613 search results for “el cid werkt” in the Public website
Eveline Crone in Social Sciences Council
From 1 January 2017, Professor of neurocognitive developmental psychology Eveline Crone has been appointed member of the Social Sciences Council of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
33 sayings highlight multilingual The Hague
Since March 5th, the road between Holland Spoor Station and the old city centre of The Hague (also called the “Loper Oude Centrum”) features 33 sayings in various languages that are spoken in The Hague – many of which are taught here at LUCL.
Eveline Crone receives American Award for innovation
Eveline Crone has been selected for the Distinguished Scholar Award of the Social & Affective Neuroscience Society (SANS). 'It's very special to get recognition from your peers in the United States.'
In Memoriam professor Wim Jiskoot (1961-2021)
Afgelopen zondagavond, 22 augustus, is na een kort ziekbed onze zeer gewaardeerde collega professor Wim Jiskoot, Hoogleraar Technologie van toediening van medicijnen, overleden. Wim werd twee weken geleden onverwachts geconfronteerd met het feit dat hij een vergevorderd stadium van kanker had, waarvoor…
The Hague Program for Cyber Norms successfully concludes their UN GGE norms commentary project
The Leiden University’s Program for Cyber Norms, a research platform to investigate the development and implementation of law and policy applicable to uses of ICTs, in cooperation with the think-tank ICT4Peace conducted a global open consultation on how to implement the UN Group of Governmental Experts’…
Summer Feast Saint Martin
To mark the 900th anniversary of the city of Utrecht, the summer feast of city patron Saint Martin of Tours will be celebrated on 3 and 4 July 2022. The festival is a birthday gift from Utrecht University to the city, initiated by Saint Martin expert Els Rose.
Summer Feast Saint Martin
To mark the 900th anniversary of the city of Utrecht, the summer feast of city patron Saint Martin of Tours will be celebrated on 3 and 4 July 2022. The festival is a birthday gift from Utrecht University to the city, initiated by Saint Martin expert Els Rose.
Unique mosaic floor discovered in Israel
A marvelous mosaic synagogue floor has been discovered at the Israeli excavation site of Horvat Kur. The timeworn stones of the mosaic clearly form the name ‘El’azar’. Leiden University researcher Jürgen Zangenberg and a group of Leiden students played a role in the excavation. ‘El’azar was likely an…
Marie Kolbenstetter will explore the archaeology of southern Honduras with a NWO subsidy
Our master’s alumna Marie Kolbenstetter was recently awarded a NWO subsidy for a PhD in the Humanities. With this funding she will be able to continue her master’s thesis research on the archaeology of Honduras at our Faculty. ‘I’m really happy to have my own project. This has been two years in the…
Araceli Rojas presents her book to Mexican communities
On November 25, Dr Araceli Rojas presented her book El tiempo y la sabiduría: un calendario sagrado entre los ayöök de Oaxaca. The event took place in the Central Public Library of the State of Oaxaca, in the heart of Oaxaca City, at 7 pm.
Eveline Crone new Corresponding Fellow of The British Academy
The British Academy appointed Eveline Crone as a Corresponding Fellow to recognise her contribution to the SHAPE themes - the social sciences, humanities and the arts. The British Academy is the national academy for social sciences and humanities in the United Kingdom. Besides Crone, 83 other Fellows…
Podcast: Prosocial Behaviour and Exclusion
In this episode we talk with Mara van der Meulen about prosocial behaviour and social exclusion in children. Van der Meulen also explores the role of genetics and environment in the development of social behaviour. To find out more about her research on why some children are beter able to develop their…
Studiemiddag - middeleeuwse aantekeningenboekjes
Op woensdag 12 oktober worden vier lezingen gehouden over een opmerkelijke verzameling aantekenboekjes uit de vroege elfde eeuw, thans bewaard in Leiden. Ze zijn vervaardigd door de Franse monnik Ademar van Chabannes. Ad van Els schreef er een diepgravende studie over: A Man and his Manuscripts. De…
PhD and prize winner: filmmaker Itandehui Jansen talks about her work
Itandehui Jansen graduated from the Netherlands Film and Television Academy in Amsterdam and is currently making films as part of her PhD project at Leiden University. And with great success. Her films have been shown at the IDFA and the Short Film Corner of Cannes, and have won a number of prizes.…
Experience and Voice: Library of Colombian Women Writers - Symposium & Workshop
From Soledad Acosta de Samper and Albalucía Angel to Hazel Robinson Abrahams and Amalialú Posso Figueroa. During the Symposium & Workshop Experience and Voice: Library of Colombian Women Writers, we focus on books written by Colombian women writers from different historical periods. The symposium and…
Study and working conditions
Make sure you have a suitable place to work or study at home.
Starchy foodways: surveying indigenous botanical foods during the advent of European encounters in the northern and circum-Caribbean
How do the starchy botanical foodways reflect upon previous archaeological understandings in the northern and circum-Caribbean?
Learning from the past
Leiden archaeologists investigate how people in the past impacted their environment. Together with scientists, environmental scientists, and humanities experts, they use this information to draw conclusions about the present – and show what we can learn from it for the future.
Systems and security
Researchers at LIACS are working to devise the computers of tomorrow that will be the backbone of the Cloud and Edge computing paradigms as well as the Internet of Things. In this respect, we are involved in research and development of high performance computing systems, embedded & real-time computing…
The perception of time in the Ñuu Dzaui landscape, Oaxaca, Mexico.
1) How natural cycles and activities are interconnected for building the time in one community? 2) What perceptions of Ñuu Dzaui peoples about their landscape can be connected with precolonial times?
Time and Identity in Indigenous Narrative and Aesthetic Strategies
This research hopes to contribute to social awareness of the consequences of colonialism for Indigenous Peoples, to the deconstruction of still existing colonial and discriminatory notions and to a better appreciation of Indigenous art and thought.
- Women and their own objects
Back to the Present
A post-colonial approach to the concept of time in the past and present Maya culture
- LIAS China Seminar
New lecture series on Morocco at Leiden University
A new elective course, 'History of Morocco and the Moroccans in The Netherlands
Hester Bijl: ‘On-campus teaching is a big step forward, so take care’
‘We’re going to see each other again on campus. We’re so pleased, but we do have to say safe.’ Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl is looking ahead to the new academic year, which begins on 6 September. No more 1.5m distancing, but we do have to take responsibility for other people’s safety.
Public Administration specialist at sea: ‘I understand The Hague side of the Royal Navy’
From assistance in the event of natural disasters to peace-keeping missions. As a communication adviser, Leonoor van Poelgeest goes to all those destinations where the Royal Navy are active. Why did she choose this work and how has her Public Administration study helped her?
How students launched the Leiden LGBT movement 50 years ago
Four students founded the Leiden Student Working Group on Homosexuality on the day of the Dies Natalis in 1968. This was to be the start of the LBGT+ movement in Leiden, which celebrated its 50-year anniversary this year. What has been achieved and what is the status of emancipation today?
This was 2021! An overview of Humanities in the news
Online, hybrid, on campus... It was an unpredictable year, also for the Faculty of Humanities. Luckily, there were also non-corona related stories. Let's review 2021 with this list of the most-read news articles per month.
First photo of black hole at the heart of our Galaxy
Finally we know for sure that there is a black hole at the centre of our own galaxy. Today, astronomers unveiled the first ever photo of Sagittarius A*, a super-massive object at the centre of the Milky Way. This picture could only be taken thanks to the cooperation of telescopes worldwide.
Leiden University may open new building in the centre of The Hague
The Municipality of The Hague, Leiden University and CBRE Investment Management (CBRE IM) will together try to realise a University building in the former Hudson’s Bay premises at Grote Marktstraat 48-50/Spui 3. This will facilitate the growth of Campus The Hague. A cooperation agreement was signed…
Eveline Crone to receive Ammodo KNAW Award
Professor of Neurocognitive Developmental Psychology Eveline Crone will receive an Ammodo KNAW Award. This was announced by Ammodo, an institute for arts and sciences, and the Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) on 25 January.
ERC grants for Leiden scientists
Leiden research on psychology and archaeology will boosted by two subsidies. Both research projects focus on children.
Eveline Crone joins ERC Scientific Council
Professor Eveline Crone joined the Scientific Council of the European Research Council (ERC) on 13 January.
Burning brain questions of young people bundled in new research agenda
During ExpeditionNEXT in Middelburg, NeurolabNL youth, together with researchers from Leiden University and Erasmus University, handed over a unique research agenda to NWO Chairman Marcel Levi. In it, young people share what they would most like to learn about themselves and the brain.
The Leiden University Medical Anthropology Network (LUMAN) brings medical anthropologists together with the aim of fostering interfaculty collaborations and creating common ground for working interdisciplinary on health-related themes in Leiden and beyond.
Overstimulated? Artist pictures her brain with cacophony of colours
'With this artwork, I want to give the audience a glance into my overstimulated brain and that of other people with autism', says Jasmijn den Hoed. The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences is exhibiting her artwork 'Overstimulated' in the restaurant near the blue wall during Autism Week 25 March…
Diversifying archaeological practice with a small grant: ‘This helps us to work in collaboration with the Faculty community’
The Faculty of Archaeology is running a funding scheme to assist small-scale projects that contribute to diversifying archaeological practice in all domains, including classrooms, laboratories, museums, and the field. We discuss the grant with two representatives from the Diversity Committee: Tuna Kalaycı…
Graduation ceremony of the Cyber Security master: A digital party
With a trip through the Netherlands, the preparations for the graduation of the Master Cyber Security had already started weeks ago. The apotheosis took place on Thursday, the 11th of February. A report of a digital graduation ceremony.
Carolien Rieffe starts LDE research on autism in high school students
The Leiden University psychologist Carolien Rieffe will investigate how to create an social climate at high schools, to make young people with autism feel more comfortable and able to engage with their social surroundings and thus develop essential social and emotional skills. Rieffe and collaborators…
Geslaagde studentenconferentie 'empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht'
Waarom is empirisch-juridisch onderzoek van belang voor de rechtspraktijk en het wetenschappelijke onderzoek? Op die vraag kregen masterstudenten van de afstudeerrichtingen civiel recht, ondernemingsrecht en financieel recht antwoord tijdens het congres over empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht…
NWO subsidies for cybersecurity projects
Three cybersecurity consortia that Leiden University is part of have been awarded subsidies of over a million euros by NWO. Leiden is the coordinator for two of the projects.
- Former guest researchers
Cross-cultural research on legal principles co-authored by Niek Strohmaier
Are there cross-cultural principles of law?
Archaeologist Omar Aguilar Sánchez receives Mexican youth prize
On October 21st, 2019, the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, handed out the National Prize for the Youth in the academic achievement category to our PhD candidate Omar Aguilar Sánchez. He received this honour for his work on Mixtec pictorial manuscripts.
LUC The Hague Congratulates the Class of 2017 ½!
Last Wednesday February 7th, LUC The Hague celebrated the graduation of the Class of 2017 ½. Around 250 guests joined the ceremony at Leiden University’s Wijnhaven building, followed by a festive reception at LUC The Hague in honour of the 34 graduates.
Approved Excavation Projects
We are happy to announce that the following missions have been approved by the Ministry of Antiquities, pending final security confirmations:
Film by Itandehui Jansen chosen for Cannes
The short documentary film was selected to the short film corner of the Cannes Film Festival.
Book Review of Sofia Ranchordas’ scholarship in the American Journal of Comparative Law
The prestigious American Journal of Comparative Law (2016, pp. 790-4) just published a book review of Sofia Ranchordas monograph ‘Constitutional Sunsets and Experimental Legislation’ (Edward Elgar). The book is partially based on her PhD dissertation for which she was awarded a cum laude doctorate degree…
Research on ethical investments by Sarah Vandenbroucke
In a newly published book chapter, Transparency and information: Factors needed to promote ethical investments, ELS lab member Sarah Vandenbroucke discusses why information and transparency are needed to promote ethical investments.