!’ says Huib van Langevelde.
Carrot or stick: which is better motivation to exercise more?
Free cinema tickets or a step tracker paid for by your health insurance. Some insurers offer rewards to promote healthy behaviour. But does the threat of losing something like a deposit work better? And what do patients think? This is what PhD candidate David de Buisonjé researched.
Panel discussion "Nuclear Weapons in a New Geopolitical Reality"
On Tuesday 16 April, the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) of Leiden University and the Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV) organised a panel discussion on the recommendations of the report: ‘Nuclear weapons in a new geopolitical reality’. In this report the AIV recommends…
Wil Roebroeks wins Spinoza Prize
The Leiden archaeologist Wil Roebroeks has been awarded the Spinoza prize for his original observations about early hominins and the development of human society, NWO (Netherlands organisation for Scientific Research) announced on Monday 4 June.
‘The child protection system really isn’t in good order’
Last Thursday the Dutch House of Representatives held a debate on children being put into care when the childcare benefits scandal (toeslagenaffaire) had caused problems for their families. Four Leiden University academics were asked by the House to produce a fact sheet for this debate, bringing together…
Minister Kaag: ‘A stable world doesn’t begin at the Dutch border’
How do you maintain diplomatic relations in a world of rising tensions? This was the theme of a guest lecture by Minister Sigrid Kaag at Campus The Hague. ‘Policy proposals won’t go through if they don’t foster women’s development.’
Laura Heitman uses her expertise to fight cancer
Seven talented female scientists join the fight against cancer of the Oncode Insitute. Laura Heitman of the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research is one of the new Junior Investigators. ‘I hope to discover new druggable targets’.
How beneficial is mindfulness? Find out at the Night of Culture and Knowledge!
Mindfulness is all the rage. But what is mindfulness and is this popular form of medication completely harmless? Come to the workshop on 19 September by Chris Goto-Jones, Professor of Philosophy and mindfulness therapist, and find out for yourself.
New journal based at the Institute for History: 'Diplomatica: A Journal of Diplomacy and Society'
Diplomatica addresses the broad range of work being done across the social sciences and the humanities that takes diplomacy as its focus of investigation. The journal explores and investigates diplomacy as an extension of social interests, forces, and environments.
An academic perspective on the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos
Today over 1000 chief executives and more than 40 world leaders meet in the Swiss village Davos to discuss the world's issues of today. What is the importance of the conference and what is the actual effectiveness? Dr. Alexandre Afonso, assistant professor in the Department of Public Administration,…
The United Nations at 75: what are the challenges for the future?
The United Nations celebrates its 75th anniversary this year. With the corona crisis and rising nationalism, there’s not much cause for celebration. Which challenges will the global organisation have to overcome to be assured another 75 years of existence?
Following the Journey: When Will We Realise We Are All in the Same Boat?
Part Two: Land Ahoy! Casa Blanca
Boediono: Indonesia is in need of major reforms
Indonesia still has a long way to go before the country can truly flourish, was the message given by Indonesian Vice President Boediono during his visit to Leiden University on 26 March. He viewed collections in the University Library and the Hortus, and was presented with the William of Orange medal…
Embedding scientific research in the Caribbean with funding from NWO
On January 7th Minister van Engelshoven of Education, Culture and Science of The Netherlands announced that the project Island(er)s at the Helm: Co-creating sustainable and inclusive solutions for social adaptation to climate challenges in the (Dutch) Caribbean is one of two projects awarded with funding…
Climate-proof Mediterranean garden in the Hortus opened by André Kuipers
On 22 May, astronaut André Kuipers opened the new Mediterranean garden in the Hortus. With this water-efficient garden, the Hortus aims to offer inspiration for future- and climate-proof garden planting. Prefect Paul Keßler and scientific director of the Leiden Observatory Ignas Snellen also signed…
HOPping in The Hague: introduction week for students in The Hague
Kitesurfing, colonising the Binnenhof and most important of all - meeting fellow students. More then 700 students of Leiden University in The Hague get to know the city and one another during the HOPweek.
LUCIS' commitment to the NWA
LUCIS is well connected to the Dutch National Research Agenda (Nationale Wetenschapsagenda/NWA). Both Petra Sijpesteijn and Jan Michiel Otto have a seat in the preparatory committees of two NWA routes. Other LUCIS members are involved as well. The themes of the NWA will be an important driver in future…
Jamming the result of special self-organisation
Materials that are built up from individual granules exhibit a special phenomenon called ‘jamming’. With research into the nature of this phenomenon, a team of scientists led by Leiden physicist Prof. Martin van Hecke has made it to the cover of the prominent journal Physical Review Letters. ‘Jammed…
Thinking outside your scientific box
How do you study complex disasters like a nuclear explosion or a natural disaster? Who can help unravel the legal knot that Brexit has become? The important societal themes of the present day call for interdisciplinary collaboration. Leiden scientists pitched their research at a symposium at Leiden…
Anne Marieke van der Wal-Rémy: ‘The Instagram influencer should also be preserved as a historical source’
Anne Marieke van der Wal-Rémy, assistant professor of African History and International Studies, has received a Comenius Teaching Fellow grant of 50,000 euros. She intends to use the grant to set up an online archive of digital primary sources, together with her students. Van der Wal-Rémy: ‘ “Once on…
Forging ties abroad
In 2017, Leiden University secured ties with numerous foreign partners. This is how we bring foreign talent to Leiden, and ensure our students and scientists can gain experience across borders. In this article, we look back on four foreign trips.
Cucurachi, Behrens and Matthee are teacher, discoverer, and PhD candidate of 2018
Environmental scientists Stefano Cucurachi and Paul Behrens and astronomer Jorryt Matthee have received prizes during the New Year's reception of the Faculty of Science on Tuesday 8 January. In addition, Kavli Prize winner Ewine van Dishoeck announced a new award.
A Change of Course: When Will We Realise We Are All In The Same Boat
Part Three: A Change of Course
Searching for the origins of life in space with 8.9 million euros
With 8.9 million euros from the Danish National Research Foundation, Aarhus University and Leiden Observatory will establish the Center for Interstellar Catalysis. The centre is led by Aarhus professor Liv Hornekær and aims to find out how and when the building blocks of life formed in the Universe.…
Broad universities favourable for innovation
Broad universities that focus strongly on fundamental research have the best chance of contributing to economic innovations, for example in the life and data sciences. This is the message of Professor Simcha Jong in his inaugural lecture on 14 November.
Physics in the picture: cancer cells as an explosion of fireworks
When you think of physics, do you think only of complicated formulas? You’re not the only one. Therefore, every year, the Leiden Insitute of Physics organises the LION Image Award to show another side of physics: beautiful images about intriguing science. The winner of the 2022 photo competition captured…
Join the protest against the higher education cuts
Students and staff from Leiden University are protesting in The Hague on 25 November against the billions in cuts to higher education. ‘The cuts are a terrible idea and we want to show why’, says Claire Weeda from WOinActie. ‘Research and teaching are essential to society.’
Why we always choose the same songs for the Top 2000
As the year draws to a close, many music lovers are looking forward to the Top 2000. How high is their favourite song and who is number one? But the list is often very predictable and the same songs are always in the top 10. According to neuropsychologist and associate professor Rebecca Schaefer, it’s…
A musical celebration of the 440th dies natalis
On the occasion of the 440th DIES NATALIS, celebrated on Monday 9 February, Leiden University proudly awarded an Honorary Doctorate to William Christie, renowned harpsichordist, conductor, musicologist and teacher, and the foremost pioneer in the renewed appreciation of Baroque music in France, notably…
Experience and Voice: Library of Colombian Women Writers - Symposium & Workshop
From Soledad Acosta de Samper and Albalucía Angel to Hazel Robinson Abrahams and Amalialú Posso Figueroa. During the Symposium & Workshop Experience and Voice: Library of Colombian Women Writers, we focus on books written by Colombian women writers from different historical periods. The symposium and…
These professors also stood up for their Jewish colleagues
With his speech in protest against the sacking of his Jewish colleague, Rudolph Cleveringa, Dean of the Faculty of Law, became the foremost symbol for Leiden’s resistance against the Nazis. But there are also other brave professors who should not be forgotten: what are the stories of Ben Telders, Ton…
Francesca Arici wants to raise maths awareness in society
Mathematician Francesca Arici has joined the Raising Public Awareness Committee of the European Mathematical Society. She aims to coordinate and unite the European efforts of communicating and promoting mathematics. ‘We also hope to achieve more recognition for people who do science communication.’
"The key to success is to dare to break the rules"
“To change the world, you do not need everybody. You only need one. So, will you be the one? That’s the question.” Saturday December 3rd, Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus gave a special lecture at the Anna van Buerenplein campus of LUC The Hague. (Text: Jakob Semb Aasmundsen; Photography: Paul…
Underexposed colonial past: 'You can suddenly feel like you are connecting with someone from the past'
Attention to the colonial past may be increasing, but many aspects of it are still underexposed. Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant, in collaboration with, among others, Leiden researchers Anne-Marieke van der Wal-Rémy and Alicia Schrikker, therefore created a 'canon of the Dutch underexposed past', which…
Nick Clegg: 'With generostiy and imagination it is still possible to avoid the worst of Brexit'
On Tuesday 24 April 2018, Nick Clegg, who served as Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, gave a guestlecture to first year students public administration about the profound dilemmas on Brexit. The lecture was part of a political science course within the Bachelor Public Administration of Leiden…