4,353 search results for “russian and science linguistics” in the Public website
Lecture “Speed in Music, Brain and Body” at Café Chercher
ACPA’s PhD candidate and composer/flutist Ned McGowan will give a lecture at Café Chercher on March 27 called Speed in Music, Brain and Body.
Ronald Cramer inaugurated as KNAW Member
On 30 September 2013 Ronald Cramer, head of the Cryptology group of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and a professor of cryptology at the Mathematical Institute of Leiden University, was inaugurated as a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
Leiden archaeology project nominated for volunteer prize
The Heritage Quest archaeology project has been nominated for the Heritage Volunteer Prize. In the project volunteers are looking for archaeological remains such as burial mounds, Celtic fields and cart tracks. The project leaders are Leiden University, Landscape Heritage Utrecht and Gelderland Heritage.…
Tommy van Steen 'Making children learn by exercising helps them on tests'
Children could do better at school if they exercise during their maths, English and science lessons, a study has suggested. Researchers reviewed 42 studies that looked at the benefits of physical activity in the classroom for youngsters.
Photo report Career Prep
On Thursday 2 March, Career Prep took place at the end of the afternoon for the third time this year. Enthusiastic students were able to participate alongside the Spanish Steps, in the various activities organised to help faculty students prepare for their next job interview.
Students from LUC The Hague experience the NOS Newsroom
LUC students got an immersive newsroom experience on a field trip to Dutch broadcasting company NOS. Five students who took the LUC course Multimedia Journalism in block 3 got a three-hour tour of the NOS newsroom in Hilversum.
LUC Journalism Students launch Website
Eight students who enrolled in the LUC Multimedia Journalism course worked an entire block on their online productions, which had to include at least three of five possible media forms: text, audio, video, photo and infographics.
Alexandre Afonso wins a NWO Vidi
Nine talented Leiden University researchers have been awarded a Vidi subsidy by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The Faculty of Governance and Global affairs is represented by Alexandre Afonso from the Institute of Public Administration and his Vidi- subsidy win for his research…
NWO Gravitation Programme awarded 10-year grant to research consortia 'Networks'
Professor Frank den Hollander has been awarded a 10-year grant through the NWO Gravitation program, jointly with colleagues from the University of Amsterdam, the Center for Mathematics and Computer Science in Amsterdam, and the Technical University of Eindhoven.
Kabinetsvoorstel voor lager bindend studieadvies: geen goed plan
De Universiteit Leiden vindt de aanpassing van het bindend studieadvies geen verstandig plan.
Judi Mesman receives NWO-Vici grant
LUC Dean Professor Judi Mesman has been awarded the NWO-Vici grant for her project on racial socialization within a family context.
Ineke Sluiter receives honorary degree from the University of Bristol
Ineke Sluiter received an honorary degree from the University of Bristol on 18 February 2020. In the Wills Memorial Building, she addressed young doctors about the importance of academic expertise and interdisciplinarity.
Podcast - Marieke Liem chats with De Correspondent
Lex Bohlmeijer, creator of the Good Conversations podcast at De Correspondent, is recording a podcast in Theater aan het Spui in The Hague. In his Good Coversations podcast, Lex talks politics, arts, journalism and science, with a wide range of guests who have an exceptional and often unknown story.…
Tarlach McGonagle awarded prestigious Comenius Teaching Fellow grant
25 May 2020 On behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO) is providing Comenius Teaching Fellow grants to 38 lecturers. One of those to be awarded a grant is Tarlach McGonagle, Professor of Media Law and Information Society at…
Vasiliki Kosta speaks at Maastricht Centre for European Law Seminars series
Vasiliki Kosta presented her research on ‘The EU fundamental right to freedom of the arts and sciences: exploring the limits on the commercialisation of academia' at the Maastricht Centre for European Law on 28 February 2023. The seminar was convened by Dr Annalisa Volpato, and Dr Vigjilenza Abazi acted…
National platform launched for academics facing abuse
Academics regularly face threats, intimidation and abuse. The Universities of the Netherlands (UNL), the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) therefore launched the WetenschapVeilig platform on 7 November 2022.
FGGA honours studenten visit EU and NATO
Students of the second year of Tackling Global Challenges were in Brussels to pay the yearly visit to the European Parliament and the European Commission and for the first time the NATO in Mons.
New collaboration project will make the VOC archive of Kerala more accessible
With financial support from the Dutch National Archives, the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, as well as the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a new collaboration project will be launched between India and the Netherlands in 2021.
Two Leiden professors ‘top of the class’ according to ScienceGuide
Professors Remco Breuker and Barend van der Meulen are ‘top of the class’ for academic year 2018-2019 according to ScienceGuide. This science magazine has just published its list of the most influential thinkers and do-ers in higher education and science, and Breuker and Van der Meulen are on it.
Dr. Larik presents Brexit research at 10th Anniversary CLEER Conference
On 6 and 7 December, the Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER), which is hosted by the T.M.C. Asser Institute, celebrated its 10th anniversary with a conference on
Research on Jordan's Black Desert covered in the media
The faculty's research on the ancient rock art found in Jordan's Black Desert has recently been covered by several news and science websites.
Alumni event Brussels: ‘Europe and the new geopolitical reality’
On 23 February 2023, Leiden University organised an alumni event in Brussels, which was attended by around a hundred people. Joris Larik, representing Leiden University College (LUC) The Hague and the Europa Institute, spoke on the expert panel on interdisciplinary perspectives on ‘Europe and the new…
PM-concert Lokhorstkerk
On Thursday 24 November 2016 you can listen to the second Leiden PM concert of this season in the Lokhorstkerk. The musicians are students of Leiden University following a minor at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. Students who have a passion for both art and science.
NLP meets Law: PDI-SSH grant for ‘WetSuite’
Prestigieus grant awarded to SAILS researchers!
LUC The Hague Congratulates the Class of 2017 ½!
Last Wednesday February 7th, LUC The Hague celebrated the graduation of the Class of 2017 ½. Around 250 guests joined the ceremony at Leiden University’s Wijnhaven building, followed by a festive reception at LUC The Hague in honour of the 34 graduates.
Special issue on 'The European Union and the Governance of Contested Global Spaces'
Together with College of Europe Professors Sieglinde Gstöhl and Simon Schunz, Joris Larik edited an interdisciplinary special issue for the Journal of European Integration on the theme 'The European Union and the Governance of Contested Global Spaces in an Era of Geopolitics'.
Jeroen Romeijn wins Best Paper Award at ECPR 2018
The Convenors of the Standing Group on Interest Groups and the ECPR 2018 Section Chairs, have announced the winners of the best paper awards.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer on nuclear treaties
On NPO radio programme 1op1 about nuclear weapons negotiations, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Professor of International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, says that ‘all nuclear treaties must be scrutinised afresh.’
Sada Mire selected for the international Hay Festival list of 30 thinkers and philosophers
The Hay Festival brings readers and writers together to share stories and ideas in sustainable events around the world. The festivals inspire, examine and entertain, inviting participants to imagine the world as it is and as it might be.
Physicist Michel Orrit new member KNAW
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) selects prominent researchers as members based on their scientific achievements. On September 17th, the KNAW will install 21 new members, including Leiden physicist Michel Orrit.
Math trail Leiden
The Math trail Leiden has been developed as part of a final project of the Master specialisation Science Communication and Society of Leiden University. During the trail you will be able to see the city Highlights while getting various challenging mathematical questions. You will find out how much math…
'Our plastic use is going to change'
'We have to look for products that can replace ordinary disposable plastics, for example of organic material. Within 20 years, the average plastic use of a household will be largely reduced.' According to Thijs Bosker, Associate Professor at Leiden University College, in Edition NL of Tuesday, October…
Judith Pollmann elected to KNAW
Judith Pollmann, Professor of Early Modern Dutch History and Academic Director of the Institute for History, has been elected to the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). She will be inaugurated as a member on Monday 17 September.
LUC The Hague - ‘Roosevelt in The Hague 2018’ conference
On 17 May 2018, a delegation of LUC students from all different majors, coordinated by Dr. Joris Larik, participated in the Roosevelt Awards Laureates Dialogue Event at Nieuwspoort in The Hague (‘Roosevelt in The Hague 2018’).
LUC student wins Next Generation Womens Leaders Award
LUC student Imane el Morabit is one of the winning students of the Next Generation Women Leaders Award 2017, presented by the consultancy firm McKinsey & Company.
Artists: let your voice be heard at the ESOF conference!
Between July 13 and 16, 2022, Leiden University will host the ESOF conference. The EuroScience Open Forum is the largest multidisciplinary scientific conference in Europe. Artists can attend the conference with a reduced entry rate.
Twee Leidse Two Leiden finalists for ECHO Loyens & Loeff Law & Tax AwardECHO Loyens & Loeff Law & Tax Award
Three students are still in the race for the ECHO Loyens & Loeff Law & Tax Award 2019, two of them are students at Leiden Law School.
Guest lecture Jeroen Dijsselbloem
On Wednesday 21 March 2018 Jeroen Dijsselbloem, former Minister of Finance, and former President of the Euro Group and the Board of Governors of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), gave a guest lecture at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs.
Alexander Strelkov presents at the Aspen Institute conference in Berlin
Dr. Alexander Strelkov has been invited by the Aspen Insitute as a guest speaker for an event (8-10 May 2019) focusing on parliamentary institutions in the Balkan region. The Aspen Institute is one of the key policy arenas to discuss and debate Balkan politics and EU involvement in the region. Dr. Strelkov…
A thousand new students discover The Hague
The number of students at Leiden University in The Hague is growing every year. From 21 to 25 August more than a thousand new students were given an introduction to The Hague during the HOP week. From museums to embassies and from international organisations to a day at the beach: The Hague has it…
From Newry to The Hague: A Journey Through International Studies and Community
In this article in The Irish Times, Pádraig Corrigan talks about his experience studying abroad at Leiden University College in The Hague.
Maria Pichou selected as Judge for the International Criminal Court Moot Court Competition
Maria Pichou is selected to act as a judge for the 2019 International Criminal Court Moot Court Competition (ICCMCC). Dr. Maria Pichou is Assistant Professor at Leiden University College The Hague.
What is Leiden University doing to reduce energy consumption and move away from fossil energy? Where can you find information about energy? And what changes can you make yourself?
Thijs Bosker on NOS Jeugdjournaal about plastic pollution and microplastics
On Friday evening 8 June, Thijs Bosker, Associate Professor at Leiden University College (LUC), was on television in NOS Jeugdjournaal about plastic pollution and microplastics
New podcast about astronomy for the greater good
How does astronomy benefit you? The new single-episode podcast Cosmic Perspectives explores the impact of Dutch astronomy on society: from building positive international relationships to the transfer of life-changing technology.
Investigating the impact of nanoparticles on the environment
On Tuesday 4 September, Martina Vijver delivered the scientific lecture during the academic opening of the Faculty of Science. Martina is professor in Ecotoxicology at CML and would like to have collaborations with colleagues from the Leiden Centre of Data Science. We had a brief interview with her.
A digital eye for archaeologists
Wouter Verschoof-van der Vaart is refining an artificial intelligence system that can detect and classify archaeological objects on digital images. Such a system is desperately needed because human archaeologists around the world are being flooded with data.
- Open Science Coffee: Practicing what we preach: our journey toward open science
Master’s thesis prize 2020: the nominees
As a Leiden University’s master’s student in Political Science you conduct independent research and report your findings to fellow academics and, who knows, to a larger audience. Your thesis is a showcase of your academic skills and personal interest, and perhaps even passion. Easier said than done,…
TOP grant for four of Leiden’s top scientists
Four scientists will receive the TOP grant for Physical Sciences from the NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research). They are astronomer Ignas Snellen, mathematicians Tim van Erven and Charlene Kalle and computer scientist Siegfried Nijssen. The funds will be used to finance temporary research…