4,533 search results for “history van de universiteit” in the Public website
- Windows servers
Routledge Companion to Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy
Prof. Jan Adriaanse and Dr. Jean-Pierre van der Rest are currently completing an edited volume on Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy which will be published by Routledge in December 2016. A book written by leading experts in the field of business, law and finance, this edited volume brings together…
Wat is hier de bedoeling? Tussen eenvoud en meervoud in publiek leiderschap
Inaugural lecture
“Armez-vous des sciences”? The Creative Lives of African Universities
Lecture, Annual Leiden Terra Incognita Lecture
- De Novo Cyclic Peptides: A RaPID Approach to Chemical Tool Development
Pieter Slaman: German occupation lengthened mandatory education
Assistant professor and dual PhD candidate, Pieter Slaman writes in Binnenlands Bestuur about the fact that the German occupier lengthened the period of mandatory education in The Netherlands.
(Vorsten)graven in brons- en ijzertijd
Roundtable on Slavery: From Scholarly Debates to Public Reckoning
Conference, Histories Connected: Faculty Roundtable
ICM 2018 project results
Within the ICM 2018 project, Leiden University cooperated with 25 partner universities from 14 countries. In total, 97 mobilities were granted to this project - 65 mobilities were realised (some mobilities had to be ended prematurely due to covid-19, others were finished online).
Disclaimer: Manuscripts related to the Resilience Center are for academic purposes only and are not intended for mass distribution or copying. Please refer to applicable laws for fair use, including copyright holders' restrictions on publications.
Prof. Tim Koopmans
Tim Koopmans is one of the great minds in the history of Dutch and European legal scholarship. He taught law as a professor in Leiden and other universities, among which Ghent, Cambridge, Utrecht. He practiced it as a judge in the European Court of Justice and Advocate-General in the Dutch Supreme Court,…
Vulnerable Groups and Inequality
The Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology’s ‘Vulnerable Groups and Inequality’ research project draws on a number of disciplines.
Connect art and academia at ACPA
- Maintenance User Portal Leiden University (Citrix)
- Upgrade helpdesk portal
Sara Polak: ‘Corona unveils great social inequality in the US’
Following China and Italy, it appears that the United States is becoming the next epicentre of the coronacrisis. Can the US handle this crisis? Is president Trump dealing with the situation correctly? We asked Leiden America expert Sara Polak.
Van Marum Colloquium: Large-Scale Polymer Synthesis by Reversible Deactivation Radical Polymerizations with Molecular Oxygen Reduction Reaction
eLaw Conference: eLaw Symposium (20 June) and AI & Data Protection Conference (21 June) – Call for Abstracts
Historical Sociolinguistics Young Researchers Forum
Conference, Workshops, masterclass and keynote lecture
Dies Natalis all about innovating and connecting
‘We could share our knowledge more with others and apply it more widely,’ said Annetje Ottow, President of the Executive Board, while presenting the new Strategic Plan on the University’s 447th Dies Natalis. The new Strategic Plan therefore focuses on innovating and connecting, among disciplines and…
Van Marum Colloquium: Proton-coupled electron transfer at interfaces: the importance of non-ideal isotherms
Van Marum Colloquium: Unraveling the mechanism of CO2 catalytic reduction by an iron porphyrin through spectroelectrochemical analysis
Van Marum Colloquium: Concerted Cation-Electron Transfer at Pt(111)/Perfluoro-Sulfonic Acid Ionomer Interface
Van Marum Colloquium - Probing the surface chemistry of water and carbon dioxide with qPlus-STM/AFM
Studying the United Nations: From Cyberspace and Peacekeeping to the UN's Public Image and Future
As an interdisciplinary institute in the field of Security Studies, the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) covers various topics in its research, one of which is the United Nations and the impact of this global organization in the world.
- Vastgoed : Maintenance powersupply Datacentre LMUY
- Maintenance telephone University Leiden
- Maintain Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) environment
- Maintenance Topdesk
- Maintenance Telephony environment
Joint Lectures on Evolutionary Algorithms
Blue Diversity: Drinking Water in the Netherlands, 1500-1850
Lecture, Environmental Humanities LU Talk
Can Parkinson's be stopped by unravelling protein fibres? Anne Wentink finds out with a Vidi grant from NWO
In brain diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, proteins clump together to form fibres. ‘Chaperone proteins’ unravel those fibres, but in the test tube biochemist Anne Wentink saw that this can also cause new problems. She is going to find out what happens inside cells to determine what a drug…
Jason Laffoon’s Leiden Experience: ‘I am expanding my horizons chronologically and regionally’
Back in 2008, Jason Laffoon moved from Chicago to Leiden. He came to join the Faculty of Archaeology’s Caribbean research group as a PhD candidate. Now he is an assistant professor, bridging departments through his innovative research methods. ‘I focus both on the archaeology of the Americas, as well…
Call for Papers: Summer school 'Socioeconomic diplomacy and global empire building, 16th-19th centuries'
On 26-28 June, 2023, Leiden University’s Institute for History will host a summer school on Socioeconomic diplomacy and global empire building, 16th-19th centuries, in collaboration with the N.W. Posthumus Institute (the research school for economic and social history in the Netherlands and Flanders)…
Holger Hoos appointed ACM Fellow
On 13 January 2020, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has named 95 members ACM Fellows who have demonstrated excellence across many disciplines of computing. Among the new ACM Fellows is Professor Holger Hoos of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, who was specifically selected…
Local residents research their own problems
The Countering Syndemic Vulnerability project supports communities by identifying and tackling clusters of social factors and health problems. The project works with residents and professionals in the Moerwijk district in The Hague and the Stevenshof district in Leiden.
Zeineb Romdhane: Student and Minister for New Democracy
A shadow cabinet has just been formed. This one consists of students from all the Dutch universities. They will be keeping politicians on their toes in the coming year, and want to show that progress cannot be made without academic research and teaching. Master’s student Zeineb Romdhane is Minister…
Playing Cluedo with speech sounds
Using speech analysis to resolve crimes. That's what Meike de Boer (26) is aiming to do with her PhD research. 'By analysing how a person pronounces
Draw on behavioural science for a healthy lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle campaigns are often unsuccessful. It is hard to get people to eat healthily or do more exercise. Behavioural science expertise should be drawn on at a much earlier stage in policy development, say twelve behavioural scientists in a position paper. They will present the paper to Maarten…
Naomi Ellemers: ‘Now I have the opportunity to do something truly innovative.'
Naomi Ellemers, Professor of Social Psychology of Organisations, is one of the four winners of the Spinoza Prize for 2010. ‘This is absolutely fantastic – something that as a researcher you hardly dare to dream of!’
Alumna Tessa Schiethart: 'If I could go back to my student days, I’d go right away'
That Tessa Schiethart finished her bachelor's degree in International Studies with a thesis on Indonesian women's reasons for veiling was a coincidence. Or so she thought. Six years later, her book Seeing and Being Seen, in which she writes about her life with a wine stain and vision loss, is in the…
‘Funding is often hard to find. But not this time!’
‘It is a fantastic sum of money,’ enthuses classicist Professor Ineke Sluiter. ‘It gives me not just an award, but a task as well. And in all honesty, I prefer it that way.’ She is already brimming with ideas about what she will do with her Spinoza Prize.
Helping GPs identify patients with persistent somatic symptoms earlier
Medical psychologist Willeke Kitselaar developed a model that helps identify patients with persistent somatic symptoms earlier, based on an extensive large medical database. ‘I advise GPs to ask patients to fill in a questionnaire about both physical and mental symptoms at an earlier stage.’ PhD defence…
Conference on Human Rights and Climate Change
On 27-28 January 2022, Leiden University’s interdisciplinary seed grant programme ‘Beyond Anthropocentric Interests and Values? Human Rights and Climate Change’ hosted a conference on human rights and climate change.
Rectores magnifici of the Dutch universities: a good university is international too
The Netherlands is an open country and should remain so. This is what the rectores magnifici of the Dutch universities write in an opinion piece. Because academic training that does not provide enough of an international perspective lacks quality and relevance to the job market and society.
Ook jij hebt een cyclus – en daar gedraag je je naar
Leiden researchers Arko Ghosh and Enea Ceolini analysed the usage data of hundreds of mobile phones and discovered that our body has rhythms ranging between 7 and 52 days. These cycles influence how we behave. Their research resulted in an article in npj Digital Medicine journal, a Nature Portfolio…
The importance of an engaged alumni network
One of the good things about my job is that I come into contact with so many different alumni. It’s incredibly important that we build good relationships with our alumni from a young age already. We can help our graduates develop skills and grow their network, and they in turn can help our organisation…
‘Ultimately, the goal is to develop antibiotics for tuberculosis with a lower risk of resistance’
Tuberculosis stands as one of the most lethal infectious diseases worldwide. A significant challenge in combatting tuberculosis lies in the emergence of antibiotic resistance triggered by genetic alterations, commonly known as mutations. These mutations can diminish the responsiveness to antibiotics,…
Circular fuel: researchers and technicians work hand in hand on tomorrow’s solutions
From a meaningless block of plastic to an advanced component that contributes to the energy transition. The technicians and scientists of our faculty think it out in detail and make it a reality. This special project shows that they need each other.