5,340 search results for “russian and science linguistics” in the Public website
Podcast: Carel Stolker on coronavirus, vlogging and the void
In a few weeks’ time Carel Stolker will be retiring as Rector Magnificus. In a double episode of the Science Shots podcast, we take stock: what were the key lessons, how has the coronavirus crisis been and of course, what will he do to avoid the post-retirement void? Stolker shares his experiences in…
Arco Timmermans in Infobae about the Belgian government formation
In every parliamentary system, people vote on political parties during an election instead of a president. It is very unlikely that one party gets the majority of the parliament. Therefore, a government is formed by negotiations between parties. In Belgium, this process is far more complicated than…
Tirza Cramwinckel wins Stevens Award
'Her publications demonstrate a strong combination of science and practice’, according to the jury. Cramwinckel received the Stevens Award on 9 February 2024 in recognition of her scholarly publications and work in practice and education.
Leiden Anthropology Conference: Call for Contributions
More than 100 anthropologists work at Leiden University – not only at the Institute for Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (CA/DS) in the Faculty of Social Sciences, but also within other faculties, for example at Archaeology, Law, the Humanities, or the Leiden University Medical Centre…
University history complete: Otterspeer presents fourth volume
At the Dies Natalis Willem Otterspeer, Professor Emeritus of University History, presented the fourth and final volume of Groepsportret met Dame, his series on the history of Leiden University. De 'Strategie van de Aanpassing' covers the period 1876-1975. Otterspeer talked about his book in a podcast…
Out now! LEAP # 3: Sense(s)
The editorial board of the Leiden Elective Academic Periodical (LEAP) is proud to announce the release of the third edition , titled “Sense(s)”!
New super server at humanities
When you think of humanities, you may not immediately think of a new super server. Yet one has just been commissioned. University lecturer Jelena Prokic from Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities explains more about this development.
Terms of Exchange. Brazilian Intellectuals and the French Social Sciences
Conference, Global Histories of Knowledge Seminar
- OSCoffee: Open Science in Criminology - barriers and opportunities
‘Privacy is shifting from Big Brother to Kafka’
On the Day of Privacy, 28 January, the European Commission is calling on citizens to make sure they protect their personal data. But how do you do that, and against what, exactly? Privacy researcher Bart Custers explains.
How does the European Union deal with distinctiveness?
On 31 January 2024, Alex Schilin defended his dissertation ‘United in Distinctiveness: The Institutionalisation of Differentiated Integration in Economic and Monetary Union during the Sovereign Debt Crisis.’ What motivated him to research this specific topic, and how did he tackle this project? And…
Young Academy Leiden - Citizen Science workshop by Margaret Gold
- Open Science Coffee: Form and Content Innovations in Open Publishing
The Ethiopian wolf: respected and threatened by local cattle farmers
The rare Ethiopian wolf is increasingly coming into contact with local cattle farmers. PhD candidate Girma Eshete explored ways of saving this elegant animal from being wiped out. Phd-defense on 5 September.
How to attract stargazing tourists? Leiden Observatory launches a new manual for astrotourism
How to create an unforgettable astronomy experience for tourists? And how to create fun activities that also have scientific and educational value? The Astronomy & Society Group at Leiden Observatory has translated a manual that answers those questions. The Observatory’s public engagement team hopes…
Political Scientist Matthew Longo wins Orwell Prize for his book
The latest book by political scientist Matthew Longo came out this spring: 'The Picnic: A Dream of Freedom and the Collapse of the Iron Curtain'. In addition to its many favourable reviews, the book received the prestigious Orwell Prize this summer, which highlights exceptional books on politics.
Using sensors to measure playground dynamics
Free playtime and physical play are of great importance to children's social development. That is the main conclusion of innovative research by developmental psychologists and computer scientists from Leiden University.
Interactive models: Matthijs van Leeuwen receives NWO TOP grant
Matthijs van Leeuwen of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science develops methods to make computer models interactive. With interactive models, experts can combine information from raw data with their own knowledge to make predictions more accurate. 'In this way we hope to build models that…
How do you measure democracy? Leiden political scientist collaborates on international freedom report
Wouter Veenendaal, a political scientist at Leiden University, is an analyst for the Freedom House report. Freedom House is an American non-profit organisation dedicated to democracy, political freedom and human rights. In short, the report describes the degree of freedom and the state of democracy…
- Open Science Coffee: A hands-on guide to preprints
How to address sensitive subjects in class?
The war between Russia and Ukraine, the conflict in Gaza or the global rise of the far-right: topics that stir up emotions but are also regularly discussed in classes at Political Science. Moreover, with a diverse group of students, there is a great diversity of life experiences, backgrounds and opinions.…
From scientific idea to promising new drug
Many pharmaceutical companies no longer have their own lab and are working more closely with universities and start-ups of scientists. Professor of Science-Based Business Simcha Jong is researching how scientific ideas result in new drugs, including at the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP).
- Presentation at the Conference of the Italian Political Science Association
Career College: Working at an NGO
Career and apply for jobs
Posting preprints: ‘There is no reason not to’
Leiden University publishes the highest percentage of preprints in the Netherlands. Why is that and why post your article online before it has been peer reviewed? Professor of Quantitative Science Studies and keen preprint poster Ludo Waltman explains.
Young Star Maite Boden broadens her horizon
At the beginning of 2020, Maite Boden became the first student ever to receive the Young Star award. She received the award for her contribution to research into the notorious ghost particle: the neutrino. With her master's degree in the pocket as well, she is now looking for a job in data analysis.…
Putting the Dutch children’s ombudsman on the map
In the last five years the Dutch children’s ombudsman has developed into a full-fledged supervisory body monitoring compliance with children’s rights in the Netherlands. A fuller engagement with its statutory tasks, greater involvement of children and strengthening the autonomous position of the children’s…
Test certificate could help reopen society, but at what cost?
On 11 May the House of Representatives voted in favour of a law that will enable some sectors to reopen sooner than planned with the aid of test certificates. Political philosopher Josette Daemen is critical of the new legislation. ‘Just because we get used to measures doesn’t make them desirable.’
Scientific research with any smartphone camera
Although smartphones and other consumer cameras are increasingly used for scientific applications like citizen science, it’s still difficult to compare and combine data from different devices. PhD student Olivier Burggraaff developed a new easy-to-use standardised method which makes it possible for…
Enabling the most impact from Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH) research
Working Group
- Open Science Coffee: Handling Geospatial Data with qGIS
- Open Science Coffee: Open Access Q&A: 4 profiles
Van Marum Colloquium: Scale-up Science in Electrolytic Processes
Opening of the Academic Year at the Faculty of Science
Heritage Quest project wins European Heritage Europa Nostra Award
Heritage Quest is a large-scale citizen science project in the field of archaeology that allows anyone to contribute to scientific research. It is the first large-scale archaeological citizen science project in The Netherlands and one of the few of its kind in the world. As part of the Cultural Heritage…
Psychology Science Day 2023
- Graduation ceremony Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Kuijpers in Science Magazine: 'This is a blow to the idea that elites were running the show'
A new study sugggests that through informal networks, Mesopotamian merchants established a standardized system of weights that later spread across Europe, enabling trade across the continent. The advance effectively formed the first known common Eurasian market more than 3000 years ago. “This is…
Open Science debate - STIBNITE: developing the next generation organic semiconductors
Wim van Anrooij appointed to member KHMW
The Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen invited Wim van Anrooij to join as a member. That does not happen to everyone!
Two young female Leiden researchers join Oncode
The Oncode Institute is a new international network organisation that focuses on making sure that new scientific findings on cancer are implemented in patients as rapidly as possible. Two young female researchers at Leiden University have been selected to join Oncode: Laura Heiman (Leiden Academic…
Lukas Verburgt wins KNAW early career award
Dr. Lukas Verburgt, guest researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, has received an Early Career Award from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). He received this award for his innovative research into changes in the way scientists and philosophers define the nature and boundaries…
Dr. Joris Larik presents research at Paris Peace Forum
On 11-13 November, Dr. Joris Larik, Assistant Professor for Comparative, EU, and International Law at LUC The Hague, took part in the inaugural Paris Peace Forum. The Forum is a new annual gathering focused on tackling global challenges through international cooperation launched by French President…
Experiences of a PhD: the influence of leadership on security.
Duaal promovendus Duaal promoveren Werken en promoveren Deeltijd PhD
Hester Bijl new Vice-Rector Magnificus of Leiden University
Mathematician Hester Bijl will be appointed Vice-Rector Magnificus and member of the Executive Board of Leiden University with effect from 1 November 2016. She succeeds Simone Buitendijk.
New theory on liquid crystals with high symmetry
LCD screens use liquid crystals which have a high degree of order, even though they form a fluid. A new theory maps out the interplay between order, temperature and symmetry. Publication in Physical Review X.
Hossam Ahmed receives Comenius teaching grant for Digital Humanities track
A better integration of Digital Humanities into study programmes, so that students develop their digital skills as well as possible. That is what Hossam Ahmed wants to achieve in the coming years. He received a senior Comenius Fellowship to develop a digital programme for students.
Two new Leiden members of The Young Academy
Leiden researchers Fenneke Sysling and Joris van der Voet will be admitted to the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences’ The Young Academy.
Executive Board distances itself from Van Rijn Committee
The Executive Board of Leiden University has distanced itself from the Minister of Education, Culture and Science’s response to the Van Rijn Committee report. According to the University’s calculations, following the advice would have serious financial consequences for the entire University and would…
Is the Netherlands liable for refugee suffering on Greek islands?
Three NGOs are suing the Dutch state for actively contributing to the suffering of refugees on Greek islands. In Dutch newspaper ‘Trouw’, the organisations say that the suffering was caused by the Netherlands agreeing to the EU-Turkey deal.