1,463 search results for “executieve bart cml in” in the Public website
Reintegrating Terrorists in the Netherlands: Evaluating the Dutch approach
This article presents an in-depth evaluation of a specialized reintegration initiative within the Dutch Probation Service focused on individuals convicted or suspected of involvement in terrorism.
The Turn of the Soul
The Turn of the Soul: Representations of Religious Conversion in Early Modern Art and Literature
Towards Open and Reproducible Terrorism Studies: Current Trends and Next Steps
In recent years, the use of primary data in terrorism research has increased. In order to maximise the benefits of this trend, we want to encourage terrorism scholars to implement open science practices more systematically. This article therefore presents different avenues towards open and reproducible…
From Criminals To Terrorists And Back?
The second and final report on the Netherlands‘ crime-terror nexus has analysed all fourteen profiles of individuals arrested in 2015 for offences of terrorism.
Digital Activism in Asia: Good, Bad, and Banal Politics Online
This article introduces the special issue on ‘Digital Activism’ by exploring some of the trends in social media activism and scholarship thereof. The authors ask to what extent this literature helps us understand Asian forms of online activism, which forms of activism have relatively done well, and…
e-SIDES (ethical and societal impact of data sciences) is a Coordination & Support Action (CSA) part of the Horizon 2020 programme.
Vamping the Stage: Female Voices of Asian Modernities
Announcement of the publication of Vamping the Stage: Female Voices of Asian Modernities, the first book-length study of women, modernity, and popular music in Asia (University of Hawai'i Press, 2017).
Transforming Innovations in Africa
The authors in this volume explore how external innovations (products, technologies, services, institutions and processes) have been appropriated in African societies in order to be acceptable and relevant to local conditions, expectations and demands.
Dynamic testing and excellence
Unfolding potential
Reintegrating jihadist extremists: evaluating a Dutch initiative
In 2012, the Dutch National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism and the Dutch Probation Service launched a reintegration project for offenders on probation or parole who were (suspected to be) involved in jihadist extremism or terrorism. The initiative's primary goal was to reduce the chance…
What sets extremists who use terrorist violence apart from those who do not?
This paper contributes on an increasing body of work on radicalisation. It specifically focuses on what distinguishes individuals whose behavioural radicalisation includes involvement in terrorist violence from those whose behavioural radicalisation does not.
Vox Populi, Populism as a Rhetorical and Democratic Challenge
This timely and engaging book examines the rise of populism across the globe. Combining insights from linguistics, argumentation theory, rhetoric, legal theory and political theory it offers a fully integrated characterization of the form and content of populist discourse.
End of the Lone Wolf: The Typology that Should Not Have Been
This research note argues that the “lone wolf” typology should be fundamentally reconsidered.
The institute has six secretariats for the various departments and is located at the Kamerlingh Onnes Gebouw.
Escher and the Droste effect
Artful Mathematics: The Heritage of M. C. Escher
Becoming a European Homegrown Jihadist
The book addresses the question “How and why do people become involved in European homegrown jihadism?
The Graduate School of Social and Behavioural Sciences has the responsibility for all PhD candidates in the field of social and behavioural sciences. The School's themes are anthropology, education and child studies, political science, psychology and science and technology studies..
Do you wish to contact us for further information on the collaboration between Leiden University and Indonesia?
Ester Segers
Paul de Hoog
Harm Keidel
Sonja Kwant
Jasper Williams
‘When I leave the lecture and students are still discussing, I know I did a good job’
‘It was the biggest bunch of flowers I’d ever seen,’ says Emily Strange about the moment she won the Leiden Teaching Prize 2022. The judge praised the conservation biologist for her passion, engaging personality, and the way she motivates her students. On the Dutch Day of the Teacher, we get to know…
MICA – Material Intelligence Capacity Analysis
Can we develop a platform for raw materials intelligence?
A scenario building web-tool and knowledge package to enable multi-level decision making for the transition to the Circular Economy
Programme structure
The SCS courses train you in practical and theoretical aspects of science communications. Internships help you decide whether you want to choose a career in science communication or Biology research.
Integrated Chain Management in the Province of Limburg
The cases of building materials, automobility, mushrooms and plastics.
Principles of Environmental Sciences
Principles of Environmental Sciences provides a comprehensive picture of the principles, concepts and methods that are applicable to problems originating from the interaction between the living and non-living environment and mankind. Both the analysis of such problems and the way solutions to environmental…
Do you have questions about the Master Biology? Please contact us!
Programme Committee Biology
The Programme Committee Biology (Opleidingscommissie Biologie, OCB) consists of four teaching staff members and four students, and is assisted by the study adviser. The OCB has an independent position within the Biology education program. Because of its composition, the OCB is the most important organ…
Leiden University research institutes based in Leiden and The Hague.
PNEC-pro is a user-friendly screening tool for professionals dealing with the assessment of surface water quality. The tool calculates local, watertype specific no-effect concentrations (PNEC) of copper, lead, nickel, and zinc based on biotic ligand models (BLMs).
Clock disruption in diurnal versus nocturnal migrating fish
Does Artifical Light at Night (ALAN) disrupt seasonal physiological and behavioral patterns in migrating freshwater fish?
The ReCiPe methodology for Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA).
PhD Committee
CML has its very own PhD committee! The committee organises activities that stimulate social cohesion and professional development for the PhDs, postdocs, research assistants and lab technicians working at the institute.
UNravelling the socioeconomic and environmental Impacts of Circularity in Latin America (UNICA)
A MSCA Global Fellowship that aims to explore the socioeconomic and environmental implications of a Latin America circularity transition, and its impact on the EU and global economy.
Contact the Graduate School of Science Office
CMLCA is a software tool that supports the technical steps of the Life Cycle Assessment. The focus of the program is on advanced computational aspects of life cycle inventory calculations.
Awards and Grants 2025
On this page you will find an overview of awards and prizes granted to our staff and students in 2025, as well as special appointments at Leiden University and other institutions.
Dynamic Testing and Excellence
If gifted children are experts in using strategies, why do they experience problems with learning? Why do they underachieve?
Clavis Aurea? Structure-enabled approaches of identifying and optimizing GPCR ligands
Promotores: A.P. IJzerman, H.W.T. van Vlijmen
The City Is Ours: Squatting and Autonomous Movements in Europe from the 1970s to the Present
Squatters and autonomous movements have been in the forefront of radical politics in Europe for nearly a half-century—from struggles against urban renewal and gentrification, to large-scale peace and environmental campaigns, to spearheading the antiausterity protests sweeping the continent.
Pots, Farmers and Foragers
Pottery traditions and social interaction in the earliest Neolithic of the Lower Rhine Area
Legal and policy aspects of space big data
On 27 May, Dimitra Stefoudi defended the thesis 'Legal and policy aspects of space big data: legal implications of the use of large amounts of space data – regulatory solutions and policy recommendations'. The doctoral research was supervised by Steven Truxal and Bart Custers.
Global Fields and Their L-functions
Artin L-functions associated to continuous representations of the absolute Galois group G_K of a global field K capture a lot of information about G_K as well as arithmetic properties of K.
- Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Law
Adverse childhood experiences, education, and involvement in terrorist violence
Examining mediation and moderation.
Pluralism within Parameters : towards a mature evaluative historiography of science
Historiography of science is in its current self-image a non-evaluative discipline. Its main goal is to understand past processes of knowledge formation on their own terms. In the last few decades this approach has greatly improved our understanding of the phenomenon of science. Yet, something strange…
Online price discrimination, justice and regulation
The data-driven economy allows for the collection and processing of large amounts of data. Such data can be used to optimize profits by (dynamically) differentiating prices for different consumers.