3,787 search results for “russian and sociale linguistics” in the Public website
When images are not worth a thousand words: from cinematic multimodality to enhanced subtitling
Comparing apples and oranges: What grinding and portioning can tell us about gender and atomicity
Lecture, Com(parative) Syn(tax) Series
Opening Humanities Hub in Huizinga
Maartje van der Woude
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Neske Baerwaldt
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Berthe Jansen
Faculty of Humanities
Jacqueline Vel
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Eefke de Haan
Faculty of Humanities
Lara Wierenga
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Mariëlle Bruning
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Alexander Geurds
Faculteit Archeologie
On this public day on psychedelics, researchers transcend the media hype
Never before has so much research been carried out on the therapeutic effect of psychedelic drugs. Researchers at the LIBC Public Day are happy about the effect the drugs can have on depression, anxiety and PTSS, but at the same time they have some doubts. ‘The hype is bound to crash before long.’
Enthusiasm for PRINS 2022
This year’s edition of PRINS, the International Studies’ consultancy course, proved to be an inspiring event for most of its participants. Students, coaches and representatives of organisations are looking back on this rollercoaster of a course and reflect on why the PRINS experience is so special.
An AI system that tells you why you should eat glass – should that be allowed?
The English-language interdisciplinary minor ‘AI and Society’ explores the role of artificial intelligence in our society. The interdisciplinary nature of the minor is proving beneficiary for students and lecturers alike. We sit in during a class.
Thijs Porck is the winner of the second LUCAS Public Prize!
Thijs Porck, expert in medieval English, has won the LUCAS Public Prize because he has made his research and education visible to a wider audience. Thijs has reached the national media, secondary schools and a lot of views with his blogs and videos. The prize consists of a certificate, trophy, 1000…
‘The sun never sets on our university'
Leiden University has partnerships in the local region, in the Netherlands, in Europe and with countries on almost all the world's continents. Students and researchers benefit from these partnerships, but society is also a beneficiary, says Rector Carel Stolker.
Introducing: Eurasian Empires projectgroep
The Horizon programme 'Eurasian Empires: integration processes and identity formations' started September 1st 2014. The six PhD students and two Postdocs introduce themselves.
Jews at Home. From Creation to Corona
Conference, First Annual Symposium of the Leiden Jewish Studies Association
Research on ancient southern Arabia: Current situation and outlook
Lecture, Leiden Yemeni Studies Lecture Series
Participatory Action Research: possibilities and challenges in the humanities
Course, Terra Incognita Masterclass
Lunch Time Seminars
The biweekly Lunch Time Seminar is an online only event, but it is not publicly accessible in real-time. If you would like to attend one of the upcoming sessions, please send an email to sails@liacs.leidenuniv.nl.
Dies Natalis
University ceremony
Online tools
This section provides an overview of online tools for the study of the medieval Low Countries. The websites linked down below are often times both available in Dutch and English.
Research & Funding Opportunities
AMT’s mission includes encouraging innovative high-quality research in Leiden on Asia. On this page you will find an overview of AMT related research projects, grant possibilities, publications and vacancies.
This is a list of scientific publications by students and staff of the Media Technology MSc programme.
Philip Spinhoven
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Willem van der Does
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Interview with Professor Dr. Carsten Stahn
Professor Dr. Carsten Stahn LLM., Professor of International Criminal Law and Global Justice at the University of Leiden, completed his habilitation in July 2020 at the Humboldt-University zu Berlin and acquired the Venia for Constitutional Law, International Law and International Criminal Law. The…
In Memoriam: Burchard J. Mansvelt Beck (May 20, 1947 – October 31, 2020)
An age-old expression in Classical Chinese is yǔ zhòng bù tóng 與眾不同, meaning ‘out of the ordinary.’ It could have been the motto of Burchard J. Mansvelt Beck, who taught that language for decades at Leiden University. What was different about him? He was extraordinarily gifted, helpful, and above all…
In Memoriam: Stefan Landsberger (1955-2024)
My colleagues and I have been devastated to learn that our good colleague and friend Stefan Landsberger (born 1955) passed away unexpectedly, on 26 September 2024. Stefan had been a fixture of China Studies in the Netherlands, where he had been Associate Professor of contemporary Chinese History and…
Andrea Evers
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
By the rivers of Babylon: New perspectives on Second Temple Judaism from Cuneiform texts
“BABYLON” investigates the extent of the similarities between Babylonian and post-exilic forms of cultic and social organization and explores the question how Babylonian models could have influenced the restoration effort in Jerusalem.
Sponsored Research
Global Interactions sponsors a number of research projects of Leiden University researchers.
Conference Museums, Collections and Society
Formation of Islam: Topics
The FOI project has a number of topics it aims to investigate. These are: State, Economy, Culture and Papyri. You will find links to bibliographies on this page.
Science and education policy
YAL raises its voice on policy matters.
Middle East Culture Market 2023
Arts and culture, LUCIS Middle East Culture Market