6,405 search results for “also” in the Staff website
Prepare and write
Our Research Funding Community continuously gathers intelligence that helps with preparing proposals efficiently and to give them the necessary competitive edge. All grant advisors are happy to share this information, and to guide you throughout the process. For quick reference, this page summarises…
Diversity and inclusion
In an inclusive learning environment, every student feels welcome, valued and respected.
University doctor
Leiden University is committed to creating a pleasant working environment for its staff. It may nevertheless happen that you find yourself unable to work due to a temporary or long-term illness or disability. The university doctors can help you reduce health risks and give you advice regarding your…
Working in a lab
Working in a laboratory is different from working in an office. Some of the rules that apply when working in or around a laboratory are given below.
Taxes and social security
When moving to the Netherlands, it is important to know whether you are considered resident tax payer or non-resident. Both residents and non-residents are taxed on their taxable income. A number of criteria help determine your status as resident or non-resident.
Strange materials with potential for innovation in technology and energy
Following in the footsteps of Professor Jan Zaanen, visiting fellow Louk Rademaker is exploring quantum effects in so-called strange materials. His research is paving the way for new materials that could be used in emerging technologies.
‘Strengthen the position of the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom of the Netherlands’
Relations within the Kingdom of the Netherlands are imbalanced, says Professor by Special Appointment Wouter Veenendaal. The Caribbean autonomous countries and special municipalities do not have enough of a say and have administrative problems to contend with.
How we’re setting Academia in Motion: by fostering inclusion and enabling data reuse and sharing
‘I’m setting Academia in Motion by fostering inclusive practices and enabling data reuse and sharing, with both researchers and students.’ With these words Naomi Truan, Assistant Professor of German Sociolinguistics at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, highlights how she is helping to support…
On this page you will find an overview of the activities organised by the Leiden Research Support Network.
House rules
All persons making use of Leiden University buildings and grounds must comply with the general University house rules. These are listed in the Regulations on the Use of University Buildings, Grounds and Other Facilities, and are intended to guarantee order and safety for guests and staff alike.
Frequently asked questions
You can find here questions and answers about the new mobility policy and what this means for the commuting allowance, the home-working allowance, the contribution to internet use, domestic business travel and the kilometre allowance via the Individual Choices Model.
Scholarly Publications and LUCRIS Publication Management
Leiden University Scholarly Publications is a database of publications by academics from and institutions affiliated to Leiden University. Researchers and PhD candidates use LUCRIS Publication Management (PM) to add publications (except for doctoral theses) to the Repository. Wherever possible, publications…
Learning and development
University Leiden encourages its employees to use and develop their talents. We do this by supporting you in your career and in your personal and professional development. We try to ensure that you get the opportunity to realise your full potential.
Carer’s leave
You are entitled to carer’s leave if you have a sick child, partner or parent who requires your care. This also applies to brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandchildren, housemates and friends.
Teacher development
Leiden University considers good education to be of paramount importance. That is why we invest in our teachers’ professional development, to ensure that their teaching methods continue to match the needs of individual students.
Experts in the media
Leiden University appreciates it if you explain your work to a wider audience every now and then. We encourage media contributions and have people and tools to help you with this.
Career guidance and mobility
Would you like to explore the next step in your career, or find out what your future options are? Do you have specific qualities that you’d like to develop further in your work? Or are you wondering whether you’re still in the right place or might like something different, but don’t know what or where…
Storage and sharing
Estimate the amount of data you have created and what will be added?
Realisation SSH Labs
The Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) labs are being realised on the second floor of the Sylvius building. Completion is scheduled for summer 2023.
- Submitting grades to the SSC
Internet expenses allowance
Do you work from home and are you employed by Leiden University? If so, in addition to your home-working allowance, you are also entitled to an allowance for your internet expenses.
Environmental awareness at work
The University has ambitious plans for reducing the environmental impact of its activities. To this end we have taken university-wide measures in the form of improved building sustainability, sustainable energy and water-saving measures. As an employee, you can also contribute to lowering the environmental…
Support and community
If you need any help with your research or if you encounter problems during your PhD track, Leiden University provides several different types of support for PhD candidates. There are also groups, networks and communities in which you can meet other PhD candidates.
Do you find it difficult to set boundaries? Do you suffer from work pressure? Do you want to avoid unhealthy stress, or restore your balance? Our coaches can help you to reflect on yourself, allowing you to do your work with renewed energy and enthusiasm.
Cousellor(s) and confidential advisor
The Faculty of Humanities has appointed a confidential advisor for all PhD candidates. Aside from this, each institute also has one (or two) PhD counsellor(s). On this page you can read who they are and what they can do for you if in your position as a PhD candidate you experience problems for which…
Once every three years, you can offset the cost of purchasing a bicycle for yourself or a battery for your own electric bike through the Terms of Employment Individual Choices Model. .
Human Resources
Here you will find information about our HR policy. From salary scales to career guidance, and from confidential counsellors to various insurance (schemes) at an attractive discount.
Strategic plan
In our new strategic plan (Innovating and Connecting – 2022-2027) we focus on stronger connections: between disciplines, with society and within our university community.
Work disability
In case of short-term or long-term illness, we will together do our best to ensure you can return to work shortly. You will be guided through this process by your immediate supervisor, the P&O department and the University doctor. In some cases, however, reintegration in your own or another position…
Obstinate Graves in East Java: Traditionalist and Modernist Ethics, Excess, and Sufi Perspectives | Research Seminar
Lecture, Research Seminar
Data Management Plan
Firstly, Data Management Plan (DMP) is after all a plan, so you must carry it out!
Guidelines for writing in English
Leiden University has a style guide to ensure consistency across all of its publications. It also has a Terminology List with the preferred translations of terms used within Leiden University and the academic world.
Course information on location
Who better to tell what it is like to study at Leiden University than the students themselves? That’s why we ask students if they would be willing to visit schools to share their experience.
- With kind regards: Convention, standards and breaking the rules in letter-writing
Terms of employment
Do you want to see the salary scales? Do you want to know what your basic leave entitlement is? Or do you want to submit an expense claim? Below you find information about terms of employment, salary and allowance.
Learning Experience Design
Leiden Healthy University
Leiden University is committed to making your work safe, healthy and enjoyable and joined the Healthy Universities international network in 2018.
A new job or the end of your contract
If you find a new job or if your contract is coming to an end, there are a number of matters to consider.
- Conflict Resolution Seminars @Leiden
- Peer feedback
Making cards: the language of flowers
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
ICT and education
In the coming years, the University will be investing in blended learning (‘The Blended University’) as part of its educational vision (Learning@LeidenUniversity). This will involve the use of a range of digital tools.
Introductie webinar cyber security
Study information
Academic Writing for PhDs
Research, Communication
Legal Methodology
- HR verlof vragen over
- Transformation and refurbishment of Dean’s office and Faculty Room
Lorentz Lecture: Working towards evidence-based care for aging transgender and non-binary people
Development of Humanities Campus
Our aim with the Humanities Campus is to create a sustainable and attractive campus with ample green spaces and opportunities for interaction, complemented by modern and future-proof facilities. The campus is being developed in stages. On this page, you can find information about the planning, latest…
Martijn Kitzen has been appointed professor by Special Appointment of Military Science: 'It's time for Europe to make a stand.'
Martijn Kitzen has been appointed professor by special appointment of Military Science at ISGA on behalf of the Royal Netherlands Society for War Studies (KVBK).