2,014 search results for “privacy en bescherming van persoonlijke gegevens” in the Public website
Bart Custers delivers keynote address at Basel University
On May 16th 2018, the Law Faculty of Basel University organised a workshop on Law & Robots, titled Predictive Analytics bei Versicherungen und in der Arbeitswelt: Diskriminierung durch Algorithmen? (Predictive Analytics in Insurance and Labor: Discrimination by Algorithms?). At this event, dr. Bart…
'Data breach at Jeugdriagg can have life-long consequences for these children'
An investigation by Dutch news site RTL Nieuws reveals that an error at the Regional Institute for Juvenile Outpatient Mental Healthcare (Jeugdriagg), has led to the files of children, many with serious psychological problems, being leaked.
Conferencia de la Prof.dr. Sayak Valencia en el X Congreso Internacional de la AHBx
El viernes 3 de noviembre a las 11.15 tendremos el gusto y honor de escuchar a la Prof.dr. Sayak Valencia en el marco del X Congreso Internacional de la AHBx. Prof.dr. Sayak Valencia (Tijuana, Mexico, 1980) impartirá la segunda conferencia plenaria del X Congreso Internacional de la AHBx bajo el título:…
- Persian 5
Mohammed Raiz Shaffique
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
'Legislation to reveal identity internet troll also conceivable in the Netherlands'
Australia wants to introduce a law that makes it possible to demand the identity of anonymous internet trolls. Is this be conceivable in the Netherlands?
eLaw workshop at the Big Data Value Forum in Versailles
On November 22nd 2017, eLaw - the Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, will co-organize a workshop on the ethical, legal and socio-economic implications of big data together with partners of the e-SIDES project.
COST Action grant for Bart Custers
The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) has awarded a network grant for the project GoodBrother. On behalf of Leiden University, Bart Custers, professor of Law & Data Science and director of eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies, contributed to writing this proposal.
Looking at forced migration through an interdisciplinary lens
Researchers at Leiden University and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) have launched an initiative to learn more about the experiences of migrants travelling through the Darién Gap, with a focus on forced migration.
The police has been storing personal data for years – but is it allowed?
The Dutch police force has been deliberately storing personal data relating to millions of Dutch people for many years now. In doing so, the institution has been knowingly breaking the law. Bart Schermer, Professor of Law and Digital Technology expressed his concerns on Follow the Money – a platform…
eLaw panel at CPDP
The Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference (CPDP) is the world’s leading multidisciplinary event on privacy and data protection. CPDP brings together experts to explore cutting-edge legal, regulatory, academic, and technological developments in the field, providing a premier platform for…
Inkomen en afkomst zijn risicofactoren bij kans op hart- en vaatziekten
Nederlanders met lage inkomens lopen tot 1,5 keer meer risico op het krijgen van een hartaanval of beroerte dan rijkere landgenoten. Bij Surinaamse Hindoestanen is dit risico 1,9 keer hoger. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van het LUMC en het HagaZiekenhuis. Nederlandse artsen kijken tot nu toe niet naar deze…
Jorrit Rijpma en Amalia Campos Delgado nieuwe vertegenwoordigers regiogroep Latijns-Amerika en de Cariben
Met de benoeming van Rijpma en Campos Delgado is de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid in alle uniersitaire regiogroepen vertegenwoordigd.
CA19121 GoodBrother
GoodBrother aims to increase the awareness of the ethical, legal, and privacy issues associated with audio- and video-based monitoring and to propose privacy-aware working solutions for assisted living.
Waarom batterijen van elektrische auto’s goed en slecht zijn voor het milieu
Grootschalige productie van batterijen voor elektrische auto’s zwakt de emissiereductie die door elektrisch rijden wordt behaald af.
‘Wij academici en docenten van Security Studies kunnen direct invloed uitoefenen.'
In zijn oratie bepleit Joachim Koops dat de toekomst van Security and Global Affairs ligt in onderzoek, onderwijs en academisch bestuur.
- Effatha-gebaren - Het ontstaan van een dialect in Nederlandse Gebarentaal
Hoven in Holland, 900-1300
In welke mate hebben domaniale structuren de machtsvorming en nederzettingsontwikkeling in en van het gewest Holland bepaald?
Robbert van Eijk speaking on Digital Data Flows Masterclass
Dr. Van Eijk will teach an advertising technology Masterclass for the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) next week. It is the fourth session of the FPF & Brussels Privacy Hub's Digital Data Flows series. Van Eijk will be teaching alongside Adam Towvim (Brandeis International Business School) and moderated…
H.J. van Mook and Good Governance in Indonesia and the World
Was the progressive colonial civil servant the precursor of the postcolonial development-aid worker?
Experts discuss nuclear deterrence in Europe: more weapons, more security?
On 22 January, a panel of international experts on nuclear deterrence gathered at the Campus The Hague to discuss the future of nuclear deterrence in Europe. The panel addressed key aspects of nuclear strategy and the impact of Russia's nuclear rhetoric in the context of the war in Ukraine.
Success for Leiser and Yang at BILETA
Dr Mark Leiser, Assistant Professor at eLaw, and Wen-Ting Yang, former Law And Digital technologies student, won the Best Paper award at BILETA, the United Kingdom’s largest tech and legal education conference.
Haarlem ontlast
Over poep, pies en de beerput
Een gedreven buitenstaander: J.H. van 't Hoff de eerste Nobelprijswinnaar voor Scheikunde
This dissertation presents a new perspective on the life, work and character of the Dutch physical chemist Jacobus Henricus van ’t Hoff, first recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and one of the most important and colourful scientists in Dutch history. The image of Van ’t Hoff that emerges from…
Malgieri's co-authored paper on PETs presented and published at FAccT Conference 2024
Gianclaudio Malgieri's paper entitled 'The unfair side of Privacy Enhancing Technologies: addressing the trade-offs between PETs and fairness', coauthored with Alessandra Calvi from Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Dimitris Kotzinos from Paris Cergy University, is set to be presented at this week's prestigious…
Nieuw onderzoek naar het effect van gesprekken met je ‘ik’ uit de toekomst
Wat als je advies zou kunnen krijgen van je toekomstige zelf? Jean-Louis van Gelder en zijn collega’s ontvangen een ERC Proof of Concept-beurs voor het project YourFutureU, waarin deelnemers gecoacht worden door een virtuele AI-versie hun toekomstige ‘ik’.
Marloes van Noorloos appointed Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
Marloes van Noorloos is appointed Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at Leiden University from 1 February 2025.
Panel discussions
At our regular panel discussions we bring together scholars and other experts to discuss a current topic that captures the interest of the general public as well as academics.
Pauline Aarten and Marieke Liem in ‘Politie en Wetenschap’ with their new research
Commissioned by ‘Politie en Wetenschap’, Pauline Aarten, Assistant Professor at Leiden University, and Marieke Liem, Associate Professor at Leiden University, published their new research last week. The study
Van Constantijntje tot Tonio. Het dode kind in de Nederlandse literatuur
The representation of death children in Dutch literature through time
Interactive models: Matthijs van Leeuwen receives NWO TOP grant
Matthijs van Leeuwen of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science develops methods to make computer models interactive. With interactive models, experts can combine information from raw data with their own knowledge to make predictions more accurate. 'In this way we hope to build models that…
Soep en zwemmen: vrijwilligerswerk in je studententijd
Tijdens de facultaire introductieweek werden nieuwe bachelor studenten van de studies Rechtsgeleerdheid en Criminologie wegwijs gemaakt in het leren en leven aan de universiteit. Op de informatiemarkt van dinsdag stond niet het studeren centraal, maar het studentenleven. Studieverenigingen vertelden…
Een dag vol (nep)skeletten en mammoettanden
De Faculteit Archeologie bestaat dit jaar 25 jaar. Ter ere van dit jubileum opende de faculteit op 1 maart zijn deuren voor het brede publiek.
Met senioren sjoelen en wandelen voor onderzoek
Student Marieke van der Heijden wandelt wekelijks met senioren bij het project Leren met de Stad. Zij doet onderzoek naar sociale cohesie in de wijk De Kooi.
Application & selection
Are you interested in participating in a PRE-Class? Then you need to write a motivation letter and complete an application form. Make sure you have permission from your school to participate.
Advies aan bestuur en rechter: 'Open je dossier over burgers'
Klare taal en betere regels rond geheimhouding. Dit zijn enkele aanbevelingen van Leidse onderzoekers om de toegang tot informatie te verbeteren voor burgers die procederen tegen de overheid. Bestuur en rechter moeten zo vroeg en zoveel mogelijk informatie delen.
Oliver Tuazon
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Daniel Vale
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Martin van Exter Lab - Quantum Optics and Light-Matter Interaction
Research in the van Exter lab focuses on quantum aspects of light and light-matter interaction. One of our long-term goals is to develop a reliable quantum memory, based on a single emitter in an open micro cavity.
Gerard van Westen: 'Our model predicts what candidate drugs do in your body'
He’s a fast and animated speaker, which is only logical because Gerard van Westen is driving an express train. His destination? A virtual human, consisting of algorithms that predict what an administered substance will do in the body. The train is already a long way down the line and the pharmaceutical…
Helena Ursic will speak on a panel focused on the Cambridge Analytica scandal
Recently, Facebook and Cambridge Analytica have become highly polarizing figures in a data privacy scandal of global (and potentially historic) proportions. What does the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica controversy tell us about data privacy and cybersecurity in the age of Big Data?
The Van Manen Collection: Locating Literature, Lived Religion, and Lives in the Himalayas
ERC Starting Grant: The Van Manen Project. This five year project (2023-2028) is made possible with an ERC Starting Grant. It aims to (digitally) reunite all parts of the Van Manen Collection. This enables us to study it as a whole, helping us to understand the process of collection formation. More…
Luuk van Middelaar launches his new book in London at LSE and UCL
This week, Prof. Luuk van Middelaar (Europa Institute) publishes Alarums & Excursions: improvising Politics on the Europen Stage – a revised update of his 2017 book on the decade of EU crises.
Reframing the Diplomat. Ernst van der Beugel and the Cold War Atlantic Community
In Reframing the Diplomat Albertine Bloemendal offers a unique window onto the unofficial dimension of Cold War transatlantic relations by analyzing the diplomatic role of the Dutch Atlanticist Ernst van der Beugel as a government official and as a private diplomat.
Anna van ’t Veer wins the Leo Waaijers Open Science Award
Open Science is changing how people work together and share research. Anna van ’t Veer won the Leo Waiijers Open Science Award for a career full of Open Science activities. A sign of appreciation for aspects of Open Science that might not be immediately obvious.
Louwerse & Van Vonno, ‘Moving up or down: parliamentary activity and candidate selection’
How do parliamentarians secure their political future? Are their activities in the legislature connected to their place on the candidate list from one election to the next? Political scientists Tom Louwerse and Cynthia van Vonno examine the Dutch case. Their main finding is that speaking in the plenary…
Joop van Holsteyn & Tom Louwerse, The Dutch 2016 Referendum: Voice, No Exit
Political scientists Joop van Holsteyn and Tom Louwerse (Leiden University) find that the Dutch government is having a hard time coping with referendum outcomes in general, and ‘anti-European’ sentiments among voters in particular.
Pedagogische Wetenschappen en Jeugdrecht zetten succesvolle interdisciplinaire samenwerking voort
Onderzoekers van het Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen en de afdeling Jeugdrecht gaan samenwerken in 2 nieuwe onderzoeken: onderzoek naar het terugplaatsingen van kinderen na uithuisplaatsing en draagmoederschappen in Nederland.
Three questions about the new podcast Schandaal en Controverse in de Russische literatuur
Russian literature is awash with disputes, riots and intense political debates. In the new Dutch podcast Schandaal en Controverse in de Russische literatuur, senior lecturer Otto Boele and film maker and journalist Kay Mastenbroek discuss the most talked-about Russian books published in the past two…
Alumnus Willem van der Muur: ‘I wanted to work somewhere I could make an impact’
Willem van der Muur worked at the Van Vollenhoven Institute as a PhD candidate from 2013 to 2019. After completing his doctorate he left for Indonesia to work for the World Bank. There, he is leading a project to register land rights.