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Student life
Leiden is the ideal city for students. There is a wide variety of activities you can do next to your studies, to make the most out of your student life.
Student life
Leiden is the ideal city for students. There is a wide variety of activities you can do next to your studies, to make the most out of your student life.
- Career prospects
Why Leiden University
We'll give you 10 reasons why you should study the specialization Peace, Justice and Development of the master Public International Law at Leiden University
Student life
Leiden is the ideal city for students. There is a wide variety of activities you can do next to your studies, to make the most out of your student life.
- Career prospects
Why study in the Netherlands?
There must be a reason why there are 90,000 international students in the Netherlands, a number that is increasing every year. In fact, there are several very good reasons.
- Career prospects
Application procedure
Along with your application, you will need to submit a variety of documents, including your transcript of results. Your previous education determines which menu in the online application portal of Leiden University (uSis) you have to use. Every student who wants to apply for a programme at Leiden University…
About the programme
Following your personal interests, you may choose one of three area specialisations. Will you focus on the archaeological history of the European continent? Or do you prefer to dive into the Mediterranean world? Or would you rather study pre-Columbian America? The choice is up to you!
Philosophy (MA) (60EC)
The one-year master's programme in Philosophy at Leiden University integrates historical and systematic approaches in philosophy. It offers advanced training in philosophical methodologies and skills, as well as a sophisticated knowledge of traditional and recent philosophical developments.
Student life
Leiden is the ideal city for students. There is a wide variety of activities you can do next to your studies, to make the most out of your student life.
After graduation
Graduates of International Studies are attractive candidates for international employers in a wide variety of fields – think NGOs, multinationals, humanitarian or governmental agencies. Your deep region-specific knowledge and language, academic and practical skills prepare you for a Master, as well…
Why Leiden University
Leiden University enjoys an excellent worldwide reputation, built on more than four centuries of outstanding teaching and research. The university has two locations: Leiden and The Hague. Our International Studies programme is located in The Hague, a centre of international and national policy making…
Admission requirements
To be eligible for Art History at Leiden University, you need to meet the following admission requirements.
Student life
Leiden is the ideal city for students. There is a wide variety of activities you can do next to your studies, to make the most out of your student life.
Admission requirements
To be eligible for Politics, Society and Economy of Asia at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
- Career prospects
Student life
Leiden is the ideal city for students. There is a wide variety of activities you can do next to your studies, to make the most out of your student life.
Culture, History and Society (BA Major of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges)
Today, globalization makes us all aware of how closely we are connected to, and often dependent upon, the actions of people who are distant from us. Human migration and economic liberalization have confronted local communities with changes happening on a global level. How can we devise ways to share…
Governance of Violence (MSc)
What is the nature and scope of violence? Who offends, and in what context? Who are the victims? And how can we design suitable intervention and prevention strategies? In this track, you will be familiarised with the many faces of violent offending, to provide the knowledge and tools to understand,…
Student life
Leiden is the ideal city for students. There is a wide variety of activities you can do next to your studies, to make the most out of your student life.
Career prospects
The combination of academic and professional skills taught in the CSM prepares you for a wide variety of careers in the rapidly expanding domain of security and crisis management, including public or private sector and policy-making positions.
Career prospects
Find out more about the career opportunities after finishing the programme International Children's Rights. The programme prepares you for a successful career..
Citizens and governance in Nigeria
In countries with complex domestic situations, citizens have little opportunity to exercise influence on governance and policy. Leiden academics research these situations and share their insights with the public, such as in Nigeria for instance. This enables the people and their communities to improve…
Waste Separation
What is better for waste recycling: a plastic, paper or ceramic cup? A bio-based or fossil-based coating? Waste sorting at the source or at a recycling facility? Ask ten experts and you will get ten different opinions. We can all agree on one thing: doing nothing is not an option. Thus, Leiden University…
Remembering Terrorism: The Case of Norway
As terrorism scholars, we are intrigued by those who engage in violence. We study their motivations, tactics, ideology, organisational structures, and pathways to (de-)mobilisation, hoping to better understand terrorism and how we can counter it. Far less attention is paid to what happens after an attack…
Is asylum bad for men (and better for women)? Changing perspectives on female and male refugees and asylum seekers in the Netherlands in the
Subproject of
The Influence of Fichte’s Theory of Self-consciousness on Kierkegaard's Notion of the Self
The central subject of this dissertation is the influence of Fichte’s theory of self-consciousness on Søren Kierkegaard's philosophical notion of the self in the way Kierkegaard describes the self in his philosophy in the writing 'The Sickness unto Death' (1849). The main question this dissertation…
Leiden University is making the switch too
We are doing all we can to save energy at the university. Find out how you as a member of staff or student can do about energy and help reduce CO2 emissions.
Redressing Fundamental Rights Violations by the EU: The Promise of the ‘Complete System of Remedies'
In December 2024, the book Redressing Fundamental Rights Violations by the EU: The Promise of the ‘Complete System of Remedies', edited by Melanie Fink, was published fully open access with Cambridge University Press. The EU prides itself on having created a legal system that puts the individual at…
Making and creating with ages-old knowledge
The ability to create objects and structures with our hands has been essential to human development. This ability is something modern society is at risk of losing. Leiden archaeologists gather knowledge about ancient processes of ‘making and creating’ over the centuries, knowledge that helps our current…
Good employment practices in relation to employee well-being
Both good employer practices and good employee practices are open norms. These open norms can lead to uncertainty about what employers should focus on and what rights (and obligations) employees have in that respect. The objective of this study is to give substance to the norm of good employment practices…
HAPPY - Qualitative research in Higher education teaching APProaches for sustainabilitY and well-being in Bhutan
This 3-year EU Erasmus+ co-funded project focuses on the strengthening and improvement of teaching qualitative research methods across a range of disciplines in the Social Sciences and Humanities in Bhutan.
- In Memoriam
Jebel Qurma Archaeological Landscape Project
The project seeks to come to an understanding of the archaeology of the desert and the ways in which its inhabitants engaged with their constraint, marginal environments through time. It compares and interprets site distribution and community organisation over a long time scale and across several different…
Layers of dental tartar
Bacteria in the teeth tell us a lot about nutrition and disease in our ancestors. It also tells us more about the immune system. This provides clues for treating modern diseases and allergies. For a long time archaeologists were irritated by tartar on the teeth of excavated skulls. They thought that…
Contested landscapes in the age of encounter
Amerindian settlement patterns and early colonial cartography in Northern Hispaniola
Academic Integrity
The integrity and reliability of academic research are of fundamental importance to the University. All parties, both within the University and outside, must be able to have confidence that our research is conducted in a scrupulous, fair, verifiable, impartial and independent manner.
Does knowledge of environmental performance change farmer's behaviour?
Does knowledge of environmental performance change farmer's behaviour?
Learning from the past
Leiden archaeologists investigate how people in the past impacted their environment. Together with scientists, environmental scientists, and humanities experts, they use this information to draw conclusions about the present – and show what we can learn from it for the future.
- Emerging tactile International Sign in Europe
- Laboratory for Ceramics Studies
The Middenbeemster Excavation 2011
In the summer of 2011, from June 14th until August 5th, the Laboratory for Human Osteoarchaeology conducted an excavation on the former cemetery of Middenbeemster in cooperation with archaeological company Hollandia. The cemetery, which is located next to the church of Middenbeemster can be dated between…
Honours education offers students an extra challenge. In our educational testing ground, they follow their curiosity, step outside the box and prepare themselves for the future.
Cyber security
To make digital communication more secure, we need to tighten up the legal frameworks and identify the biggest cyber threats.
Memory boost: A novelty-exposure intervention to counteract memory decline.
This project aims to identify which aspects of exploring a novel environment produce beneficial effects on memory. The effects of novelty will be investigated across the lifespan, including children, adolescents and older adults.
The Foundations of European Integration
Research on this theme concerns the legitimacy and effectiveness of Europe’s institutional order in the face of public alienation and normative contestation.
Barbarians at the Gates?
Subproject of