3,820 search results for “leiden bio science paul” in the Public website
ELI Conference on Business Rescue in Insolvency Law
On 19 and 20 March, the reporters of the ELI Project on Rescue of Business in Insolvency Law, Prof. Bob Wessels, Prof. Stephan Madaus and As. Prof. Kristin van Zwieten, will chair a conference to present the preliminary results of the project. The event will take place on the top floor (Dachgeschoss)…
Brechtje Paijmans appointed as endowed professor at Leiden University
Stichting Onderwijsgeschillen (Foundation for Educational Disputes) is pleased to announce that it has established an endowed chair ‘Conflictoplossing en rechtsbescherming in het onderwijs' (conflict resolution and legal protection in education) at Leiden University.
More insight with light
The new programme Synoptic Optics, funded by the NWO Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences, will develop new optical techniques. Researcher Frans Snik and Professor of Experimental Astrophysics Christoph Keller from Leiden Observatory will test novel approaches to monitor air pollution and discover…
Bart Barendregt vice-dean Research at FSW
From 1 January 2024, Bart Barendregt will be appointed as vice-dean of Research on the FSW board. This is a new role.
Leiden and African students share knowledge and experiences in online Global Health course
Online teaching has made it much easier for international students to join in our courses. The Leiden minor in Global Health, for instance. Students from Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda and Malawi logged on and made a valuable contribution with their knowledge, about tropical diseases, for instance.
'Peace in the region is dependent on Iran and Saudi Arabia'
The relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia is worse than ever. According to Iran specialist Maaike Warnaar, it will be difficult to achieve peace in the region if there is no rapprochement between the two countries.
Discover our Perspectives on the Past
The Faculty of Archaeology proudly presents the research brochure Perspectives on the Past, featuring passionate, dedicated researchers introducing a dazzling scala of research topics: from present-day traditional knowledge in Africa to the power of glue in Palaeolithic Europe. In addition to these…
New classification for tropical plant group Phyllanthus
There is much wrong with the taxonomy of the plant genus Phyllanthus. Roderick Bouman of the Hortus botanicus Leiden has developed a new phylogeny for Phyllanthus and exposes the evolution of the plant genus. Publication in TAXON.
Emmy Andriesse's captivating photographs now available in the public domain
Hundreds of beautiful and timeless photos by Emmy Andriesse, one of the most important Dutch photographers of the twentieth century, are now freely accessible for everyone and can be used for research, education or other purposes. Large parts of Andriesse's oeuvre are already available online via Digital…
Analysing Roman cities with an ERC Advanced Grant
How many cities were there actually in the Roman Empire? And why did some regions only have a few cities, while others consisted of a tight urban network? Luuk de Ligt, Professor of Ancient History, wants to know the answer to all these questions. With the ERC Advanced Grant of 2.5 million awarded to…
Right brain hemisphere also important for learning a new language
Novel language learning activates different neural processes than was previously thought. A Leiden research team has discovered parallel but separate contributions from the hippocampus and Broca's area, the learning centre in the left hemisphere. The right hemisphere of the brain also seems to play…
Leiden University strengthens ties with China
Op 26 april 2012 kwamen ze samen om ervaringen te delen met Leidse staf: twaalf Chinese promovendi die in Nederland zijn in het kader van het beursprogramma van de China Scholarship Council. Tien dagen eerder, op 16 april, ontving de Universiteit Leiden een delegatie van Peking University.
Collection of anatomical drawings available in Europeana
Almost 4400 anatomical drawings from the collections of Leiden University Libraries (UBL) are now available through Europeana. The collection shows medical art on paper from the early eighteenth century to the present day. Most of the drawings were created in or around the Leiden University Medical…
Leiden University to evaluate Dutch counterterrorism legislation
A research team from Leiden University, in cooperation with Bureau Boekhoorn Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek en Advies (BBSO), is to evaluate Dutch counterterrorism legislation.
How polluting buildings and machinery make rich countries ever richer
Rich countries are getting richer because of environmentally polluting (construction) investments from the past, largely at the expense of poor countries. This was shown by long-term economic and environmental data. 'The gap between poor and rich countries is widening.' Scientists from the Leiden Institute…
Pop-up study spaces in Stadsgehoorzaal
Students from Leiden University will be able to study in the Stadsgehoorzaal on Breestraat in Leiden from Saturday 5 to Tuesday 15 December. The main auditorium of this city centre concert hall has been transformed into a unique pop-up study area that will provide temporary study spaces for over 200…
Leiden 2019: international centre for knowledge exchange on Asia
In July next year around 1,500 Asia experts will come to Leiden for the eleventh International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 11). With participants from over 60 countries, this biennial convention is the biggest meeting place between academics and civil society players involved professionally with…
The Hague set to become 'knowledge city that knows no borders'
‘The Hague is rapidly developing to become a knowledge city and Leiden University is making an important contribution to this development.' These were the words with which alderman Joris Wijsmuller opened The Hague Day of Architecture on Saturday 20 May 2017. Wijnhaven was the focal point of the day…
Lecture series Sustainability & Law popular with students
The sixth edition of the lecture series Duurzaamheid & Recht was held during the last semester. Once again, it attracted many students.
Leiden Law School hosts European Law Moot Court Competition
From 30 January 2020 to 1 February 2020, the Europa Institute of Leiden Law School hosted the first regional final of the 2019/2020 edition of the European Law Moot Court (ELMC) competition.
Researchers Tax Law in Trouw on potential tax avoidance Cargill
Dutch newspaper Trouw investigated the tax position of multinational Cargill. Their conclusion? Cargill appears not to pay taxes over their profits. Trouw asked Jan van de Streek, Professor of Tax Law, and PhD candidate Josephine van der Have for an explanation. Prior to this, Van der Have had also…
Analysing Roman cities with an ERC Advanced Grant
How many cities were there actually in the Roman Empire? And why did some regions only have a few cities, while others consisted of a tight urban network? Luuk de Ligt, Professor of Ancient History, wants to know the answer to all these questions. With the ERC Advanced Grant of 2.5 million awarded to…
Hall of fame 2020: Students and staff in the spotlight
Throughout this past year many students and staff at Leiden Law Staff received a prize or grant, were shortlisted for a prize or appointed to an academic body, or were honoured in some other way. All good reason to include them in our Hall of Fame 2020 to show how very proud we are of them!
Macrophages as drivers of an opportunistic infection
The opportunistic bacterium Burkholderia cenocepacia is feared by cystic fibrosis patients and is emerging in hospital-acquired infections. An international study sheds new light on the infection mechanism of this opportunistic pathogen that may have large implications for treatment strategies.
Human Rights in Asia: Overcoming the current crisis in Myanmar
On Monday 11 December, human rights activist Ms. Wai Wai Nu will deliver the seventh Raymond and Beverly Sackler Distinguished Lecture on Human Rights at Leiden Law School. This events marks the annual celebration of International Human Rights Day, which was proclaimed in 1950 by the United Nations…
Human Rights in Asia: Overcoming the current crisis in Myanmar
On Monday 11 December, human rights activist Ms. Wai Wai Nu delivered the seventh Raymond and Beverly Sackler Distinguished Lecture on Human Rights at Leiden Law School. This events marked the annual celebration of International Human Rights Day, which was proclaimed in 1950 by the United Nations to…
for the beauty of physics
Leiden Physics Poster
Lecture Thomas Hammarberg
The emergence of 'illiberal democracies' and the protection of human rights in Europe.
2019 Hall of fame
Over the past year, many of our staff and students have won prizes, been awarded a substantial grant or been appointed to an academic association or a position in public life. All of these are good reasons to include them in our 2019 Hall of Fame. We are proud of them all.
Interdisciplinary research and teaching at Leiden University
Many of the challenges of our time are too complex to be resolved within the confines of a single discipline. Leiden University is a broad-based university where an incredible number of research fields converge. That makes us the ideal breeding ground for, and practitioners of, interdisciplinary research…
Playing Cluedo with speech sounds
Using speech analysis to resolve crimes. That's what Meike de Boer (26) is aiming to do with her PhD research. 'By analysing how a person pronounces
Meehelpen een Serious game ontwikkelen in Psychologielab op Wielen?
Psychology Lab on Wheels makes science accessible for everyone. On Monday 24 June, we will be back with our mobile lab at the Old Observatory near the Singelpark in Leiden. Join our research to learn to better recognise emotions with a Serious game and read more about participant Maxime and game developer…
Physicists from Leiden help create world’s smallest Rembrandt
Museum De Lakenhal is displaying the smallest work of art in the world: a 3D-printed statue of Rembrandt van Rijn, made by sculptor Jeroen Spijker and researchers from Leiden University.
WARN-D: Your personal code yellow - orange - red
Imagine getting a notification on your mobile phone with your personal code for impending mental health problems or even depression: yellow, orange, or red. Science fiction? Not for scientist Eiko Fried. 'There is a real chance we can prevent some mental health problems before they occur.' Want to participate…
Humanities as the heart of Leiden in 2022: get to know the team
In 2022, Leiden will be the European City of Science. During this year, Leiden will be the European stage for knowledge, with a programme filled with science, art and culture. Of course, the humanities also take part. Get to know the core team of our faculty.
‘All of Leiden will join in with the Seeing Stars experiment’
What will happen if the lights in a large part of the city are switched off? How many stars can you see without all that light pollution? This is what researchers, artists and the residents of Leiden are going to investigate during Seeing Stars Leiden on 25 September. ‘Leiden is the ideal place for…
The building blocks for astronomically literate citizens
What does it mean for a citizen to be ‘literate’ in astronomy? Astronomers who participate in outreach to the general public experience various degrees of astronomical knowledge among people. But so far, there had not been a systematic evaluation and definition of what astronomical literacy actually…
Plant-based diet can help unlock technology to harness huge CO2 removal
Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) is a promising method for removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and simultaneously generating energy. Yet this method is controversial, as it may require a great deal of land and water. Researchers at Leiden University have now proposed a…
Jamaseb Soltani
Faculty of Humanities
Hein Drop
Faculty of Humanities
Robbert Striekwold
Faculty of Humanities
Amy de Bruïne
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Mona Delval
Lucas Gahrmann
Faculty of Humanities
Jacques van der Vliet
Faculty of Humanities
Anne Por
Faculty of Humanities
Baoxiao Liu
Leiden resident Ewine van Dishoeck wants to give something back to the city
In 2022, Leiden will be the European City of Science. The preparations are in full swing, so we would like to give you a look behind the scenes. This time we talk to Ewine van Dishoeck. She is the driving force behind the annual programme at the Faculty of Science. As far as she is concerned, there…
Campus Den Haag hosts 'On Campus' Experience Days
Last Saturday, Wijnhaven Campus and the Anna van Buerenplein were the setting for the first 'on campus' Experience Days in The Hague since the restrictive measures in higher education were introduced in March 2020. Spread over the day, some 200 students visited the campus to delve deeper into the 3…
Lotte van Dillen in Washington Post about distracted eating and gaining weight
Distracted eating is common and has adverse health consequences. Read more about the research of Leiden social psychologist Lotte van Dillen and some strategies to combat that behavior.