10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology
Everyone most obey the law. If you don’t, you will face the police and the courts. The application of national, European and international criminal law would seem to be a matter of following the letter of the law. But the reality is more nuanced. Criminal law scholars and criminologists from very different…
Citizen Science Lab
Leiden University's Citizen Science Lab supports and organizes initiatives where anyone can get started with scientific data and research. This is how we enrich research with insights from the community, make science accessible to all, and tackle important local issues together.
Knowledge from now
Osteoarchaeologists help forensic scientists solve crimes. They also study bone material from the Second World War in order to identify victims.
Research programme Governance of Crises
The research group on governance of crises studies phenomena, dynamics and actors related to crisis governance. The Leiden University Crisis Research Center (CRC) is part of this Research Group.
Autism and higher education
How can we improve quality of life and study success in young, high-functioning adults with autism?
Towards a feminist playology: social sport studies and the limits of critique
The making of sacrifices seems part and parcel of any elite sportsperson’s life. Remarkably, the insights that we find in the current literature in social sport studies are not able to make sense of the references to sacrifice in the data that emerged in the context of this study on the social significance…
The Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University offers education in Human Osteoarchaeology. We offer a second-year Bachelor course in Human Osteoarchaeology and an extensive one-year track in the Master’s in Archaeological Science specialisation, resulting in a Master of Science degree after complet…
Astrochemistry and the Origin of Planetary Systems
A coalition of the unwilling? Chinese and Russian perspectives on cyberspace
The Hague Program for Cyber Norms, a research program at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, published its second policy brief, in which Dennis Broeders, Liisi Adamson and Rogier Creemers explore aspects of the relationship between China and Russia in cyberspace.
Our researchers are experts in the fields of languages, cultures, history, arts, societies and philosophy. Together we cover almost all continents and time periods. Knowledge of these disciplines contributes to a humane, safe and sustainable world.
Terror Has Already Led to Self-Restraint
Self-censorship violates principles of a free society but few people want to take the role of the martyr.
An estimated 17% of our university's total carbon footprint comes from the thousands of travel movements by our staff, students, visitors, and suppliers. Our aim is to reduce these emissions by a quarter in the coming years.
Pieter Jakob Cosijn’s Correspondence and Scholarly Collaboration at the End of the Nineteenth Century
Pieter Jakob Cosijn (1840-1899) was Leiden University’s first Professor of Germanic and AngloSaxon Philology. A recognised expert in the field of Old English grammar and textual criticism, Cosijn corresponded with various prominent philologists and experts in his field, including Julius Zupitza, Arthur…
Student for a day Arts, Media and Society
Study information
An Institutional Perspective on the United Nations Criminal Tribunals: Governance, Independence and Impartiality
On 18 September 2019, Huw Llewellyn defended his thesis 'An Institutional Perspective on the United Nations Criminal Tribunals: Governance, Independence and Impartiality'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. N.M. Blokker and Prof. L.J. van den Herik.
The Leiden University Crisis Research Center
Explaining the origins , patterns and outcomes of crisis management efforts.
Voces del Dzaha Dzavui (mixteco clásico)
Análisis y Conversión del Vocabulario de fray Francisco de Alvarado (1593)
Lend me your ears: the grammar of (un)transferable possession
The main aim of this project is to investigate the various ways in which language categorizes possession, how these are morphosyntactically encoded across and within languages, and how this distinction should be represented in a model of the language faculty.
Open Data: The Researcher Perspective
Combining results from bibliometric analyses, a global sample of researcher opinions and case-study interviews, a new report reveals that although the benefits of open research data are well known, in practice, confusion remains within the researcher community around when and how to share research…
RiskCycle: Risk-based management of chemicals and products in a circular economy at a global scale
How can we, together international experts, define future needs of R+D contributions for innovations in the field of risk-based management of chemicals and products in a global perspective using alternative testing strategies to minimize animal tests?
Living in an emporium: An isotopic investigation of diet and mobility in early medieval Dorestad (Netherlands)
The aim of the project is two-fold: first, to further scholarly understanding of the human dynamics that shaped the growth of Dorestad in a broader, international context; and second, to test the potential of multi-isotopic analyses on an early medieval Dutch assemblage.
Medieval MasterChef
Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on Eastern Cuisine and Western Foodways
Do video games keep the brain young?
Can playing certain games decrease cognitive decline or even enhance cognitive performance in the aging population?
Changing minds in social anxiety: A developmental network approach to neurocognitive bias modification
Which adolescents are more at risk of developing social anxiety disorder later in life?
Opening a Bank Account
It is advisable to open Dutch bank account once you move to The Hague (if you do not have one already), as it will allow you to get many other services such as a mobile phone contract, transportation, etc.
Research into the development of privacy-friendly care games for children.
Mathematical Institute
Mathematics forms the basis of many innovations in technology, the service industry and science, such as data analysis and coding, artificial intelligence, weather or climate change modelling or understanding molecular processes. The researchers from the Mathematical Institute (MI) are constantly developing…
Criteria for recovery from eating disorder patients: a comparison between therapists, patients and a healthy control group
Which criteria do ED patients and therapists evaluate as most relevant for recovery? Do patients and therapists differ in their evaluations? Do eating disorder patients differ from a healthy control group in their scores on the Recovery Scale?
Leiden discoveries
From the Big Bang to superconductivity. Many ground-breaking discoveries have been made in Leiden University’s long history.
Submission process
Inter-Section is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal. This means that the submission process involves a number of steps to assess the quality of the published material. The process, from the submission of a proposal until the final publication of the manuscript, takes on average six months. This does…
Science Experience Tours
During the Leiden Science Family Day, you will visit places that are normally closed to the public: go backstage at the Faculty of Science!
Collaborative learning in higher education: design, implementation and evaluation of group learning activities
The aim of this study was to provide insight into how teachers in higher education can be supported in the design, implementation and evaluation of group assignments by developing a theoretical and evidence-based framework for the design of group assignments.
Professional development of VET teachers in the context of work placement
This project focuses on vocational teachers’ professional development in work placement. Teachers’ learning motivation, learning experience and learning outcomes within work placement will be explored in depth.
Humanities matter
At the Faculty of Humanities, we study languages, cultures, civilisations and their connection to each other. This knowledge is relevant to society and we gladly share it with the world around us.
Pre-University College PRE The Hague
Do you have a curious character and do you want to know how knowledge is sought at the university? Do you want to acquire knowledge and skills that could not only be important for your everyday life, but could also mean a lot for your future? Then the Pre-University College The Hague is definitely for…
Phonetics Lab
Experimental research
Leiden Observatory provides full education programmes in Astronomy both at the bachelor’s and master’s level. We integrate world-class scientific research and excellent education. Read all about our study programmes!
Language archive of insular South East Asia and West New Guinea (Laiseang)
The Laiseang archiving project ensures the preservation of unique records of languages in the region which have been gathered by more than two dozen linguists at, and in collaboration with Dutch universities over the last 40 years.
The Silk Road Language Web
A linguistic prehistory of the Tarim Basin in Northwest China
New University Sports Centre
Leiden University began the construction of a new University Sports Centre in collaboration with the construction and design firm Binx Smartility. The current sports center no longer meets sustainability requirements and is also becoming too cramped. The building will also serve as an examination ce…
This is an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project of the Faculty of Science with the Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute in Ethiopia.
About us
The Human Origins group at Leiden University studies the archaeology of hunter-gatherers, from the earliest stone tools in East Africa, more than three million years old, to the origin of sedentary societies towards the end of the last ice age.
The Active Learning Network & Saltswat Pilot Program
2 joint initiatives began in 2019 which attempt to connect the various efforts around active learning at Leiden University: the active learning network, and the Saltswat project.
The Germanic loanwords in Proto-Slavic: origin and accentuation
This dissertation provides a thorough review of the words belonging to the oldest layer of Germanic loanwords in Proto-Slavic and answers the question of how these words were adapted to the Proto-Slavic accentual system.
Teaching in The Hague is firmly based on research. Alongside bachelor’s and master’s programmes, the University provides school children, professionals and others with an interest the opportunity to develop.
Building Blocks for the Rule of Law
Legal education initiative of the Leiden University, the University of Groningen and Universitas Indonesia.
The Advanced LLM programme has been taught since 2000.
Challenging the Buddha's Authority: How Buddhist Narrative Traditions Negotiate Religious Authority
Channi Li defended her thesis on 15 October 2019.
Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence 1500 - Now
The key subject of the research programme Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence 1500 - Now (CMGI) is Inequality (at local, national and global levels).
Information for employers
Are you an employer and do you want to know more about the Honours College? On this page you will find information on the educational principles, the number of participants and the certificate.