2,219 search results for “den have” in the Public website
UN Sanctions and International Law
Are UN sanctions regimes in need of further formalization in terms of substantive design, procedural architecture and with a view to regulating and governing the interplay with other regimes?
New publication on arbitration in the EU's external relations
‘Schiedsgerichte in den Aussenverträgen der EU. Neue Entwicklungen unter Einbezug der institutionellen Verhandlungen Schweiz–EU’, Jusletter 28 May 2018
Public Relations Committee
The PR-Committee aims at developing an optimal image of the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) among future and current students, teachers of biology at high schools, academics outside and within the institute, journalists, interested laymen, Bioscience industrial parties and Leiden citizens.
APL 13 - Collection of Papers
Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia is the annual journal of the Faculty of Archaeology (formerly the Institute of Prehistory), Leiden University.
Leiden University College The Hague's campus is right next to The Hague Central Station.
Scarcity and the State
Managing scarcity to serve the public interest is a classic government task. An important way to execute this task is by allocating individual rights that are only available in limited quantities, such as CO2 emission allowances, gambling licences, subsidies, radio frequencies, public contracts and…
Coalition agreements consistently stray from promises in election manifestos
Dutch households, especially those on middle and high incomes, pay billions of euros more in tax than promised in election manifestos. Companies, on the other hand, generally pay less tax than initially announced. These are the conclusions reached by Wilmar Bolhuis, PhD student at Leiden University.…
Sandra Groeneveld and Eduard Schmidt receive award for best conference paper
At the conference of the International Research Society for Public Administration (IRSPM), Professor Public Management Sandra Groeneveld and PhD candidate Eduard Schmidt received the award for best conference paper. This conference was held from April 19 to 21 in Budapest, Hungary. The paper was titled…
Shifting Identities - The Musician as Theatrical Performer
The focus of the research lies in the approach of reducing, denying, or taking away essential elements of music making in order to let the musician become theatrical.
Pursuing new anti-cancer therapy as a team
Cancer is the leading cause of death in the Netherlands, and, with over 100 different types of cancer, it’s not a simple disease. Today, skin, breast, lung, prostate and colon cancer are the most diagnosed forms. Therefore, the discovery and development of new drugs has the ability to significantly…
Ethical standards for data science
Computers are becoming so smart that in the future they will perhaps take over the role of judges. In the meantime, experts at Leiden University are examining the question of which standards responsible data science should meet.
Bert Koenders live on Dutch radio BNR de Wereld
Bert Koenders, Professor Peace, Justice and Security at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) appeared live on the ‘BNR de Wereld’ special broadcast ‘De Grote Vredesshow’ (The Great Peace Show). The radio show was hosted live from Wijnhaven in collaboration with the Faculty Governance…
The 450th anniversary of Leiden Law School at Leiden University offers a unique opportunity for businesses and organisations to become involved in a prestigious event. We are grateful to our sponsors who have helped to make our anniversary celebrations possible.
Rob de Wijk: 'EU wants to end dependence on Russian gas'
On Energiepodium.nl, Rob de Wijk, Professor of International Relations and Security at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, states that the Nord Stream 2 Project, a pipeline for Russian gas into Europe, causes a conflict between geopolitics and commerce.
- Meet our staff
The Institute of Public Administration is located in The Hague.
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Golden Horde Project
The Golden Horde Project was initiated by Dr. Marie Favereau and Dr. Gabrielle van den Berg. The initiative is funded by Asian Modernities and Traditions (AMT) and Leiden Global Interactions (LGI) research profile areas.
The implementation of value-based healthcare: a scoping review
This study helped to identify and summarize how value-based healthcare (VBHC) is conceptualized in the literature and implemented in hospitals. Furthermore, an overview was created of the effects of both the implementation of VBHC and the implementation strategies used.
When does it rain when air is oversaturated with moisture? How does an infection spread among the population? The problems that mathematician Professor Frank den Hollander tries to solve come from physics, chemistry and biology.
PhD defence
Youth and safety
Policy studies and interventions in the field of Youth
Research group Cyber Security Governance
The research group Cyber Security Governance will provide cutting-edge academic research in the domain of cyber, where modern technology interacts with traditional concepts such as governance, sovereignty, law-enforcement, international relations and conflict.
Die Ersten Bauern Mitteleuropas
Eine Archäobotanische untersuchung zu Umwelt und Landwirtschaft der Ältesten Bankkeramik.
Classics (800 BCE - 600 CE)
This research cluster aims to analyse and interpret the formation and transmission of Graeco-Roman culture by exploring the relationships between cultural products (texts, objects, practices) and their societal and historical contexts.
Creating societal added value: the dilemmas, pressures and challenges
How can public organisations create societal added value? This theme was in the spotlight at the second Leiden Leadership Lunch, which was held on Friday 28 September. Students, academics and government professionals joined in the discussion.
Staff and contact
LUCIS is directed by Nathal Dessing, who is advised by a steering committee.
FGGA Honours course 'Wicked Problems Lab' has started
Today, February 6th, the new course Wicked Problems Lab (in full: Wicked Problems Lab: working with governance, leadership and social innovation) started. This new course for third-year Honours students is part of the Honours Track
Witnessing the Process of Bacterial Cell Death: Novel Antimicrobials and Their Mechanisms of Action
This thesis describes the antimicrobial discovery strategy developed in our group, the den Hertog Group at the Hubrecht Institute. It includes a cultivation-based screening approach for novel antimicrobial agents from the source of fungi, and a bacterial time-lapse imaging approach for antimicrobial…
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer on nuclear treaties
On NPO radio programme 1op1 about nuclear weapons negotiations, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Professor of International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, says that ‘all nuclear treaties must be scrutinised afresh.’
Frits van der Meer and Gerrit Dijkstra on the increasing power of political assistants
Frits van der Meer and Gerrit Dijkstra of the Institute of Public Administration reflect on the increasing power of political assistants in the magazine “De Hofvijver”.
Young professionals back in the class room
Campus The Hague welcomed a group of young professionals in honor of the celebration of 444 years of Leiden University.
Arco Timmermans discusses farmers' protest on Dutch BNN radio
Last week, a large number of farmers came to The Hague to ask attention for the problems they are faced with. They certainly received a lot of attention but does this mean their problems are actually being addressed?
Jelle van Buuren on muslim radicalisation in the Netherlands
So called 'jihad municipalities' are being more closely monitored as a result of the arrests on 25 November 2019 of two terrorist suspects from Zoetermeer. Jelle van Buuren, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, looks back at the latest developments over the last few y…
Gene regulation in embryonic development
The human body consists of hundreds, perhaps thousands of different types of cells, each with different morphologies and functions, despite having the same genome.
Delft University of Technology in The Hague
Leiden University (UL), the Delft University of Technology (TU), and Erasmus University in Rotterdam (EUR), have been working together on a wide variety of terrains in research, education and valorisation.
Overview of Leiden publications on Central Asia. For additional publications dedicated to a single country, please go to individual pages of the researchers, which you can access through the Researchers page.
Science ON AIR
LUCIS works with Science ON AIR to put its researchers in the spotlight. For that purpose, several online videos of LUCIS members have been produced.
For questions, ideas or more information about the programme Beyond content, please contact one of the organizers.
More information? Please contact Sander Sandkuyl via a.f.sandkuyl@fgga.leidenuniv.nl
Physiological responses to a social-evaluative situation
How is the development of physiological responses to social evaluation in adolescence affected by other normative developments, such as pubertal, socio-cognitive and psychosocial development? Are social anxiety and public speaking anxiety associated with characteristic patterns of stress responses…
Social Anxiety and Normal Development
Why does social anxiety increase in adolescence and how does it grow out of control in some adolescents?
Modernity, Minority, and the Public Sphere
Jews and Christians in the Middle East
The purpose of the initiative is to establish Central Asian Studies at Leiden University. Central Asia is a region with fluid borders stretching into present-day Afghanistan, Russia, China, Mongolia, Iran and the Caucasus; a premodern highway of global interaction and today increasingly important as…
Career College Den Haag
Career and apply for jobs
Arco Timmermans discusses the arrival of International Alert in The Hague
International peacebuilding organisation International Alert has moved to The Hague. Professor by special appointment Public Affairs Arco Timmermans understands very well why the organisation has chosen this city. Dutch radio show ‘De Ochtendspits’ hosted by BNR news radio asked him to elaborate.
Languages of The Hague
Languages of The Hague is a collection of columns on languages and language which were published between 2016 and 2018 in the weekly newspaper Den Haag Centraal.
Thomas Morgan (1671/2-1743):from Presbyterian Preacher to Christian Deist
Mr. Jan van den Berg defended his thesis on 8 November 2018
Editors and Advisory Board
The Common Market Law Review has an internationally composed Editorial Board and Advisory Board.
Rethinking Javanese Islam: Towards New Descriptions of Javanese Traditions
Jochem van den Boogert defended his thesis on 18 November 2015