4,681 search results for “international organisation” in the Public website
Writing Global History
Conference, Research Colloquium
Booklaunch 'Security Studies: An Applied Introduction'
Lecture, Paneldiscussion
Nine Leiden projects awarded first NWO Science Diplomacy Fund
The projects of nine researchers at Leiden University have received funding through the new NWO Science Diplomacy Fund. The Fund is for scientific activities that will improve relations between the Netherlands and other countries.
NWA Project on Vulnerability and Social Media awarded to Gianclaudio Malgieri and eLaw colleagues
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has recently awarded a significant grant of 863,000 euros to the project proposal 'RESOCIAL' led by Dr Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor at eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies. This grant is part of the 'NWA Synergy Theme: Vulnerability and Resilience…
Second Anthropology of Asia at Leiden Update well attended
On November 17, the Leiden Anthropology of Asia Network held its second Anthropology of Asia at Leiden Update. At Leiden University, anthropologists are not at all confined to the Institute Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (CADS).
PE_PP talk: Framing attitudes for supply chain legislation
ISGA gains major European cyber project: EU Cyber Direct
Dennis Broeders, professor of global security and technology at ISGA (Institute of Security and Global Affairs), together with two partners, has been granted a major European project: EU Cyber Direct. Together with EU ISS and Carnegie Europe, ISGA forms a new consortium for 3 years with a total budget…
Why looted art lawsuits often fail (and what can be done about this)
There are as good as no clear rules for the return of stolen art. This means that rather than in court, many cases are decided in the political arena instead. In her PhD research Evelien Campfens suggests how this could change. PhD defence on 11 November.
Nira Wickramasinghe receives grant to research forgotten Dutch slavery in the Indian Ocean World
Professor Nira Wickramasinghe will research forgotten lineages with an NWO Open Competition grant, in particular the afterlife of Dutch slavery in the Indian Ocean World.
Jim Been new PhD Dean - 'I hope to alleviate certain pressures that PhD candidates might feel'
The Associate Professor at the Institute of Tax Law and Economics is one of two PhD deans at Leiden Law School and started in this position on 1 October 2023.
‘Arab Springs provide momentum for women’
The Arab women are coming! That was Kim Ghattas’s message on 6 March in the 25th Annie Romein-Verschoor Lecture. It won’t be easy and it could take a long time, but they can do it. The Arab Springs have inspired them, and they’re not letting go of that.
Conference on final evaluation of Dutch Child Protection Act: 'Give children a voice’
‘The system is failing’, ‘the goals are only being achieved to a limited extent’, ‘we’re letting children down’. These are some of the newspaper headlines that followed the publication of a report by researchers from Leiden University in September. Commissioned by the Dutch Research and Documentation…
One million euros for research on migrant cultures in European Cities
Dr. Sara Brandellero, expert in Lusophone literatures and cultures and member of the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society, will lead a research project about urban night life and migration, culture and integration in eight European cities. The project aims to support community well-being…
Children's Rights Legislative Reform Website Launched
New Online Platform Launched to Support Global Children's Rights Legislative Reform
The Politics of Education in Contemporary Vietnam
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
The China Pavilion (chīnīkhāna) of Ulugh Beg in Samarqand
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
‘Young Academy Leiden wants to stand up for young researchers, especially in difficult times’
Young Academy Leiden (YAL) will change its board this month and welcome seven new members. Outgoing chair Julia Cramer and incoming chair Rachel Plak look back at the highlights of the past year and discuss YAL’s plans for the coming period.
Statistical literacy: ‘It’s about how we teach, not what we can teach’
Assistant Professor Lucie Zicha at Leiden University College (LUC) in The Hague is on a mission to bring statistical literacy to all undergraduate students.
Mag Nederland internationale studenten toegang weigeren?
Minister Dijkgraaf van onderwijs wil het aantal internationale studenten terugdringen. Maar mag Nederland dat wel? En zo ja, is het ook wenselijk? Deze vragen behandelde Mark Klaassen, universitair docent bij het Europa Instituut, tijdens de slotbijeenkomst van het Honours College Law op 12 juni.
Inspired by the quote: ‘Leiden University never leaves you’
With this quote in mind, we organised an alumni event in Brussels for those alumni that live and work in the Brussels Area. 67 mostly young alumni - the majority graduated in the years 2010-2019 - showed up at the beautifully renovated Holland House, situated near the lively Place du Luxembourg (better…
Diasporic Koreans' Decolonization Project in Postwar Japan
Religiosity and Knowledge in Muslim Context in West Africa: Reconfiguring the Relationship between Boko and Adini
Lecture, LUCIS Keynotes
University diversity policy is alive and kicking: ‘We need to acknowledge each other’s experiences’
Leiden University has had a diversity policy since 2014. The aim is to create a diverse and inclusive learning and working environment for all students and staff. Diversity Officer Aya Ezawa updates us on the process and the results. It’s now 2022, what has already changed?
Pilgrim Year: a commemoration rather than a celebration
Myths abound about the Pilgrims, the group of religious refugees from England who set sail for America in 1620. Did they really live in peace with the indigenous peoples of America? In an international conference, historians from Leiden will seek to draw attention to the more negative effects of the…
Dr Graça Machel to visit Leiden Law School
Virtual girl leads to arrest of online child abusers
Thanks to the virtual girl Sweetie created by Terre des Hommes, more than a thousand men who had webcam sex have been identified worldwide. They thought they were chatting with a ten-year-old girl. Whether that is punishable by law depends on the country, Leiden legal experts conclude.
Alfons Chorus, founder of the Institute of Psychology: who was he really?
Alfons Chorus was the ‘founding father’ of Psychology in Leiden. His son Rogier Chorus recently obtained his PhD at Leiden University based on his biography of his father. He talked to his Leiden PhD supervisor Willem Heiser about his father’s innovations, his plagiarism and how he was misunderstood…
Dick Stufkens Prijs 2019 awarded to electrochemist Thom Hersbach
The Dick Stufkens Prize 2019 for the best PhD thesis of the Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry (HRSMC) will be awarded to Thom Hersbach. In his thesis, Hersbach presents a thorough analysis of cathodic corrosion. His comprehensive research, on which he graduated with the distinction cum…
Child abuse and professional confidentiality: ‘Focus on proper care, not on remaining silent’
How long should and may a doctor remain silent if he suspects child abuse? A GP who often sees the whole family, or a paediatrician, fills a crucial role when it comes to picking up signals of child abuse. Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm examined how tenable professional confidentiality of medical practitioners…
Public Support for Citizenship Expansion in South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
Europe’s evolving role in global security
How is the EU transforming from a soft power to a geopolitical actor, and what does this mean for the EU’s partners and global security? On Friday 13 December, a roundtable discussion offers students insights into these evolving dynamics, bridging theory and practice.
Call for Papers: Localizing the Women Peace & Security Agenda Across Multiple Governance Challenges
Hybrid Workshop: In person and online on 26 – 27 January 2023.
PhD Ceremony Mees Vergouwen – solutions for conflicting tax regulations
That the tax authorities are allowed to impose taxes is widely known. What is less well known is when the tax authorities must impose taxes. And what to do when one set of regulations requires the tax authorities to impose taxes while other regulations prevent them from doing exactly that? Vergouwen’s…
Jan Melissen on academic opportunities around diplomacy
Jan Melissen is a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs of Leiden University, and Professor of Diplomacy at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). As of 1 March he transferred from the Clingendael Institute to Leiden University. We asked some questions about himself, his job and…
Van Bergen Prize winner Archery Attack has growth potential
Dutch and international students brandishing bows and arrows fire at each other on the fields of the University Sports Centre on 11 May. This is the aim – not the shooting each other, but the act of getting together.
Animated video in Dutch about corona specially for children
A Dutch-language video shows children their new life during the corona crisis and gives them some guidelines to help them feel less worried. The short animated video was made by two German researchers with whom child psychologists Anke Klein and Annelieke Hagen are working. ‘With our translation, this…
HiSoN Summer School 2024
CPP Colloquium: "Property and Social Equality"
CPP Colloquium "Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change and Global Poverty”
CPP Colloquium: "The Normative Implications of Structurally Supported Autonomy"
CPP Colloquium "Discriminatory vs. Hate Speech: Wherein lies the difference?"
CPP Colloquium On the Radical Republican Critique of Capitalism
CPP Colloquium: A Tale of Two Crises. Or, Where is the Political Philosophy of the Biodiversity Crisis?
CPP Colloquium 'The Moral Luck in Making No Difference'
Entre la utopía tecnocrática y la colegialidad académica
PhD defence
CPP Colloquium 'Varieties of competition (and why they matter)'
CPP Colloquium: The disposition to discriminate
CPP Colloquium 'Design for Democracy: Deliberation and Experimentation'
Indonesia's Choice - Discussing the upcoming elections
Civil Society’s Democratic Potential: Organizational Trade-offs between Participation and Representation
Lecture, Global Questions Seminar