10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Automated Decision-Making and Effective Remedies
Simona Demková, Assistant professor at the Europa Institute of Leiden University, publishes her book ‘Automated Decision-Making and Effective Remedies: The New Dynamics in the Protection of EU Fundamental Rights in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’.
The ‘Vereniging van Echtgenoten en Partners van Hoogleraren aan de Universiteit Leiden’ (Society of University Professor’s wifes), also known as Vrolec, was established in 1913 by the women of professors of Leiden University.
Sip2021 is sponsored by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the Graduate School Experimental Plant Sciences (EPS).
Historic Chinese Materia Medica revisited
What are the differences between the trade in Chinese herbal drugs in Europe between 1800 and now? Can we see the major metabolic changes after 200 yours?
Books and films
Leiden University has made history with its many scientific discoveries; a history that is also illustrated in a variety of books and films.
Developing systems for high-throughput screening of infectious diseases using zebrafish
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.P. Spaink, Co-promotor: Prof. dr. A.H. Meijer
Borderless Empire: Dutch Guiana in the Atlantic World, 1750–1800
How geographical and institutional openness in Dutch Guiana fostered a unique colonial economy. This publication is part of the Early American Places Series.
Schouwburgstraat Community Garden
In September 2023, we will be transforming a under-utilised outdoor space into a greener and more biodiverse garden in which all students and staff of the Schouwburgstraat can relax and enjoy.
The Teaching of Khety and Its Use as an Educational Tool in Ancient Egypt
On Wednesday 23 October 2024 Judith Jurjens successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
“Solidarity” and “Truth” in the work of the Jewish Author and Poet Jacob Israël de Haan (1881-1924)
How De Haan is using language in general and his specific style of language in particular to provide truth, solidarity and justice for both the individual and the collective?
Who Owns the Hills? Ownership, Inequality, and Communal Sharing in the Borderlands of India
In his historical analysis of upland societies of the Zomia massif, James Scott (2009) emphasizes how the modern state strives to control and “make taxable” all of its subjects. For Tania Murray Li (2014), the development of neoliberal markets is the primary driver of change, as she shows based on long-term…
About NESA
Although graduate schools and PhD programs at various Dutch universities do provide methodological training in the social sciences, PhD students in anthropology frequently express a need for more specialized anthropology courses that provide in-depth discussions of cutting-edge theory and state-of-the-art…
PhD Supervisors
As a supervisor, you are responsible for the adequate supervision of your PhD candidate. Read here about your duties as a supervisor, the procedures relating to this, and which forms you will need.
Participation and Communication
Leiden University is working on the renovation of the Humanities Campus. The education buildings are being addressed one by one. Students, staff, visitors, and Leiden residents can then study, work, and live in a pleasant environment. The Humanities Campus is in open connection with the city of Leiden…
Science based business
The mission of science based business (SBB) connects the domains of science, business, and policy. Scientific research we focus on at Leiden in areas such as artificial intelligence promises to reshape our societies for the better. Translating science into positive societal impact however requires new…
The cognitive continuum of electronic music
How do we experience electronic music? How does electronic music operate on perceptual, cognitive and affective levels? What are the common concepts activated in the listener’s mind when listening to electronic music? Why and how are these concepts activated?
Leadership Labs
In the Leadership Lab (4 EC) you tackle a topical problem presented by one of our partner organisations and develop important leadership skills in practice.
Here we share findings into the effectiveness of the Designing Your Life education at Leiden University. Our study indicates that DYL education has a positive effect on students’ confidence and competencies.
Temporalities of energy justice: Changing justice conceptions in Dutch energy policy between 1974 and 2022
This article describes that although the use of the concept of energy justice is new, normative interpretations have long been part of energy policy.
Adaptation, Discretion, and the Application of EU Animal Welfare Legislation
Brendan Carroll promoted On Thursday October 30th Brendan Carroll successfully defended his PhD dissertation entitled:
Development of a academic monitoring system for students with learning problems in secondary school
Students with learning problems experience difficulties in reading, writing, and content-area learning into and throughout their secondary-school years
Student for a day International Studies
Study information
- ICM 2023
A Grammar of Tagdal
On the 21st of September, Carlos Benítez-Torres successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Carlos on this achievement!
Stories about Tell Balata
The Oral History project, as part of the Tell Balata Archaeological Park project, published an arabic-english booklet of local stories about the site of Tell Balata. An archaeological site near Nablus (West Bank).
The Proliferation of Dissenting Opinions in International Law
On 8 July 2020, Andres Sarmiento Lamus defended his thesis 'The Proliferation of Dissenting Opinions in International Law'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. L.J. van den Herik and Prof. Y.A.A.S. Radi (UCLouvain).
Laboratory studies of Water Ice in Space
Astronomical observations of cold regions in the universe show a rich inventory of ices. Part of these ices may end up on planets like our own, but in that journey they will be exposed to considerable amounts of radiation.
The field and the classroom
The field and the classroom invites ethnographers to engage with critical and engaged pedagogies. Breaking down the barriers between fieldsite and lecture hall, this research cluster aims to interrogate the structures and values that shape anthropological and sociological education today.
Historical sociolinguistics
When researching languages in historical context, our goal is to understand the nature of linguistic variation in the past, and explain the extent to which the socio-cultural context of bygone times contributed to shaping linguistic variation and change.
Two-Prover Bit-Commitments: Classical, Quantum and Non-Signaling
This thesis considers multi-prover commitment schemes whose security is based on restrictions on the communication between the provers.
Comparative Indo-European Linguistics
Reconstructing language history and prehistory in the context of the Indo-European language family.
Exploring the magnetic, turbulent Milky Way through radio waves
Promotor: Prof.dr. H. J. A. Röttgering, Co-Promotor: Dr. M. Haverkorn
Science teachers' knowledge development in the context of educational innovation
The research reported in this thesis is concerned with the knowledge development of a small sample of experienced science teachers in the context of a broad innovation in Dutch secondary education, including the introduction of a new syllabus on Public Understanding of Science.
Wild West Frisia
The role of domestic and wild resource exploitation in Bronze Age subsistence
'Recycling the past' Tzu-chi waste recycling and the cultural politics of nostalgia in Taiwan
On the 8th of September Yun-An Olivia Dung successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Exploring Justice in Extreme Cases: Criminal Law Theory and International Criminal Law
On 12 mei 2020, Darryl Robinson defended 'Exploring Justice in Extreme Cases: Criminal Law Theory and International Criminal Law'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. C. Stahn.
Women Writing Mexico (WWM)
Women Writing Mexico (WWM) is a network of women and men concerned with the human rights crisis in Mexico and more specifically, with the impact of structural forms of poverty, everyday violence, and discrimination based on gender, race, social class, and ethnicity, that particularly have an impact…
Human Origins
The Human Origins group at Leiden University studies the archaeology of hunter-gatherers, from the earliest stone tools in East Africa, more than three million years old, to the origin of sedentary societies towards the end of the last ice age.
Teaching and professional development in transnational education in Oman
Antonia Lamers, PhD at ICLON, researched how to create a TNE teaching and learning environment that is in line with the expectations of the British programmes offered to students in Oman.
The Cosmopolitan Medieval Arabic World
Did you know that Arabic was for centuries the lingua franca in an area stretching from the south of Spain to the Chinese border? And that the Middle East under Muslim rule was the world’s beating heart of trade, but also of science and scholarship?
Just Peace Festival 2025
We are bringing academia to the city through the Just Peace Festival, a vibrant platform for dialogue, collaboration, and action on the pressing global challenges of peace and justice!
Sustaining the unsustainable? The political sustainability of pensions in Finland and the Netherlands
What makes a pension scheme sustainable? Most answers to this question have revolved around expert assessments of pension schemes’ affordability or adequacy. This study shifts focus from the financial or social sustainability of pension scheme designs to their political sustainability. The key question…
Niels Bohrweg 2, Leiden
The Changing Global Order: Challenges and Prospects
This edited volume evaluates the concept of global order, with a particular emphasis on the role of regional organisations within global governance institutions such as the United Nations. Several researchers at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) have contributed to this volume in the…
Performance Requirement Prohibitions in International Investment Law
On Tuesday 17 October 2017 Alexandre Genest defended his PhD dissertation ‘Performance Requirement Prohibitions in International Investment Law’ as part of a double PhD programme at the Universities of Leiden and Ottawa. The Supervisors are Professors M.E. Koppenol-Laforce. F. Baetens (Universities…
The Agro Pontino archaeological survey
The more the better? The complementarity of United Nations Institutions in the fight against torture
This article devises a framework to assess the degree to which human rights bodies provide duplicating or contradicting recommendations to States. Focusing on the case of torture, it creates an original database of recommendations delivered to 14 countries in the years 2012–2016. Results show that duplications…
Writing Novels under the New Order
On the 31 March 2022 Mr. Taufiq Hanafi successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
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