582 search results for “koen economics” in the Public website
The Leiden Papyrological Institute offers several courses in papyrology, from beginners to advanced level, BA as well as MA. The courses are taught by Dr. Koen Donker van Heel (Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic papyrology) and Dr. Joanne Stolk (Greek and Coptic papyrology).
The Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs is one of a total of seven faculties of Leiden University, located in The Hague.
Empirical Analysis of Social Insurance, Work Incentives and Employment Outcomes
On 24 January 2024, Vethaak defended the thesis 'Empirical Analysis of Social Insurance, Work Incentives and Employment Outcomes'. The doctoral research was supervised by Koen Caminada and Pierre Koning.
Jeffrey Fynn-Paul
Faculty of Humanities
Coffee and a chat with Gert Renkema, Head of Financial and Economic Affairs/Business Controller
The department of Financial and Economic Affairs at FGGA is always busy with…..finances. It is an important department that impacts, directly or indirectly, everyone working at FGGA. Yet, for many of us, it is not always clear what it is that Gert and his team actually do. What is the financial status…
After graduation
Psychology graduates acquire skills useful in a variety of jobs. Whether helping people with mental disorders, researching the brain or deciding who should be hired at a company, psychologists can do it.
Dealing with foreign traders, dealing with conflict. Strategies of conflict resolution and their role in trade relations in the Baltic c. 1450-1580
This research project addresses an unexplored dimension of historical conflict resolution: the dynamics of strategic choices made by traders engaged in foreign trade in the city of Danzig (Gdansk) c. 1450-1580, a Hanseatic city under the Polish Crown.
Long term dynamics of stochastic evolution equations
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-promotor: O. van Gaans
Valentina Azzarà
Faculteit Archeologie
Business Against Markets: Employer Resistance to Collective Bargaining Liberalization During the Eurozone Crisis
Employer organizations have been presented as strong promoters of the liberalization of industrial relations in Europe. This article, in contrast, argues that the preferences of employers vis-à-vis liberalization are heterogeneous and documents how employer organizations in Spain, Italy, and Portugal…
Communities, Environment and Regulation in the Premodern World: Essays in Honour of Peter Hoppenbrouwers
Who had a say in making decisions about the natural world, when, how and to what end? How were rights to natural resources established? How did communities handle environmental crises? And how did dealing with the environment have an impact on the power relations in communities?
A Finger in Every Pie: Transnational networks in the debates over British free trade, 1660-1730
The role of transnational, non-institutional networks in the opening up of British transatlantic trade at the end of the 17th/beginning of the 18th century
Half million euros subsidy for pension research
Researchers from the department of Economics – Marike Knoef, Kees Goudswaard, Koen Caminada, Jim Been en Lieke Kools- have been awarded a major subsidy provided by Netspar. Netspar is a scientific knowledge network which is dedicated to promote a better understanding of the economic and social impact…
Coffee with Gert Renkema, Head of Financial and Economic Affairs at FGGA
Twice a year, Gert Renkema, Head of Financial Economic Affairs at FGGA, shares insights about the processes and financial matters for our faculty.
The Unification of the Mediterranean World 400 BC - 400 AD
The Leiden Ancient History specialization concentrates on the study of the economies, societies and cultures of the large empires of the Graeco-Roman world, starting with the empires of Alexander the Great and his successors. The appearance of these empires led to the development of an interaction network…
Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): an EU perspective on global economic governance
On 4-5 December the Europa Institute and the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs of Leiden University organize a conference on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Environmental footprints: assessing anthropogenic effects on the planet's environment
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Co-promotor: R. Heijungs
Paul Kloeg
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Anna-Alexandra Marhold
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
'Amending tax system would provide quarter million extra jobs'
In 2017, at the start of the Rutte III cabinet, tax scholars Leo Stevens and Koen Caminada presented a blueprint for a new tax system. Today, four years on, they observe that the cabinet has put little effort into innovations in the area of tax.
An academic perspective on the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos
Today over 1000 chief executives and more than 40 world leaders meet in the Swiss village Davos to discuss the world's issues of today. What is the importance of the conference and what is the actual effectiveness? Dr. Alexandre Afonso, assistant professor in the Department of Public Administration,…
Framework Agreement on Development Cooperation with the aim of fostering economic development
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Federal Republic of Germany solidified their commitment to collaborative development with the signing of the SADC-German Framework Agreement on Development Cooperation.
Cooperation on education with China stimulates innovation and brings a different perspective and new content to classrooms.
A mortuary priest
Hieratic Papyrology
Exhibition ‘The eternal student’: A journey through 450 years of studying
What would a university be without its students? In 2025, we will celebrate 450 years of studying with an exhibition showcasing our students from the past centuries. How did they study in the past? And how do they study now? This outdoor exhibition will be on display from 23 April at the Hortus bota…
Figuring rural development: concepts and cases of land use, sustainability and integrative indicators
Promotores: Prof. dr. G.R. (Geert) de Snoo, Dr. E. (Ester) van der Voet
Explorations in History and Globalization
Considering the ways in which the ‘global turn’ is changing the theory and practice of historical disciplines, Explorations in History and Globalization engages with the concept and methodology of globalization, challenging traditional divisions of space and time to offer a range of perspectives on…
Luuk de Ligt
Faculty of Humanities
General plant strategies and functions in wetlands: Global trait-based analyses
Wetland plants are distinguished from plants of other terrestrial ecosystems by their adaptations to specific habitat stresses, including waterlogged and flooding and the subsequent abundance of phytotoxic compounds.
Transnational and Cross-Cultural Agents in the 17th Century Overseas Expansion
Why is Crossnational and Cross-cultural agents such as Henrich Carloff and Willem Leyel important when studying Early Modern expansion?
Dutch citizens in favour of generous welfare but with job-seeking obligation
Dutch citizens are not opposed to additional earnings and financial gifts for people on welfare, but believe it is important that there should also be an obligation to look for a job. This was the outcome of a research project on the opinions of Dutch people regarding the implementation of welfare p…
Ilya Kokorin
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Suiting Ding
Sjoerd Lopik
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Loes van der Hulst-Scheffer
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Arnold Devreese
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Report by Dutch Committee on Social Minimum
On Thursday 28 September, the Committee on Social Minimum, of which Koen Caminada is a member, presented its second report to outgoing minister for poverty policy in the Netherlands, Carola Schouten. The Committee was established by the minister at the request of the House of Representatives.
Wilco van Dijk on BBC about 'Schadenfreude'
Leiden psychologist Wilco van Dijk and communication scientist Jaap Ouwerkerk of VU University Amsterdam published a book about the emotion Schadenfreude. Van Dijk tells about Schadenfreude on BBC radio 4 All in the Mind.
Thijs Busschots
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Arvid Mikkers
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Johan Christensen
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Gavin Robinson
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Sharp rise in purchasing power since 1977, inequality stable in recent years
In the period 1977–2020, the purchasing power of the Dutch population increased by 58 percent. The sharpest rise occurred from 1999–2009 (22 percent). This is the outcome of research conducted by Leiden University and Statistics Netherlands (CBS).
Half of all households in the Netherlands are financially vulnerable
Only 27 per cent of Dutch households are financially healthy. This appears from a joint study conducted by Deloitte, ING, NIBUD and the Department of Economics of Leiden University.
Tazuko van Berkel receives 260 year old prize
The 260 year old prize of the Legatum Stolpianum has been awarded in 2014 to two well written historical studies of high quality and with current significance. Leiden classicist Tazuko van Berkel is one of the two prizewinners.
Machine Learning
Computers are capable of making incredibly accurate predictions on the basis of machine learning. In other words, these computers can learn without intervention once they have been pre-programmed by humans. At LIACS, we explore and push the borders of what a revolutionary new generation of algorithms…
The Leiden Papyrology+ group
Papyrology+, founded in 2014, is a collaboration of Leiden scholars studying (Abnormal) Hieratic, Demotic, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, Coptic, and Arabic papyri from a socio-historical, economic and linguistic perspective. Papyrology+ aims to explore new opportunities and directions in the study of ancient…
LIC73: platform for PhDs and postdocs
Are you a PhD or postdoc at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry? Join our community to amplify your voice, grow professionally, and build lasting connections within our institute.
Ariadne Schmidt
Faculty of Humanities
Kilian de Kruyf Molina: ‘I would recommend doing an internship if you want to gain more work experience’
Trail, FGGA’s internship platform will be one-year old in November. In the upcoming weeks, we will be interviewing some FGGA students who went on internships. What did they learn from their internships? And what tasks were assigned to them?