1,272 search results for “slavery paul” in the Public website
'All A-H Bombs should be buried’ - Indonesian activists, decolonization, and global nuclear disarmament, 1950-1965
Lecture, Histories Connected: Work-in-Progress
Leiden University and the war
Leiden University commemorates its victims of the war and pays tribute to all members of the university community who resisted injustice. Rudolph Cleveringa, for instance, the dean of the law faculty who gave a protest speech in 1940 after his Jewish colleagues were fired. We honour their memory through…
To promote a sustainable partnership with Asia, it is important to gain a better understanding of each other in economic, socio-cultural, historical, and legal terms. For decades, scholars from Leiden have made a significant contribution to the acquisition of knowledge about both the present and the…
Institute for History
The motto of the Institute for History is: ‘Global questions, local sources.’ Its researchers use local sources to find answers to major historical questions. Without historical analysis, it is impossible to understand and explain the issues in society today. Leiden itself has a rich history, with big…
A Dutch Republican Baroque. Theatricality, Dramatization, Moment and Event
In the logic and aesthetics of a republican baroque the existing world is the result of a moment in which for a split second two or more realities are equally real and after which only a singular one becomes actualized.
Diversity and inclusion
The Faculty of Humanities is committed to creating an inclusive and diverse community, where all students and staff are supported, respected, and empowered to do their best work, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, age, religion, or socio-economic background.
Study programme
In the African Studies BA programme you will obtain in-depth knowledge about Africa and the specific theme of your choice. At the same time, you will develop valuable academic and digital competences, as well as personal skills.
Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence (research) (MA)
In the research master Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence at Leiden University you will study processes of migration, urbanisation, economic development and global interaction over time.
North American Studies (MA)
The master’s programme in North American Studies at Leiden University takes a multidisciplinary approach to the study of the United States, with a particular emphasis on examining key aspects of American history, culture, and literature.
Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence (MA)
The key subject of Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence is Inequality at local, national and global levels.
About the programme
The multidisciplinary one-year master’s programme in North American Studies provides students with comprehensive knowledge of North American history, literature, film, and culture and their connection to contemporary social, political, literary and cultural developments in an international perspecti…
Grotian Law and Modernity at the Dawn of a New Age - International Conference
Global Abolitionisms Network established
Dr. Maartje Janse (History) and Prof.dr. Gert Oostindie (History, KITLV) have been awarded a seed grant for:
Esther Captain, Gert Oostindie and Valika Smeulders win Die Haghe Prize 2024
Researchers Esther Captain, Gert Oostindie and Valika Smeulders have won the Die Haghe Prize 2024. They were awarded the prize for their book The colonial and slavery past of Hofstad The Hague.
An Introduction to the Indian Ocean Slave Trade
When many people think of slavery, they think of the translatlantic trade that took place between Africa, the Americas and the Caribbean.
Diplomatica: A Journal of Diplomacy and Society
Diplomatica: A Journal of Diplomacy and Society addresses the broad range of work being done across the social sciences and the humanities that takes diplomacy as its focus of investigation.
History is being taught at Leiden University since the days of Justus Lipsius [1547-1606]. In 1860, following the appointment of Robert Fruin as Leiden professor of Dutch History, modern historical investigation started in the Netherlands.
What’s in a plant?
Tracking early human behaviour through plant processing and -exploitation.
Awards and Grants 2017
An overview of awards and prizes granted to our staff and students in 2017, as well as special appointments and royal distinctions.
The people behind The Hague Journal of Diplomacy and its online platform.
- LIAS China Seminar
Leids onderzoek naar bestraffing komt tot stand uit verschillende disciplines. Het onderzoeksproject kent een juridische, criminologische, sociaalwetenschappelijke en filosofische invalshoek.
Sampling the course and the campus on the Bachelor’s Open Day
It’s Saturday and electric minibuses ride back and forth bringing prospective students to Leiden University’s various faculties. They want to see for themselves whether that interesting-looking programme will suit them.
Vote for a super-talented Leiden scientist
The New Scientist magazine has selected two young Leiden scientists for its Top 25 Young Talents in the Netherlands and Flanders: historian Karwan Fatah-Black and neuropsychologist Mariska Kret. Who will be the winner? You can vote for one of them!
Damian Pargas new Professor of American History
As of 1 August 2017, Damian Pargas is the new Leiden University Chair of the History and Culture of North America.
Establishing Control: The Krio Elite and the Transformation of Labour Relations in Colonial Sierra Leone, 1868-1919
PhD defence
Constitutional and administrative law
Constitutional and administrative law covers a broad area of law. It provides the rules with which issues in society can be solved by government authorities.
Prison Project
The Prison Project investigates to what extent imprisonment has consequences for the relapse, health, career and intimate relations of the (ex-)prisoners.
Nietzsche Dictionary Project
The Nietzsche-Wörterbuch (NWB) has evolved into a long-term, multi-volume work on a global scale with around 30 contributors from a range of disciplines located all over the world
Scarcity and the State
Managing scarcity to serve the public interest is a classic government task. An important way to execute this task is by allocating individual rights that are only available in limited quantities, such as CO2 emission allowances, gambling licences, subsidies, radio frequencies, public contracts and…
Extreme weather events and farmer adaptation in Zeeland, the Netherlands: A European climate change case study from the Rhine delta
Global climate change is manifest by local-scale changes in precipitation and temperature patterns, including the frequency of extreme weather events (EWEs). EWEs are associated with a myriad range of adverse environmental and societal consequences, including negative impacts to agriculture and food…
The End of our Third Decade (volume I)
Papers written on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Institute of Prehistory, Volume I.
Terror Has Already Led to Self-Restraint
Self-censorship violates principles of a free society but few people want to take the role of the martyr.
Cultural Representations of Living Nature: Dynamics of Intermedial Recording in Text and Image (ca. 1550-1670)
This project investigates the transposition of natural historical material, knowledge and vision, between different media (collection, scientific drawing, academic texts, the visual arts and/or literature) – a transmission that happens in the borderline between the traditional, emblematic worldview…
Ancient Greek ersatz econonomics
This subproject of 'From Homo Economicus to Political Animal' will be on ancient analogues for modern-day “ersatz economics”, the economics of the “man in the street”.
EU JudgeCo Platform
The EU JudgeCo Platform provides valuable sources on cross-border insolvency court-to-court cooperation and communication in a EU context.
Saxophone Without Mouthpiece
How can saxophone without mouthpiece techniques be accurately and consistently comprehended and explained?
Early Modern Medievalisms
Early Modern Medievalisms: The Interplay between Scholarly Reflection and Artistic Production
Collaborative learning from loneliness (COLLELO). A transdisciplinary approach to understand and reduce loneliness together with people with
People with a mild intellectual disability (MID) experience more loneliness than people without MID. In the COLLELO project, researchers from social and humanities disciplines collaborate with people with MID and their (in)formal networks to create an (online) learning community that aims to understand…
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences brings together high-quality research and outstanding mono- and multidisciplinary teaching.
Stress Less Project: Effectiveness of school-based intervention programs
What is the effectiveness of two school-based skills-training programs in promoting mental health?
Diplomatic Negotiation – Essence and Evolution
Negotiation can only really be an alternative to warfare, if the parties agree on a framework of rules and procedures. And if the confidence of the partners may increase in another. But negotiations continue to wage war by peaceful means.
Artistic Research in Music: Discipline and Resistance - Artists and Researchers at the Orpheus Institute
Artistic research has come of age, and with it the Orpheus Institute. Founded twenty years ago, the Institute’s purpose from the start has been to pursue research through the practice of musicians.
Artistic Experimentation in Music – An Anthology
In October 2014 a new publication on artistic research has been launched. The book is called Artistic Experimentation in Music. An Anthology, edited by Darla Crispin and Bob Gilmore, and published by Leuven University Press.
To address major societal challenges, research needs to go beyond the boundaries of traditional disciplines. We believe this starts with education. By exposing students to people from different scientific fields, they learn to deal with diverse perspectives and can broaden their horizons. Professors…
Alba, General and Servant to the Crown
This book on Alba is edited by Maurits Ebben, Margriet Lacy-Bruijn and Rolof van Hövell tot Westerflier. Each of its fifteen chapters are dedicated to developing a new understanding of a sometimes misunderstood figure in European history.
Horizontal gene transfer and spreading of biosynthetic gene clusters and antimicrobial resistance
Biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) for natural products are widespread in microbial genomes, and they are rapidly exchanged. This research assesses the factors that control the spread of BGCs and resistance genes in nature. This includes risk assessment for the spread of engineered DNA in nature.
Welcome to the Leiden University Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences brings together high-quality research and outstanding teaching.
Software and Business
The mission of Software and AI in Business (SA&B)connects the domains of science, business, and policy. Scientific research we focus on at Leiden in areas such as artificial intelligence promises to reshape our societies for the better. Translating science into positive societal impact however requires…
Cities of the Roman Near East
The main objective of this research is to map out the cities of the Roman Near East in the imperial period, with a focus on location, city size and urban features, in order to study the form the urban system and its levels of integration.