4,210 search results for “de world van takes en cultural” in the Public website
Lucien van Beek receives LUF grant: 'It is a great feeling to be able to work on my ideas'
University lecturer Lucien van Beek has been awarded a LUF Praesidium Libertatis Grant. He will use the sum of 75,000 euros to research the thinking of people in ancient and prehistoric times. To do that, he will look for unusual or striking metaphors in the earliest Indo-European languages.
Ideología y clivajes partidarios en la conformación del socialismo como expresión política en Chile (1891-1938)
PhD defence
Raymond Corbey interviewed about new book on the missionary's perspective on New Guinean ritual art
Protestant missionaries have provided the earliest and most detailed sources regarding the ritual art of the Papuan peoples of the Geelvink Bay. Raymond Corbey brings these sources to bear on circa 300 ritual objects and their itineraries in the book KORWAR - Northwest New Guinea ritual art according…
Humanities taking action on assessment results
Two of the 38 scrutinised programmes offered by the Faculty of Humanities at Leiden University have been assessed as unsatisfactory by NVAO. The Faculty is already working on improvement plans. Graduates of Humanities have no reason to be concerned about their diplomas; these are and will remain fully…
Binge-eating disorders in the Arab world and the Netherlands
Psychologist Bernou Melisse was shocked at the long waiting lists in the Netherlands for people with binge-eating disorders. The problem was not yet on the map in Saudi Arabia. She therefore decided to study how people suffering from binge eating can be helped better in their own region of the world.…
review reveals journey of water from interstellar clouds to habitable worlds
Professor Ewine van Dishoeck, together with an international team of colleagues, has written an overview of everything we know about water in interstellar clouds thanks to the Herschel space observatory. The article, published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, summarizes existing knowledge and…
value of Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities: interview with Dean Wim van den Doel
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities will celebrate its tenth anniversary in 2022. In recent years, the alliance has expanded to include centres and new programmes as well as a curriculum of its own. What do the next ten years have in store?
Lecture on international judicial cooperation by Ard van der Steur and Koen Geens
On Monday 21 November a lecture was given at Leiden Law School of Leiden University by Belgian Minister of Justice Koen Geens and Dutch Minister of Justice and Security Ard van der Steur in which they talked about international judicial cooperation. The lecture focussed on cooperation between the Netherlands…
Psychologist Zsuzsika Sjoerds takes over the Twitter account @NL_Wetenschap
Zsuzsika Sjoerds seems to be busy with her research, her teaching, and open science advocacy. She will also take over the Twitter account for Dutch scientists. Folllow our cognitive neuroscientist at @NL_Wetenschap from 30 September till 6 October 2019.
Organisational psychologist Aukje Nauta: ‘Take up a hobby’
Psychologist Aukje Nauta studies what makes people feel better in an organisation. For many, this ‘organisation’ is now the family; for those who live alone, this organisation has disappeared completely. What are the implications and how can a single person deal with possible problems?
How a UN mission became a “success” by taking sides
The peacekeeping operation in Cambodia is known as an important and rare success. Yet the mission was forced to violate the core principle of peacekeeping, impartiality, in order to be successful.
LUF grant to take the war out of children
Sandy Overgaauw has been awarded a 25,000 euro grant from the LUF for her research into PTSD in Syrian refugee children in the Netherlands. The research should lead to a screening method that can be used to determine which children are at higher risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD…
New Rembrandt Route takes in seven Leiden University buildings
Seven large reproductions of works by Rembrandt on seven Leiden University buildings reveal the relationship between the painter and the University. Rembrandt van Rijn enrolled in the University in 1620 and painted the portraits of various alumni of the University. In addition, the University Library…
Why take the AI & Society minor? These students explain
The interdisciplinary AI & Society minor of Leiden University brings together students and lecturers from a wide range of disciplines. Together they look at the impact of AI on society. Students are enthusiastic about this merging of worlds.
Taking Brussels by storm – the EUS 2023 study trip
Every autumn EUS students take the train down to our southern neighbours to learn the secrets of European Union institutions. They get to hear tips about landing a job in Brussels, learn things about EU institutions that cannot be found in the textbooks, meet important contacts, and get inspiration…
Van Links naar Rechts; van Rechts naar Links: De aanhoudende slingerbeweging in Latijns-Amerika
Valedictory lecture
Forgotten Lineages of Displaced Communities Across the Indian Ocean World, 1650-1850
Keynote speakers: Jennifer Gaynor (University at Buffalo SUNY) and Sue Peabody (Washington State University)
'In an ideal world we would recycle everything'
Merijn Tinga hit the headlines in 2016 as the Plastic Soup Surfer. In force six winds, the Leiden biologist ventured across the English Channel on a hydrofoil kiteboard made from plastic bottles. Interview with this Leiden artist who is fighting the mountain of plastic waste and finding his feet as…
Women researchers shook up the world of bird song
For a long time, bird song was considered as a typical male trait. But over the last twenty years, research has shown that a lot of female songbirds sing as well. Female scientists turned out to be the key factor in these findings, amongst others from the Institute of Biology Leiden.
Pakistan and the Netherlands: combining the best of both worlds
Majid Khan, born and raised in Pakistan, left his wife and daughter behind to do research in Leiden. After obtaining his PhD, the Netherlands has taken a special place in his heart. ‘Biking in the rain and wind was weird. But I loved it.’
Stéphanie van der Pas wins C.J. Kok Jury Award for the best doctoral thesis of 2017
The jury of the C.J. Kok Award selected Stéphanie van der Pas' dissertation as the Faculty of Science's best dissertation of 2017. This was announced by rector Carel Stolker during the faculty’s New Year's reception on 9 January.
- Material Culture - Session 4
- Material Culture - Session 3
- Material Culture - Session 2
- Material Culture - Session 1
- Material Culture - Session 5
Archaeologist Mink van IJzendoorn receives LUF grant to investigate late amphorae
Amphorae are usually associated with the ancient Phoenicians, Greeks and Romans. ‘Yet, in some cases, such as Byzantium, amphorae existed for centuries after Antiquity. Another, even later instance of the amphora's afterlife can be found in the Iberian Peninsula, from where the latest specimens…
Thed van Leeuwen new professor by special appointment for Monitoring Open Science Policies and Practices
As of 1 September 2024, Thed van Leeuwen is professor by special appointment of the chair “Monitoring Open Science Policies and Practices” at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University. The mission of the chair will be to understand the changes in policies and practices…
Four questions about the Leiden Law Academy for team leader Linda van Dun
The Legal Post-graduate Training (JPAO) of Leiden Law School changed its name to Leiden Law Academy on 1 May 2023. A new name for the educational programme for professionals and the place to be for events and conferences. What changes will be made and what does the team hope to achieve in the coming…
Ruth van Vugt: different ways of getting to a job as a clinical psychologist
Most students of Psychology want to work in mental healthcare (GGZ). This makes the master’s specialisation in Clinical Psychology a logical choice. It was an option for alumna Ruth van Vugt for a long time, but she decided to explore further and has since successfully completed the Health and Medical…
Alexander van Oudenhoven: 'Governance of Sustainability is something I would have wanted to study myself'
Alexander van Oudenhoven is the brand-new education director of the master's in Governance of Sustainability. The study has already entered its fourth year and Van Oudenhoven is very enthused. What makes this a special programme and what are his plans?
Nadine Akkerman discusses Spycraft on BBC and History Extra Podcasts
Nadine Akkerman recently appeared as a guest on a BBC podcast and the History Extra podcast to discuss her book Spycraft. In these interviews, she delved into the fascinating world of espionage, sharing insights from her research and highlighting key themes from her work.
Ideals of Femininity and Female Representation in Nineteenth-century Ukiyo-e
The goal of this research is to examine the emergence of new types of female representation in nineteenth-century ukiyo-e (woodblock prints from early modern Japan) as these images relate to the ideals of femininity of the time.
A 51,000-year-old carved bone is one of the world's oldest works of art, researchers say
The toe bone of a prehistoric deer carved with lines by Neanderthals 51,000 years ago is one of the oldest works of art ever found, according to a study released Monday. Leiden archaeologist Dr Andrew Sorensen, not involved in the study, reacts on the find in a news article by NBC News.
Mili Gabrovšek wins Education Award 2015
English Language and Culture lecturer Mili Gabrovšek has won the Education Award 2015. In the report, the jury praised Gabrovšek's humor and enthusiasm. Each year the award is presented to the most inspiring lecturer of the faculty at the opening of the academic year.
Looi van Kessel on The Conversation: ‘Their passing is a reminder of the fragility of queer lives’
Assistant professor Looi van Kessel writes in The Conversation about the passing of drag performer The Vivienne, reflecting on their significance for LGBTQ+ advocacy in Europe.
2022: making new friends and form bonds with students from all over the world
On 22 August was the start of the HOPweek, the introduction week for first year students studying at Campus The Hague of Leiden University. First year students were assigned to their own group with their own mentors. During this week the students could do fun activities and workshops where they got…
The forgotten world of Surinamese cloths and the Leiden Cotton Company
For her internship at the Textile Museum, master's student Evi van Stiphout researched the Surinamese cloths of the Leiden Cotton Company. Leiden and Suriname have a closer relationship than many people think. ‘Not much is written about Suriname’.
Master's Day attracts students from all corners of the world
A young refugee who wants to give something back to the Netherlands; a Greek girl who wants to study in her mother's home country and, of course, a lot of Dutch bachelor's students. The visitors to the Leiden Master's Day on Friday 11 March were as diverse as the range of programmes offered.
Richard Barrett: 'To me, music is a way of understanding the world'
A new chair has been added to the partnership between Leiden University and the Royal Conservatoire The Hague. Richard Barrett has been appointed Professor of Research in Creative Music (ACPA) as of 1 December 2020. 'For me it is important that music and academia are not placed in an ivory tower.'
New professor Vedran Dunjko finds real-world problems that a quantum computer can solve
Vedran Dunjko appointed to full professor of quantum computing at Leiden University, the Netherlands.
Online exhibition - The world’s last picture writing: Naxi Dongba manuscripts
Manuscripts that look like a comic book, that's how you could describe the manuscripts of the Dongba people from China. The manuscripts are one of the last examples of a so-called pictographic script that can only be interpreted by Dongba priests, shamans, who have knowledge of the ancient Dongba cu…
Dissertation: Is it One Nile? The complexity and diversity of the world's longest river
Abeer Abazeed, PhD-student at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, will defend her thesis on Wednesday april 21st. Four questions about her PhD-research ‘Is it One Nile? Civic engagement and hydropolitics in the Eastern Nile Basin’.
Gamal Adel Elgamal
An interview with one of OSCL's founders, Anna van 't Veer
Many people don't know exactly what Open Science is or why it is important. In a short interview, Anna van 't Veer explains her take on it.
Leiden resident Ewine van Dishoeck wants to give something back to the city
In 2022, Leiden will be the European City of Science. The preparations are in full swing, so we would like to give you a look behind the scenes. This time we talk to Ewine van Dishoeck. She is the driving force behind the annual programme at the Faculty of Science. As far as she is concerned, there…
Biology student Sander van Zon: ‘We can still learn so much more about lichens’
Lichens enthusiast Sander van Zon was eager to use his knowledge for his internship. He wrote an excellent thesis on lichens’ biodiversity in the city, of which his first scientific publication will appear soon. With it, he is nominated for the Leiden Science Young Talent Award 2022.
Chairperson Susan van Grol: We need to be critical but realistic
After 14 years of chairing the Faculty Council, Associate Professor Jan Sleutels is handing over the baton. Student Susan van Grol takes over the chairmanship. Time for an introduction to Susan.
Hester Bijl: ‘On-campus teaching is a big step forward, so take care’
‘We’re going to see each other again on campus. We’re so pleased, but we do have to say safe.’ Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl is looking ahead to the new academic year, which begins on 6 September. No more 1.5m distancing, but we do have to take responsibility for other people’s safety.
Stéphanie van der Pas wins ASML Graduation Prize Mathematics for analysis new research method
On November 29, Stéphanie van der Pas receives the ASML Graduation Prize for Mathematics at the Royal Holland Society of Sciences (KHMW) in Haarlem. She proved that a new method to choose a research model works better than the usual standard method.