10,000 search results for “also” in the Public website
Utility Spots, Science Policy, Knowledge Transfer and the Politics of Proximity
How we think about and act on the usefulness of scientific research has epistemological and political implications: what knowledge consists of, how it comes about and to what ends. In this dissertation, I situate the usefulness of scientific research in concrete places for knowledge exchange. The exchange…
Towards Optical Detection of a Single Electron
Single-molecule spectroscopy has become a powerful method for using organic fluorescent molecules in numerous applications.
Sign languages of Iran
I am Nargess Asghari. I came to the Netherlands in 2017 to study Linguistics at Leiden University. I wrote my pre-master’s and master’s theses on Iranian Sign Language and Berbey Sign Language (an emerging family sign language in the village of Berbey, Mali), respectively, under the supervision of Dr.…
Gorlaeus Bicycle Storage
Currently, the construction is underway for a large, covered bicycle parking facility with space for nearly 3000 bicycles. In the summer of 2024, the Gorlaeus bicycle parking will be ready for use.
ARCHITECTURES OF SPEED - reinventing the tools, functions and potentials of speed within rhythmical frames in music
What are the precise identities, possibilities and current practice examples of the various time frames in music and what bearings do they have individually and in combinations on the speed of the music?
Benchmarking Discrete Optimization Heuristics
This thesis involves three topics: benchmarking discrete optimization algorithms, empirical analyses of evolutionary computation, and automatic algorithm configuration.
The stochastic geometry of non-Gaussian fields
Promotor: V. Vitelli, Co-promotor: J. Paulose
Electrochemical and surface studies of the effect of naphthalene-based additives on tin electrodeposition
Tin electrodeposition applications have rapidly evolved in the past 25 years.
To be able to identify, slow down and reverse functional deterioration in the elderly to give them more years of good health.
Issue prioritisation decisions by local politicians: the role of order effects and justification requirements
In this article, Amandine Lerusse, investigates how the order of performance information affects local politicians’ issue prioritisation decisions.
Artificial Intelligence and Ethics at the Police
Artificial Intelligence and Ethics at the Police
Ebifananyi. On photographs and telling histories from and about Uganda
In Luganda, the widest spoken minority language in East African country Uganda, the word for photographs is Ebifananyi. However, ebifananyi does not, contrary to the etymology of the word photographs, relate to light writings. Ebifananyi instead means things that look like something else. Ebifananyi…
Islamic courts and women's divorce rights in Indonesia: the cases of Cianjur and Bulukumba
This book presents the results of a research about the Islamic courts of Cianjur in West Java, and Bulukumba in South Sulawesi and the role they play in local divorce practices.
The Indian Frontier: Horse and Warband in the Making of Empires
This omnibus brings together some old and some recent works by Jos Gommans on the warhorse and its impact on medieval and early modern state-formation in South Asia.
Business Interests and the Development of the Modern Welfare State
This edited volume provides a synthesis on the question of business attitudes towards and its influence over the development of the modern welfare state. It gathers leading scholars in the field to offer both in-depth historical country case studies and comparative chapters that discuss contemporary…
Structural changes in single chromatin fibers induced by tension and torsion
Promotor: Prof.dr. T. Schmidt, Co-promotor: Dr. ir. S. J.T. van Noort
Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger: life and work with special attention paid to basso continuo
The thesis presents a new perspective on Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger (ca.1580-1651), who is nowadays only famous for his works for theorbo and lute, his remarkable output of vocal music of all genres being still mostly neglected from musicologists and performers.
Berichtigungsliste der Griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten, Dreizehnter Band
Berichtigungsliste der Griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten, Dreizehnter Band. Herausgegeben von F.A.J Hoogendijk und A. Jördens. Zusammengestellt von J.M.S. Cowey und F.A.J. Hoogendijk (Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2017).
e-SIDES (ethical and societal impact of data sciences) is a Coordination & Support Action (CSA) part of the Horizon 2020 programme.
Global Perspectives on the Bretton Woods Conference and the Post-War World Order
The historiography of the Bretton Woods conference of July 1944 is dominated by the personal clash between the principal negotiators, Harry Dexter White of the United States and John Maynard Keynes of Britain.
Student-teachers' commitment to teaching
The motivation of student teachers for the teacher's profession depends on various factors. Teacher training can influence the commitment of students.
Topic: E-health
The research connected to this topic is related to E-health.
L.A.D. F. Kaiser
The Leids Astronomisch Dispuut F. Kaiser is an association dedicated to the students who study astronomy in Leiden. In addition, they are also very involved in the public activities in the Old Observatory and help with the development and implementation of other projects in the building.
ERC Funding
The project ‘Food citizens? Collective food procurement in European cities: solidarity and diversity, skills and scale’ has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 724151).
Studies in Tocharian verbal morphology relevant to the cladistic position of Tocharian in Indo-European
On the 24th of September, Louise S. Friis successfully defended a doctoral thesis. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Louise on this achievement!
Diversity and Inclusion
The Diversity and Inclusion domain consists of a three-day masterclass on Inclusive Leadership for Depolarisation (English). There are also Dutch courses on Diversity & Inclusion at the Centre for Professional Learning, Leiden University.
Spreading the Fire: Why is Pyroptotic Cell Death Contagious?
The word ¨pyroptosis¨ can be understood as ¨fiery falling¨, which describes the bursting of pro-inflammatory signals from the dying cell. Our observations indicate that pyroptosis also ¨spreads like wildfire¨ and once a cell dies via pyroptotic cell death, neighbouring cells are more prone to die as…
Systems Pharmacology
The aim of the research programme Systems Pharmacology lies in the development of personalised medicine strategies, and development of new systems-based approaches in translational and clinical pharmacology.
A landscape biography of the 'Land of Drumlins': Vooremaa, East Estonia
In the contemporary myriad of definitions and approaches of landscape, the starting points and limits of the concept of landscape biography are being explored, but also tested in this thesis. What exactly is a landscape biography? What does it constitute of? Is landscape biography just a narration of…
Food Citizenship? Collective Food Procurement in European Cities in "Food, food systems, and agriculture"
Grasseni's contribution to this special feature on food cultures, food systems, and agriculture in Europe builds upon her ongoing project Food citizens? Collective food procurement in European cities: solidarity and diversity, skills and scale.
Memory in Early Modern Europe 1500 - 1800
For early modern Europeans, the past was a measure of most things, good and bad. For that reason it was also hotly contested, manipulated, and far too important to be left to historians alone.
Cyber-noir: Cybersecurity and popular culture
New article on popular culture influences on cybersecurity experts, available Open Access at Contemporary Security Policy, part of a special issue edited by dr. Myriam Dunn Cavelty.
In This Fragile World Swahili Poetry of Commitment by Ustadh Mahmoud Mau
This 25th volume in the series 'Islam in Africa', edited by Annachiara Raia, is a pioneering collection of poetry by the outstanding Kenyan poet, intellectual and imam Ustadh Mahmmoud Mau (born 1952) from Lamu island, once an Indian Ocean hub, now on the edge of the nation state.
Involvement of host and bacterial factors in Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
Agrobacterium tumefaciens, a gram-negative plant pathogen belonging to the family Rhizobiaceae, is the causative agent of crown gall disease, which can affect many plant species including agronomically important ones.
In the CarbonCap project, consumption oriented technological options and policy measures are identified as an addition to the present EU and world climate policy.
Proefstuderen bachelor Cybersecurity & Cybercrime 8 november 2024
Study information, Proefstuderen
Coiled-coil mediated liposomal fusion: Asymmetric behaving peptide fusogens
Membrane fusion is a vital process in living organisms and is mediated by zipper-like proteins.
Audible absence: searching for the site in sound production
Ambient sound is a standard term used by sound practitioners to denote the site-specific background sound component that provides a characteristic atmosphere and spatial information in a sound work.
Optical properties of DNA-hosted silver clusters
Promotor: D. Bouwmeester, Co-promotor: D. Kraft
Contact your faculty AiM team with suggestions
Would you like Leiden University to be a more open workplace that recognizes and rewards all contributions, and an institution that creates and shares knowledge more freely with society?
What's in the diet? DNA-based analysis for qualitative and quantitative assessment of animal diet
Animal diet studies are critical for understanding ecological processes such as trophic interactions, energy flow, and nutrient cycling. By examining what animals consume, ecologists gain insights into species specialization, predator-prey relationships, and ecosystem management.
In the media
The research at the Living lab attracts a great deal of press attention. Please find below a small selection of the many news reports that have been published. Also take a look at the Zembla programme about the Living Lab.
Activity-based protein profiling reveals off-target proteins of the FAAH inhibitor BIA 10-2474, SCIENCE, 2017
The drug BIA 10-2474 inhibits fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), a lipase that degrades a specific endocannabinoid. On the basis of this activity, BIA 10-2474 was being developed as a potential treatment for anxiety and pain. In a phase 1 trial of the drug, one subject died, and four others suffered…
Hard bargains: politics of debt and investment in the EU
Lecture, European Union Seminar
The Texture of the Lexicon
In this volume, Ray Jackendoff and Jenny Audring embark on a major reconceptualization of linguistic theory as seen through the lens of morphology. Their approach, Relational Morphology, extends the Parallel Architecture developed by Jackendoff in Foundations of Language (2002), Simpler Syntax (2005),…
PhD candidates carry out a programme of independent research and additional (limited) course work, culminating in production of a PhD thesis in typically 4 years.
Food Citizens?
'Food Citizens? An anthropological project on collective food procurement in European cities
Service desk Campus The Hague
Wijnhaven, Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP, The Hague
Disentangling a complex genus: systematics, biogeography and bioactivity of the genus Phyllanthus L. and related genera of tribe Phyllantheae
The largest genus within the Phyllanthaceae family is a group called Phyllanthus L. Recent studies have shown, that Phyllanthus is paraphyletic with the genera Glochidion, Breynia and Synostemon nested within it.