5,305 search results for “alle” in the Staff website
- Open deur eenzaamheid
NWO Open Competition grant for two FGGA researchers
JSixty researchers have received a grant of approximately 50,000 Euros during round 3 of the NWO Open Competition SSH-XS pilot programme. Two of them are working at FGGA: Jolien van Breen and Honorata Mazepus. The sixty researchers received the grant to start working on a promising concept or an innovative…
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month: tips for working privacy and security smart
Video series: The value of collaboration with Indonesia
Researchers from Leiden and Indonesia work together on a range of projects on topics such as disappearing languages and cultures, the role of Islam, circular economy, biodiversity and medicine. They also work on projects to improve legal education and make Dutch sources and Indonesian heritage accessible…
Prinsjesfestival & Prinsjesdag: overview of events organised in and around the University in The Hague
The third Tuesday of September is getting closer and that means ‘Prinsjesdag’ (Little Prince Day) and the opening of our own faculty’s academic year. We have created an overview of all the events that have been organised for this ‘The Hague holiday’ in and around the University.
A quick call with Pauline Höhner-Regout about the Keyholders
Our Keyholders are a close network of over 500 committed donors who actively support Leiden University. Pauline Höhner-Regout, who started working at the LUF since April, talks about her role as a Keyholder fundraiser.
Anne-Laura van Harmelen nominated for Huibregtsen Prize
Professor of Brain, Safety and Resilience Anne-Laura van Harmelen has been nominated for the Huibregtsen Prize. The winner of the prize will be announced on the Evening of Science & Society (4 October).
Tanja Masson-Zwaan: Still no obligation to clear up space debris
Space travel has long since progressed from being just about rockets, travelling to the moon, and Russia and America. The Netherlands has its own Space Agency and one of its important tasks is collecting and making available increasingly advanced satellite data.
Month of Tutankhamun: Egypt's most legendary pharaoh
November marks exactly 100 years since the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. To celebrate this special discovery, the Faculty of Humanities, together with various parties, is organising the 'Month of Tutankhamun': a month full of activities around Egypt's most legendary pharaoh.
Kristiaan van der Heijden: outlook education year 2023/2024
- Annual report by staff Ombuds Officer available
Bacteria growing on light and air: a revolution for biotechnology?
Research to experiment with bacteria that grow like plants has been granted the NWO XS grant. These bacteria use light and carbon dioxide to grow, and will be designed especially for use in the biotechnological field. Tijn Delzenne and his supervisor Dennis Claessen can spend 50.000 euros on the exp…
- Online master thesis assessment form is live
Support the Rapidemic team and help them develop a mobile testing kit
A team of students from Leiden won the iGEM international biology contest in 2020 with their Rapidemic mobile testing kit. The kit makes it easy to detect viruses. The team has now been nominated for the Most Innovative Student in the Netherlands prize. Cast your vote and help them develop their inv…
Valerie Frissen wins Lifetime Achievement Award
On 10 October, Valerie Frissen was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Internet Society Foundation. The professor by special appointment received the award in recognition of her tireless efforts in the field of internet freedom, digital rights and internet governance.
Terms of Employment Individual Choices Model open from 1 February
Human resources
Education through a cultural lens
Teachers viewed multicultural classes with VR glasses and discussed that for the study 'Culturally responsive teaching in multicultural classes'.
New publication investigates curious shift of 7th century burial practices
At the end of the 7th century something curious occurs in Northwestern Europe. Suddenly, people start burying the dead next to their dwellings instead of in communal cemeteries. Professor Frans Theuws recently published a book on this phenomenon. ‘We wanted to know if the study of these farmyard burials…
From a rapper to an elegy: students of Italian make videos for a wide audience
A course that concludes with a video pitch, instead of a paper or examination: Italian Language and Culture students each recorded their own knowledge clip, speaking to a wide audience about Italian cultural expressions. We asked Goran Bouaziz, Cameron-May Bosch and Katja Timmer what they thought of…
Three main results of VVI’s Strengthening Legal Education in Eastern Indonesia (SLEEI)
Although fighting the culture of top-down education and stimulating lecturers’ confidence to adapt courses to local context priorities is no easy job to complete in three years, the “SLEEI inheritance” already has three main components.
Grants for journalistic projects Leiden students and lecturers
Three projects affiliated with the university will receive grants from the Leids Mediafonds (Leiden Media Fund ed.). The money is to be spend on creating a journalistic production in collaboration with a local media partner.
Extra NWO-subsidies voor Open Access boeken en tijdschriften
Library, Research
Video series: Why Latin America matters
Latin America matters! With its rich history, culture, its impressive resilience and creative innovation in the face of such a diverse array of challenges, Latin America can indeed show the way forward inspiring for positive change. Working together with Latin American institutions, our researchers…
Surprising insights, experiments and magic tricks at interactive ‘Wijsneus Festival’
What should we do about litter in the countryside? Can you tell from camera images if someone is guilty? And what does your heart rate really look like? Get answers to these questions and more at the free ‘Wijsneus Festival’ on Friday 16 September at Leidse Hout Park.
In Memoriam: Wilfred van Soldt (1947-2021)
We regret to share the news that our colleague, friend, and former professor of Assyriology at Leiden University, passed away on 15 May 2021.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Always report incidents – even if you’re unsure!
ICT, Security
Data breach public groups in SharePoint/Teams
Leiden workshop leads to special issue Journal of Osteoarchaeology
In 2021 the Leiden Osteoarchaeology Lab hosted an international workshop on methods to study past physical activity. It aimed to tackle a niche topic with the field: namely the method of studying muscle attachments to bone. Dr Sarah Schrader, one of the organisers of the workshop: ‘You can quantify…
Naomi Rebekka Boekwijt: ‘This novel is a plea for human assistance’
Philosophy alumna Naomi Rebekka Boekwijt returns to Leiden University on 20 June to present her latest novel Stemmen (Voices) in Plexus. ‘I wanted to show that things could be done differently in psychiatric care.’
Jan Adriaanse on BNR podcast: 'Entrepreneurial success is always temporary'
Jan Adriaanse, Professor of Turnaround Management was a guest on the Ben Tiggelaar Podcast on Dutch BNR Nieuwsradio. What do you do if your company is in danger of collapse? How do you save your business (and yourself)?
Lecture series Sustainability & Law popular with students
The sixth edition of the lecture series Duurzaamheid & Recht was held during the last semester. Once again, it attracted many students.
- Definitive agreement Collective Labour Agreement 2024-2025 Universities of the Netherlands
Alumni meet students in Psychology Methodology & Statistics
On February 15th 2018 former students in Methodology & Statistics (M&S) of Leiden University share their current and previous professional activities to provide M&S students an insight into their career perspectives.
UMCs join forces to increase pandemic preparedness
Four university medical centres, including the LUMC, are joining forces to increase pandemic preparedness in the Netherlands.
Una Europa opportunities: apply for a staff exchange with your European peers
Saying goodbye to Prof Carsten de Dreu on 18 June
After eight years as professor at the Institute of Psychology, Carsten de Dreu is making the move to the University of Groningen, where he has been appointed to the chair ‘Foundations of Cooperation and Social Organisation’. On 18 June, he will bid farewell to colleagues at Leiden University.
Ludo Waltman: New Open Science Ambassador for Academia in Motion
Education, Research
Alenka Prinčič appointed as Head of Centre for Digital Scholarship at Leiden University Libraries
From March 1, Alenka Prinčič will be the new Head of the Centre for Digital Scholarship (CDS) at Leiden University Libraries. Her expertise in the areas of Research Support, Research Infrastructures and Open Publishing as well as her longstanding experience as a manager are excellent starting points…
Connecting the Doelen complex to the Thermal Energy Storage in 2025
Leiden University is working hard to make its buildings more sustainable, also on the Humanities Campus. An important step in this context is the construction of a Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system. Following the successful completion of the first phase, in which the Herta Mohr building was connected…
Identifying vulnerabilities and stigmas of children from parents in violent extremist networks
Five questions about PREPARE, the new research project funded by the EU and led by Joana Cook. Cook is Assistant Professor of Terrorism and Political Violence at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs and lead investigator on PREPARE.
‘My internship changed my view of the public sector’
Hidde studies Public Administration and did an internship at the Kennemerland safety region. During his internship, he conducted research effective collaboration on the Environment and Planning Act at the safety region.
Apply now for the new minor Tax and Society at Leiden University
Tax scandals, like the Panama Papers, the Paradise Papers, and the Pandora Papers, have made tax avoidance by large multinationals and rich individuals a major topic of public debate. Policymakers are pushed to close tax loopholes and reform the global tax system. But this is no easy task.
Humanities and AI: A fruitful combination
What do a linguist, an artist, a Professor of Conservation and Restoration, and a lecturer at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science have in common? They all use Artificial Intelligence. On 7 April they discussed the use of AI at Leiden’s Kijkhuis cinema.
Video series: Collaboration with China in daily practice
What are the benefits for us of collaboration with Chinese partners? What sparks off Leiden researchers' interest in collaborating with colleagues in China? Leiden University shows in three short films what joint projects are like.
Six top rated programmes at humanities
The bachelor programmes German Language and Culture, Classics, Dutch Language and Culture, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Religious studies and Linguistics have received the predicate top rated programme from the Keuzegids.
‘Let pupils actively engage with texts to improve their reading comprehension’
Young Dutch people’s reading skills have been declining for years. The main reason for this is that many have difficulty with reading at greater depth. Teach pupils to read actively in order to construct meaning is what Leiden researchers Paul van den Broek, Christine Espin and Anne Helder write in…
Introducing: Ruben Ros
In September 2022, Ruben Ros started working at the Institute for History as a PhD candidate. Below he introduces himself!
Annual agreements become function-based contracts
Human resources
Introducing: Mohammad Bin Khidzer
Mohammad Bin Khidzer recently joined the Institute for History as a Postdoc, as part of Fenneke Sysling's ERC Starting Grant project COMET: Human Subject Research and Medical Ethics in Colonial Southeast Asia. Below he introduces himself.
Be amazed and inspired during the Leiden Science Family Day!
On Sunday 8 October 2023, during the Weekend van de Wetenschap, the Faculty of Science of Leiden University will open its doors to anyone curious about science from 11.00 to 16.00 hrs! Explore a world of wonder and discovery; where science is transformed into an unforgettable adventure. Intriguing…