859 search results for “journalist” in the Staff website
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PhD defence
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PhD defence
Synthesis of D-alanylated wall teichoic acids from Staphylococcus aureus
PhD defence
Provo van de politieke pornografie
PhD defence
Automata Learning: from Probabilistic to Quantum
PhD defence
The Excess of Meaning
PhD defence
Contemplations into Respiration: Effects of breathing and meditative movement on body and mind
PhD defence
Functionalizing Monolayer Graphene as a Proton-Selective Membrane for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells
PhD defence
Electroextraction approaches for preconcentration of metabolites
PhD defence
Inhibitors and probes targeting PslG
PhD defence
Squaramide-based Interpenetrated Networks for Load-bearing Applications
PhD defence
The Bureau of Operational Landscapes
PhD defence
Multimodal Hallucinations. A transcultural perspective
PhD defence
Dimensions of student participation: Participatory action research in a teacher education context
PhD defence
Nederland en Vluchtelingen
PhD defence
Open to all, not known to all
PhD defence
Ecology of the White Lion
PhD defence
Giant galactic outflows and shocks in the Cosmic Web
PhD defence
Reward Systems in Prison
PhD defence
Claiming Crisis: An ethnography on agricultural insurance, rural distress and the everyday moralities of quantification in India
PhD defence
Sweeping vacuum gravitational waves under the rug
PhD defence
Met de vlam in de pijp door Europa
PhD defence
Picturing Silence: Markers in Musical Performance as a means of Understanding Silences
PhD defence
Model-Assisted Robust Optimization for Continuous Black-Box Problems
PhD defence
Jeu d'argile: céramique, identité culturelle, créolisation; Une étude archéo-anthropologique de la céramique des sociétés caribéennes multiculturelles
PhD defence
Achieving decent work in China
PhD defence
Intelligence for a Complex Environment
PhD defence
Disability and its Affective Affordances: Deformity, Decay, Disruption, Distortion
PhD defence
The Effect of Directives Within the Area of Direct Taxation on the Interpretation and Application of Tax Treaties
PhD defence
A History of East Baltic through Language Contact
PhD defence
Tuning in to the Feedback Bassline
PhD defence
De werking van algemene belangenafwegingen in het Europese staatssteunrecht: tussen verbod en verenigbaarheid
PhD defence
Carl Schmitt’s Hamlet oder Hekuba and the Question of a Philosophy of History
PhD defence
Essays on Legislative Decision-making in the European Union
PhD defence
A mobile approach-avoidance task
PhD defence
Less carrot more stick
PhD defence
Contributions to the phylogeny of the haplolepideous mosses
PhD defence
The parabolic Anderson model on Galton-Watson trees
PhD defence
Functionalized two-dimensional membranes and materials for solar-to- fuel devices
PhD defence
Wisselwerking tussen commuun en bijzonder materieel strafrecht
PhD defence
Protection of Aviation Security Through the Establishment of Prohibited Airspace
PhD defence
The effects of birth environment of a star on its planetary system
PhD defence
Pyrrole-based photoswitchable anion receptors
PhD defence
Towards responsible and resilient mineral supply chains, with case studies on cobalt, antimony, and zinc
PhD defence
Breaking the Ice: Constraining the volatile distribution in protoplanetary disks
PhD defence
Las narrativas precoloniales en el occidente de Oaxaca, México
PhD defence
Design and Synthesis of Inhibitors and Probes for Sulfoquinovosidases and Xylanases
PhD defence
Social Subjecthood?
PhD defence
On the degree of Kummer extensions for commutative algebraic groups
PhD defence
Risk bounds for deep learning
PhD defence