10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Astronomy (MSc)
Students in our Astronomy programme are trained by leading experts in cutting-edge astronomical research. We incorporate in our educational programme observations and data from the world’s foremost ground- and space-based telescopes as well as theoretical, computational and astrochemical modelling,…
South and Southeast Asian Studies (BA)
South and Southeast Asia is one of the world’s most dynamic and diverse areas. Interested in speaking one of the region's major languages, and understanding its history, culture, and current affairs? Then this is the bachelor's programme for you!
Leids onderzoek naar bestraffing komt tot stand uit verschillende disciplines. Het onderzoeksproject kent een juridische, criminologische, sociaalwetenschappelijke en filosofische invalshoek.
Law and Digital Technologies (Advanced LL.M.)
Law and Digital Technologies (L.L.M.) examines the legislation and governance regarding internet, computers, persuasive technologies and ambient intelligence.
Dutch Studies (BA)
For international students who want to not just develop true fluency in the Dutch language, but also dive into the culture, history and mind-set of the Netherlands, there is no better place than the Leiden University bachelor's programme in Dutch Studies!
Strange materials with potential for innovation in technology and energy
Following in the footsteps of Professor Jan Zaanen, visiting fellow Louk Rademaker is exploring quantum effects in so-called strange materials. His research is paving the way for new materials that could be used in emerging technologies.
Summer School in Languages and Linguistics
The Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics offers a varied program of specialised courses in Descriptive linguistics, in Chinese, Germanic, Indo-European, Indian, Iranian, Semitic languages and linguistics, as well as a number of introductory linguistic courses.
Programme structure
From taking general introductions to developing your personal specialty; on topics ranging from the city council to the ‘new world order’; with forays into economics, history and philosophy: during Politicologie: Nationale en Internationale Politiek, a world will open up for you.
About the programme
The quality of the care for our senior citizens could be improved. With an eye for the biological, social and management aspects, this Master’s programme provides important insights for improvements. The Master’s in Health, Ageing and Society starts you thinking, puts you to work and gives direction…
About the Programme
The Master's programme in Russian and Eurasian Studies offers you the opportunity to develop specialised knowledge of this region. The programme provides you with a qualification which is recognised by organisations around the world, and offers excellent preparation for a diverse range of careers.
About the programme
The MA in Middle Eastern Studies provides intensive and comprehensive training to prepare you for a range of careers requiring specialist language, cultural, or political knowledge.
About the programme
Learn the newest insights from established scholars.
About the programme
The MA Classics and Ancient Civilizations covers one year and can be studied in four tracks: Classics is one of them. While diving into the literary, cultural and intellectual worlds of Greece and Rome, you will be involved in current research, and stimulated to reflect on the significance of Classics…
- Week 8: 23–27 February 2025
LUC Sample Classes for Applicants
As part of the selection process of Leiden University College, we ask students to attend an LUC sample class.
Grotius PhD Track
The Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies offers PhD candidates a flexible programme and a stimulating research environment.
VVI PhD Track
The Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society offers PhD candidates the possibility to enroll in the VVI PhD Track.
International Institute of Air and Space Law PhD Track
The International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL) offers PhD candidates the possibility to enroll in the IIASL PhD Track.
About the programme
As a student in Security Studies you are a socially engaged critical thinker eager to study real-life security cases in an academic setting. You focus not just on the broad context of these issues but also on the role of government, institutions and media. Want to know more? Sign up for one of our Open…
In Memoriam: Sabine Luning (30 augustus 1959 - 6 maart 2025)
Last Thursday, March 6, Sabine Luning passed away after an illness of more than six months. Sabine was an inspiring teacher who enthused generations of anthropology students with both the theoretical side of social science and the practice of intensive fieldwork. As a researcher, she produced innovative…
More control over your future with designing your future
The future does not yet exist, but many people think about it daily. The course Designing Your Future, part of the Honours Programme at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs and taught by Bram Hoonhout‘Being a mentor during HOP week is something I can recommend to everyone’
Introductie Sociale Wetenschappen: mens en gedrag in veranderde wereld
How do psychology, culture, politics, and upbringing influence our lives in a rapidly changing world? What is the role of education and development, and how do cultural differences shape our society? In the minor "Introduction to Social Sciences: Human Behavior in a Changing World" (30 EC), you will…
The Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (CADS) of Leiden University hosts almost 50 PhD candidates working on a wide variety of topics.
Mental wellbeing
You can find some tips here on how to maintain your mental health.
- Admission & Application
- Admission & Application
- Admission & Application
Bioactive Molecules in Animal Sciences
Animal Sciences’ contribution to the Bioactive Molecules research theme includes research on molecules from natural sources, such as plants, insects, and snake venom, with the aim to identify novel anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-diabetic agents.
Women’s Involvement in the Leftist Guerrilla Movements in Iran and Turkey during the 1960s and 1970s
This project compares and contrasts how and why several Turkish and Iranian women were compelled to participate in leftist guerilla movements in the 1960s and 1970s.
Diversity and inclusion policy research - Leiden University
Diversity and inclusion are core values of Leiden University. Leiden University has committed itself to a policy that aims to become an inclusive community which enables all students and staff to feel valued and respected, and to develop their full potential. The Diversity & Inclusion Expertise Office…
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
CIMPLO – Maintenance prediction for industries
Researchers of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) have started a 4 year project on developing a system that sends out automatic alerts when components from engines are showing first signs of fatigue.
All conference participants are expected to make their own accommodation arrangements.
COVID-19 vaccine
Leiden researchers are helping develop safe COVID-19 vaccines.
Centre for Legal Entrepreneurship and Innovation
The Centre for Legal Entrepreneurship and Innovation focuses on stimulating entrepreneurship and innovation in the legal sector. It builds a bridge between study and practice.
Second Chance Project
The Second Chance project aims to promote recovery and re-integration of entrepreneurs who have recently undergone bankruptcy.
proefdieren dierproeven universiteit leiden geneesmiddelonderzoek geneesmiddelen
Development & Disease in Animal Sciences
Animal Sciences’ contributions to the Development & Disease research theme include the mechanisms and evolution of embryonic development, the development of cognitive mechanisms, and animal models for understanding mechanisms of human disease.
This dossier is for all members of our academic community who want to contribute to an open dialogue and wish to find out more about the context of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Producing the local: Javanese performance on Indonesian television
Els Bogaerts defended her theses on 20 December 2017.
The Interaction of Religion and Law in Tibet: Law in Buddhist Texts and Buddhism in Legal Texts
Most of the vast Tibetan literature was authored by monks. They were Buddhists par excellence, educated in a system in which Indic- and Indian-inspired texts played a pivotal role. What they wrote was primarily religious or philosophical in nature, but also extended to ‘secular’ topics. Through the…
English as a Lingua Franca: Mutual Intelligibility of Chinese, Dutch and American speakers of English
The presents thesis investigates the extent to which Chinese, Dutch and American speakers of English are mutually intelligible. Intelligibility of vowels, simplex consonants and consonant clusters was tested in meaningless sound sequences, as well as in words in meaningless and meaningful short sent…
Compartilhando Coleções e Conectando Histórias
Sharing Collections and Connecting Histories
Computer Science
Computational thinking, programming, and algorithms form the basic of many of the things that are shaping our world, the way we work, interact, organize ourselves, and even spend our free time with social networks, streaming media, and games. And this transformation is far from being complete, it is…
Cattle-talk: the language of colour among East African pastoralists
What categories exist in the languages of pastoralists? Do these semantic concepts reflect universal or languagespecific tendencies? What (environment? culture?) governs the similarities (or the differences) attested crosslinguistically in cattle colour systems?
Exploring the potentials of nurture: 2(nd) and 3(rd) generation explant human skin equivalents
BACKGROUND: Explant human skin equivalents (Ex-HSEs) can be generated by placing a 4mm skin biopsy onto a dermal equivalent. The keratinocytes migrate from the biopsy onto the dermal equivalent, differentiate and form the epidermis of 1(st) generation Ex-HSEs. This is especially suitable for the expansion…
Reinventing 'The Invention of Tradition'?
Indigenous Pasts and the Roman Present
Evaluating Asian aquaculture using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Are there significant differences among the environmental impacts resulting form the production of Asian aquaculture commodities and what are the main causes for these?
ProParte Filmclub
The Film Club is a ProParte sub-group.
- Neerlandistiek Master Universiteit Leiden