2,554 search results for “russian and slik linguistics” in the Public website
Kate Bellamy
Faculty of Humanities
Felix Ameka
Faculty of Humanities
An experimental approach to the interaction of tone sandhi and focus expression in six dialects of Chinese
This project employs a systematic experimental approach to examine the interaction of these two hitherto independent lines of research (tone sandhi and focus realization) in six dialects of Chinese, which lie on a continuum between dialects with dense tonal distributions and sparser distributions. In…
Ukrainian course to start soon: ‘Useful for contact with refugees’
The Academic Language Centre is organising an introduction to Ukrainian with the Russian Studies/Russian and Eurasian Studies programmes. This six-part course is meant primarily for people who are in contact with refugees from Ukraine.
Contact-induced change in Dolgan
This study explores the role of linguistic data in the reconstruction of Dolgan (pre)history by analyzing contact-induced changes and using them to infer information about the nature of the contact settings in which they occurred.
The nature of evidentiality
This project launches a research program into the theoretical status and the terminological basis of evidentiality systems.
Introducing: Matthew Frear
In September 2013 I moved to Leiden from the UK to take up the position of Assistant Professor covering politics and international relations on the BA Russian Studies and International Studies programmes and the MA Russian and Eurasian Studies.
Summer School in Languages and Linguistics is now open.
The Leiden Summerschool in Languages and Linguistics, including courses in Papyrology, is now open. BA/MA/PhD students are welcome to attend.
Geert Booij
Faculty of Humanities
Turan Hanci
Faculty of Humanities
A Semiotactic Approach to Modern Japanese
The aim of this research was to establish if Ebeling's semiotactic theory and method of semiotactic analysis, as described in his works Syntax and Semantics (1978), Een Inleiding tot de Syntaxis (1994) and Semiotaxis, over Theoretische en Nederlandse Syntaxis (2006), could be applied to Modern Japanese…
Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) is an independent institute within the Leiden University Humanities Faculty. A Management Team, consisting of an Academic/Scientific Director, a Director of Education and an Institute Manager, is responsible for the overall running of the institute. This…
The unbearable lightness of clitics
On the 23rd of January, Anastasiia Ionova successfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Anastasiia on this achievement.
‘Kindersprache, Aphasie und allgemeine Lautgesetze’ revisited
The current project aims to revive the idea that sound inventories are structured according to a small set of universal principles by applying insights from current phonological theory and by making use of modern database technologies and data assessing methodologies.
Chinese Final Particles and the Syntax of the Periphery
In this research, for the first time a detailed description as well as systematic and comparative analysis of the final particle system in Chinese are provided.
Word processing in languages using non-alphabetic scripts: The cases of Japanese and Chinese
This thesis investigates the processing of words written in Japanese kanji and Chinese hànzì, i.e. logographic scripts.
Mutual intelligibility of Chinese dialects: an experimental approach
This study examines the mutual intelligibility between all 225 pairs of 15 Chinese dialects, in two main branches, i.e., six Mandarin dialects and nine non-Mandarin (Southern) dialects.
Gradability in the nominal domain
This dissertation investigates whether and how gradability is manifested in the nominal domain, as well as the implications this could have for theories of the representation of gradability.
John Ash and the Rise of the Children's Grammar
Making extensive use of primary source materials this study contributes to existing scholarship in the field of eighteenth-century grammars and grammarians by providing an in-depth study of Ash’s Grammatical Institutes and its influence on other popular grammars for children.
Things hold together: Foundations for a systemic treatment of verbal and nominal tone in Plateau Shimakonde
This is a study of Plateau Shimakonde, a sub-dialect of the Makonde language which is spoken on the Makonde Plateau in northern Mozambique.
Multidominance, ellipsis, and quantifier scope
This dissertation provides a novel perspective on the interaction between quantifier scope and ellipsis. It presents a detailed investigation of the scopal interaction between English negative indefinites, modals, and quantified phrases in ellipsis. One of the crucial observations is that a negative…
The Phonology of Shaoxing Chinese
This thesis presents a thorough survey of the central aspects of the phonology of Shaoxing Chinese from a synchronic perspective and on the basis of recent theoretical phonological developments, with the secondary goal of casting some light on current issues in Modern Chinese (Mandarin).
- Meet our staff
Olja Karmanova wins Faculty Teaching Prize 2023
The Humanities Faculty Teaching Award has been won by Olja Karmanova. The Russian lecturer was presented with the award during the opening of the faculty year.
Interpreting particles in dead and living languages: A construction grammar approach to the semantics of Dutch ergens and Ancient Greek pou
In this dissertation, the types of context Dutch speakers need to interpret the poly-interpretable word ergens ‘somewhere/anywhere’ are studied.
Field school in Kenya gives students experience of collaborative linguistic fieldwork
Descriptions of different languages help us understand what speakers of different languages share worldwide. At the same time, having descriptions of languages available can also change local education and open our eyes to cultural and linguistic diversity. But what if a language has not yet been (fully)…
Alumnus Jonathan works with Ukrainian refugees: ‘They still have a smile on their face’
When alumnus Jonathan Katzman started his master's programme in Russian and Eurasian Studies, he didn't foresee how useful those skills would be in the near future. Now, he manages a refugee centre for Ukrainians who have fled their war-torn country.
Election as Honorary Member of the LSA
Prof. Dr. Willem Adelaar has been elected as Honorary member of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA)
Nine Leiden projects awarded first NWO Science Diplomacy Fund
The projects of nine researchers at Leiden University have received funding through the new NWO Science Diplomacy Fund. The Fund is for scientific activities that will improve relations between the Netherlands and other countries.
World Congress of African Linguists (WOCAL): A conference like no other
The 10th edition of the World Congress of African Linguists (WOCAL), hosted by Leiden University, will be held online from 7 – 12 June. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) researchers give us an insight into how important and special this event actually is.
The dynamics of light verbs in the history of West Germanic languages
The main question of this research project concerns the extent to which light verbs in West Germanic languages participate in processes of language change.
Modelling phonologization: Vowel reduction and epenthesis in Lunigiana dialects
This dissertation provides a formal description of the relationship between diatopic/diachronic micro-variation and phonologization through analysis of the phonetic/phonological properties of unstressed vowel reduction and vowel insertion in two Northern Italian dialects.
World Congress of African Linguists (WOCAL): A conference like no other
The 10th edition of the World Congress of African Linguists (WOCAL), hosted by Leiden University, will be held online from 7 – 12 June. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) researchers give us an insight into how important and special this event actually is.
Axel Palmér
Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
Area Studies Week from 2-5 June: Join our live Q&As!
Interested in Area Studies? Then Leiden is the place to be! Join our Online Area Studies Week from 2-5 June to find out more. From Africa to Brasil and from Korea to Russia, Leiden covers all areas and fields, both in language, literature, history, politics and socio-economics. Join our live Q&As!
PhD candidate Camil Staps figured out what ‘out’ means
Words originally intended to indicate space, such as ‘out’, are also regularly used to indicate cause and effect. Why does this happen? And how does it work in other languages? PhD candidate Camil Staps decided to find out.
Alex Reuneker awarded Frans van Eemeren prize
University lecturer Alex Reuneker has won the Frans van Eemeren Prize for his paper 'Assessing classification reliability of conditionals in discourse'.
Jenny Doetjes investigates 'How much' with NWO Open Competition grant
Professor Jenny Doetjes has received an NWO grant to research the cross-linguistic properties of quantity expressions and our brain's influence on language.
A grammar of Bantawa: Grammar, paradigm tables, glossary and texts of a Rai language of Eastern Nepal
This dissertation provides a comprehensive overview of the grammar of Bantawa, a Kiranti (Rai) language spoken in Eastern Nepal.
Indo-European Etymological Dictionary
Set up in 1991, this unique project aims to identify and describe the common lexical heritage of the most important Indo-European languages and language branches. The project has thus far resulted in twelve volumes published as The Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series (Brill, Leiden).
Leiden through the eyes of… Summer School in Language and Linguistics students
The Leiden Summer School in Language and Linguistics is visited every year by many scholars worldwide. Four of the 120 participants of the 7th Summer School in 2012, share their view of Leiden.
After graduation
Graduates of International Studies are attractive candidates for international employers in a wide variety of fields – think NGOs, multinationals, humanitarian or governmental agencies. Your deep region-specific knowledge and language, academic and practical skills prepare you for a Master, as well…
Public interview with Russian film critic Anton Dolin
History and Linguistics in Leiden #19 and #28 in QS ranking 2016
In QS’s World University Rankings of 2016, Leiden University’s History and Linguistics programme rank #19 and #28, respectively. This makes the History programme the best of its kind in the Netherlands, and Linguistics the second best.
How Arabic influenced Berber, and the typology of contact-induced change
This project investigates the influence that Arabic (esp. dialectal Arabic) has had on the Berber languages of Northern Africa.
Representation and processing of pitch variation in tonal languages
This project examines how speakers store and process regular pitch variation.
Marijke van der Wal
Faculty of Humanities
Emi Yamamoto
Faculty of Humanities
Mahmood Yenkimaleki
Faculty of Humanities
Languages of Islam and Christianity: Institutional Discourses, Community Strategies and Missionary Rhetoric
On February 20th, Gulnaz Sibgatullina succesfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Gulnaz on this great result.