2,355 search results for “journalism” in the Public website
On the road to justice: some selected suggestions for the future of Social Justice Research
In September 2023 Social Justice Research, a journal from Springer Nature, published a ‘Special Issue on Veteran Reflections’. Eight ‘veterans’ analysed the current status of justice research and suggested new directions and refinements. Herman Steensma, guest member of the section Social, Economic…
- Articles
- LUCAS Graduate Conference
Electronic versions of our publications can be obtained by sending an e-mail to Esther van den Bos: bosejvanden@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
Migration and crime are in the spotlight in society. Within the Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology, research in this area has strongly developed in recent years. The concept of Crimmigration is central to this.
Europe in the World
The place of European states and institutions in world politics is the core focus of this pillar. Research on this theme concerns European actors’ ability to promote peace, security and justice in their neighbourhood and to shape the future of global governance by translating its economic size into…
Smart Industrial Parks in China: towards Joint Design and Institutionalization
How to contribute to a quantum leap of eco-industrial symbiosis in China?
The University Libraries provide access to a wealth of information: from e-journals, e-books and databases to printed material. The libraries are more than just a gateway. As a service organization we also help researchers find information, manage their data, assess the best places to publish their…
Do internationally adopted children in the Netherlands use more medication than their non-adopted peers?
Adoptees in the Netherlands generally do not use more medication than their non-adopted peers.
Learning labs in conservatoire education
Music profession requires strong reflective, collaborative, creative and improvisational skills, yet prevailing one-to-one tuition in conservatoire education focuses mainly on transmission of craft skills. Examining effects of students' collaborative and experiential learning, as in learning labs, creates…
Research programme Governance of Crises
The research group on governance of crises studies phenomena, dynamics and actors related to crisis governance. The Leiden University Crisis Research Center (CRC) is part of this Research Group.
The Leiden University Crisis Research Center
Explaining the origins , patterns and outcomes of crisis management efforts.
Submission process
Inter-Section is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal. This means that the submission process involves a number of steps to assess the quality of the published material. The process, from the submission of a proposal until the final publication of the manuscript, takes on average six months. This does…
Leiden Index of Depression Sensitivity
The Leiden Index of Depression Sensitivity (LEIDS) measures cognitive reactivity (CR) to sadness, an aspect of cognitive vulnerability to depression, conceptually similar to rumination.
- Articles
Key publications
Key publications of the Computational Drug Discovery group
This section contains an overview of our Alumni, the career prospect beyond the PhD and "Alumni in the picture" where we give you a few examples of the careers of some of our alumni after receiving their doctorate degree.
Beyond Prometheus
The research contained in this dissertation explores the origins of fire making in prehistory, focusing primarily on the fire use practices and fire production capacities of Neandertals.
National Culture and Africa Revisited: Ethnolinguistic Group Data From 35 African Countries
This study seeks to partially fill the knowledge gap about national culture in Africa, basing its research on data on ethnolinguistic groups (instead of administrative regions).
What Determines Perceptions of Bias toward the International Criminal Court? Evidence from Kenya
What Determines Perceptions of Bias toward the International Criminal Court? Evidence from Kenya. In this article, published on the website SAGE Journals in the Journal of Conflict Resolution, the authors Geoff Dancy, Yvonne Marie Dutton, Tessa Alleblas, Eamon Aloyo examine the attitude towards international…
- Publications
Inter-Section is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal focusing on contributions from archaeological researchers at Leiden University. The journal offers an accessible platform for the publication of individual research by undergraduate and graduate students.
Weathering the Ice Age
Where did species survive the cold cycles of the current Ice Age?
To Be Led Astray?
The Effects of the 1881 Liquor Act on the Leiden Alcohol Trade
ANZUS cooperation in humanitarian assistance and disaster response in the Asia-Pacific: ships in the night?
In this article Vanessa Newby discusses how the ANZUS states of United States, Australia, and New Zealand that sit on the fringes of the Asia-Pacific, are increasingly using their armed forces to deliver Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Response (HADR) as a way of engaging with the region.
The library of the Papyrological Institute is the most complete facility for papyrological studies in the Netherlands.
Campaigning Culture and the Global Cold War
This book explores the lasting legacy of the controversial project by the Congress for Cultural Freedom, funded by the CIA, to promote Western culture and liberal values in the battle of ideas with global Communism during the Cold War.
Humanities Hub in Huizinga
The Humanities Hub is a central location in Huizinga designed to strengthen the collaboration, connection and exchange of ideas in teaching and research on humanities in the digital world.
You can find us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram or contact us directly about submissions, book reviews or issues with the website.
The incongruity of misfit: A systematic literature review and research agenda
This research tries to create a coherent comprehension of misfit, enhance conceptual knowledge, highlight prevalent knowledge.
Mission Statement
Inter-Section is a journal intended for students and staff affiliated with the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, as well as those interested in the range of student-research carried out here.
Between Fear and Power: Kompas, Indonesia's Most Influential Daily Newspaper
Wijayanto defended his thesis on 17 January 2019
Jan Schripsema
Metabolomics group, LCQUI, Universidade UENF, Campos dos Goytacazes/Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Welfare and Inequality in Marketizing East Asia
Provides a cutting-edge comparative political economy analysis of welfare and inequality across ten East Asian countries.
Psychoeducational Assessment, Intervention and Rehabilitation (PAIR) publishes high quality articles on theoretical and empirical research regarding psychological and psychoeducational assessment, intervention, and rehabilitation in all areas related to cognitive and socio-emotional development.
The unexpected norm-setters: Intelligence agencies in cyberspace
Ilina Georgieva published an article in the journal Contemporary Security Policy on the norm-setting role of intelligence agencies.
Anticipating an unwanted future: euthanasia and dementia in the Netherlands
This ethnographic exploration of anticipation published in the Journal of the Royal Anthropology Institute draws on fieldwork among people with dementia and their families in the Netherlands.
Inter-Section: How Materials Shaped the Human World
The Faculty of Archaeology's own home-grown journal Inter-Section has released a new volume. Inter-Section offers students and PhD candidates the unique chance to publish in a peer-reviewed journal. The new volume focuses on the materials that shape our world.
Disclaimer: Manuscripts related to the Resilience Center are for academic purposes only and are not intended for mass distribution or copying. Please refer to applicable laws for fair use, including copyright holders' restrictions on publications.
Why Publish With Us
Founded in 2006, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy (HJD) is the world's leading research journal for the study of diplomacy and has made an important contribution to shaping diplomatic studies as an international academic field. Our mission is to present work from a variety of intellectual traditions for…
Below you can find lists of Leiden-based and international organizations working on Central Asia, and an overview of useful resources on Central Asia.
JLGC 08: Animals (Un)tamed: Human-Animal Encounters in Science, Art, and Literature
The eighth issue of the JLGC explores the diverse and interdisciplinary research on our multifaceted relationship with animals which is currently taking place, re-examining the relationship between humans and animals, and the definitions involved.
Leids onderzoek naar bestraffing komt tot stand uit verschillende disciplines. Het onderzoeksproject kent een juridische, criminologische, sociaalwetenschappelijke en filosofische invalshoek.
Impact-Insertion Applicator Improves Reliability of Skin Penetration by Solid Microneedle Arrays
Source: The AAPS journal, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp. 681-684 (2014)
APL 1 - Collection of Papers
Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia is the annual journal of the Faculty of Archaeology (formerly the Institute of Prehistory), Leiden University.
Die Neolithische Besiedlung bei Hienheim, Ldkr. KelHeim
Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia is the annual journal of the Faculty of Archaeology (formerly the Institute of Prehistory), Leiden University.
Das Kamps Veld in Haps in Neolithikum, Bronzezeit und Eisenzeit
Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia is the annual journal of the Faculty of Archaeology (formerly the Institute of Prehistory), Leiden University.
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy only accepts online submission of articles through its Editorial Manager.
Jaap de Jong
Faculty of Humanities
Technology & Innovation
The Business, Technology & Public Policy research group of the Department of Business Sciences at Leiden University focuses on investigating the dynamic interaction between 'new' technologies and various stakeholders, including consumers, employees, and businesses. Our research delves into perceptions,…