5,354 search results for “russian and science linguistics” in the Public website
Van der Meer, Janssen & Louwerse, ‘The predictive value of polls in a fragmented multi-party system’
Political scientists Tom van der Meer, Lisa Janssen (University of Amsterdam) and Tom Louwerse (Leiden University) analyse polls presented by the main polling agencies in the Netherlands, as well as micro-level panel data. They reach three main conclusions. First, vote intention polls in the Netherlands…
Unraveling the surface formation of regular and deuterated water in space: a combined laboratory and computational study
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.V.J. Linnartz, Co-Promotores: H.M. Cuppen, S. Ioppolo
Leiden did not forget you
Alumni event
Leiden did not forget you - 19 January
Alumni event
Leiden did not forget you
Alumni event
Leiden did not forget you - PhD edition
Alumni event
Frank Pieke becomes director of renowned Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) in Berlijn.
Professor Chinese Frank Pieke becomes research and general director of the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) in Berlijn.
Podcast: this is how Dutch sounded 1000 years ago
How did Dutch sound 1000 years ago? This is a question that linguist Peter-Alexander Kerkhof has been pondering for some time already. He recently managed to reconstruct this Old Dutch.
Researchers learn to make their work more reproducible at COS workshop
How can we increase the openness and reproducibility of quantitative research? This was the central theme of a workshop on openness and reproducibility, organised by the Center for Open Science (COS) on 2 November 2016.
From basic research to healthcare tools
On April 1, Marco Spruit, Professor of Advanced Data Science in Population Health at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), will deliver his inaugural lecture ‘Translational Data Science in Population Health’. Spruit will use the opportunity…
Kinderarbeid is ook slecht voor de taalontwikkeling
Dit blijkt uit het onderzoek ‘The Class Divide in Urban Indian Youths’ Lives; Their Time-Use and Adaptive Functioning’ van Radhika Bapat.
Twan Huys lecturer Journalism and New Media
Television presenter and journalist Twan Huys will be a lecturer in Journalism and New Media at Leiden University from 1 September 2024.
New open access, peer-reviewed journal: Arabian Epigraphic Notes
The Leiden Center for the Study of Ancient Arabia (LeiCenSAA) announces a new open access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the epigraphy of Arabia and its cultural and linguistic context: Arabian Epigraphic Notes
NWO Free Competition subsidies for Professor I.M. Tieken and Dr H.W. Siemens
Professor Ingrid Tieken (Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, LUCL) and Dr Herman Siemens (Institute for Philosophy) have each been awarded an NWO Free Competition award in the Humanities for their research projects.
30 million for Dutch Center for Biodiversity
Universiteit Leiden in cooperation with Naturalis, the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and University Wageningen is foundig a center for biodiversity. They will receive 30 million euros from The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW).
boekpresentatie & symposium “Indische Adel”
Why is that word there? Research on language structure completed
Communication is the transmission of information. All day long we are busy explaining and making things clear to each other, but exactly how we do that varies from language to language. Associate Professor Jenneke van der Wal delved into African Bantu languages for a Vidi project.
2012 Two major NWO subsidies for language research in Leiden
Professor Johan Rooryck will be examining cognition and core knowledge systems and how possession is expressed in different languages. Rooryck and fellow researchers have been awarded two NWO grants totalling 2.75 million euro to carry out two research programmes: 'Knowledge and Culture' and 'Lend me…
Babies' hearing important in language deficiency
During the first year of life, babies adapt to the language they hear around them. In the event of hearing difficulties, this can lead to a language deficiency, which is not so easy to resolve, says Professor of English Linguistics Janet Grijzenhout. Inaugural lecture 19 March.
Who spoke what language in north-western sixth-century China?
Fifteen hundred years ago, the north-west of what we now call China was a jumble of peoples. How did those Indians, Khotanese and Tocharians influence each other and each other's languages? Associate professor Michaël Peyrot has been awarded an ERC grant of almost two million euros to unravel this 'web…
These are the seven Veni laureates of Humanities
No less than seven scholars of the Faculty of Humanities were awarded a Veni grant. Veni grants are aimed at excellent researcher who recently obtained their doctorate. With a maximum grant of 250.000 euros, the laureates can develop their research ideas in the coming three years.
Cristina del Real contributes to presentation of the Office of Science and Technology to the Spanish Parliament
Cristina Del Real, Assistant Professor in Cyber Crisis at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, participated in the presentation of the Office of Science and Technology (OficinaC) of the Spanish Congress of Deputies (the Spanish Parliament). She is an expert on cyber security, one of the four…
Esteban Szmulewicz speaks at Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw
As part of his PhD trajectory, Esteban Szmulewicz was invited to give a presentation at a seminar titled 'Challenges of representative and participatory constitution-making: insights from the recent Chilean processes'. The seminar was attended by colleagues affiliated with the Warsaw institution as…
CrossRoads: European cultural diplomacy and Arab Christians in Palestine. A connected history (1920-1950)
This project aims to revisit the relationship between the European cultural agenda and the local identity formation process, and social and religious transformations of Arab Christian communities in Palestine, when the British ruled via the Mandate. What was the role of culture in European policies…
Social Resilience and Security
Social resilience and security has never been more important. Over the last 2 years, the COVID-19 pandemic has created a considerable disturbance to our personal and social lives. As a result, the general population reports more stress, loneliness and decreased quality of life. At the same time, there…
Arabic & Islamic Studies
Research projects which are assisted by the NVIC in the field of Arabic studies.
Sport Data Center
Sport Data Center
Experience Day Leiden University College The Hague
Study information, On Campus Experience
Executive Board column: Open communication isn’t rocket science, but we do forget it at times
We want to be an engaged community where we feel heard and enjoy working together. But how do we have an open conversation about difficult topics?
High school students explore Faculty of Science at first online Open Days ever
For the first time since the establishment of Leiden University, the Open Days took place online. On Friday 30 and Saturday 31 October high school students visited 'our Faculty' on the newly designed online platform of the University. Through study programme presentations, an information market, video…
Dallaire on “How a better world is possible”: Cooperation between Science and Practice
Leiden University’s Institute for Security and Global Affairs and Dual PhD Centre jointly organize an online lecture on 23 April, 15.00 hrs by Cleveringa Professor General Roméo Dallaire on “How a better world is possible”: Cooperation between Science and Practice.
The Diachronic Phonology of Indo-Iranian Loanwords in Balti and Ladakhi
Lecture, Descriptive Linguistics Seminars
Alderman Saskia Bruines visits LUC
On 15 December 2017, Deputy Mayor of The Hague Mrs. Saskia Bruines paid a visit to Leiden University College (LUC). Academic staff and students presented a series of mini-lectures, showcasing the variety and breadth of courses and teaching methods, the interdisciplinary 'Liberal Arts and Sciences' (LAS)…
LUC The Hague Top Rated Programme 2016
Leiden University College The Hague is one of the best university colleges in the Netherlands
Lorentz Medal awarded in Leiden in presence of Minister Dijkgraaf
Within the scope of Leiden European City of Science, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) presented the quadrennial Lorentz Medal to Daan Frenkel in the Academy Building yesterday. The ceremony was in collaboration with the Lorentz Center and was attended by Robbert Dijkgraaf, Minister…
Minister Bussemaker to open Morocco Institute NIMAR in Rabat
Minister Jet Bussemaker (Ministry of Education, Culture and Science) will open the new headquarters of NIMAR (Netherlands Institute in Morocco) in Rabat on 1 March, in the presence of Mayor of Rotterdam Ahmed Aboutaleb and Rector of Leiden University Carel Stolker. The institute has been part of Leiden…
Leiden University and Royal Academy of Art The Hague launch double degree
Students from the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) can combine their visual arts program from the academic year 2017-2018 with the bachelor program Arts, Media and Society at Leiden University.
Leiden University appointed extra 25 female professors in 2017
Last year Leiden University appointed an extra 25 female professors. With these appointments the Executive Board has increased the percentage of women in the highest academic role.
Wanted: artists, scientists and all creatives in between
On 16 September 2017 the fifth edition of the Night of Arts & Sciences will take place in the city of Leiden. This is your chance to showcase your own work at the festival!
Bernard van Heck Wins Christiaan Huygens Prize 2016
Bernard van Heck has won the Christiaan Huygens Prize 2016 for his Leiden PhD research on electrical circuits for quantum computers. On behalf of the KNAW, the Dutch minister of Education, Culture and Science awards this prize annually to a researcher who has made an innovative contribution to scien…
14 Leiden researchers on highly cited list
Fourteen Leiden University scientists appear on the 2018 Highly Cited Researchers list, which was announced on 28 November by Clarivate Analytics.
Leiden researchers at hackathon data visualization in the House of Representatives
On March 20, 2019, a special meeting took place in the House of Representatives: a hackathon. The aim was to find solutions for better accessibility of the large amounts of information that are produced in the House of Representatives on a daily basis.
Lotte van Dillen
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Mariana Gkliati gives a guest lecture at the University College Utrecht
Mariana Gkliati participated on 4 April in the course International Human Rights offered by the SIM, Netherlands Institute of Human Rights, at the University College Utrecht.
National Bee Count by Koos Biesmeijer receives Communication Initiative Award
The National Bee Count initiative of Professor Koos Biesmeijer (Naturalis/Leiden) and Vincent Kalkman (Naturalis) has received the NWO Communication Initiative Award. The jury praises the initiative, which manages to reach a very wide and diverse audience, while at the same time contributing to the…
Tina Bougag
Faculty of Humanities
Bente de Graeve
Faculty of Humanities
Arie Elsenaar
Faculty of Humanities
Yiran Ding
Faculty of Humanities
Wim Blokzijl