10,000 search results for “also” in the Public website
Visiting researchers
The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) welcomes visiting researchers from outside Leiden University that wish to conduct research at the institute.
Iron complexes as electrocatalysts for the water oxidation reaction
In this dissertation, the synthesis and characterization of a series of iron complexes based on different ligand platforms are described.
The empathic mind in children and adolescents with Specific Language Impairments (SLI)
The ‘empathic mind’ in children with Specific Language Impairments (SLI); what can children with SLI understand of other people’s minds and emotions?
Student projects
Are you looking for a research project? We have projects available for motivated 6–9-month internship students with particular interest in organic/polymer synthesis, formulation development, gene delivery, protein delivery, and the preliminairy in vitro screening of drug delivery platforms. Students…
Multidominance, ellipsis, and quantifier scope
This dissertation provides a novel perspective on the interaction between quantifier scope and ellipsis. It presents a detailed investigation of the scopal interaction between English negative indefinites, modals, and quantified phrases in ellipsis. One of the crucial observations is that a negative…
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Keep up with our news
There are different ways to keep up with Leiden University news.
How do I age? Photo-voice project in The Hague
Research into the wishes and (care) needs of older migrants
Weighing the Dark: Cosmological Applications of Gravitational Lensing
Promotor: K. Kuijken, Co-Promotor: H. Hoekstra
International Law and Governance of the Arctic in an Era of Climate Change
On 15 February 2024, Alexandros Sarris defended the thesis 'International Law and Governance of the Arctic in an Era of Climate Change'. The doctoral research was supervised by Nico Schrijver and Freya Baetens.
Diversity in parenting and education
Taking Up Space: Waste and Waste Labor in Developing South Korea
On 25 January 2024 H.J. Pak successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Pushing the envelope of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for paramagnetic systems
A network combining 9 academic research groups and 4 collaborating industrial companies will train the next generation of PhD students and post-doctoral researchers, in developing and applying novel experimental and theoretical methods in the NMR spectroscopy of systems containing paramagnetic metals.…
Seeing voices: the role of multimodal cues in vocal learning
Humans and songbirds learn their vocalizations early in life by exposure to the vocalizations of adult conspecifics. Often, better learning outcomes are achieved with live, social, tutors than with audio-only exposure to vocalizations.
'When someone gets sick, we run to them, not from them': Holding space for solidarity otherwise and the city in times of Covid‐19
This article explores how to think about solidarity, considering the diverse stories, spaces, practices, bodies, and temporalities that shape a city.
Investigating the possibilities and limitations of Process-oriented Dynamic Testing.
Can process-oriented dynamic testing be applied to everyday educational practice?
The Teaching of Khety and Its Use as an Educational Tool in Ancient Egypt
On Wednesday 23 October 2024 Judith Jurjens successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
The impact of defense hormones on the interaction between plants and the soil microbial community
The soil ecosystem consists of the largest reservoir of biodiversity on Earth.
About NESA
Although graduate schools and PhD programs at various Dutch universities do provide methodological training in the social sciences, PhD students in anthropology frequently express a need for more specialized anthropology courses that provide in-depth discussions of cutting-edge theory and state-of-the-art…
Behavioural insights for governance and policy: Towards inter- and transdisciplinarity in research and (executive) education
How can interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaborations between psychology and public administration contribute to the development and application of behavioural insights that improve government functioning and its interaction with citizens?
Automated Decision-Making and Effective Remedies
Simona Demková, Assistant professor at the Europa Institute of Leiden University, publishes her book ‘Automated Decision-Making and Effective Remedies: The New Dynamics in the Protection of EU Fundamental Rights in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’.
Financial Market Regulation and Supervision in: The Law of the European Union
Matthias Haentjens, Jouke Tegelaar and Dorine Verheij have recently published the chapter Financial Market Regulation and Supervision in the new volume of the prestigious The Law of the European Union (previously Kapteyn and VerLoren van Themaat).
The unique geographic and temporal breadth of research at Leiden allows us to stimulate a shift from the classical Weberian mode of scholarly production that views historical development and modernization as emanating from Europe and the West to a multi-polar perspective that allows for more nuanced,…
The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration
The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration provides a complete exploration of the prominent themes, events, and theoretical underpinnings of the movements of human populations from prehistory to the present day.
Human-wildlife Interactions in the Western Terai of Nepal
Large carnivores and humans, along with their livestock, have co-existed for thousands of years. However, human population growth and an increase in economic activities are modifying the landscape for large carnivores and their prey.
Developing systems for high-throughput screening of infectious diseases using zebrafish
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.P. Spaink, Co-promotor: Prof. dr. A.H. Meijer
Impact assessment modelling of matter-less stressors in the context of Life Cycle Assessment
Promotores: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo & Dr. R. Heijungs
Early Christian Encounters with Town and Countryside
Early Christian Encounters with Town and Countryside - Essays on the Urban and Rural Worlds of Early Christianity.
The Sung home : narrative, morality, and the Kurdish nation
This dissertation gives an ethnographic account of Kurdish dengbêj narrative from a theorethical perspective.
Freedom on the Offensive: Human Rights, Democracy Promotion, and US Interventionism in the Late Cold War
In Freedom on the Offensive, William Michael Schmidli illuminates how the Reagan administration's embrace of democracy promotion was a defining development in US foreign relations in the late twentieth century.
Foundation documents
Two documents mark the birth of Leiden University.
About us
The staff of the Europa Institute possess extensive expertise on European Union law and European Human Rights law generally. Current research focuses on five areas of particular relevance for European integration.
Images for the Music: Drawings and Secular Cantatas
The aim of this research is to investigate the informative potential of drawings and decorations in Italian secular cantata manuscripts from the seventeenth century.
Spui Building Campus The Hague
Leiden University is developping a major, new university premises at Spui, in the city centre of The Hague. The building, a former department store, will provide space for some 3,000 university students and staff. Construction starts early in 2023. The doors of the Spui Building are planned to open…
Specters of Cavafy
Haunting the future through poetry
Type design for visually impaired children
This doctoral research project in design seeks to shed a light on legibility in the context of visually impaired beginning readers.
Sip2021 is sponsored by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the Graduate School Experimental Plant Sciences (EPS).
Brimstone, Sea and Sand
The Historic Port Town of Sandy Point and its Anchorage
Tone sandhi, prosodic phrasing, and focus marking in Wenzhou Chinese
This thesis investigates the connection between tonal realization and tone change (tone sandhi) in Wenzhou Chinese, and whether and how such a connection is conditioned by prosodic structure and focus marking.
The acquisition of verbal morphology in cochlear-implanted and specific language impaired children
This dissertation aims at enhancing our knowledge of whether a CI provides sufficient access to auditory speech input to acquire verbal morphology by comparing outcomes of CI children to those of their normal hearing peers and to those of children with specific language impaired (SLI).
The East Kalimantan Project
Indonesian Law and Reality in the Mahakam Delta
Communicative Language Teaching in Georgia
The present investigation aims at exploring whether the instruction provided at secondary schools in the capital meets the requirements of Communicative Language Teaching and whether the aims of improving learners’ communicative proficiency are met.
Blended Care for Adolescents with Social Anxiety
Is blended care a feasible and effective treatment method for social anxiety in adolescence?
Microfluidic 3D cell culture for high throughput screening
There is an urgent need for more physiologically relevant cell culture methods to guide compound selection in pre-clinical stages of the drug development pipeline.
Academic Integrity
The integrity and reliability of academic research are of fundamental importance to the University. All parties, both within the University and outside, must be able to have confidence that our research is conducted in a scrupulous, fair, verifiable, impartial and independent manner. To make sure you…
Computerised Dynamic Testing
An assessment approach that tailors to children’s instructional needs
From Mimesis to Metaphor: Reconciling Nature and Humanity in the Age of Climate Crisis
Environmental humility is integral to addressing the climate crisis, but humility can also lead to political domination. How can humans relate to nature more humbly without risking domination?
Phrasal alternation in Kerinci
On May 23rd, Ernanda succesfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Ernanda on this great result.
Arithmetic of affine del Pezzo surfaces
In this thesis integral points on affine del Pezzo surfaces are studied.
Forensic linguistics and speech evidence
Investigating specific language and speech behaviour of people.