10,000 search results for “been” in the Public website
New publication ERC StG Safe & Sound: Safety and Exoskeletons
We are pleased to announce a groundbreaking research study delving into crucial aspects of safety and responsibility in the domain of personal care robots, explicitly focusing on robotic lower-limb exoskeletons.
Leiden Egyptologist unravels ancient mystery
It is one of the greatest archaeological mysteries of all times: the disappearance of a Persian army of 50,000 men in the Egyptian desert around 524 BC. Leiden Professor Olaf Kaper unearthed a cover-up affair and solved the riddle.
NIAS grant for research on ‘War on Drugs’
His article on ‘the War on Drugs’ in Colombia and the Philippines has been in the top five most downloaded articles of Oxford University Press for some time. Now, Assistant Professor Santino Regilme is to receive a NIAS grant to map out the global war on drugs.
Watch the best films of Visual Ethnography alumni on Alexander Street Press
The Leiden University Visual Ethnography collection has been added to Alexander Street Press, an educational streaming video service. The master’s specialization Visual Ethnography has supported many talented individuals to produce inspiring films. About 70 master’s thesis films of the past 8 years…
Archaeologists come up with a more precise estimate for how long modern humans and Neanderthals co-existed
Modern humans and Neanderthals may have co-existed in France and Northern Spain for up to 2,900 years until the Neanderthals disappeared. This is what archaeologists from Leiden University and Cambridge University write in a new publication in Scientific Reports.
Vici grant for Anouk de Koning for research on Prototyping Welfare in Europe
Leiden's cultural anthropologist Anouk de Koning is receiving a Vici research grant for her project ‘Prototyping Welfare in Europe: Experiments in State and Society’ to study welfare experiments in four countries and to examine what they tell us about the futures of European welfare states.
Gut-on-chip good predictor of drug side-effects
Research conducted at Leiden has established that guts-on-chips respond in the same way to aspirin as real human organs do. This is a sign that these model organs are good predictors of the effect of medical drugs on the human body. Publication in Nature Communications on 15 August.
Data in the city: new research projects
The Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities uses data research to help solve urban issues. Three interdisciplinary research projects will begin soon. Leiden sociologist John Boy explains.
Felix Ameka: ‘Multilingualism is the answer to many problems’
A new challenge for Felix Ameka. The senior lecturer at the Centre for Linguistics has been appointed professor by special appointment of Ethnolinguistic Vitality and Diversity in the World. ‘I am looking forward to promoting ethnolinguistic diversity and vitality.’
European Union Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings: An Introductory Analysis (Fourth Edition)
This book, written by two representatives of Leiden Law School, describes the framework of the European Insolvency Regulation (recast) (‘EIR Recast’), in force since June 2017.
‘Young people are cannon fodder in the Central African Republic’
A bloody civil war has raged for years in the Central African Republic. PhD candidate Crépin Mouguia points out a tragic pattern: young people have been recruited as fighters or soldiers for generations and thus fuel the conflicts.
NWO funding for history research into Siva Religion in Asia
Professor Peter Bisschop, lecturer in Sanskrit and Ancient Cultures of South Asia, has been awarded a grant by the NWO Free Competition to fund his research into the rapid growth of Saivism in the sixth and seventh centuries in South and Southeast Asia. The research project, entitled ‘From Universe…
LUF research grants for two anthropologists
Annemarie Samuels and Andrew Littlejohn, Assistant Professors at the Leiden Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, have both been awarded a Leiden University Fund research grant. Samuels will use the grant to kickstart a multi-sited ethnographic study of care at the end of life.…
BA Classics students staging a production of Hecuba: ‘It really brings a tragedy to life.’
Translating texts, rehearsing scenes or practising music. Over the last few weeks, students of the BA Classics programme have been focused on just one thing: their production of the Greek tragedy Hecuba. Almost a third of them are involved in it. Iris de Smalen, who plays Hecuba, and Christoph Pieper,…
What global cities are made of
Understanding what our buildings and cities are made of is an important step in making them more sustainable. Industrial ecologist Tomer Fishman (CML) has received an ERC Starting Grant to map the construction materials used in buildings in the Global South. 'Without the data, you can't formulate po…
Dennis Broeders in World Politics Review on UN Governance of Cyberspace
Earlier this week, a working group of the United Nations, comprising all 193 of its member states, adopted a consensus report on norms for responsible state behaviour in cyberspace. Dennis Broeders, full professor of Global Security and Technology at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden…
Living Lab moves: first new ditches dug
Leiden University’s Living Lab is moving to the middle of the Leiden Bio Science Park. In the lab’s new home between the University of Applied Sciences, Mentor and Naturalis Biodiversity Center, the first ditches have now been dug. This new location is more accessible to both researchers and the public.…
Twee LUF-subsidies voor Rechtsgeschiedenis
Het Leids Universiteits Fonds (LUF) heeft recentelijk twee subsidies toegekend voor rechtshistorisch onderzoek. Deze financiering ondersteunt projecten over de bescherming van graftekens en de beperking van maritieme aansprakelijkheid, uitgevoerd door promovendi Eva Drommel en Tim Lubbers.
No one knows if regulation makes the chemical industry safer
The government spends millions regulating companies that work with large quantities of hazardous substances. But we don’t know whether this is making the industry safer. The number of violations and incidents remains constant. This is the conclusion of external PhD candidate Rob in ’t Veld in his dissertation.…
Is the WPS Agenda Working? Preventing Conflict Related Sexual Violence and Beyond
On Wednesday 25 January, the British Embassy, the Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) programme at Leiden University and Women in International Security Netherlands (WIIS-NL) were hosting a round table with Professor Bina D’Costa to discuss the prevention of conflict related sexual…
Sjef Barbiers appointed Scientific Director: 'LUCL is unique in the world'
The LUCL has a new Scientific Director. Professor Sjef Barbiers took over the reins from Lisa Cheng with effect from 1 January. 'This is a great opportunity to contribute to a wonderful institution.'
More focus on women in academia
For a month long, the Senate Chamber of Leiden University was reserved for portraits of women. The work of art showing a hundred unique portraits of female professors has now been put into storage, but the board of the University is taking measures to promote the image of women in science.
Corstens Commission concludes in report: no expressions of antisemitism
The Corstens Commission that investigated whether there are any grounds for the rumours of antisemitism at the Faculty of Law has found no indication whatsoever for such expressions. This also applies to the professor in question. This is evident from the report that the commission chaired by Professor…
Leiden University to evaluate Dutch counterterrorism legislation
A research team from Leiden University, in cooperation with Bureau Boekhoorn Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek en Advies (BBSO), is to evaluate Dutch counterterrorism legislation.
Alumna Cultural Anthropology Van der Helm is 'Stadsfotograaf' Leidsch Dagblad
Every year a photographer portrays Leiden as Stadsfotograaf (City Photographer) of the Leidsch Dagblad. This year it is the honor to Leonie van der Helm, an alumna of cultural anthropology. Over the next 52 weeks, Van der Helm will visualize the meaning of 'home'.
Students remain ‘very satisfied’ with their degree programme in 2022
Almost 3,000 students from the Faculty of Humanities completed the National Student Survey (NSE) in the spring of 2022. With a response rate of 38%, the Faculty scored slightly above the national average.
Antoaneta Dimitrova, Bernard Steunenberg and Dimiter Toshkov about the political situation in Bulgaria
In the current political situation of Bulgaria, it seems that a long-term caretaker government is the only viable option at the moment. Dimiter Toshkov, Antoaneta Dimitrova and Bernard Steunenberg of FGGA analyse what the Bulgarian caretaker government can learn from its Dutch counterpart.
Stage bij bekende krant in Parijs: ‘Ik mocht een minister interviewen’
Zoé is een tweedejaars bachelorstudent bij LUC, waar ze de richting culture, history & society volgt. Afgelopen zomer heeft ze stage gelopen bij de krant Le Parisien in Parijs.
Young transgender people are able to decide about puberty blockers
Young transgender people are able to decide together with their parents on a reversible intervention with puberty blockers. These are the results of a study by LUMC Curium and Amsterdam UMC of 74 young people undergoing treatment. Ninety percent of the young people studied proved able to make an informed…
Back to Faculty with Nikie Veld
Nikie Veld is an education coordinator at Biology. Her job now mainly revolves around getting students back to the Faculty. ‘In the corona era, we were constantly rearranging the timetables.’
Letters confiscated from Dutch ships now online
More than a thousand 17th- and 18th-century Dutch letters from seized ships are now available online. The letters are a gold mine for researchers wanting to study the everyday language used by men and women during this period.
Leiden celebrates tenth anniversary of ERC
The European Research Council, better known as the ERC, turns ten this year, and researchers from Leiden celebrated this on 23 June. The ERC is an important provider of research funding, also to Leiden University. Over the past ten years researchers from the University have been awarded over 70 ERC…
Hundred-year-old causes of death mapped: ‘The past is the laboratory of the present’
If it is up to university lecturer Evelien Walhout, in a year's time we will know exactly what people from Haarlem and Zwolle died of a century ago. Together with colleagues from other universities, she started the doodsoorzaken.nl platform, where causes of death are recorded. ‘Somewhere around the…
Leiden University publishes list of research partnerships with the fossil fuel industry
Leiden University is publishing a list giving an overview of its research collaborations with the fossil fuel industry.
‘Cleveringa was more than a one-day hero’
In his biography about Professor Rudolph Cleveringa, Kees Schuyt adds to the image we already have of this famous Leiden professor. The overriding focus is generally on Cleveringa’s protest speech against the Nazis, while his later Resistance work carried much greater risks. And we also shouldn't forget…
Carel Stolker: ‘Young researchers, you’re not alone’
Young researchers have been particularly affected by the coronavirus measures. They’re concerned about whether they’ll get their PhD or postdoc project finished on time, now their research has been at a standstill for months. What effect will such a delay have at the start of their academic career?…
Curator Ruurd Halbertsma: ‘Surely we can’t just sweep away antiquity?’
Like many others, Ruurd Halbertsma has had a rollercoaster of a year. His museum, the National Museum of Antiquities (RMO), was closed for a long while because of the lockdown. Visitor numbers picked up again from September, but it the next few weeks will be tense now the hospitals are full again. Halbertsma:…
Lucia Langerak: ‘I'm not one to sit on the sidelines’
Lucia Langerak was awarded a Master’s degree in Egyptology with cum laude honours in 2018. Her bachelor’s degree was also with cum laude honours. ‘I’m an exceptional Egyptologist, if only because I’ve never been to Egypt.’ She is now the coordinator of the Access & Support Platform at the University…
Van Bergen Prize winner Archery Attack has growth potential
Dutch and international students brandishing bows and arrows fire at each other on the fields of the University Sports Centre on 11 May. This is the aim – not the shooting each other, but the act of getting together.
At the helm of the largest Oxford college
Kersti Börjars studied English language and literature in Leiden. She became a professor and now she is Master of the largest college at the University of Oxford: St Catherine’s College. What impact is coronavirus having on St Catherine’s and how has she benefited from her studies in Leiden.
Call for Papers Interdisciplinary Conference 'EU Criminal Justice Policy and Practice - Reflections and Prospects'
This interdisciplinary conference, to be held on 26-27 June 2017, will bring together lawyers interested in EU law and criminal law, criminologists, political scientists, and philosophers to jointly reflect on the development of the EU's criminal policy.
Interview with Professor Ken Meier: 'Protests, a representative government and the role of leadership'
Professor Ken Meier is one of the most prominent researchers of the world in the field of Public Administration. Meier holds appointments as a professor of Public Administration at Cardiff School of Business (Wales), a professor of bureaucracy and democracy at Leiden University (The Netherlands), research…
Jannemieke Ouwerkerk independent and free thanks in part to Veni
‘Without that Veni grant, I would never have been able to delve into my subject so deeply. During the first two months, I only read articles and other professional literature. A dream, I would skip home afterwards.’
MSc Research Presentation Margherita Botto 9 October @ 12:30
The project has been done in the Organization and Dynamic Chromatin group under the supervision of Prof. dr.ir. S.J.T. van Noort. The title of the presentation is: ''Structural changes induced by variation of linker DNA length.
Hendrik Lenstra appointed Academy Professor
Today it was made public that Hendrik Lenstra has been appointed by the Dutch Royal Academy for Sciences (KNAW) as 'Akademiehoogleraar' (Academy Professor). The Mathematical Institute congratulates him, and is very honored to have him as part of its staff.
MSc Research Presentation Chris Kettenis 21 December @ 15:30, EM1.19 Gorlaues Building
The project has been done in the Biological Matter group under the supervision of Prof. dr. ir. S.J.T. van Noort and Prof. dr. M.A.G.J. Orrit.The title of the presentation is: ''Characterization of Single Gold Nanorods with Two Photon Microscopy.
Children’s Rights Newsletter October 2020
The latest newsletter of the Master of Laws Programme: Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights and the UNICEF Chair in Children’s Rights of Leiden Law School, Department of Child Law has been published.
Daniela Kraft about freezing soap bubbles
Physicists at Virginia Tech in the US investigated how a soap bubble freezes to become a beautiful ice dome. This only happens when the surrounding air is cold enough, otherwise the dome collapses. LION-researcher Daniela Kraft comments. 'This had never been researched before. I think it is beautiful…
Roxanne Kieltyka interviewed by Nemo Kennislink
Chemist Roxanne Kieltyka has been interviewed by Nemo Kennislink in the Dutch article:
Peter Stevenhagen put forward for LSR Education Prize
Since 2000 the Leiden Student Council (LSR) yearly awards a prize for the best teacher of the university at the Dies Natalis.