8,164 search results for “starting” in the Public website
How Leiden's drug pioneers have switched to Covid research
From studying molecules in the blood of corona patients to developing a new concept for vaccines. The Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) has transformed many ongoing projects into Covid research projects. Hubertus Irth, scientific director of LACDR, talks about the role of his institute…
‘Behaviour comes to us in big data’
Jurist Gineke Wiggers wants to predict the expected impact of legal articles. Carel Stolker, Rector of the University and, like Wiggers, a legal specialist, is enthusiastic about the research. ‘A big data project like this will help us establish the effect of our work on society.’
Monique van den Dries' Leiden Experience: 'Usually I end up with (too) many ideas and running projects'
Heritage expert Monique van den Dries has a long history with our Faculty. She did her studies and PhD in Leiden, and before returning to academia in 2008, she worked in heritage management for nearly 15 years. This has, given her a unique insight in the world outside of academia. ‘I want to literally…
Children develop prejudice at an early age
Children in the Netherlands develop prejudices based on ethnicity at an early age. Ymke de Bruijn (27) came to this conclusion in her dissertation ‘Child Interethnic Prejudice in the Netherlands: Social Learning from Parents and Picture Books’. For her PhD project she took a closer look at the behaviours…
Ratna Saptari retires: anthropologist dedicated herself with heart and soul to Indonesian workers' and human rights
Ratna Saptari is since 2007 Assistant Professor at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology. She has always been involved with issues of human rights and Indonesian workers' rights. This August she retired. But she won't sit still. She continues her voluntary work and wants to…
Symposium on technology and trust: ‘Think about privacy and security before introducing new systems’
From scanners in lecture halls to systems for working from home: the discussion about new technology is being held on various fronts. That is why the University wants to make more use of its in-house experts. At the Technology and Trust symposium at Leiden University on 2 February, researchers from…
Comenius grant for Designing Your Life: ‘Potential for the entire university’
How to deal with the most challenging design question of your life: what do I want to be when I grow up? The ‘Designing Your Life’ method teaches students how to craft their own future. The project will start next academic year, thanks to a Comenius grant. ‘Everyone interested should be able to borrow…
Collaboration across borders: virtual learning between Leiden University College and Myanmar
Jyothi Thrivikraman set up a Virtual International Collaboration project with a university in Myanmar.
Pedagogische Wetenschappen en Jeugdrecht zetten succesvolle interdisciplinaire samenwerking voort
Onderzoekers van het Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen en de afdeling Jeugdrecht gaan samenwerken in 2 nieuwe onderzoeken: onderzoek naar het terugplaatsingen van kinderen na uithuisplaatsing en draagmoederschappen in Nederland.
Een beetje agressie helpt kinderen in hun sociale ontwikkeling, ontdekte Simone Dobbelaar tijdens haar promotie
Is aggression always bad? PhD research by psychologist Simone Dobbelaar shows that it is not. In fact, children who occasionally fiercely defend themselves and stand up for their peers often feel better mentally.
Dissertation: The strategic role of ceasefires in civil wars
The impact of a ceasefire shifts over the course of a conflict, as conflict party leaders learn more about each other’s military and political aspirations and adapt their use of ceasefires accordingly. That’s the key message of the dissertation of Valerie Sticher, PhD-candidate at the Faculty of Governance…
‘People are equal but not the same’: diversity and inclusion from a legal perspective
What is written in law and what equality, inclusion and diversity mean in practice is not always the same. This was the focus of this year’s D&I symposium on 13 January. The plenary sessions were watched by hundreds of participants and there was a wide range of workshops covering different aspects of…
How students launched the Leiden LGBT movement 50 years ago
Four students founded the Leiden Student Working Group on Homosexuality on the day of the Dies Natalis in 1968. This was to be the start of the LBGT+ movement in Leiden, which celebrated its 50-year anniversary this year. What has been achieved and what is the status of emancipation today?
Tracing space ice and the building blocks of life
An unprecedented space telescope, an astrolab that makes space ice and molecules that may lead to the origin of life… The Ice Age project has all the prerequisites to become a very fascinating research project – if it is not one already. Leiden astronomers Melissa McClure, Harold Linnartz and Will Rocha…
‘Leiden has a special atmosphere, almost like a family’
From a lovely blossoming garden in Barcelona, Eduard Fosch Villaronga is talking enthusiastically about his postdoc at Leiden University. Due to the corona lockdown, he is currently spending the 2020 summer at his mother’s place, but he is looking forward to returning to Leiden (and to the Dutch bit…
Sports Centre celebrates 50 years
Online competitions, online sports, dietary advice for staff and students and 'What do they eat for lunch?' The first 'volunteer' is Vice-Rector Hester Bijl. What does her lunch usually consist of? The University Sports Centre is celebrating its fifty-year anniversary with a whole - corona-proof - programme…
Assessor talk: Ebrar Kaya succeeds Jonatan Wirix-Speetjens as assessor
Participating in discussions as a student, at an administrative level? Jonatan Wirix-Speetjens has done so for the past two years as assessor of the Faculty of Humanities. Ebrar Kaya will take over the position of assessor starting this September. In this interview we look back and ahead at the asse…
Mike Field’s Leiden Experience: ‘I try to make research teaching and teaching research.’
Mike Field has been at the Faculty of Archaeology since 2008. As a driven archaeobotanist, he is consistantly contributing to the study of plant fossils encountered in many faculty as well as external projects. ‘Flexibility, spontaneity, creativity, these are all parts of being an academic.’
Pre-University College celebrates 20-year anniversary: ‘Still unique in the Netherlands’
Leiden University's Pre-University College is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The programme introduced hundreds of secondary school pupils to science and the university. We asked those involved how PRE became so popular: ‘The students are the reason it still exists today.’
How Clinical Technology will change healthcare
In spring 2020, the country was facing a potential lack of hospital ventilators for the huge numbers of Covid-19 patients. In response, Clinical Technology students designed an emergency device in the space of just three weeks. ’These students become 80% doctor and 80% engineer.’
Leiden University wins Plesner pre-moot in Copenhagen
On 8 and 9 March 2018, the Leiden University team travelled to the office of the Danish law firm Plesner in Copenhagen for the Plesner pre-moot. This pre-moot is a pleading competition in preparation for the 25th Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. The Moot is the world's biggest…
Olga Ceran speaks at summer school on European integration
On 18 July, Olga Ceran held a presentation titled ‘Family law in a united Europe: Child abduction and child relocation’ at a summer school on 'European integration at the Franco-Spanish border: A cross-border perspective' which took place at the Cité des Arts in Bayonne (France).
Second call for LEaDing Fellows Postdocs Programme
Ninety young researchers who recently obtained a doctorate can apply for a post-doc position in the LEaDing Fellows Postdocs Programme from 1 November. The programme foresees in three Calls, of which the first one was recently completed with the selection of 20 persons. Seven of them will start working…
Message from the student member
The Institutes board and the board of Education of the Institute of Public Administration also include a student member. The student member attends the meetings of the board with and represent the interests of the students. In this message she briefly introduces herself.
'A toast to resilience': faculty New Year’s event 2022
On Tuesday 11 January 2022, the new year at the faculty was ushered in with an online event. Dean Joanne van der Leun toasted the new year and of course the annual Meijers prizes and thesis awarded were presented.
Exhibition on art, culture and architecture along the Silk Road
Ornately decorated head pieces and jewellery, images of imposing mosques and photos of local people. The 'Splendours of the Silk Roads' exhibition depicts life and different cultures along this important trade route.
FGGA Brainstorm sociale veiligheid, inclusie en werkbalans
We want FGGA to become a place where everyone feels welcome, at ease, and included. The outcomes of last year's personnel monitor and D&I survey show that we are not quite there yet.
Staff and students together visit the Ars Electronica Festival, in Austria
After two years Covid-19, we are happy that the Media Technology staff and students will together again visit the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz (Austria). The five-day trip offers a shared source of inspiration and a basis for discussion to students and lecturers.
Photo of fish in Covid glove on shortlist for prestigious nature prize
With his photo of a fish trapped in a rubber glove, external PhD candidate Auke-Florian Hiemstra has made it to the shortlist for the People’s Choice Award in the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition. The photo shows the impact of Covid litter on wildlife.
NWO grant gives way to more sustainable production of antibiotics
The opportunity to explore a new, exciting research topic. That is how Lennart Schada von Borzyskowski describes his successful application for the NWO XS grant. It comprises 50,000 euros, which the researcher from the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) will spend on investigating a more sustainable…
Stefano Polla wins Lorentz Master thesis award
Stefano Pollas master thesis 'Quantum Digital Cooling' has been awarded the Lorentz Master thesis award. The award, 3000 euros and a certificate, has been awarded on 25 November at the Koninklijke Hollandse Maatschappij van Wetenschappen (KHMW) society in Haarlem.
Marco Beijersbergen fellow of the Netherlands Academy of Engineering
Cosine Marco Beijersbergen has been appointed as one of the distinguished 62 fellows of the Netherlands Academy of Engineering (NAE). With these fellows, the NAE emphasises the importance of technological innovation for sustainable social change. The inauguration is on 13 November.
Launch of the Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics
International scholarly publisher Brill has released the most complete and up-to-date reference work on the Chinese language available today. Prof.dr. Rint Sybesma oversaw the project as Editor-in-Chief.
Amanda Henry in Sapiens.org about microfossils in a Finnish skeletal collection
The Southwestern part of Finland isn’t exactly known as a great place for archeologists to go and find anything than the sturdiest of remains. The conditions in this part of Finland make artifacts crumble quickly over time. Therefore, two archeologists decided to look in an unexpected place: between…
Faculty of Archaeology kicks off celebratory lustrum year
25 years ago the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University was founded. In the academic year of 2022-2023 several lustrum activities will be organised to celebrate this happy occasion. The year was kicked off with a vibrant party on September 8, inviting staff, students, and alumni.
Experience Day: being a Humanities student for a day
What is it like to study at the Humanities Faculty of Leiden University? Soon-to-be students of International Studies and Urban Studies experienced a day at university during the Experience Day in The Hague and found out what their studies are really about.
Use the new audio tour to stroll past the Leiden wall formulas
From now on, you can go for a walk through Leiden’s scientific history and at the same time across the historic city center itself. Master students Lotte Koemans and Mandy Meijer have developed an audio tour which takes you past all six wall formulas in the inner city of Leiden.
In conversation with Frans Timmermans about plastics in Europe
14 March 2018 a Citizens’ Dialogue about plastic-use in Europe with First-Vice President Frans Timmermans took place in Utrecht. It was one in a series of dialogues organized by the European Commission held throughout Europe. LAPP-student Emily den Boer joined the evening.
Legal professionals do not have a better understanding of the constitution
Do people actually understand the constitution? This is what Jelle But, PhD candidate at Constitutional and administrative law, wondered. To find out, he conducted a survey among 1333 respondents. His research shows that lawyers and other legal professionals actually do not have a better understanding…
Niels Stensen Fellowship awarded to Vestert Borger
A Niels Stensen Fellowship has recently been awarded to Vestert Borger. Since the 1960s, the Fellowship is awarded each year to 6 or 7 scholars at Dutch universities across all disciplines who have recently defended their doctoral dissertation. The Fellowhip enables them to conduct research abroad at…
International students sing “Wilhelmus” at Introduction Morning Faculty of Humanities
Wednesday morning, the faculty was teeming with newly arrived international students, who will be starting their master’s programme or exchange programme next week. Over 150 students took part in the Introduction Morning of the Faculty of Humanities.
Dr. Gerard van Westen receives VENI grant
Gerard van Westen (LACDR/division of medicinal chemistry) has been awarded with a VENI grant from NWO, the Dutch Research Council.
Ingrid Leijten participates in international expert workshop ‘Specifiying and Securing a Social Minimum’
On 29 and 30 June, Ingrid Leijten participated in an international workshop held at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISJ) in Oñati, Spain.
Kick Off Security Studies
On Monday, 4 September the new bachelor programme Security Studies had its official start.
Executive Board member Martijn Ridderbos to leave Leiden University
Vice-chairman of the Executive Board Martijn Ridderbos will leave Leiden University at the end of this year.
Vote for the Discoverer of the Year
Which brilliant scientist will be our Discoverer of the Year 2019? Will it be a physicist, biologist, drug discoverer or an astronomer? Or an environmental scientist, a mathematician, chemist or computer scientist? As of now, you can cast your vote.
CWTS is participating in RIPEET, another territorial RRI project
CWTS is has been successful in another H2020 SwafS-14 call on territorial RRI. We are participating in a Coordination and support (CSA) project, RIPEET, which will start in February 2021 and last for 3 years.
Ecosia now available at Leiden University computers
LUGO has some news: If you are using a public computer from Leiden University, you can now set your default search engine to Ecosia.
University provides computer lessons for refugees
Computer skills are essential if you want to become part of Dutch society. Leiden University and Stichting Bestaanskracht, an organisation that helps the vulnerable, are therefore providing computer lessons for refugees who can use some extra digital help.
Reinvigorating the United Nations
Valentina Carraro gave a presentation titled "Strengthening the Human Rights Council and the UN Treaty Body System" at the 'Reinvigorating the United Nations' Conference organized by the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna on January 27th and 28th. During the conference Valentina presented her research on…