358 search results for “aarts” in the Public website
Professor calls for more focus on brain impairment in offenders
Maaike Kempes believes more attention should be paid to non-congenital brain injuries in suspects. This may partly explain their criminal behaviour.
Pubs, the beach and study spots: students get to know The Hague
Almost a thousand students started HOPweek in The Hague on Monday morning. During this introduction week students get to know the city, the university and each other.
In memoriam professor Harry Wijshoff
On March 28, 2023, our esteemed colleague Prof. Harry Wijshoff passed away. He died after a struggle of several months against a serious illness.
Lifelong learning as the answer to huge labour shortage
Cancelled trains, massive queues at Schiphol Airport, nursery closures and long waiting times for health care. These are all the results of labour shortages. Economist Lars van Doorn can see some possible solutions but has some less optimistic news too.
Algorithms and data behind Leiden Ranking in public domain
The Leiden Ranking – Open Edition is completely transparent. The ranking compiled by the CWTS uses open data and publishes the algorithms that are used.
Curing diseases with lab-grown organs
Organs and tissues grown in the lab may in the future be able to cure people with organ failures. Micha Drukker, professor of Stem Cells, Developmental Biology and Technology for Innovative Drug Research, is convinced that the use of stem cells will make this possible. He will deliver his inaugural…
Endowed Professor Tineke Abma: ‘Help older people feel like they belong’
Older people are often approached from the perspective of their limitations when there is often much they still can and want to do. According to Professor Tineke Abma, art is a good way to continue to participate.
Mythes rondom de geheime diensten ontkracht
In haar boek ‘Diensten met geheimen’ vertelt Willemijn Aerdts hoe de AIVD en MIVD te werk gaan. En ontkracht ze ook een paar mythes.
How Russia uses language as a weapon of war
According to Russian propaganda Ukrainians are Nazis and people from the West are Satanists. Egbert Fortuin thinks we should take this propaganda seriously.
The number of threats is increasing. But is the Netherlands less safe?
Explosions at people’s homes, gangland killings and online threats: if you follow the news, it may seem as though threat levels in the Netherlands are rising. But is that really true? Researchers from Leiden University investigated this and have presented their results in the Dreigingsmonitor (Threat…
Busy yet not a student in sight: the Online Master’s Open Days
‘Silence in the corridor please’ are not the words you expect to hear on an open day attended by 5,000 students. From 12 studios in Leiden and The Hague, presentations are given during the Online Master’s Open Days telling students all about their future master’s programme.
The Nuance Project: Respectful dialogue about sensitive topics give students hope
Students from Leiden University have launched The Nuance Project, a platform for respectful, open-minded dialogue on divisive issues. The aim is to foster connection and understanding among people even if their viewpoints differ.
Assessors: for 25 years an essential link between students and the university
For 25 years now, each faculty has had an assessor, a student representing the interests of all the faculty’s students. Yet few students are aware of this.
SAILS x GTGC Roundtable on AI & Governance
Introducing the Multistakeholder Global Governance Project
Lunch Seminar
ENIUGH Roundtable: The Pasts, Presents and Futures of Multilateralism – A View from The Hague
- Opening Lecture Owada Chair: Global Diversity and the Living International Human Rights Law
Insights from scanning tunneling microscopy experiments into correlated electron systems
PhD defence
Lancering The Hague Global Futures Hub
The EU’s “Geopolitical Awakening”: Beyond Trade and Defence
Public Panel
- Lunch Roundtable: GTGC x SAILS: The Governance of Artificial Intelligence
Towards Superconducting Spintronics with RuO2 and CrO2 nanowires
PhD defence
Are you ready for the FAiM revolution?
Lecture, Kick-off
Lectorate Event of lectorate 'Music, Education and Society' Royal Conservatoire
Arts and culture
- GTGC Democracy and Citizenship Research Roundtable
- Event: Preventing Future Ukraines
Spin Transport and Superconductivity in Half-metallic Nanowires and Junctions
PhD defence
Leiden Alumni Event in Tokyo
Alumni event
‘We moeten diversiteit minder vieren, het moet vanzelfsprekend zijn’
Op welke manieren kan inclusieve communicatie ervoor zorgen dat mensen zich welkom voelen? Hierover ging het D&I-symposium van Universiteit Leiden.
Ionica Smeets to give Iris Medal prize money to students
Ionica Smeets is planning to give the prize money that she won with the Iris Medal, a prize for excellent science communication, to student projects.
Is a cancer pill a matter of time?
A cancer pill, preferably without severe side effects, is something we’d all welcome. Is it a matter of time before such a pill is a reality? We put this question to three Leiden researchers and asked how they themselves are contributing to new cancer treatments.
This is what our experts say about the departure of Mark Rutte
Mark Rutte: an exceptional politician whose time was up. What are the consequences of Rutte’s departure. Experts from Leiden University give their view on this political event.
Live blog: Alternative demonstrations in Leiden and The Hague against government cuts
Alternative demonstrations were held in Leiden and The Hague on Thursday 14 November after the national protest in Utrecht was cancelled. Leiden University supports these protests, which were organised by WOinActie. Read our live blog of the demonstrations.
Symposium Nederland-Iran
Conference, Symposium
- GTGC Democracy and Citizenship Seminar
- Seminar: Trans-Local Collaboration for Good Governance
IBL Spotlight - Science Communication & Society
Project Office IRP
Programme management of research programme “Strengthening knowledge of and dialogue with the Islamic/Arab world”
Interdisciplinary research and teaching at Leiden University
Many of the challenges of our time are too complex to be resolved within the confines of a single discipline. Leiden University is a broad-based university where an incredible number of research fields converge. That makes us the ideal breeding ground for, and practitioners of, interdisciplinary research…
- Publication highlights
- Introducing the Multistakeholder Global Governance Project
The whole world knows the way to the Leiden institute in Morocco
A delegation from Leiden University visited the Netherlands Institute Morocco (NIMAR) in Rabat at the end of February.
FGGA in 2022: This was the year for our Faculty
We started this year as we ended it in 2021: in a lockdown. But the world continues to open up. We are occasionally allowed to go into the office and students are able to return to Campus. Continue reading to find out what the rest of the year has been like.
Special anniversary celebration for Leiden University: 440 years
The celebration of Leiden's Dies Natalis on Monday 9 February in the Pieterskerk was extra special this year and was attended by many prominent guests. This was the kick-off of the special 88th Lustrum (five-year) celebrations in 2015.
Letters of Johan de Witt give a glimpse behind the scenes at the Disaster Year 1672
The government, the people and the country were in desperate straits. This about sums up the state of affairs in the Disaster Year of 1672. It was 350 years ago, and to mark the occasion PhD candidate Roosje Peeters collaborated on a series of letters to and from a key political figure Johan de Witt,…
In memoriam: Alexander Hendrik (Sander) de Groot (3 april 1943 - 1 april 2024)
Op maandag 1 april 2024 stierf onze leermeester, vriend en gewaardeerd collega Dr. Alexander Hendrik de Groot (Sander).
Human rights and Global Diversity
Lecture, Opening of the Owada Chair
Hall of Fame
Many of our staff and students have won an award, received a grant, obtained an academic fellowship for their quality or have been socially engaged due to their specific expertise. See below for an overview per year.
2018 Hall of Fame
Over the past year, many of our staff and students have won prizes, been awarded a substantial grant or been appointed to an academic association or a position in public life. All of these are good reasons to include them in our 2018 Hall of Fame. We are proud of them all.
Twinkle, twinkle, giant star
Up above the world so high a giant star twinkles. Could an 83-year-old astronomer unravel the mystery of this megastar? ‘At times I thought: that’s it! I give up! It’s beyond me.’