2,355 search results for “journalism” in the Public website
meet our staff
- Creating Visions of Future War
Pascal chair 2023
Peter Flach is Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Bristol. An internationally leading scholar in the evaluation and improvement of machine learning models using ROC analysis and calibration, he has also published on mining highly structured data, on knowledge-driven and explainable…
HazMat transportation safety assessment: Analysis of a “Viareggio-like” incident in the Netherlands
Relevant safety issues are associated with hazardous materials transportation, especially when transport routes cross populated areas. This article for the Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process of Industries analyses a 2015 accident with a freight train in Tilburg, comparing it to the Viareggio…
Career prospects
What is your preferred career path? Would you like to teach? Do you enjoy doing research? Would you like to work in policy development, or are you interested in a job that involves writing and editing? You will find that your African Studies degree is a good preparation for the career of your choice…
- Philosophical Perspectives on Politics and the Economy (MA)
Alessandra Silvestri Group - The Late Universe
We are cosmologists, in other words we use physics to study the Universe, how it started and evolved into the structure that we observe around us.
'Policing European Metropolises project'
The first results of the “Policing European Metropolises project” (PEMP) that associate Professor Elke Devroe and Professor P. Ponsaers launched in April 2013 are now published. Having been the referent for The Netherlands and Belgium in the Urbis project (Leonardo programme), the project focuses on…
At LUCL we study almost all aspects of a wide range of African languages. From phonology to anthropological linguistics, from theoretical syntax to urban youth languages, we study it all.
Ana Achúcarro Group - The Early Universe
We explore the particle physics and quantum world at the time of the big bang.
A bibliometric review of COVID-19 research in the crisis and disaster literature
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the pressing question is how this global health emergency impacted the research agendas of the field of crisis and disaster science. This article reviewed contributions in ten important crisis and disaster journals in the two and a half years following the COVID-19…
Media Studies (MA)
The MA Media Studies consists of four different programmes in the fields of Journalism and New Media (Dutch taught), Book and Digital Media Studies, Film and Photographic Studies and Cultural Analysis: Literature and Theory.
SCS Courses
The coursework within the Science Communication and Society (SCS) specialisation prepares students for internships and a career in communication about science and health.
Between life and death: organizational change in central state bureaucracies in cross-national comparison
Identifying and explaining change in the structure of central state bureaucracies and the determinants of survival of individual public organizations are two closely related areas of research in public administration. We aim to bridge the gap between these two main strands of studies of organizational…
Science in the Media
How can we bridge the gap between experts and the general public?
Diplomacy at Leiden University
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is hosted by the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University. Besides the journal, there are many other activities related to diplomacy.
Congruence between voters and parties: The role of party‐level issue salience
The level of congruence between parties and their voters can vary greatly from one policy issue to another, which raises questions regarding the effectiveness of political representation. We seek to explain variation in party–voter congruence across issues and parties.
Ethics and copyrights
PAIR stands for ethical publishing and transparency. Below you can read about our commitment to COPE principles, copyright compliance and rigorous peer review ensures the integrity of every article we publish.
When History Repeats Itself: Knowledge in Times of Crisis
Lecture, Global Histories of Knowledge Seminar
Lipid chain length reduction correlates with the skin barrier function in atopic eczema patients and inflammation plays a role in the altered
Source: Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Volume 135, pp. S59-S59 (2015)
After your PhD
PhD candidates are encouraged to start thinking about their future careers well before the defence of their thesis.
Variation in fatty acid chain length distribution affects permeability barrier function of stratum corneum lipid model membranes
Source: International Journal of Cosmetic Science, Volume 37, Number 1, pp. 158-158 (2015) ISBN: 0142-5463
Cutaneous barrier dysfunction in atopic eczema: the role of stratum corneum lipids
Source: International Journal of Cosmetic Science, Volume 37, Number 1, pp. 148-148 (2015) ISBN: 0142-5463
Central role of Claudin-1 in lesional but not in non-lesional atopic dermatitis
Source: Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Volume 134, pp. S44-S44 (2014) ISBN: 0022-202X
- Publications
Reduced stratum corneum lipid chain length relates to an impaired skin barrier function in patients with atopic dermatitis
Source: British Journal of Dermatology, Volume 170, Number 6, pp. E18-E19 (2014) ISBN:0007-0963
Institute for History
The motto of the Institute for History is: ‘Global questions, local sources.’ Its researchers use local sources to find answers to major historical questions. Without historical analysis, it is impossible to understand and explain the issues in society today. Leiden itself has a rich history, with big…
LUCAS members are experts in the fields of literary history and theory, film and media studies, and art, architectural, and book history.
Developing science teachers’ knowledge and beliefs
The objective of this project is to understand the content and structure of science teachers’ knowledge and beliefs, and how these change in the context of pre-service teacher education and educational innovation.
Decent work
Decent work involves opportunities for work that delivers a fair income, care for occupational health and safety, freedom for people to organize and equality of opportunity and treatment for all women and men. The Labour Law department at Leiden University conducts research and provides education on…
Immune Activation and Tolerance
The Immune Activation and Tolerance group is headed by Dr. Bram Slütter. Vaccination is an experimental, but promising, treatment strategy for atherosclerosis. Previous work has shown that immunization of mice with modified LDL particles can reduce atherosclerotic lesion development, however such vaccines…
Development and evaluation of evidence based self-help and online programs for people with a somatic stressor and depressive symptoms
What is the effectiveness of (booklet or online) self-help programmes for people with somatic stressors and depressive symptoms? What works best for whom? How to improve motivation and adherence?
What we have done, how, and why
The Food citizens? team has included two post-docs, three Ph.D. candidates and two research assistants working with the Principal Investigator. The Winter School involved nine Masters and Ph.D. candidates from the universities of Bologna, Gothenburg, Kaunas, Leiden, Louvain, Tromsø, Turin and Utrech…
Submission Guidelines
All manuscripts submitted to Inter-Section need to adhere to these guidelines. Since 01-08-2022 Inter-Section uses APA7 as a reference system. Inter-Section therefore now follows the new Faculty of Archaeology guidelines concerning referencing and bibliography.
Ongoing excavations at Les Cottés (near Poitiers, France)
Les Cottés is one the rare site in western Europe with occupations in sequence by the very last Neandertals and the first anatomically modern humans.
Humanities Hub
At the Humanities Hub, researchers can immerse themselves in the world of Digital Humanities, while students get the opportunity to develop their digital and media skills within the field of the humanities. The lab spaces of LUCDH, the Faculty of Humanities, and Journalism and New Media provide modern…
Scientific Output
The ultimate goal of the PhD program is the preparation and successful defense of a PhD dissertation.
APL 6 - Collection of Papers
Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia is the annual journal of the Faculty of Archaeology (formerly the Institute of Prehistory), Leiden University.
About this minor
Everything you need to know about the minor Disinformation and Strategic Communication in Global Media.
Opening the Black Box: The Making of India’s Foreign Policy
How is Indian foreign policy made? This special issue of the journal India Review, edited by political scientists Nicolas Blarel (Leiden University) and Avinash Paliwal (SOAS University of London) features a number of interesting case studies that bridge the gap between Foreign Policy Analysis and India’s…
- Selected references
Sex effects on development of brain structure and executive functions: Greater variance than mean effects
This study is the first to directly relate brain development to sex differences and school performance. The results debunk the myth that brain development is slower in boys.
Romy Heymans: fighting back against fake news
Fake news is becoming more and more prominent now that social media allow for an endless stream of unfiltered content to reach us. But what happens if we can no longer distinguish the truth from the lie?
Public Administration
Public Administration is a major refereed journal publishing articles on public administration, public policy and public management.
Publication Helena Ursic en Bart Custers about data reuse
Data reuse and big data: a taxonomy for personal data reuse.
Louwerse & Van Vonno, ‘Moving up or down: parliamentary activity and candidate selection’
How do parliamentarians secure their political future? Are their activities in the legislature connected to their place on the candidate list from one election to the next? Political scientists Tom Louwerse and Cynthia van Vonno examine the Dutch case. Their main finding is that speaking in the plenary…
Back Issues
Here you'll find an index of all articles and issues published so far.
Die Neolitische Besiedlung bei Hienheim, Ldkr. Kelheim
I. Die Ausgrabungen am Weinberg 1965 bis 1970. Mit Beiträgen von A.T. Clason, M.E.Th. de Grooth, L.H. Keeley und K.J.H. Vriezen.
Legal decision making in liability law and financial regulation
The starting point for this research project is the notion that the human brain is susceptible to all kinds of fallacies and biases that affect our perceptions and influence our reasoning outside of our conscious awareness. Indeed, most people think they are merely observing facts and that they process…
Key publications
Key research articles and book chapters of the Chromatin group.