5,349 search results for “russian and science linguistics” in the Public website
Bill Schabas on ABC News (Australia) about MH17 suspects
The Joint Investigation Team (JIT) which is carrying out the investigation into the MH17 disaster has identified four suspects who have been brought in connection with bringing down the aircraft. The four are to be prosecuted and as a result have been placed on international wanted lists.
Leiden's first professor in International Studies
The Board of Governors of Leiden University has confirmed the appointment of Professor André Gerrits (Institute for History, currently in the field of Russian Politics and History) to the field of International Studies and Global Politics, commencing October 1st 2015.
Willemijn Aerdts Discusses MIVD Espionage Software Warning on Dutch BNR Radio
Willemijn Aerdts, lecturer at ISGA discusses the warning issued by the MIVD (Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service) to put away your phone when discussing sensitive or private matters.
Do codes of conduct apply to civil servants’ free time?
According to research conducted by regional Dutch newspaper ‘BN DeStem’, emigration to Russia certainly isn’t off the cards for some Dutch people. Information sessions are being held for anyone interested in emigrating to these countries. Is it acceptable for civil servants to get involved in these…
Bert Meijer joins Board of Governors
Professor Bert Meijer has been appointed to the Board of Governors of Leiden University by Minister of Education, Culture and Science Jet Bussemaker for a term of four years from 1 January 2017.
Prof. Dr. Judi Mesman received the ERC Consolidator Grant
Prof. Dr. Judi Mesman, Dean of LUC The Hague, received the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant (2 million euros) for a research project on gendered educational pathways.
KNAW advisory report on social safety in Dutch academia
At the beginning of July, a committee appointed by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) presented its report 'Social Safety in Dutch Academia. From Paper to Practice', to the Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science. The committee was chaired by Professor Naomi Ellemers…
New name: Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
From 1 January 2016 Faculty Campus The Hague will have a new name: the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA). This new name is a logical blend of the elements that make up the faculty.
LUC ranked as best University College for 2016
This year the National Student Survey (NSE) overall results place LUC The Hague as the best University College programme in The Netherlands for 2016.
Wim van Saarloos receives honorary doctorate from the University of Twente
Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics Wim van Saarloos received an honorary doctorate from the University of Twente last Friday. In addition to his work at Leiden University, Van Saarloos was president of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) until June 2020 and he led The Dutch…
Vasiliki Kosta, Assistant Professor of European Law received a Vidi grant
The Vidi grant is for experienced researchers who have already spent several years doing postdoctoral research.
IBL Spotlight - Science Communication & Society
High school students from Haarlem visit Babylab Leiden
Students from the Coornhert Lyceum from Haarlem visited the Babylab Leiden together with their teacher Roos Bannenberg. The 5-VWO students follow modules of 10 weeks for science orientation and they had difficulty imagining what research with babies looks like. The Babylab Leiden gave a solution.
App on Gender Equality Launched at FGW: 'We have to do it together'
Male scientists owe their position to their brilliance, women to their hard work. Or do they? The Equalista app helps staff and students at the Faculty of Humanities to become aware of gender equality.
- Open Science Week - at the Archeology Faculty
- Open Science Week - at the Humanities Faculty
Open Science Week at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
'It is important to have discussions about topics that not everybody agrees on'
Today Mikhail Khordorkovsky visits the Leiden University Campus of The Hague to debate with students about the future of Russia. It is the first time this critic of Putin and former captain of industry visits the Netherlands. This event has been organised by the organisation Raam op Rusland and the…
Successful Open Day for Humanities: ‘Here you feel how it really works’
Full lecture halls, a crowded information fair and a queue for coffee in the basement: during the Open Day, the Faculty of Humanities was inundated with curious prospective students.
- Workshop: UNESCO AI and Open Science
Arjen de Vetten
Tom Buitelaar
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Understanding the brain via language
Professor Jenny Doetjes at Leiden University researches similarities and differences in languages, specifically in the area of numerals and quantifiers. Her research provides insight into language patterns, bu also in the working of the human brain. Inaugural lecture on 26 January.
New language museum for Leiden
Leiden is to have a new language museum in 2015, a public institute focusing on language in all its facets and where science and social developments come together for a broad public. It won't be in a building, but at different places in the city. Dynamic, contemporary, flexible and affordable. The details…
NWO funding for three new humanities PhD students
Three PhD candidates from the Faculty of Humanities have successfully applied for funding from NWO for new PhD candidates. The three upcoming researchers will receive funding from the PhDs in Humanities programme. With the funding, NWO wants to boost the recruitment and advancement of young talent in…
A picture tells a thousand words
Besides being a linguist, George Saad is also a photography fanatic. He shares his most beautiful and telling pictures, shot during his field research in Eastern Indonesia.
Learning a language is a staggering task
To properly understand how babies absorb a language we need to study the process from a number of different perspectives, linguist Claartje Levelt argues. She accepts her appointment as Professor of Language Acquisition on 27 March with an inaugural lecture entitled ‘Language in its infancy’.
Right brain hemisphere also important for learning a new language
Novel language learning activates different neural processes than was previously thought. A Leiden research team has discovered parallel but separate contributions from the hippocampus and Broca's area, the learning centre in the left hemisphere. The right hemisphere of the brain also seems to play…
Stephan Raaijmakers appointed Professor by special appointment of Communicative AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Since November 2019 Stephan Raaijmakers is Professor by special appointment of Communicative AI (Artificial Intelligence) at LUCL. Raaijmakers investigates how linguistics can help make Artificial Intelligence smarter.
Veni grants for 6 young researchers of Humanities
During the next three years, 6 promising researchers from the Faculty of Humanities who have just been awarded their PhDs will be able to further develop their research ideas funded by a Veni grant from the NWO. A total of 147 Veni grants were awarded of which 14 went to researchers at Leiden Univer…
Armchair travel to the Falkland Islands
Yliana Rodríguez was in the middle of a second fieldtrip in the Falklands researching Spanish-English language contact, when global lockdown measures were announced. Sit back, relax and enjoy reading about Yliana's research into a unique speech community.
Online curiosity explored: 'We are more likely to accept information uncritically if it answers a question'
What do people wonder about on social media? University lecturer Matthijs Westera is the recipient of an NWO grant to investigate what people are curious about online.
Large Vidi subsidies for 5 humanities scholars
5 talented Leiden humanities scholars have received a Vidi research subsidy of 800.000 euros to set up or expand their own line of research.
Six top rated programmes at humanities
The bachelor programmes German Language and Culture, Classics, Dutch Language and Culture, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Religious studies and Linguistics have received the predicate top rated programme from the Keuzegids.
How AI helps map sign languages
Like spoken languages, sign languages evolve organically and do not always have the same origin. This produces different ways of communication and annotation. Manolis Fragkiadakis wrote his PhD thesis on this.
Artificial intelligence and clay tablets: not yet a perfect match
Translating ancient texts, filling in missing parts of clay tablets: articles are popping up more and more often about the possibilities offered by artificial intelligence for researching documents in the oldest scripts. Are we better off leaving the deciphering of ancient texts to computers from now…
Frank Pieke becomes director of renowned Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) in Berlijn.
Professor Chinese Frank Pieke becomes research and general director of the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) in Berlijn.
Podcast: this is how Dutch sounded 1000 years ago
How did Dutch sound 1000 years ago? This is a question that linguist Peter-Alexander Kerkhof has been pondering for some time already. He recently managed to reconstruct this Old Dutch.
Leiden did not forget you
Alumni event
Leiden did not forget you - PhD edition
Alumni event
Leiden did not forget you
Alumni event
Leiden did not forget you - 19 January
Alumni event
New open access, peer-reviewed journal: Arabian Epigraphic Notes
The Leiden Center for the Study of Ancient Arabia (LeiCenSAA) announces a new open access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the epigraphy of Arabia and its cultural and linguistic context: Arabian Epigraphic Notes
NWO Free Competition subsidies for Professor I.M. Tieken and Dr H.W. Siemens
Professor Ingrid Tieken (Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, LUCL) and Dr Herman Siemens (Institute for Philosophy) have each been awarded an NWO Free Competition award in the Humanities for their research projects.
Kinderarbeid is ook slecht voor de taalontwikkeling
Dit blijkt uit het onderzoek ‘The Class Divide in Urban Indian Youths’ Lives; Their Time-Use and Adaptive Functioning’ van Radhika Bapat.
Twan Huys lecturer Journalism and New Media
Television presenter and journalist Twan Huys will be a lecturer in Journalism and New Media at Leiden University from 1 September 2024.
Turkic Patronage in Central Asia: Patterns and Challenges
Navigating the Changing Security Landscape in Europe
Violent Resistance: Militia Formation and Civil War in Mozambique
Why do communities form militias to defend themselves against violence during civil war? Using original interviews with former combatants and civilians and archival material from extensive fieldwork in Mozambique, Corinna Jentzsch (Leiden University Institute of Political Science) explains the timing,…
boekpresentatie & symposium “Indische Adel”